Jun 16, 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4

It's been a pretty long while since I've stayed up all night playing a videogame, but MGS4 seems to be doing the trick. If you've ever played a Metal Gear game and you've been curious for answers, this game seems to be tying things up nicely so far. 2nd this is the EXACT reason why I got a PS3, everything else is just a bonus. (well Blu-ray was a big factor too)

In terms of Graphics, this is one of the prettiest games I've seen. Everything seems to move so smoothly and I don't recall seeing any "pop up," even in the most intense actions scenes. And most importantly, every lady in the game seems to show off their pretty features (Steve knows what I mean).

The soundtrack is pretty good and is appropriate for many of the cut scenes. If anyone wants a copy of it, let me know.

Overall game play / control is pretty good, though I will say I seem to have been spoiled by games like Rainbox Six, Gears of War, and even to some extent Grand Theft Auto in terms of how the shooting mechanics work. I wish in this game they put something where you could actually hide behind cover.

The story is overloaded with a lot of junk about the nanomachines, but it seems to go through a lot more detail of how they got there - the Patriots, who certain characters are and why they're important, etc. I gotta say after walking through an intense battle / mission, I happily was able to sit back and watch a pretty lengthy cut scene. The overall story is just engaging to me and like a good book, it gets me caught up and just want to learn more. I find myself on Wikipedia looking up and reading past story lines so that I can make total sense of some of the stuff I've seen so far, there's just so much information.

Anyway, if you haven't gotten the game, I highly recommend it. It's just a great Metal Gear game and I'm pretty sad that this will be the last one. (Though I bet their will be sub-games or something like those PSP versions)