I got a lot to say, but I don't want to totally bore you. I'm glad Pooky has kicked up a bit in the last couple of weeks. I guess arguments make for good conversation. Even if Jon has no idea what he is talking about. Haha. So on to the blog.
Kevin Regarding Socom II
...you are going to hate this game. You got to play it. You enjoyed it. Just wait. We can't wait for you to get on well...because we can't win shit. I can't believe I'm saying this...but it's true. We can't win shit. Obviously are strategy of just separating and getting massive amount of kills just don't cut it this time. Perhaps we need to actually work as a team. With that in mind...Kevin you better have a headset and Andy...I think its time for you to fork over some money for another fuck'n headset because we have no communication whatsoever. None.
My Film
I still hate Bruckheimer, but I have a little more respect in what he does. Well actually I don't. So far I'm going nuts about what we need and what we don't have to film this thing. So far my budget...well fuck it. We don't have a budget because we never agreed on how muich we are going to spend. So as the exec-producer I've decided to spend as much as we need and collect from my crew. They have no choice and they already agreed to give me whatever I need. I've been bouncing around figures to all of you who have asked and some who haven't, but I think the final rundown is probably about 1000.00. That's not counting the 1250.00 I have to stick down for insurance. Jesus this film better be good...and this just an intro to production class...but Jon knows what it is like to put out something in the name of art. I am very anal on how this is going to look and won't settle for anything but perfection. Just like Jon and his long, LOOOONG awaited update.
Karaoke Revolution. Why don't you get a real fucking game. POP:SOT is fucking awesome and the control is top fucking notch. MarioKart DD is fun...and fun...and beautiful. Jon you should come over and try it since I haven't seen you in awhile. Oh yeah remind me that I got your NYX #2. Happy Birthday again. I got some suggestions for you Brian on your CEC. Perhaps you should make the arcade dark. Then get those pizza order pac mans on the television screen. Then get a cool water fountain with cool colors. Then get an old shool After Burner game in which you get to sit in the cockpit. Basically turn it into Bullwinkles because I got about 2000 tickets to turn in. As far as I know the other Bullwinkles is in Portland or some shit.
Linkin Park and DMB Live
I know a lot of you probably think that DMB live is getting old. Well there is a 18 minute version of 2-step that I think blows away the Red Rocks version. There is an 11 minute jam session of Crush. A lot of old school Dave with not too much new school Dave. I used to think Listener Supported's Watchtower was the best...but I'm feeling this NYC one even more. Dave goes fucking nuts. Linkin Park Live sounds just like their album. Chester seems to have more feeling when he sings. My mom thinks she can make it in the mosh pit when/if she gets to their concert. I tried to talk her out of it, but she grounded me from my Mario Kart. Fuck that. I'm an adult. Living with the 'rents. With no career in sight.
Tony and Hapachan and Major Pain or Payne or whatever
Since you put this film as one of your top tens I come to realize that perhaps you have only seen 11 films in your lifetime...the eleventh one being Legends of the Fall. So I totally understand why you put Major Pain, but if you ever need to borrow some films...Blockbuster is not that far away. BTW thank you for not putting on M Night's Poonjabishalankajamawangsta's films. That fuck'n raghead...here's a twist for you...make a movie without a twist. OOOOOOOoooooooohhhhhhhhh...so creative. (Jon's gonna say something about my film I'm working on now...so go ahead and say it...you are never going to see it...hehe) Rudy was the most inspiring? I dunno how it can compete with the Mighty Ducks. Quack, quack, quack, quack...
Tony's Top Ten Request
I guarantee you put that "in the past" comment just for me. And for good fucking reason. At first I was torn between Mandy Moore and Hilary Duff, but now I can safely say Audrey somewhere on that list...ahem..number one. But I'll post this list up later. I think I can probably answer this with one good night of thinking. How should one pick an actress? Looks? Skill? Personality? I guess it all depends, but I am sure (FOR THOSE WHO PARTICIPATE...SHIT I THOUGHT WE WERE ALL LISTING WHORES) there will be some flame wars with these lists. Just like when I say, "The Rock? ARe you kidding me. Sean Connery couldn't save that fucking movie even if he looked like he wanted to be there...guarantee that was a paycheck movie for him." That kinda shit. Hehe. Just so I don't get any hate mail I'll make fun of my own choice. "Breakfast at Tiffany's? That cracker playing the Nip is so fucking racist...and why do they all act like they just came off Broadway? Isn't Casablanca in black and white? The fucking nerve..."
This show is so good.
I think that's all for now. But you can bet your ass I'm gonna blog tomorrow...Gothika comes out tomorrow I think...NO NOT THAT GIRL WALKING...NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Nov 20, 2003
Nov 19, 2003
Another late blog from me... Another excuse too! I started training this week, and my schedule runs Friday-Monday. Tues-Thurs is when I make it back up to Sonoma for schoolage. Let's see... I'm going to start with last weeks news...
My first day wasn't too bad... I got a binder about 3 inches thick that I have to go through in addition to a bunch of other folders on management. It's going to be a long 6 weeks of training. And yes, I found out Monday that I have to dress up as the rat for one day to "get a feel for what your employees have to do." *sigh* oh well, maybe I'll drop kick a few kids just to get my morale back up. Story: About half way through I meet a senior manager who is going to train me for the next few weeks. Let's call him Jim. (Cause I don't remember his real name.) Anyway, we shake hands and exchange the small talk. But then he busts out and says, "I'm sorry I was late, but I was going with my wife for artificial insemination."
*blink* *Looks back at the hand I just shook.*
I now know what it's like to be dumbfounded. One hell of a way to start a training.
Karaoke Revolution
hehe, when I bought it I definitely played for 5 hours straight. Guess what happened after that? I lost my voice for the next 4 days. Oh the joys. I found out I suck at singing, but it's fun to try anyway. Singing "When a man loves a woman," can take a lot out of you! And for those of you that do not approve... HAH, you're going to like it damnit. Invited a few friends to try it out with me Friday night, and it was a blast (They did indeed think it was gay, since friday I think one of them has bought it). My voice still isn't all there, so I left it with my mom to play while I recover. Whee.... The up side, is now I have a headphone/mic combo, so Socom can get bought soon. I figure I'll try it after I move into the new place.
The New Place
Still looking, but due to time constraints, we are agressively negotiating for a specific house. Unfortunately, it's the crack house I mentioned last week. My other roomates think that it's going to look good once they fix it up. I have my doubts, but I'm starting to get desperate. I have absolutely nothing packed, and no place to live in 11 days. Things could turn out bad. Worst case, I could commute from home every day, but that could get boring real quick. The other case, I could just rent another month but that would take about 1300... Next week, I'll have a clear picture on what's going on....
Other new stuff
Ever since Jon got his new car, I've been thinking about getting one myself. The civic is now starting to make some funny noises. But I'm going to shoot for a May buy. I have to one-up Lockheed guy over there, and I'm thinking about getting the WRX. There are only a few of them up here, but the ones I see on the road look sweet. I have to do a little more research, but I do have a lot more time. Any suggestions? (I was also looking at the Lancer Evo, but that's kinda out of my price range :D)
And now for clean-up
Matrix, haven't seen, but I think I'll just catch it on DVD. Paintball? I'd be down if I could make it. Schedule is looking kinda full at the moment. 5 more weeks of school, 6 weeks of training. Winter break can't come fast enough. (Too bad for all the working folk!)
My first day wasn't too bad... I got a binder about 3 inches thick that I have to go through in addition to a bunch of other folders on management. It's going to be a long 6 weeks of training. And yes, I found out Monday that I have to dress up as the rat for one day to "get a feel for what your employees have to do." *sigh* oh well, maybe I'll drop kick a few kids just to get my morale back up. Story: About half way through I meet a senior manager who is going to train me for the next few weeks. Let's call him Jim. (Cause I don't remember his real name.) Anyway, we shake hands and exchange the small talk. But then he busts out and says, "I'm sorry I was late, but I was going with my wife for artificial insemination."
*blink* *Looks back at the hand I just shook.*
I now know what it's like to be dumbfounded. One hell of a way to start a training.
Karaoke Revolution
hehe, when I bought it I definitely played for 5 hours straight. Guess what happened after that? I lost my voice for the next 4 days. Oh the joys. I found out I suck at singing, but it's fun to try anyway. Singing "When a man loves a woman," can take a lot out of you! And for those of you that do not approve... HAH, you're going to like it damnit. Invited a few friends to try it out with me Friday night, and it was a blast (They did indeed think it was gay, since friday I think one of them has bought it). My voice still isn't all there, so I left it with my mom to play while I recover. Whee.... The up side, is now I have a headphone/mic combo, so Socom can get bought soon. I figure I'll try it after I move into the new place.
The New Place
Still looking, but due to time constraints, we are agressively negotiating for a specific house. Unfortunately, it's the crack house I mentioned last week. My other roomates think that it's going to look good once they fix it up. I have my doubts, but I'm starting to get desperate. I have absolutely nothing packed, and no place to live in 11 days. Things could turn out bad. Worst case, I could commute from home every day, but that could get boring real quick. The other case, I could just rent another month but that would take about 1300... Next week, I'll have a clear picture on what's going on....
Other new stuff
Ever since Jon got his new car, I've been thinking about getting one myself. The civic is now starting to make some funny noises. But I'm going to shoot for a May buy. I have to one-up Lockheed guy over there, and I'm thinking about getting the WRX. There are only a few of them up here, but the ones I see on the road look sweet. I have to do a little more research, but I do have a lot more time. Any suggestions? (I was also looking at the Lancer Evo, but that's kinda out of my price range :D)
And now for clean-up
Matrix, haven't seen, but I think I'll just catch it on DVD. Paintball? I'd be down if I could make it. Schedule is looking kinda full at the moment. 5 more weeks of school, 6 weeks of training. Winter break can't come fast enough. (Too bad for all the working folk!)
Nov 17, 2003
Ok, so it's been how long since I've last posted...
Off the top of my head without looking or really thinking about what my top ten favorite movies are (no particular order, just depends how they go in my head):
1. Oceans 11 - great plot, smooth acting, smart movie. How can any movie that takes place in Vegas be bad. It also had a humorous side to it all.
2. Top Gun - Maverick is a pimp. Cool one liners, dope 80 music, "You lost that loving feeling," and of course the topless volleyball scene..oops...scratch that last point. But for reals, I thought this movie kicked ass as a kid and I still do as an adult. I know this was a Bruckheimer film and I know how some feel about him, but the man knows how to entertain crowds.
3. Lord of the Rings - I would say I like two towers better than the original only because the battle at the end was absolutely amazing. The movie is shot beautifully and the action sequences kick ass. The music in the movie is dramatic and the story flows well.
4. Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade - Action is awesome, dynamic b/w Dr. Jones and Henry Jr is unparalleled, and the music as always brings a certain flare to the movie. I also thought the German girl was the hottest out of the trilogy.
5. Heat - Andy says it right when he says "Anyone who thought Heat was slow, wasn't paying attention." I'll admit the movie is long, but each scene has a purpose. Every scene progressed the story. The end gun scene was extremely dramatic and both Al Pacino and Robert Dinero played their parts well.
6. Good Will Hunting - I thought this movie was awesome when I first saw it. "How do you like them apples!?!" Matt Damon and Ben Affleck struck gold with this one. Acting was perfect, it had a little humor, and it had a romantics ending.
7. The Rock - I was trying not to repeat, but this movie was just too much fun. Great action, especially the car scene in the streets of SF with the perfect music sequence to go along w/ it. Nicholas Cage finally didn't look like a puss in my eyes and Sean Connery has such charisma that makes the Rock extremeley enjoyable. Did I mention the music kicked ass!
8. Bad Boys - Oh gosh, I know this is going to start a ruckus. Two ..count em'...two Michael Bay movies and 3 Jerry Bruckheimers? What can I say? I'm an action junkee. But add in the dynamic b/w Will Smith and Martin Lawrence and it makes this movie classic. How many times are we spouting off lines from this movie? Great lines, ok story, cool action sequences. Sorry Brendan, I know this hurts you crazy SFSU movie artists.
9. Kill Bill - I would have to see it again to confirm this choice, but damn, that movie had style. Each scene flowed well and I thought the action sequences were well shot, but also comical. The anime scene was pretty cool, yet gross..the music would never be my first choice to listen to, but it fit in perfectly with what Tarentino was trying to portray. I think Uma Thurman is uglier than sin, but she is a good assasin.
10. I wanted to put a strong comedy up here, but I can't think of one right now, so Old School gets my vote. It trailed at the end, but the first half hour was awesome. Plus Will Ferrel, Vince Vaughn and Luke Wilson in the same movie...it can't be bad haha. Sorry, I know that's a disappointing one to end on, but I can't think of anything.
Congrats to Brian on your job. I hope it gives you as much joy as Scandia did. Thanks again for the computer...you want to help me pay it off? haha
Matrix Revolutions
My, my, my. Compelling arguments on both sides. I don't want to argue, I just want to say my piece and get outta here. I thought the movie was pretty bad. I didn't like the story in 2 and 3. I like the visuals in 1 and 2. 3 kept the movie out of GOD AWFUL RANGE by having that cool battle scene with the robots. Those the robots were more like a school of fish rather than a sophisticated fighting machine, it still was amazing. Confused about the ending, but it's only because I'm not a real abstract thinker...thinking outside the box and shit. I didn't like the scene when they're going to talk to the French guy. The gun fight seemed like been there done that. I wasn't huge on the first Matrix and maybe that's why I wasn't huge on the last one. I wanted to see the Asian guy some more, but oh well...what can you do?
Web site
I'm completely redoing my Web site and it will be up and running....actually I don't have a time frame, but shoot, apparently we don't need to update. Brendan scan those pics so I can I have some content eh! hehe
Socom 2
What can I say? The game is bullshit, but I like it. You can come up w/ all the reasons you want and tell me how shitty the game is, but I still like it. Maybe it isn't even the game...maybe it's the team work and the communication. I like being able to say that we're unstoppable as a team. I like showing others that they can't be as good as us. I also like a challenge every so often, which Socom can bring. Some of our matches are so dramatic and so suspenseful, like u never know who's going to win..."Oh shit, turn around!"..."GRENADE!"...."Damn it Andy stop planting those claymores and help like the man you wish to be!" ...jk about the last comment. Andy is all man...75% of the time. When he's not talking about thread count. =)
The graphics are better, the controls feel a little better...the aiming and amount of hits to take to kill someone needs improvement.
Andy and I are ready and willing. He would respond, but he doesn't use the Internet apparently unless it's wireless.
Game Endings
I'll go on w/ this topic since no one else kept it going.
Dual endings are cool, but if I spent 40 hours trying to beat a game, you better believe I am not spending another 40 unless it is the best game in the world. Metal Gear Solid had a cool ending, a tad philosophical, but it was awesome. Kingdom Hearts was satisfying, though I hear I didn't get the "good one." Damn that! I hate games that give you like a 5 second bull shit ending, can't think of any games. But if I put in 10+ hours in a game, I want a damn story read to me before I go to bed.
Speaking of bed.....ZzZzzzZZzzzzz
Off the top of my head without looking or really thinking about what my top ten favorite movies are (no particular order, just depends how they go in my head):
1. Oceans 11 - great plot, smooth acting, smart movie. How can any movie that takes place in Vegas be bad. It also had a humorous side to it all.
2. Top Gun - Maverick is a pimp. Cool one liners, dope 80 music, "You lost that loving feeling," and of course the topless volleyball scene..oops...scratch that last point. But for reals, I thought this movie kicked ass as a kid and I still do as an adult. I know this was a Bruckheimer film and I know how some feel about him, but the man knows how to entertain crowds.
3. Lord of the Rings - I would say I like two towers better than the original only because the battle at the end was absolutely amazing. The movie is shot beautifully and the action sequences kick ass. The music in the movie is dramatic and the story flows well.
4. Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade - Action is awesome, dynamic b/w Dr. Jones and Henry Jr is unparalleled, and the music as always brings a certain flare to the movie. I also thought the German girl was the hottest out of the trilogy.
5. Heat - Andy says it right when he says "Anyone who thought Heat was slow, wasn't paying attention." I'll admit the movie is long, but each scene has a purpose. Every scene progressed the story. The end gun scene was extremely dramatic and both Al Pacino and Robert Dinero played their parts well.
6. Good Will Hunting - I thought this movie was awesome when I first saw it. "How do you like them apples!?!" Matt Damon and Ben Affleck struck gold with this one. Acting was perfect, it had a little humor, and it had a romantics ending.
7. The Rock - I was trying not to repeat, but this movie was just too much fun. Great action, especially the car scene in the streets of SF with the perfect music sequence to go along w/ it. Nicholas Cage finally didn't look like a puss in my eyes and Sean Connery has such charisma that makes the Rock extremeley enjoyable. Did I mention the music kicked ass!
8. Bad Boys - Oh gosh, I know this is going to start a ruckus. Two ..count em'...two Michael Bay movies and 3 Jerry Bruckheimers? What can I say? I'm an action junkee. But add in the dynamic b/w Will Smith and Martin Lawrence and it makes this movie classic. How many times are we spouting off lines from this movie? Great lines, ok story, cool action sequences. Sorry Brendan, I know this hurts you crazy SFSU movie artists.
9. Kill Bill - I would have to see it again to confirm this choice, but damn, that movie had style. Each scene flowed well and I thought the action sequences were well shot, but also comical. The anime scene was pretty cool, yet gross..the music would never be my first choice to listen to, but it fit in perfectly with what Tarentino was trying to portray. I think Uma Thurman is uglier than sin, but she is a good assasin.
10. I wanted to put a strong comedy up here, but I can't think of one right now, so Old School gets my vote. It trailed at the end, but the first half hour was awesome. Plus Will Ferrel, Vince Vaughn and Luke Wilson in the same movie...it can't be bad haha. Sorry, I know that's a disappointing one to end on, but I can't think of anything.
Congrats to Brian on your job. I hope it gives you as much joy as Scandia did. Thanks again for the computer...you want to help me pay it off? haha
Matrix Revolutions
My, my, my. Compelling arguments on both sides. I don't want to argue, I just want to say my piece and get outta here. I thought the movie was pretty bad. I didn't like the story in 2 and 3. I like the visuals in 1 and 2. 3 kept the movie out of GOD AWFUL RANGE by having that cool battle scene with the robots. Those the robots were more like a school of fish rather than a sophisticated fighting machine, it still was amazing. Confused about the ending, but it's only because I'm not a real abstract thinker...thinking outside the box and shit. I didn't like the scene when they're going to talk to the French guy. The gun fight seemed like been there done that. I wasn't huge on the first Matrix and maybe that's why I wasn't huge on the last one. I wanted to see the Asian guy some more, but oh well...what can you do?
Web site
I'm completely redoing my Web site and it will be up and running....actually I don't have a time frame, but shoot, apparently we don't need to update. Brendan scan those pics so I can I have some content eh! hehe
Socom 2
What can I say? The game is bullshit, but I like it. You can come up w/ all the reasons you want and tell me how shitty the game is, but I still like it. Maybe it isn't even the game...maybe it's the team work and the communication. I like being able to say that we're unstoppable as a team. I like showing others that they can't be as good as us. I also like a challenge every so often, which Socom can bring. Some of our matches are so dramatic and so suspenseful, like u never know who's going to win..."Oh shit, turn around!"..."GRENADE!"...."Damn it Andy stop planting those claymores and help like the man you wish to be!" ...jk about the last comment. Andy is all man...75% of the time. When he's not talking about thread count. =)
The graphics are better, the controls feel a little better...the aiming and amount of hits to take to kill someone needs improvement.
Andy and I are ready and willing. He would respond, but he doesn't use the Internet apparently unless it's wireless.
Game Endings
I'll go on w/ this topic since no one else kept it going.
Dual endings are cool, but if I spent 40 hours trying to beat a game, you better believe I am not spending another 40 unless it is the best game in the world. Metal Gear Solid had a cool ending, a tad philosophical, but it was awesome. Kingdom Hearts was satisfying, though I hear I didn't get the "good one." Damn that! I hate games that give you like a 5 second bull shit ending, can't think of any games. But if I put in 10+ hours in a game, I want a damn story read to me before I go to bed.
Speaking of bed.....ZzZzzzZZzzzzz
Ridiculous. Absolutely unbelievable. Jon who is THE MOST critical of us all likes Revolutions. First off let me clarify what I mean about special effects and me being in computer animation.
Do I have to spell out every little thing? I thought it might be assumed, but apparently not. By overrated and the effects...if The Matrix DID NOT have those special effects it would have been a cult favorite not the huge blockbuster that it was. Just because a film has a good idea and a good story doesn't make it a blockbuster, especially what The Matrix was financially. If that was the case then how come the Clint Eastwood film Mystic River is not a blockbuster? I have yet to see it, but they say the film is though provoking and awesome. Together with Sean Penn, how can it be horrible? In the end though it did not make a lot of money like The Matrix. For you to type that you think The Matrix would be just as huge as it is today without its special effects...in my book that is just being unreasonable. Remember Jon that not everyone is like you, just like not everyone is like me...majority of the people are happy seeing shit like a big special effects bonanza (cough cough...Pearl Harbor). The special effects in Matrix were cool. They were cool. THEY WERE COOL. For the Wack brother to add variations of the same shit (and I'm not saying that's not smart...if it ain't broke don't fix it) I just expected more from them as a wannabe filmmaker. Oh and that thing about me wanting to become a computer animator. That was character animation with a focus on creating shorts like Pixar. They don't combine live action but rely on animation as a whole...the typical way of animating...just like Disney. I was never into special effects. If you consider Nemo a special effect...I dunno...is it cutting edge..yeah...but that doesn't make it a special effect in my book. It's just traditional animation. Is animation considered a special effect? Not in filmmaking terms it's not.
I honestly can't believe you think that I shortchanged special effects. In fact that hurts. As a wannabe filmmaker don't you think that I understand that utilizing them is good? All I'm saying is that The Matrix relied to much on them to tell their story. Look at Star Wars Prequels...Lucas made everything CG and didn't it show? Again I don't understand how you can stand there and say that The Matrix Trilogy could stand on its own without the special effects...and then tell me that the Wack Fags didn't rely on them too much.
Not near perfect? It wasn't even near mediocre in my mind. Entertaining? I guess, but hardly. The final fight with Smith? You thought that was cool looking? They fly in figure eights and they float while doing traditional wrestling moves in the air. Is that cool? Isn't that why we don't like Jet Li anymore...well maybe just me. (Well I think he sold out with Matrix special effects). Oh look Neo got burned in what looks like one eye...BUT OH LOOK AT THAT...BOTH HIS EYES ARE FRIED. The sentinals had no new animation with them...its rehashed...all they did was form around like a big penis and take forever to kill that one fucking human being. Wait Neo and Trinity were in love? Got me. How bout...when Neo is fighting Smith in the real world...MR. AAAAAAANNNNDDDERRRSSOOOONN.....who are you? YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW WHO I AM MR. AAAANNNNDDDEEERRRSSSOOOOONNN? What? C'MON MR. AAAANNNDDDEERRRSSOOOOONNNN...it can't be....OH YES MR. ANNNNDDDEERRRSSSOOOOOONNN...give me a fucking break. The Trainman? Neo stuck in the train? What happened to his powers? Oh I guess he's a bitch now...Wait the French programmer is scared of a fucking pistol being held by Trinity? He's a fucking program...he's powerful...what the fuck is that? Oh another thing...If Neo killed Smith in the real world...why would it be hard for the machines to kill Smith? He's just a mortal body when he's in the real world. How in the fuck did he get in the real world anyway? One shot of Monica Bellucci? Where are the twins? What happened to them? Neo had about 28 minutes to screentime...as THE ONE shouldn't he have more? You know what's changed in the last 6 hours? Nothing....she was talking about the plot of the film by the way. Who cares about the two little girls with two cardboard tubes smashed together with matchboxes glued on them...who really cares? OOOHH...the guys fight upside down now and colums break just like the orignal Matrix. Did anyone fucking notice that the steel beams in Trinity bend when Neo touches them? Did you catch that or were you all choked up that the bitch finally got what she deserved for not learning a new move. Mr. Miyagi would be proud. There are more, but people probably stopped reading. Bottom line is I cannot enjoy a film with this many plot holes...THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LEAVING SOMETHING OPEN TO DISCUSS AND BRINGING SHIT UP IN A FILM THEN NOT RESOLVING THEM.
Another point while we are on this subject which people are all too tired reading about...fine you can think you win with the anime things here and there...maybe I thought of it too much as ripping it off, but the thing is that Tarantino in my book has been the first to combine an anime sequence with live action. There is a subtle difference between staying live action and doing the same shit rather than switching totally to anime. And where have you seen that style of anime before? In this case I think it worked excetionally well with Kill Bill. If it wasn't anime I think it would have been cheesy looking as a flashback in live action. You can say that I'm a "Kill Bill" whore and what not, but the imagery in that film was stunning and it was something "new" even though it took from samurai films. In The Matrix the idea and the effects combined with the cool story was something "new". By the second and third they didn't even fucking try. That is the difference.
Bottom line Jon we all know that something such as art is all opinionated. It's all in the eye of the beholder. Fuck I like old films...Funny Face, Trouble in Paradise, ..shit that you and most others wouldn't be caught dead watching. Through all the classes I dont' appreciate Bay like I once did...(yes I did like his films and I still do no matter how much I make fun of them...but some shit he does doesn't earn my respect anymore) because I learned how to look at a film in a very critical fashion. I appreciate the timing and pace of the film more than I once did. I appreciate the subtleties of the acting and I also appreciate the photography a lot more than I once did. On the first day of class my cinema teacher said that if you get into cinema you will have ruined a shitload of films for you to enjoy. That is true in my case. This doesn't make any of you any less of an expert because you haven't taken these classes or learned how to write a screenplay and about conflicts and resolutions and lighting and blah blah blah...all it means is that I am probably more critical than you in terms of films...yes even if its all opinionated...so going back to the beginning...perhaps you are not the most critical anymore when it comes to EVERYTHING. If you were then perhaps I should look for a new education.
Just because you and Steve like the Matrix Trilogy as a whole doesn't mean I think any less of your film choices. HOw can I? We both agree that it wasn't the best film...but we all like Swingers...we like Rounders...we like dick and fart jokes...and we like films like The Sting...the real bottom line is that it is different strokes for different people...I was just hoping that at least one of my friends would agree with me that the MAtrix 2 and 3 were horeshit on the filmic tip. That way I at least have some backup with my points...but I guess all the friends (about 3) in film class who are as critical as I am now will have to do.
I also don't have to write this, but just in case...I didn't take what you said personal obviously and I'm not hurt...but you know me better than that. By the way Jon...congrats on the update...and coming from me who have pressured you and tried to get you to get ur shit together...it was worth it. Keep it up! =)
1 + 1 = 2. YOU CAN'T ARGUE THAT.
Do I have to spell out every little thing? I thought it might be assumed, but apparently not. By overrated and the effects...if The Matrix DID NOT have those special effects it would have been a cult favorite not the huge blockbuster that it was. Just because a film has a good idea and a good story doesn't make it a blockbuster, especially what The Matrix was financially. If that was the case then how come the Clint Eastwood film Mystic River is not a blockbuster? I have yet to see it, but they say the film is though provoking and awesome. Together with Sean Penn, how can it be horrible? In the end though it did not make a lot of money like The Matrix. For you to type that you think The Matrix would be just as huge as it is today without its special effects...in my book that is just being unreasonable. Remember Jon that not everyone is like you, just like not everyone is like me...majority of the people are happy seeing shit like a big special effects bonanza (cough cough...Pearl Harbor). The special effects in Matrix were cool. They were cool. THEY WERE COOL. For the Wack brother to add variations of the same shit (and I'm not saying that's not smart...if it ain't broke don't fix it) I just expected more from them as a wannabe filmmaker. Oh and that thing about me wanting to become a computer animator. That was character animation with a focus on creating shorts like Pixar. They don't combine live action but rely on animation as a whole...the typical way of animating...just like Disney. I was never into special effects. If you consider Nemo a special effect...I dunno...is it cutting edge..yeah...but that doesn't make it a special effect in my book. It's just traditional animation. Is animation considered a special effect? Not in filmmaking terms it's not.
I honestly can't believe you think that I shortchanged special effects. In fact that hurts. As a wannabe filmmaker don't you think that I understand that utilizing them is good? All I'm saying is that The Matrix relied to much on them to tell their story. Look at Star Wars Prequels...Lucas made everything CG and didn't it show? Again I don't understand how you can stand there and say that The Matrix Trilogy could stand on its own without the special effects...and then tell me that the Wack Fags didn't rely on them too much.
Not near perfect? It wasn't even near mediocre in my mind. Entertaining? I guess, but hardly. The final fight with Smith? You thought that was cool looking? They fly in figure eights and they float while doing traditional wrestling moves in the air. Is that cool? Isn't that why we don't like Jet Li anymore...well maybe just me. (Well I think he sold out with Matrix special effects). Oh look Neo got burned in what looks like one eye...BUT OH LOOK AT THAT...BOTH HIS EYES ARE FRIED. The sentinals had no new animation with them...its rehashed...all they did was form around like a big penis and take forever to kill that one fucking human being. Wait Neo and Trinity were in love? Got me. How bout...when Neo is fighting Smith in the real world...MR. AAAAAAANNNNDDDERRRSSOOOONN.....who are you? YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW WHO I AM MR. AAAANNNNDDDEEERRRSSSOOOOONNN? What? C'MON MR. AAAANNNDDDEERRRSSOOOOONNNN...it can't be....OH YES MR. ANNNNDDDEERRRSSSOOOOOONNN...give me a fucking break. The Trainman? Neo stuck in the train? What happened to his powers? Oh I guess he's a bitch now...Wait the French programmer is scared of a fucking pistol being held by Trinity? He's a fucking program...he's powerful...what the fuck is that? Oh another thing...If Neo killed Smith in the real world...why would it be hard for the machines to kill Smith? He's just a mortal body when he's in the real world. How in the fuck did he get in the real world anyway? One shot of Monica Bellucci? Where are the twins? What happened to them? Neo had about 28 minutes to screentime...as THE ONE shouldn't he have more? You know what's changed in the last 6 hours? Nothing....she was talking about the plot of the film by the way. Who cares about the two little girls with two cardboard tubes smashed together with matchboxes glued on them...who really cares? OOOHH...the guys fight upside down now and colums break just like the orignal Matrix. Did anyone fucking notice that the steel beams in Trinity bend when Neo touches them? Did you catch that or were you all choked up that the bitch finally got what she deserved for not learning a new move. Mr. Miyagi would be proud. There are more, but people probably stopped reading. Bottom line is I cannot enjoy a film with this many plot holes...THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LEAVING SOMETHING OPEN TO DISCUSS AND BRINGING SHIT UP IN A FILM THEN NOT RESOLVING THEM.
Another point while we are on this subject which people are all too tired reading about...fine you can think you win with the anime things here and there...maybe I thought of it too much as ripping it off, but the thing is that Tarantino in my book has been the first to combine an anime sequence with live action. There is a subtle difference between staying live action and doing the same shit rather than switching totally to anime. And where have you seen that style of anime before? In this case I think it worked excetionally well with Kill Bill. If it wasn't anime I think it would have been cheesy looking as a flashback in live action. You can say that I'm a "Kill Bill" whore and what not, but the imagery in that film was stunning and it was something "new" even though it took from samurai films. In The Matrix the idea and the effects combined with the cool story was something "new". By the second and third they didn't even fucking try. That is the difference.
Bottom line Jon we all know that something such as art is all opinionated. It's all in the eye of the beholder. Fuck I like old films...Funny Face, Trouble in Paradise, ..shit that you and most others wouldn't be caught dead watching. Through all the classes I dont' appreciate Bay like I once did...(yes I did like his films and I still do no matter how much I make fun of them...but some shit he does doesn't earn my respect anymore) because I learned how to look at a film in a very critical fashion. I appreciate the timing and pace of the film more than I once did. I appreciate the subtleties of the acting and I also appreciate the photography a lot more than I once did. On the first day of class my cinema teacher said that if you get into cinema you will have ruined a shitload of films for you to enjoy. That is true in my case. This doesn't make any of you any less of an expert because you haven't taken these classes or learned how to write a screenplay and about conflicts and resolutions and lighting and blah blah blah...all it means is that I am probably more critical than you in terms of films...yes even if its all opinionated...so going back to the beginning...perhaps you are not the most critical anymore when it comes to EVERYTHING. If you were then perhaps I should look for a new education.
Just because you and Steve like the Matrix Trilogy as a whole doesn't mean I think any less of your film choices. HOw can I? We both agree that it wasn't the best film...but we all like Swingers...we like Rounders...we like dick and fart jokes...and we like films like The Sting...the real bottom line is that it is different strokes for different people...I was just hoping that at least one of my friends would agree with me that the MAtrix 2 and 3 were horeshit on the filmic tip. That way I at least have some backup with my points...but I guess all the friends (about 3) in film class who are as critical as I am now will have to do.
I also don't have to write this, but just in case...I didn't take what you said personal obviously and I'm not hurt...but you know me better than that. By the way Jon...congrats on the update...and coming from me who have pressured you and tried to get you to get ur shit together...it was worth it. Keep it up! =)
1 + 1 = 2. YOU CAN'T ARGUE THAT.
The Matrix
This is great! I haven't seen Revolutions yet, but now I can go in with really low expectations and come out pleasantly surprised. Or extremely disgusted and wanting money back, but I doubt that'll happen. I hope to see it this weekend, so I'll lay down the law after that...
... as it turns out, I took a break on the post, the weekend is now over, and I did go see the movie. Here's my take on the whole trilogy (DON'T READ THE SECTION FOR A MOVIE YOU HAVEN'T SEEN SINCE IT MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS):
The Matrix - Overall I liked the first one. It was based on an interesting idea with a lot of "whoa" moments, whether from sci-fi plot points or special effect flash magic. The action scenes were cool, although martial arts stuff looked floaty. It wasn't that sad when most of Morpheus's crew was betrayed and killed- bitchy Switch, horny Mouse, and that other guy no one even remembers. The romance aspect seemed thrown in. I thought the open ending worked well enough. So the first one was a nice balance of plot, ideas, and effects, with few complaints.
The Matrix Reloaded - After seeing this very effects-heavy movie, my favorite parts were the slow plot-relevant and/or thought-provoking ones: Neo's talks with the Councillor, the Oracle and the Architect. But these were short, and floaty fight scenes ran long with unthrilling music. The car chase and the Merovingian's guys in white were the action highlights, very well done. I could've done without Persephone's kiss and the whole cave party. Link's girl is fine. Once again, the romance... if your boyfriend had to manually massage your heart back to life, you probably wouldn't feel up to kissing right when you came back to life, but hey movie magic yay. In total, this one had some good elements but disappointed a bit too. Smith and Neo have powers that transcend the matrix... uh... wha... I was left hoping that the third would somehow tie everything up nice and neat.
The Matrix Revolutions - I feel bad for the guys who worked so hard on the opening sequence coming out of the Matrix viewscreen, they get no recognition. The best character was the guy whose only line was "I don't know... lieutenant!" It's like he's new on the job. Those key points taken care of, I thought this was a pretty good movie. Not near perfect, but certainly entertaining. The squid attack was cool. The fight between Neo and Smith brought back the excitement from the first one and added some new elements (water effects were sweet) instead of just the old pitter patter kick punch. The machine leader that Neo talked to was weird looking. Unfortunately, the end left a lot of questions unanswered, and not in a satisfying way like the first one. Hey, yeah... how about those real world powers? No? I can see how "plugging in" could connect your brain signals to a complex network like the matrix, but otherwise you can take the train? Ehh... And what's Smith's problem? Besides the smell. I like how there's supposed to be peace and the humans can be freed if they choose to. I bet none of them will be glad they did. Look at that place! Now you live in a metal box, eat goopy slop, and all with weird plugholes all over your body! Ladies don't love that. Stay in the matrix with your steak and pass the A1. But I guess they can be plugged back in like Cipher wanted. But it might be hard to willingly step into the bowl of pink sticky icky icky. The oracle really pisses me off with her attitude and unwrapped candy. Whatever happened to spoon boy and the other kids?
The only characters I came close to caring about were Morpheus (as the dreamer/believer) and Smith (as the wildcard attacking both sides). I agree that the movie worked better as a one shot than a trilogy, but I enjoyed parts here and there from the sequels despite their lesser underlying substance. I also agree Trinity needs another special move. I don't, however, blame the creators for combining aspects of things they have enjoyed and admired. First of all, they explained when The Matrix first came out that they loved kung fu movies and anime and stuff, and wanted to combine their favorite elements. They did it well and didn't go around claiming that they made all this stuff up, so it's mostly self indulgence and tribute, and only a ripoff from a very cynical standpoint. Okay, a tribute that they profited hugely from. For example, the Neo-Smith fight integrated some Dragon Ball style elements in a really cool way, and I'm glad they did it. Now if Neo's hair turned blond and spiky, that'd be crossing the line. And let's not forget the "awesome" Kill Bill. I saw elements from samurai movies. Shit, I saw elements from Samurai Shodown. And you want to talk about ripping off anime? Tarantino just stuck an anime clip in his live action movie. Gimmick? Yes. Argument? Please.
Ok enough. I mainly appreciate The Matrix as an interesting science fiction concept (mostly handled in the first movie), and the effects were extremely well done although they spoiled us the first time around. I'm still not sure if it'll have a permanent place in my DVD collection, but the ride, good and bad, was a memorable one.
Ok maybe not enough. In answer to Brendan's question about jobs depending on audience reception: standup comic. I mention this not to show I came up with a good answer, but because there is an analogy to go with it. Yeah. Analogy. SATs. 1560. Nerd. Hahaha SHUT UP. It seems like the discussion thus far (i.e. Brendan vs. Steve) has shortchanged special effects. "I did think it was overrated because I don't care how you say it...and you can't argue it...if it didn't have those effects it wouldn't have been what it was". What does that mean? You mention effects like a computer somehow automatically makes a movie better, and by cheating. Like it's nothing but a gimmick. This from the guy who wanted to do 3D animation. The Matrix was an interesting science fiction story. With the effects, it was an interesting science fiction story that looked really cool. Movies are reliant on writing, acting, visuals, and music. Visuals are important, and just because they use a computer to make something impossible look realistic doesn't make it bullshit. It's like a magic show. It's part of the escape from reality. If it doesn't look good, it will be distracting. Bad effects will distract from effective imagery just like bad acting will distract from a good script. So, the analogy. A standup comic's material can include jokes, voices, and impressions. But in addition, they can use facial expressions and gestures to enhance the performance. Physical comedy. Martin Lawrence and Jim Carrey come to mind. Of course, we wouldn't be fans of standup comics that just stood on stage silently making faces. But if they do a good job integrating the two, it's hilarious. I love Martin's facial expressions, and it's true that I wouldn't laugh as much if he didn't do them. The performance wouldn't be the same. But that doesn't make him overrated. It just means he has more tools to entertain with, and it's good that he's smart enough to use them. (DON'T EVER SAY YOU CAN'T ARGUE IT.)
SOCOM 2!!!
Nah, still don't give a shiet. Hopefully you'll get your money's worth. If not, there's always another shoot-kill-repeat game in the making, and a bunch of middle schoolers you can pick on from across the country haha have fun.
What's the deal with Sonoma anyway?!
I forgot to buy Karaoke Revolution too. DAMN it!
This is great! I haven't seen Revolutions yet, but now I can go in with really low expectations and come out pleasantly surprised. Or extremely disgusted and wanting money back, but I doubt that'll happen. I hope to see it this weekend, so I'll lay down the law after that...
... as it turns out, I took a break on the post, the weekend is now over, and I did go see the movie. Here's my take on the whole trilogy (DON'T READ THE SECTION FOR A MOVIE YOU HAVEN'T SEEN SINCE IT MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS):
The Matrix - Overall I liked the first one. It was based on an interesting idea with a lot of "whoa" moments, whether from sci-fi plot points or special effect flash magic. The action scenes were cool, although martial arts stuff looked floaty. It wasn't that sad when most of Morpheus's crew was betrayed and killed- bitchy Switch, horny Mouse, and that other guy no one even remembers. The romance aspect seemed thrown in. I thought the open ending worked well enough. So the first one was a nice balance of plot, ideas, and effects, with few complaints.
The Matrix Reloaded - After seeing this very effects-heavy movie, my favorite parts were the slow plot-relevant and/or thought-provoking ones: Neo's talks with the Councillor, the Oracle and the Architect. But these were short, and floaty fight scenes ran long with unthrilling music. The car chase and the Merovingian's guys in white were the action highlights, very well done. I could've done without Persephone's kiss and the whole cave party. Link's girl is fine. Once again, the romance... if your boyfriend had to manually massage your heart back to life, you probably wouldn't feel up to kissing right when you came back to life, but hey movie magic yay. In total, this one had some good elements but disappointed a bit too. Smith and Neo have powers that transcend the matrix... uh... wha... I was left hoping that the third would somehow tie everything up nice and neat.
The Matrix Revolutions - I feel bad for the guys who worked so hard on the opening sequence coming out of the Matrix viewscreen, they get no recognition. The best character was the guy whose only line was "I don't know... lieutenant!" It's like he's new on the job. Those key points taken care of, I thought this was a pretty good movie. Not near perfect, but certainly entertaining. The squid attack was cool. The fight between Neo and Smith brought back the excitement from the first one and added some new elements (water effects were sweet) instead of just the old pitter patter kick punch. The machine leader that Neo talked to was weird looking. Unfortunately, the end left a lot of questions unanswered, and not in a satisfying way like the first one. Hey, yeah... how about those real world powers? No? I can see how "plugging in" could connect your brain signals to a complex network like the matrix, but otherwise you can take the train? Ehh... And what's Smith's problem? Besides the smell. I like how there's supposed to be peace and the humans can be freed if they choose to. I bet none of them will be glad they did. Look at that place! Now you live in a metal box, eat goopy slop, and all with weird plugholes all over your body! Ladies don't love that. Stay in the matrix with your steak and pass the A1. But I guess they can be plugged back in like Cipher wanted. But it might be hard to willingly step into the bowl of pink sticky icky icky. The oracle really pisses me off with her attitude and unwrapped candy. Whatever happened to spoon boy and the other kids?
The only characters I came close to caring about were Morpheus (as the dreamer/believer) and Smith (as the wildcard attacking both sides). I agree that the movie worked better as a one shot than a trilogy, but I enjoyed parts here and there from the sequels despite their lesser underlying substance. I also agree Trinity needs another special move. I don't, however, blame the creators for combining aspects of things they have enjoyed and admired. First of all, they explained when The Matrix first came out that they loved kung fu movies and anime and stuff, and wanted to combine their favorite elements. They did it well and didn't go around claiming that they made all this stuff up, so it's mostly self indulgence and tribute, and only a ripoff from a very cynical standpoint. Okay, a tribute that they profited hugely from. For example, the Neo-Smith fight integrated some Dragon Ball style elements in a really cool way, and I'm glad they did it. Now if Neo's hair turned blond and spiky, that'd be crossing the line. And let's not forget the "awesome" Kill Bill. I saw elements from samurai movies. Shit, I saw elements from Samurai Shodown. And you want to talk about ripping off anime? Tarantino just stuck an anime clip in his live action movie. Gimmick? Yes. Argument? Please.
Ok enough. I mainly appreciate The Matrix as an interesting science fiction concept (mostly handled in the first movie), and the effects were extremely well done although they spoiled us the first time around. I'm still not sure if it'll have a permanent place in my DVD collection, but the ride, good and bad, was a memorable one.
Ok maybe not enough. In answer to Brendan's question about jobs depending on audience reception: standup comic. I mention this not to show I came up with a good answer, but because there is an analogy to go with it. Yeah. Analogy. SATs. 1560. Nerd. Hahaha SHUT UP. It seems like the discussion thus far (i.e. Brendan vs. Steve) has shortchanged special effects. "I did think it was overrated because I don't care how you say it...and you can't argue it...if it didn't have those effects it wouldn't have been what it was". What does that mean? You mention effects like a computer somehow automatically makes a movie better, and by cheating. Like it's nothing but a gimmick. This from the guy who wanted to do 3D animation. The Matrix was an interesting science fiction story. With the effects, it was an interesting science fiction story that looked really cool. Movies are reliant on writing, acting, visuals, and music. Visuals are important, and just because they use a computer to make something impossible look realistic doesn't make it bullshit. It's like a magic show. It's part of the escape from reality. If it doesn't look good, it will be distracting. Bad effects will distract from effective imagery just like bad acting will distract from a good script. So, the analogy. A standup comic's material can include jokes, voices, and impressions. But in addition, they can use facial expressions and gestures to enhance the performance. Physical comedy. Martin Lawrence and Jim Carrey come to mind. Of course, we wouldn't be fans of standup comics that just stood on stage silently making faces. But if they do a good job integrating the two, it's hilarious. I love Martin's facial expressions, and it's true that I wouldn't laugh as much if he didn't do them. The performance wouldn't be the same. But that doesn't make him overrated. It just means he has more tools to entertain with, and it's good that he's smart enough to use them. (DON'T EVER SAY YOU CAN'T ARGUE IT.)
SOCOM 2!!!
Nah, still don't give a shiet. Hopefully you'll get your money's worth. If not, there's always another shoot-kill-repeat game in the making, and a bunch of middle schoolers you can pick on from across the country haha have fun.
What's the deal with Sonoma anyway?!
I forgot to buy Karaoke Revolution too. DAMN it!
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