Oh Steve is going to love this. Seven blogs in a row about videogames. Where will it all end? I decided to actually respond to Eecs's blog. Now I am prepared to totally get ripped apart by Jon. I know he thinks that he is ALWAYS right because he is more intelligent than all of us. But I think I can add some decent points to his last blog...mostly about videogames. Let us start with a list of the different types of gamers that I have observed in my gaming experience.
Old Skool Gamer
A rare type of gamer who started his gaming career with first generation consoles and goes to about Nintendo days. This person probably knows the "pattern" in Pacman to never get eaten by the ghosts, ranked number one on an asteroids machine and loves the Combat. Unfortunately he cannot use controllers with more than 6 buttons because he is not used to it. Does not understand why games should be 3-D or graphicy. Wonders what happened to gaming in general. Considers himself a "purist" because he has been with it the earliest. However he will be proven not to be a purist a little bit later. These guys and girls judge new school gamers and think the new generation of gamers are idiots for thinking that a candle casting real time shadows equals a great game...old school gamers are not skillful at new games. They like to think they are but when they try to prove so they cannot even find the start button on the controller.
New Skool Gamer
The one thing the old skool gamers have correct. These kids think that graphics equals great games. They were not here to experience the revolution of game design therefore they are ignorant in their purchases. They keep companies like Bandai alive and kicking. However since new school gamers are not totally used to only 2 button funsticks they can easily pick up a 10 button controller and use it easily. Therefore they can revert back to older generation games since they are simpler. However they choose not to because controlling a rectangle seems stupid without the graphics. They don't understand what the fuck a paddle is for the Atari. I kill these kids on Socom everynight. They are 12 year olds who think they know everything about gaming, but alas no absolutely nothing. These kids also go see films like Swimfan and Not Another Teen Movie.
"Purist" Gamer
This is someone who might not have been around for the ENTIRE gaming revolution but understands where the new school gamer and the old school gamer are coming from. They love the old school games but also understand what it takes to be considered a great game by today's standards. Always looking for new innovative ideas while keeping the basics from Atari. They understand that being just a new school or an old school gamer is ignorant. They like 2-D games and 3-D games alike. They are skillful in general at videogames. Sometimes they want too much from their videogames but in the end understand that how the game plays is the most important aspect of the game itself.
The Pure "Purist" Gamer
A game designer who has been around since the beginning. Shigeru Miyamoto is considered one of these. He programmed Game and Watch games (which are still superior to Tiger's horseshit games) and is on the cutting edge of technology (Zelda, Cube styles). They understand that technology is there so it should be utilized, but also understands what can and cannot be done on today's systems. They are in the industry...they are the industry. They realize that the basic fundamental of a game is fun. They understand that fun can be determined by gameplay or even by the graphics themselves. They feel the need to fullfill the three types of gamers up on top so they put a lot of presentation with a lot of substance. Of course not every game designer is one of these types of gamers. Some game designers are from the new school group which renders a game useless. Yet some are old school and can't get passed the idea that sometimes you need a little eye candy every once in a while to keep a game interesting for today's standards.
Okay so why did I make this simple list. Most people might be one or two of these...but most likely you fall in one of these categories. Jon seems to me like an old school gamer. There is nothing wrong with this. He likes his simplicity and feels that simplicity equals fun. I am a purist. I have played Atari games and have even bought Atari games before, but I also realize that the X-Box is a kick ass machine. Eecs thinks that I am a moron for buying the "same" game over and over aka...Spearhead, Socom, Duke Nukem... Yet he hasn't played any FPS so is in no position to think so. Of course he thinks that there is no substance and too much presentation...but when he doesn't play videogames now how can he possibly even see the substance part of a game? For Eecs to think that we buy games because they're just new and improved he is correct...but isn't that true for anything? I don't see him looking for a cheaper car, but rather an AUDI and I'm fairly confident that AUDI's are not cheap...why that car? Cause it looks nice? A car is just a car. With only suble differences. So basically Eecs feels that purist gamers are idiots who jump at eye candy. Why the fuck not? But if it has shitty gameplay at least give us the benefit of the doubt that we will think it is a shitty game. Do not confuse new school gamers with purists.
Bottom line: I agree with Eecs about the music and the movies. I see where he is coming from...but it seems insulting to state that I am a fool who goes for graphics and nothing but graphics. He thinks that today's gamers are morons who don't understand innovation. Well I like to think I am innovative. If I am not then I will not make it in life...and I will never become a director and my life will be a complete waste of time. Oh and the final bottom line: I am not upset about any of this shit. Because it is shit. It's stupid. I was just typing shit out that I thought about while reading Eecs's blog. I know he will completely devour this one because as stated above...he is smarter and he is...*gulp* usually right. =) Oh and this brings me to another note...I was thinking very deep last night and it actually got me kinda...not sad...not frustrated...but made me a little uneasy. I'll blog about it maybe on Monday. Peace out...time to waste time on Socom cuz it is just so pretty and vivid.
Dec 7, 2002
Another dream
Ever wake up from a dream and feel like you were given some key life-relevant information? And of course accompanied by the knowledge that you will never remember it? A few nights ago when I woke up I felt like there was some girl in my dream that just seemed right. I don't remember what she looked like, a name, personality, anything. It was a strange feeling though. But then I don't really go for the "meant to be"/fate stuff, so it was probably just some cute girl I saw at a restaurant or something. Oh Well...
So in this same dream I was at some kind of pool party, and I remember I was defending a girl friend who somehow pissed off 4 or 5 other girls. We often joke about how we would handle fighting a female: "I could never hit a girl", "I'd just dodge and block", "I'd beat the shiet outta her like it was the THANG to DO!" Anyways, in the process of defending my friend I did some punching and kicking sans gender bias. Needless to say, they got dealt with. So that's that. Moral: Bangs wins, even against girls.
I forgot to mention it earlier, but along with fire and clouds, dreams are deeply interest-grabbing. Where do our brains come up with this stuff? And all the dream/reality talk courtesy Steve over Thanksgiving weekend doesn't hurt. You never really know if you're awake or asleep, or which is which. Years ago I came up with one theory on dreams and life. Maybe our dreams are the true reality, and we just need to learn to control them. I have heard people say they have complete control over what they dream about (lucky fux). It's like The Matrix... you only utilize your power after you realize and believe you have it. Then, when we die in "real life", we live on in a seemingly endless final dream, which is in fact our reality. How much we like this eternity depends on how well we developed our dream-control. This could be linked to overcoming personal fears and inhibitions. We all have secret fantasies that we would never carry out in real life. But have you ever had the opportunity to do one of these things in a dream, but held back because you thought it was all real? When you realize you can do whatever you want, then you're free to truly be yourself. As far as the "seemingly endless final dream"... I've heard that when you die, your brain stays active for a brief moment after the body is done. Well, the time that passes in your dreams never quite matches up with the time it turns out you were asleep. So maybe that final activity in your brain is effectively an eternal dream. Maybe someday we'll find out.
The fun of games
Okay... Dr. Mario 4-way competition was a fiasco, but also an important lesson learned: Tetris Attack is still the only true skill puzzle game. Heheh just kidding Mrs. H... you dominated, and deserved it. But we shall return, with renewed vigor and determination. >=]
This brings me to my recent thoughts on what is, for me, at the root of fun and enjoyment in games and entertainment in general. It's the ideas and innovation, not the flashy showy enhancements. Examples follow...
Old Atari and NES games
These are examples of games made by ideas. When there was little video game history to reference, everything had to be from scratch. And the point of it all was to make it fun. I still think the classic Atari games are fun. Sure, there's a tremendous nostalgic bias, but the simple ideas were effective and straight to the point. Combat: Drive your tank around at super slow speed, hit the other guy's tank (ricochet shot if you're fancy), and what happens? A simple crash sound and he shoots around the screen and spins wildly. Raucous laughter ensues. What's more satisfying than that? No photo-realistic flame, particle system smoke effects, or digital surround cannon shell echoes needed. Just good simple fun. I can guarantee that if you had me play any modern game and then Combat, I will be having a much better time with the old 2600. If the game and controllers still work--argh that shiet is frustrating! Not the point.
Stuff since
I still seem to like 2D more than 3D. Something about it appeals more to me. The flat cartoony look... just seems so appropriate. But times have changed, oh yes. It seems like most games now (or the best/most popular ones) are just fancy 3D environments you walk around in. They're getting more and more realistic and fully interactive. I only saw a little bit of GTA2 (3? I donno), but the amount of player-environment interaction is amazing. There's a lot of potential there, but I'd rather be laughing than testing my punch or grab on every object in the room. Bottom line: there's too much emphasis on presentation, not enough on substance. Of course there are exceptions in the new generation of games... FightingMania is cool. I actually like this Konami huge-arcade-machine trend. They involve all new activities and challenges for video games. Play a guitar (and get called a Freak for it, no less), are you serious? Yes! Of course only fruitypies dance around on arrows. Hehehe...
Okay I've never played it, but obviously it's addictively appealing to several among us, superseding all other priorities scholastic and social. For too long I've seen these FPS games being regurgitated with IMPROVED GRAPHICS AND SOUND, NEW STAGES and NEW WEAPONS--and wondered how people think they're actually buying a new game. The game play is exactly the same, people. Okay I realize that I am likely unaware of one or two subtle differences, in which a true connoisseur would find delight and hard-earned-cash-value. AND, I am still the only one I know who owns 4 different Street Fighters for the SNES. Before you let the influence of video games send you out to the rifle shop (haha B3, there's a debate starter for you), this FPS-bashing is not the point of this paragraph. SOCOM... it has the fancy 3D graphics and shiet, but also introduces the element of real-time real-voice communication. That's a worthy innovation in my opinion. So even though I still won't be wasting my time playing it, I'll give it an ounce of respect.
Related movie example
I was watching Men In Black II the other day. Although the special effects are numerous and fairly impressive, and surely consumed many a man-work-hour, it was not at all what I liked about the movie. The only good parts to me were the quiet humorous moments, often between Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Switching seats in the car, or Will Smith bouncing off the big tubes. Unfortunately these moments were too uncommon for me to recommend the movie to anyone, but they were good when they showed up. This is why I like movies like Swingers and Made. They don't require a huge budget, flashy visuals, or any other fancy nonsense... the humor comes from the people--writers and actors--being funny themselves and putting good ideas on screen. All the effort goes into what matters most. Speaking of "Fav", have you guys seen his show... Dinner For Five or something... where he has dinner and discusses movies with actors and such. I saw it once, it was pretty interesting.
Related music example (well, somewhat... whatever)
Over T-weekend B3 and Steve said they like Dru Hill. They have a few good songs, but their style is a little off target if they want to be real R&B. By that I mean clear vocals, harmony, and smooth slow melodies. Some of the production is good, and I bet the Dru Hill guys have good voices, but (a) Sisqo gets too much of the spotlight, and (b) the rest of the guys' voices are mashed together like backup singers along with the rhythm tracks. I'd like to hear more harmony rather than everyone singing the same note loudly. So it's more a matter of vocal arrangement than vocal talent. This may be just because I've only heard the radio/video stuff, but I'd wager an overall comparison with Boyz II Men or Shai (which I'm listening to right now) would show you what I'm talking about.
Other games
Taboo... that was good old-fashioned wholesome family fun. That's why I love some "board games"... they let you joke around and compete all at once. Fun times indeed. On the other hand, there's "13" (we really need to start calling it Big Two or Deuces or one of the other aliases). It is really only fun for me when we're all talking and being goofy. The game itself isn't really fun... it's about the people sitting at the table with you. I've noticed that although we're often joking around and having a blast, many other times when we're playing 13, poker, whatever... we're all quietly trying to win rather than enjoy one another's company. And at the end of the night someone may even be upset. Before it sounds like I'm killing everyone's dream of another 13 Championship win, I realize that we've got two types of competition going on:
1) Pure competition... Skill for its own sake. You care about your performance. You care about improving. You care about winning. The enjoyment comes from tension during competition, excitement in times of triumph, and a feeling of achievement upon reviewing past victories. Activities I "enjoy" in this vein include tennis, shooting pool, high stakes poker ("high stakes" meaning an amount of money that will ruin your day if you lose it).
2) Fun competition... Play play. You're not worried about the outcome, so much as the doing. Talking, joking, having fun. If you lose you lose, no big deal, you come up with funny excuses and still find a way to talk trash. This tends to make for more funny memories and smiling faces at day's end. Examples include bowling, board games, pocket change poker ($5 buy-in) and other card games.
I've noticed that too much pure competition can make people wonder why they decided to hang out. My point here is that I don't give a shiet about winning 13. I take no pride in my skill in the game, and I pity the fool who does. I'm not gonna be excited when I win or depressed when I lose. I'm only gonna look back and hope to remember some good laughs. I'm not saying I don't want to play ever again. That time with Bryant, Tony, and Brendan and I was perhaps the goofiest we've ever been, and one of the funnest games I ever played in my life. I appreciate both of these types of competition, but I hope we can maintain a good balance of the two. And always end the day on a high note, i.e. fun.
An article you might find interesting (if you bothered reading this whole post): Rush Magazine- Retro Gaming.
Keep on keepin' on y'all, peace.
"And if you get some red meat, you better cook it the day you get it, cause THAT shiet gon' be ROTTEN in the MORNIN' baby. Now you got this nasty meat, you fed it to your kids, now THEY got RICKETS." True.
Ever wake up from a dream and feel like you were given some key life-relevant information? And of course accompanied by the knowledge that you will never remember it? A few nights ago when I woke up I felt like there was some girl in my dream that just seemed right. I don't remember what she looked like, a name, personality, anything. It was a strange feeling though. But then I don't really go for the "meant to be"/fate stuff, so it was probably just some cute girl I saw at a restaurant or something. Oh Well...
So in this same dream I was at some kind of pool party, and I remember I was defending a girl friend who somehow pissed off 4 or 5 other girls. We often joke about how we would handle fighting a female: "I could never hit a girl", "I'd just dodge and block", "I'd beat the shiet outta her like it was the THANG to DO!" Anyways, in the process of defending my friend I did some punching and kicking sans gender bias. Needless to say, they got dealt with. So that's that. Moral: Bangs wins, even against girls.
I forgot to mention it earlier, but along with fire and clouds, dreams are deeply interest-grabbing. Where do our brains come up with this stuff? And all the dream/reality talk courtesy Steve over Thanksgiving weekend doesn't hurt. You never really know if you're awake or asleep, or which is which. Years ago I came up with one theory on dreams and life. Maybe our dreams are the true reality, and we just need to learn to control them. I have heard people say they have complete control over what they dream about (lucky fux). It's like The Matrix... you only utilize your power after you realize and believe you have it. Then, when we die in "real life", we live on in a seemingly endless final dream, which is in fact our reality. How much we like this eternity depends on how well we developed our dream-control. This could be linked to overcoming personal fears and inhibitions. We all have secret fantasies that we would never carry out in real life. But have you ever had the opportunity to do one of these things in a dream, but held back because you thought it was all real? When you realize you can do whatever you want, then you're free to truly be yourself. As far as the "seemingly endless final dream"... I've heard that when you die, your brain stays active for a brief moment after the body is done. Well, the time that passes in your dreams never quite matches up with the time it turns out you were asleep. So maybe that final activity in your brain is effectively an eternal dream. Maybe someday we'll find out.
The fun of games
Okay... Dr. Mario 4-way competition was a fiasco, but also an important lesson learned: Tetris Attack is still the only true skill puzzle game. Heheh just kidding Mrs. H... you dominated, and deserved it. But we shall return, with renewed vigor and determination. >=]
This brings me to my recent thoughts on what is, for me, at the root of fun and enjoyment in games and entertainment in general. It's the ideas and innovation, not the flashy showy enhancements. Examples follow...
Old Atari and NES games
These are examples of games made by ideas. When there was little video game history to reference, everything had to be from scratch. And the point of it all was to make it fun. I still think the classic Atari games are fun. Sure, there's a tremendous nostalgic bias, but the simple ideas were effective and straight to the point. Combat: Drive your tank around at super slow speed, hit the other guy's tank (ricochet shot if you're fancy), and what happens? A simple crash sound and he shoots around the screen and spins wildly. Raucous laughter ensues. What's more satisfying than that? No photo-realistic flame, particle system smoke effects, or digital surround cannon shell echoes needed. Just good simple fun. I can guarantee that if you had me play any modern game and then Combat, I will be having a much better time with the old 2600. If the game and controllers still work--argh that shiet is frustrating! Not the point.
Stuff since
I still seem to like 2D more than 3D. Something about it appeals more to me. The flat cartoony look... just seems so appropriate. But times have changed, oh yes. It seems like most games now (or the best/most popular ones) are just fancy 3D environments you walk around in. They're getting more and more realistic and fully interactive. I only saw a little bit of GTA2 (3? I donno), but the amount of player-environment interaction is amazing. There's a lot of potential there, but I'd rather be laughing than testing my punch or grab on every object in the room. Bottom line: there's too much emphasis on presentation, not enough on substance. Of course there are exceptions in the new generation of games... FightingMania is cool. I actually like this Konami huge-arcade-machine trend. They involve all new activities and challenges for video games. Play a guitar (and get called a Freak for it, no less), are you serious? Yes! Of course only fruitypies dance around on arrows. Hehehe...
Okay I've never played it, but obviously it's addictively appealing to several among us, superseding all other priorities scholastic and social. For too long I've seen these FPS games being regurgitated with IMPROVED GRAPHICS AND SOUND, NEW STAGES and NEW WEAPONS--and wondered how people think they're actually buying a new game. The game play is exactly the same, people. Okay I realize that I am likely unaware of one or two subtle differences, in which a true connoisseur would find delight and hard-earned-cash-value. AND, I am still the only one I know who owns 4 different Street Fighters for the SNES. Before you let the influence of video games send you out to the rifle shop (haha B3, there's a debate starter for you), this FPS-bashing is not the point of this paragraph. SOCOM... it has the fancy 3D graphics and shiet, but also introduces the element of real-time real-voice communication. That's a worthy innovation in my opinion. So even though I still won't be wasting my time playing it, I'll give it an ounce of respect.
Related movie example
I was watching Men In Black II the other day. Although the special effects are numerous and fairly impressive, and surely consumed many a man-work-hour, it was not at all what I liked about the movie. The only good parts to me were the quiet humorous moments, often between Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Switching seats in the car, or Will Smith bouncing off the big tubes. Unfortunately these moments were too uncommon for me to recommend the movie to anyone, but they were good when they showed up. This is why I like movies like Swingers and Made. They don't require a huge budget, flashy visuals, or any other fancy nonsense... the humor comes from the people--writers and actors--being funny themselves and putting good ideas on screen. All the effort goes into what matters most. Speaking of "Fav", have you guys seen his show... Dinner For Five or something... where he has dinner and discusses movies with actors and such. I saw it once, it was pretty interesting.
Related music example (well, somewhat... whatever)
Over T-weekend B3 and Steve said they like Dru Hill. They have a few good songs, but their style is a little off target if they want to be real R&B. By that I mean clear vocals, harmony, and smooth slow melodies. Some of the production is good, and I bet the Dru Hill guys have good voices, but (a) Sisqo gets too much of the spotlight, and (b) the rest of the guys' voices are mashed together like backup singers along with the rhythm tracks. I'd like to hear more harmony rather than everyone singing the same note loudly. So it's more a matter of vocal arrangement than vocal talent. This may be just because I've only heard the radio/video stuff, but I'd wager an overall comparison with Boyz II Men or Shai (which I'm listening to right now) would show you what I'm talking about.
Other games
Taboo... that was good old-fashioned wholesome family fun. That's why I love some "board games"... they let you joke around and compete all at once. Fun times indeed. On the other hand, there's "13" (we really need to start calling it Big Two or Deuces or one of the other aliases). It is really only fun for me when we're all talking and being goofy. The game itself isn't really fun... it's about the people sitting at the table with you. I've noticed that although we're often joking around and having a blast, many other times when we're playing 13, poker, whatever... we're all quietly trying to win rather than enjoy one another's company. And at the end of the night someone may even be upset. Before it sounds like I'm killing everyone's dream of another 13 Championship win, I realize that we've got two types of competition going on:
1) Pure competition... Skill for its own sake. You care about your performance. You care about improving. You care about winning. The enjoyment comes from tension during competition, excitement in times of triumph, and a feeling of achievement upon reviewing past victories. Activities I "enjoy" in this vein include tennis, shooting pool, high stakes poker ("high stakes" meaning an amount of money that will ruin your day if you lose it).
2) Fun competition... Play play. You're not worried about the outcome, so much as the doing. Talking, joking, having fun. If you lose you lose, no big deal, you come up with funny excuses and still find a way to talk trash. This tends to make for more funny memories and smiling faces at day's end. Examples include bowling, board games, pocket change poker ($5 buy-in) and other card games.
I've noticed that too much pure competition can make people wonder why they decided to hang out. My point here is that I don't give a shiet about winning 13. I take no pride in my skill in the game, and I pity the fool who does. I'm not gonna be excited when I win or depressed when I lose. I'm only gonna look back and hope to remember some good laughs. I'm not saying I don't want to play ever again. That time with Bryant, Tony, and Brendan and I was perhaps the goofiest we've ever been, and one of the funnest games I ever played in my life. I appreciate both of these types of competition, but I hope we can maintain a good balance of the two. And always end the day on a high note, i.e. fun.
An article you might find interesting (if you bothered reading this whole post): Rush Magazine- Retro Gaming.
Keep on keepin' on y'all, peace.
"And if you get some red meat, you better cook it the day you get it, cause THAT shiet gon' be ROTTEN in the MORNIN' baby. Now you got this nasty meat, you fed it to your kids, now THEY got RICKETS." True.
Dec 6, 2002
Sorry about the lack of postage from me... I blame school again! I'm always like this right before finals. I get sick, and I try to catch up from all the slacking I've done earlier... Only two weeks left though. I think I can get through it!
Had a good time back in SJ... Thanks for letting us chill at your place again Brendan! I will win a championship at 13 one of these days. Although, a Chutes and Ladders Campionship does intrigue me. As for Derek... Well.. Didn't want to see you anyway :P
Favorite games? Ahh... I have way too many to count so I'm not going to list them! I'm working on Resident Evil 0 and Metroid Prime currently... RE is so fricken hard! When I first met up with that weird green zombie thing I nearly shit myself...
I saw the coldest thing last week... I was walking to the grocery store from the parking lot and I see an old Salvation Army guy doing his bell thing in front of the store. Then a random passerby gets in the old mans face and screams:
In which the old man gives the bell a good ring :) I bet they get that a lot. I felt kind of sorry for the old man having to take that kind of screaming... Next time something like that happens in front of me I'll let loose with a mighty kick to the balls. I mean, yeah it's generally annoying to pass by these people when you just want to buy groceries, but you can ignore them most of the time. Supid ignorant punks up here.
Had a good time back in SJ... Thanks for letting us chill at your place again Brendan! I will win a championship at 13 one of these days. Although, a Chutes and Ladders Campionship does intrigue me. As for Derek... Well.. Didn't want to see you anyway :P
Favorite games? Ahh... I have way too many to count so I'm not going to list them! I'm working on Resident Evil 0 and Metroid Prime currently... RE is so fricken hard! When I first met up with that weird green zombie thing I nearly shit myself...
I saw the coldest thing last week... I was walking to the grocery store from the parking lot and I see an old Salvation Army guy doing his bell thing in front of the store. Then a random passerby gets in the old mans face and screams:
In which the old man gives the bell a good ring :) I bet they get that a lot. I felt kind of sorry for the old man having to take that kind of screaming... Next time something like that happens in front of me I'll let loose with a mighty kick to the balls. I mean, yeah it's generally annoying to pass by these people when you just want to buy groceries, but you can ignore them most of the time. Supid ignorant punks up here.
Ok, it's 330am and I just finished working on our group paper for my Senior Project. Damn I'm tired. I worked soooo hard on this thing, I can't wait until peer evaluations, some people will get some Shit from me damn it! This is one of the few times where I don't feel bad about writing crap about others. As for some of the top ten games of all time, I'll tell you some of my favorites and we'll see what happens:
These are in no particular order:
1.) Super Tecmo Bowl - set the standard for sports games. Subsitutions, injuries ( Injury music playing, player laying on the field), just all around fun, 100 yard bombs. Good lord I used to play that game for an insane amount of hours. I don't think anyone was any better than Brendan and I on that game. Simply UNBEATABLE!
2.) The Madden Series - Starting w/ Genesis 92 when an ambulance would come on the field and run over fools and then pick up the player and then run over more, I fell in love with Madden. It's the best football game out there. It's smooth, got an easy to learn interface, at least EA hasn't gone down w/ this game yet, those A-holes!
3.) Metal Gear Solid - Jeez louise did I ever love this game. It was so fun sneaking around and being stealthy. The storyline to me was very interesting. Solid 2 is good too, but the appeal isn't there at times. I blame it on gay-ass Raiden, reminds me of Derek...haha j/k. The storyline was way more complex in 2 and almost weird and scary, but the graphics were absolutely amazing. The soundtrack to both games blew me away. Whoever the composer was chose the perfect songs to set the moods for the games.
4.) Leisure Suit Larry, Space Quest, Police Quest, Hero's Quest - All these Sierra games were classic and all had their appeal. Larry Laffer, hilarious. I thought I was so naughty for playing that game hehe. The games actually pretty harmless, but I thought it had some funny shit that I would even laugh at today...I would say 2 and the last one were pretty good. When they added his voice to the game...amazing! Roger Wilco on Space Quest was hella funny. The most sarcastic game ever, maybe that's where I got it hehe. Police Quest always had a cool story. It became weird when it went into the SWAT series, but overall a good game. Hero's Quest was fun because you were able to be a theif and sneak into people's shit hehe. It's sad that these adventure games went away, they had so much appeal and it was fun solving all the puzzles involved. I know there's more than one game, but I think of them all as a certain style.
5.) Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max, Full Throttle: More of the adventure game genre with a different company, LucasArts. I'll tell you why I thought these games were cool...all of them had sarcastic appeal...and these were some of the first games that added fun sounds and voice characters throughout the game, not just in the intro. I wish they made these games compatible with Windows, I would play them over and over and over again.
6.) Halo - Overall a great game. One of the better two player coop games out there. Graphics are absolutely stunning. I wish multiplayer mode had more features involved in it, but I guess that's why I'll have to wait for Halo 2.
7.) Super Puzzle Fighter - There is no better game to play against someone else. Building the blocks....(pasenloayi) hehe ...(SOOOYOUSAY).....hehe breaking them up and watching them pile on your opponents side, classic.
8.) Socom - This is just a fun game. No matter how pissed off I get, I always come back. I love talking shit, but hate getting killed by little kids. hehe The graphics could use a little work and also I think its bs that you can't blow up claymores, but other than that B Lee Dat, Maniac Cop, Sushi Boy and j.reid kick some serious ass. Clans fear us and I love having that respect. Zero tolerance, strength and honor baby! hahahaha Such a game for nerds!
9.) Bond/Perfect Dark - Oh boy oh boy, Bryant welcome to the world of 1st person shooters, OH HEAD SHOT! F' THAT! Fun things said while playing. Bond was so fun, the levels were close to perfect and you could play hours upon hours. The single player game was hella hard, but its all about multi player. Perfect dark was an evolution from Bond which let Brendan, Andy and I to go against Bots and kick the shit out of them. Halo needs to let 3 people beat a game. That's my dream......
10.) Kingdom Hearts - Disney Characters kicking ass?! I'm there! This is one of the first pseudo RPG/Action game that I've really played through, minus Dark Alliance, but this game was way better. I liked the story a lot and the graphics kicked ass. I was entranced in all the cut scenes and I liked the ending theme song. This is a weird choice for me because most action games that I like involve gun fire and intense violence, but all the other factors came in and took my mind off the violence part.
Honorable mention: Super Dodge Ball, NHL 96+, Harvest Moon 64, Duke Nukem, Breathe of Fire III, Barbie's Big Date (wait how'd that get in here?!), Super Mario 3, Hardball 2, GTA 2, Theme Park (puking and throwing people off coasters, classic)
alright, its about Bedtime, so I will talk to you all later. Wish me luck on my presentation. Side note, minus Jonathan, you all are assholes for not signing my guestbook hehe. People sign it twice to remind me that no one really signs it. Damn you all! hahaha j/k
Peace out!
These are in no particular order:
1.) Super Tecmo Bowl - set the standard for sports games. Subsitutions, injuries ( Injury music playing, player laying on the field), just all around fun, 100 yard bombs. Good lord I used to play that game for an insane amount of hours. I don't think anyone was any better than Brendan and I on that game. Simply UNBEATABLE!
2.) The Madden Series - Starting w/ Genesis 92 when an ambulance would come on the field and run over fools and then pick up the player and then run over more, I fell in love with Madden. It's the best football game out there. It's smooth, got an easy to learn interface, at least EA hasn't gone down w/ this game yet, those A-holes!
3.) Metal Gear Solid - Jeez louise did I ever love this game. It was so fun sneaking around and being stealthy. The storyline to me was very interesting. Solid 2 is good too, but the appeal isn't there at times. I blame it on gay-ass Raiden, reminds me of Derek...haha j/k. The storyline was way more complex in 2 and almost weird and scary, but the graphics were absolutely amazing. The soundtrack to both games blew me away. Whoever the composer was chose the perfect songs to set the moods for the games.
4.) Leisure Suit Larry, Space Quest, Police Quest, Hero's Quest - All these Sierra games were classic and all had their appeal. Larry Laffer, hilarious. I thought I was so naughty for playing that game hehe. The games actually pretty harmless, but I thought it had some funny shit that I would even laugh at today...I would say 2 and the last one were pretty good. When they added his voice to the game...amazing! Roger Wilco on Space Quest was hella funny. The most sarcastic game ever, maybe that's where I got it hehe. Police Quest always had a cool story. It became weird when it went into the SWAT series, but overall a good game. Hero's Quest was fun because you were able to be a theif and sneak into people's shit hehe. It's sad that these adventure games went away, they had so much appeal and it was fun solving all the puzzles involved. I know there's more than one game, but I think of them all as a certain style.
5.) Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max, Full Throttle: More of the adventure game genre with a different company, LucasArts. I'll tell you why I thought these games were cool...all of them had sarcastic appeal...and these were some of the first games that added fun sounds and voice characters throughout the game, not just in the intro. I wish they made these games compatible with Windows, I would play them over and over and over again.
6.) Halo - Overall a great game. One of the better two player coop games out there. Graphics are absolutely stunning. I wish multiplayer mode had more features involved in it, but I guess that's why I'll have to wait for Halo 2.
7.) Super Puzzle Fighter - There is no better game to play against someone else. Building the blocks....(pasenloayi) hehe ...(SOOOYOUSAY).....hehe breaking them up and watching them pile on your opponents side, classic.
8.) Socom - This is just a fun game. No matter how pissed off I get, I always come back. I love talking shit, but hate getting killed by little kids. hehe The graphics could use a little work and also I think its bs that you can't blow up claymores, but other than that B Lee Dat, Maniac Cop, Sushi Boy and j.reid kick some serious ass. Clans fear us and I love having that respect. Zero tolerance, strength and honor baby! hahahaha Such a game for nerds!
9.) Bond/Perfect Dark - Oh boy oh boy, Bryant welcome to the world of 1st person shooters, OH HEAD SHOT! F' THAT! Fun things said while playing. Bond was so fun, the levels were close to perfect and you could play hours upon hours. The single player game was hella hard, but its all about multi player. Perfect dark was an evolution from Bond which let Brendan, Andy and I to go against Bots and kick the shit out of them. Halo needs to let 3 people beat a game. That's my dream......
10.) Kingdom Hearts - Disney Characters kicking ass?! I'm there! This is one of the first pseudo RPG/Action game that I've really played through, minus Dark Alliance, but this game was way better. I liked the story a lot and the graphics kicked ass. I was entranced in all the cut scenes and I liked the ending theme song. This is a weird choice for me because most action games that I like involve gun fire and intense violence, but all the other factors came in and took my mind off the violence part.
Honorable mention: Super Dodge Ball, NHL 96+, Harvest Moon 64, Duke Nukem, Breathe of Fire III, Barbie's Big Date (wait how'd that get in here?!), Super Mario 3, Hardball 2, GTA 2, Theme Park (puking and throwing people off coasters, classic)
alright, its about Bedtime, so I will talk to you all later. Wish me luck on my presentation. Side note, minus Jonathan, you all are assholes for not signing my guestbook hehe. People sign it twice to remind me that no one really signs it. Damn you all! hahaha j/k
Peace out!
Dec 5, 2002
Hmm...Now I'm a little confused by Steve's last blog...does he mean the way we talk about video games is a bad thing? I for one DO need to know everything I can about videogaming. I need to know what's out, when it comes out and what the latest buzz around the industry is. I need to know if Zelda needs to be saved or if Kevin or Bryant is around the corner, huddling like little girls, need to be saved. I talk about videogames because it is not a hobby. It is an obsession. If you ever want to hear me argue passionately about something (without the bullshit) then tell me videogames are for nerds. Once again...I will tear you apart. I'll even throw in some punches towards your personality to lower your self esteem even more. So if Steve wasn't being sarcastic...yes you should start buying videogames. Join in on the fun. If Steve was calling me a nerd for loving videogames then he gets this. =)
Brendan's Top Ten Video Games of All Time. (Subject open to changes.)
1. Legend of Zelda. The one that started it all. Before we knew what the hell a "triforce" was. Before we even knew what an "adventure" game was. To this day I still hate Likelikes...and I always wondered why those knights were called Darknuts. Also introduced the most useless weapon of all time. The Blue Candle. For 160 rupees I might add. Of course the sequels are bad ass...not one bad one yet...cept' that shit on the Phillips CD-I machine...but I have to choose the original for spawning the future.
2. Super Mario World. 16 bit makes its debut. This Shigeru tour de force was absolutely amazing. I still remember when I heard the sound effects when you went into a cave. This is one game where I just HAD to get all 96 worlds cleared. Mario and his flying cape. Talk about bad ass. WOW. And we can ride Yoshi?!? Again sequels are bad ass...why didn't I choose the original? Well...they were fun...they were ground breaking...but there was not really any hype around these games...SMW had tremendous hype and delivered.
3. Goldeneye. I will not disclose how many hours I played this game. Nothing beat you going up against a RCP90 with your back turned and when you realized you were taking fire you turned around and killed the fucker with one shot to the head with your magnum. I still know the levels. Even more I remember a lot of memories playing with different friends. Good times for 49.99. If you're Andrew Ryan Cates...19.99.
4. Secret of Mana. Great music. Great story. Way to combine a RPG with action. A new magic system that we have never seen before and I almost cried when Sprite was killed. I still think that Sprite is girl..but Square tells me otherwise. What do Japs know anyways? I always played with my mom. I stole her money. It was funny. She didn't think it was funny.
5. Castlevania:SOTN. Okay. So yes this series is bad ass. Why did I choose the Playstation one? Well the fact at how non-linear it was and how many items you could carry and the music was absoutely amazing. And after you beat the game I got to play a new quest with the castle upside down. Big woopdie doo you say? Well new enemies, new bosses, new areas. 2 games for the price of one. That gives it a Eecs Value stamp.
6. Duke Nukem 3D. Ahh..death by internet connection. Sushiboy is born and will tear people up for the next 10 years and perhaps even more. This is a tribute to Flaming Bovine, Casper, Redbeard, Maniac Cop and Pink Taco. Together we made Hollywood Holocaust a bloody mess. I also will go on the record that I did kill the infamous Thresh many a time...unfortunately he killed me a quadrupal times more...
7. Leisure Suit Larry. Hello ladies. My name is Larry...Larry Laugher...hehe. Okay besides the overall charm of this game...it was still a kick ass adventure game. The stories were good, the characters hilarious. I'm sure the only ones who will get the next three sentences is Bryant and Andy. Airsick bag and Grotesque Gulp. Bullshit. "What? You wanna a plaid, mint flavored, medium sized, ribbed for her pleasure lubber?"
8. Halo. Bungie what were you thinking? You cannot just make shitty games for the whole company lifespan and then churn out something like Halo. It's not fair to other shitty game companies..ahem..Bandai. Bump mapping FINALLY comes to game consoles. Nothing like tossing a gernade onto a Covenant trooper...only for him to run for cover with his buddies...BOOM. Bungie with Rare? Holy shit. Gamecube and PS2...check your hardware at the fucking door.
9. Final Fantasy X. I'm going to get a lot of flak for this one. OK yes III was bad ass...yes XII was decent. But I really cared for these characters. So much so that when I got all the Ultimate weapons for my guys and beat the game...I was sad it was over. It was colorful and vibrant and the story was top notch. Like I said...all the people who didn't like this game...didn't finish it. X-2...that will never make this list. Guaranteed.
10. Soul Caliber. I can hear some people in this blog wondering what happened to SFII...without it there wouldn't be a Soul Caliber. I respect that. But Soul Caliber to me takes more skill. Ugh...I'm going to hear it for that last sentence. What I mean is that Soul Caliber is SO deep with moves and linking and defense. All have different styles that help overcome other foes more easily, but only if your skillfull. I've been killed in SFII by someone who fucking taps on medium punch.
Well thats about it. Real quick...games that almost made it...Street Figher 2, Resident Evil series, Metroid Prime (I haven't played it through yet), Battle of Olympus, Super Bust of Move, Bubble Bobble, Contra, Perfect Dark, NHL 94, Grand Theft Auto, Metal Gear Solid...among some others...any feedback? Any lists of your own. Like I said...no drama...so videogames it is. In a week I'll do my list of the most bullshit games ever made...whee...fun times. Don't worry Spelunker..you won't be left out.
Brendan's Top Ten Video Games of All Time. (Subject open to changes.)
1. Legend of Zelda. The one that started it all. Before we knew what the hell a "triforce" was. Before we even knew what an "adventure" game was. To this day I still hate Likelikes...and I always wondered why those knights were called Darknuts. Also introduced the most useless weapon of all time. The Blue Candle. For 160 rupees I might add. Of course the sequels are bad ass...not one bad one yet...cept' that shit on the Phillips CD-I machine...but I have to choose the original for spawning the future.
2. Super Mario World. 16 bit makes its debut. This Shigeru tour de force was absolutely amazing. I still remember when I heard the sound effects when you went into a cave. This is one game where I just HAD to get all 96 worlds cleared. Mario and his flying cape. Talk about bad ass. WOW. And we can ride Yoshi?!? Again sequels are bad ass...why didn't I choose the original? Well...they were fun...they were ground breaking...but there was not really any hype around these games...SMW had tremendous hype and delivered.
3. Goldeneye. I will not disclose how many hours I played this game. Nothing beat you going up against a RCP90 with your back turned and when you realized you were taking fire you turned around and killed the fucker with one shot to the head with your magnum. I still know the levels. Even more I remember a lot of memories playing with different friends. Good times for 49.99. If you're Andrew Ryan Cates...19.99.
4. Secret of Mana. Great music. Great story. Way to combine a RPG with action. A new magic system that we have never seen before and I almost cried when Sprite was killed. I still think that Sprite is girl..but Square tells me otherwise. What do Japs know anyways? I always played with my mom. I stole her money. It was funny. She didn't think it was funny.
5. Castlevania:SOTN. Okay. So yes this series is bad ass. Why did I choose the Playstation one? Well the fact at how non-linear it was and how many items you could carry and the music was absoutely amazing. And after you beat the game I got to play a new quest with the castle upside down. Big woopdie doo you say? Well new enemies, new bosses, new areas. 2 games for the price of one. That gives it a Eecs Value stamp.
6. Duke Nukem 3D. Ahh..death by internet connection. Sushiboy is born and will tear people up for the next 10 years and perhaps even more. This is a tribute to Flaming Bovine, Casper, Redbeard, Maniac Cop and Pink Taco. Together we made Hollywood Holocaust a bloody mess. I also will go on the record that I did kill the infamous Thresh many a time...unfortunately he killed me a quadrupal times more...
7. Leisure Suit Larry. Hello ladies. My name is Larry...Larry Laugher...hehe. Okay besides the overall charm of this game...it was still a kick ass adventure game. The stories were good, the characters hilarious. I'm sure the only ones who will get the next three sentences is Bryant and Andy. Airsick bag and Grotesque Gulp. Bullshit. "What? You wanna a plaid, mint flavored, medium sized, ribbed for her pleasure lubber?"
8. Halo. Bungie what were you thinking? You cannot just make shitty games for the whole company lifespan and then churn out something like Halo. It's not fair to other shitty game companies..ahem..Bandai. Bump mapping FINALLY comes to game consoles. Nothing like tossing a gernade onto a Covenant trooper...only for him to run for cover with his buddies...BOOM. Bungie with Rare? Holy shit. Gamecube and PS2...check your hardware at the fucking door.
9. Final Fantasy X. I'm going to get a lot of flak for this one. OK yes III was bad ass...yes XII was decent. But I really cared for these characters. So much so that when I got all the Ultimate weapons for my guys and beat the game...I was sad it was over. It was colorful and vibrant and the story was top notch. Like I said...all the people who didn't like this game...didn't finish it. X-2...that will never make this list. Guaranteed.
10. Soul Caliber. I can hear some people in this blog wondering what happened to SFII...without it there wouldn't be a Soul Caliber. I respect that. But Soul Caliber to me takes more skill. Ugh...I'm going to hear it for that last sentence. What I mean is that Soul Caliber is SO deep with moves and linking and defense. All have different styles that help overcome other foes more easily, but only if your skillfull. I've been killed in SFII by someone who fucking taps on medium punch.
Well thats about it. Real quick...games that almost made it...Street Figher 2, Resident Evil series, Metroid Prime (I haven't played it through yet), Battle of Olympus, Super Bust of Move, Bubble Bobble, Contra, Perfect Dark, NHL 94, Grand Theft Auto, Metal Gear Solid...among some others...any feedback? Any lists of your own. Like I said...no drama...so videogames it is. In a week I'll do my list of the most bullshit games ever made...whee...fun times. Don't worry Spelunker..you won't be left out.
Dec 4, 2002
it's nice to see updates, as strange as they are. Derek, it's nice to see that you have a good imagination. No really! i'm absolutely serious. I wish i could imagine those type of things in my class; it would feel GREAT and maybe i would actually not fall asleep in class for once. I think the class where that type of good old imagining fun would be the best in, is my cog sci class. There's this one girl who thinks she's the teachers left nut. Whenever someone asks a question, whenever the teacher pauses in her lecture..this "thing" which seems like a girl feels the need to "help out" aka teach. In fact, this one time, the teacher was trying to draw something, and she was having a hard time. So the fat chick (oh yeh she's pretty fat too) runs up and starts drawing! I was thinking "you fucking nerd. I think you aren't kissing the teachers ass enough yet". Anyways, I bet if i shot her like twice she would turn back into the slime ball things (from RE 0) and ooze all over the place.
I've heard of video game nerds, but this is ridiculous. Solcom, RE 0, Metroid Prime, etc. etc. etc.
It sucks that i can't afford the consoles necessary to be part of such folly. Me and Jon. Well, at least jon has B Lucky Day'z N64. Well, I got max payne now, and minesweeper is coming back! Expert mode engaged: warning, pimps only.
These next two weeks are gonna suck. 4 papers total. 1 physics final on friday. But then i can come home and....and...do nothing. Althought right now that sounds pretty good. I'm also heading off to New Orleans (fraternity business) which is being about 99 percent paid for. That should be fun.
But damn the papers! and damn the tests!! I can't wait till this shit is done and i can party. Nothing like a few moments of unrestricted merriment with a loss of inhibitions to make all the studying and everything you learned pointless.
No 13 over xmas break. Please. i'm begging you. Let's play something else. Ma Jong, Dominos, fucking Chutes and Ladders, whatevers.
VCDs suck shit. I thought they were like DVDs. Boy was i wrong. I cant' even read the shitty subtitles on the movies i borrowed from my friend.
Bryant, nice xanga.
i think i might switch over to that so i can post pics.
k dinners on.
time to run.
it's nice to see updates, as strange as they are. Derek, it's nice to see that you have a good imagination. No really! i'm absolutely serious. I wish i could imagine those type of things in my class; it would feel GREAT and maybe i would actually not fall asleep in class for once. I think the class where that type of good old imagining fun would be the best in, is my cog sci class. There's this one girl who thinks she's the teachers left nut. Whenever someone asks a question, whenever the teacher pauses in her lecture..this "thing" which seems like a girl feels the need to "help out" aka teach. In fact, this one time, the teacher was trying to draw something, and she was having a hard time. So the fat chick (oh yeh she's pretty fat too) runs up and starts drawing! I was thinking "you fucking nerd. I think you aren't kissing the teachers ass enough yet". Anyways, I bet if i shot her like twice she would turn back into the slime ball things (from RE 0) and ooze all over the place.
I've heard of video game nerds, but this is ridiculous. Solcom, RE 0, Metroid Prime, etc. etc. etc.
It sucks that i can't afford the consoles necessary to be part of such folly. Me and Jon. Well, at least jon has B Lucky Day'z N64. Well, I got max payne now, and minesweeper is coming back! Expert mode engaged: warning, pimps only.
These next two weeks are gonna suck. 4 papers total. 1 physics final on friday. But then i can come home and....and...do nothing. Althought right now that sounds pretty good. I'm also heading off to New Orleans (fraternity business) which is being about 99 percent paid for. That should be fun.
But damn the papers! and damn the tests!! I can't wait till this shit is done and i can party. Nothing like a few moments of unrestricted merriment with a loss of inhibitions to make all the studying and everything you learned pointless.
No 13 over xmas break. Please. i'm begging you. Let's play something else. Ma Jong, Dominos, fucking Chutes and Ladders, whatevers.
VCDs suck shit. I thought they were like DVDs. Boy was i wrong. I cant' even read the shitty subtitles on the movies i borrowed from my friend.
Bryant, nice xanga.
i think i might switch over to that so i can post pics.
k dinners on.
time to run.
Oh boy, well I'm writing mostly because I'm in class right now and I am bored.
General news: Web site has been updated w/ pics from Halloween until now. Hope you enjoy. Thanks a-holes, minus jonathan and some of our readers for signing the book. haha You might also notice that I started a Xanga blog. Reason being is that I have plenty of thoughts on my mind and I don't want to overrun this blog with them. There would be like 5 entries in a row that would all be me, so I figured that it would be a good idea to get my own site going. I'll still try and write in this one at least once a week, maybe more. So don't feel neglected Pookiers, I'll always be back, trust in that.
Brendan: You a-hole. I wish I could bullshit as well as you. That would make my life ten times easier. Oh well, Socom it is! Clans fear us! I care about your Web site because it will give me another link for my site. hahahaha
Derek: You daydream about some F'd up S**T! haha I can't wait until winter break so I can watch you guys play some more RE. I missed out on RE 1, but I already know the whole story with that anyway. As for that girl in your class, I know the same feeling. This guy in my class who is sitting two seats away from me is the same way. Everytime he talks I just want to hit my head on my desk repeatedly to knock my ass out so I don't have to hear him ever. He constantly needs things repeated to him, he takes credit for work that Andy and I did, and he is in a constant state of panic. Add that to the fact that Andy and I are pretty kick back and you got a incompatible group. Andy and I did most the work just so we would never have to come in contact with him. But today I celebrate because I never have to work with him again *knock on wood* and this is the only time where I'm happy to give a peer evaluation =D
Brian: I started reading your blog, hope you don't mind. We actually have some commonalities in our thinking about girls from the past. It's a shitty feeling, but it's good to know that there is someone out there who understands. Another note, you need a damn nick name on here. hehe Steve that goes for you too...Steveore? haha
Alright, all I'm going back to working on my senior project and playing socom. That is my plan until after Friday.
On another note before I leave...SQUAT?? Da hell is that. hehe And I would not applause for 8 minutes, ever, especially for freaking Brendan. =D
General news: Web site has been updated w/ pics from Halloween until now. Hope you enjoy. Thanks a-holes, minus jonathan and some of our readers for signing the book. haha You might also notice that I started a Xanga blog. Reason being is that I have plenty of thoughts on my mind and I don't want to overrun this blog with them. There would be like 5 entries in a row that would all be me, so I figured that it would be a good idea to get my own site going. I'll still try and write in this one at least once a week, maybe more. So don't feel neglected Pookiers, I'll always be back, trust in that.
Brendan: You a-hole. I wish I could bullshit as well as you. That would make my life ten times easier. Oh well, Socom it is! Clans fear us! I care about your Web site because it will give me another link for my site. hahahaha
Derek: You daydream about some F'd up S**T! haha I can't wait until winter break so I can watch you guys play some more RE. I missed out on RE 1, but I already know the whole story with that anyway. As for that girl in your class, I know the same feeling. This guy in my class who is sitting two seats away from me is the same way. Everytime he talks I just want to hit my head on my desk repeatedly to knock my ass out so I don't have to hear him ever. He constantly needs things repeated to him, he takes credit for work that Andy and I did, and he is in a constant state of panic. Add that to the fact that Andy and I are pretty kick back and you got a incompatible group. Andy and I did most the work just so we would never have to come in contact with him. But today I celebrate because I never have to work with him again *knock on wood* and this is the only time where I'm happy to give a peer evaluation =D
Brian: I started reading your blog, hope you don't mind. We actually have some commonalities in our thinking about girls from the past. It's a shitty feeling, but it's good to know that there is someone out there who understands. Another note, you need a damn nick name on here. hehe Steve that goes for you too...Steveore? haha
Alright, all I'm going back to working on my senior project and playing socom. That is my plan until after Friday.
On another note before I leave...SQUAT?? Da hell is that. hehe And I would not applause for 8 minutes, ever, especially for freaking Brendan. =D
Dec 3, 2002
Ladies and Gentleman...please take your seats and get ready for the show.
*Open curtain, Brendan tap dances out on the stage*
Okay let us get some things out of the way...
* I had fun over Thanksgiving even though we didn't do anything spectacular...but then again I'm not a bar hopping type of person...hope you guys had fun though.
* Mental Abstraction...60-70 percent done...not like u guys care...but I write it down so it seems like I'm making progress...ugh.
* I should be captain. Andrew Ryan Cates...get it through your head. Oh yeah...Bryant wants to be promoted to Treasurer. $$$
Story in quort styles form...my new stupid word. (quick+short=quort styles).
Brendan buys Metroid Prime. He has a six page report due the next day. He gives his mom Metroid Prime. Can't have it back till he finishes report. 1.5 hours pass. Brendan done, Metroid Prime is his. Fast forward to today. Brendan gets his report back. Scans paper. He sees, "a deep and complex analysis of the illustration"...circle on the bottom..."A". Brendan gets another paper later in class. This one is harder to read because Brendan is still laughing and crying about what happened 15 minutes earlier. This paper reads, "You will not have to take the final because you have shown you understand the course and done excellent homework." Brendan confused. What homework? Oh you mean the stuff he did on the car ride to class? Right. Brendan still laughing and is giddy like a little schoolgirl. Note to readers, especially girls: DO NOT attempt to argue with me. I am the king of Bullshit. I will tear your fucking ass apart. Thank you.
*Applause for seven minutes...*
Encore: Okay I see you love me. I don't have much to tell but we do have a new word for FOBS. I call them Squats now. So here is a quick lesson.
The FOB sees the dog. The FOB then ate the dog.
Now all we have to do is replace FOB with Squats. Ready children?
The Squats sees the dog. The Squats devours the dog like no other...that sick motha fucker.
*Curtain down!*
*Applause for eight minutes*
Spotlight fade to black. Please ladies and gentleman, exit to your right and watch your step...you don't want to step in the bullshit...
*Open curtain, Brendan tap dances out on the stage*
Okay let us get some things out of the way...
* I had fun over Thanksgiving even though we didn't do anything spectacular...but then again I'm not a bar hopping type of person...hope you guys had fun though.
* Mental Abstraction...60-70 percent done...not like u guys care...but I write it down so it seems like I'm making progress...ugh.
* I should be captain. Andrew Ryan Cates...get it through your head. Oh yeah...Bryant wants to be promoted to Treasurer. $$$
Story in quort styles form...my new stupid word. (quick+short=quort styles).
Brendan buys Metroid Prime. He has a six page report due the next day. He gives his mom Metroid Prime. Can't have it back till he finishes report. 1.5 hours pass. Brendan done, Metroid Prime is his. Fast forward to today. Brendan gets his report back. Scans paper. He sees, "a deep and complex analysis of the illustration"...circle on the bottom..."A". Brendan gets another paper later in class. This one is harder to read because Brendan is still laughing and crying about what happened 15 minutes earlier. This paper reads, "You will not have to take the final because you have shown you understand the course and done excellent homework." Brendan confused. What homework? Oh you mean the stuff he did on the car ride to class? Right. Brendan still laughing and is giddy like a little schoolgirl. Note to readers, especially girls: DO NOT attempt to argue with me. I am the king of Bullshit. I will tear your fucking ass apart. Thank you.
*Applause for seven minutes...*
Encore: Okay I see you love me. I don't have much to tell but we do have a new word for FOBS. I call them Squats now. So here is a quick lesson.
The FOB sees the dog. The FOB then ate the dog.
Now all we have to do is replace FOB with Squats. Ready children?
The Squats sees the dog. The Squats devours the dog like no other...that sick motha fucker.
*Curtain down!*
*Applause for eight minutes*
Spotlight fade to black. Please ladies and gentleman, exit to your right and watch your step...you don't want to step in the bullshit...
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