Jun 21, 2003

9-Volt could very well be retired with a score of 107. Jesus...even that number makes me cringe.

140 million to make The Hulk. The more I see this CG Hulk...well when I first saw it I said it looked stupid and fake. Then I said it looks like they did a good job...now I'm back to stupid. The more I see of it, the more I think it looks ridiculous. Ang Lee has done almost every single type of genre of film that exists...but I still can't get over how stupid Hulk looks...but then again a bunch of Chinese people flying in the air and landing on bamboo was acceptable...all I'm saying is that according to their 140 Million dollar budget...you could have purchased 560 Swingers. I like Swingers. That's a lot of Swingers...I hope if I make it big I don't lose the fact that you don't need money for a good film. I mean look at Game Over. Haha.

Apparently no one knows the answers to Captain's quiz. I know Jon knows. Where Jon is who knows? He will try to lie and say he is working on this website that doesn't exist...but I hardly count Jon in a stupid sand fort a website. Either way HURRY UP AND ANSWER THEM SO I CAN KEEP THIS GAME GOING...BOO HOO.

Played some cards with Greg and Derek and Euge, Erwin, some other black guy whom I don't remember, and this obnoxious guy named Quack, Quock, Cock...whatever. I won't go into details but Hapachan...next time these guys play get me and Jon into the game. We will win. Just like I did. Haha.

Tony glad your starting to work your ass off in rainy Dallas. 'Bout time you did something with your life. Hehe. Get back soon.

T-Bola is retired. It is now T-Rant. Haha.

My skin is peeling because of the stupid graduation ceremony I attended in SLO...fuck man...don't those moutains cover the sun up? Haha. Anyway it looks like I have SARS now...but only in my arm. Just my right arm.

The Recruit. Predictable. Old School. T-Money must love being paid for being himself. Finding Nemo. Absolutely awesome.

I think I'll write more...but not right now. I can't see straight. 6 days of bagels make me sick.

2:1 Odds that Bad Boys 2 can suck a sack.