Ok, so it's been how long since I've last posted...
Off the top of my head without looking or really thinking about what my top ten favorite movies are (no particular order, just depends how they go in my head):
1. Oceans 11 - great plot, smooth acting, smart movie. How can any movie that takes place in Vegas be bad. It also had a humorous side to it all.
2. Top Gun - Maverick is a pimp. Cool one liners, dope 80 music, "You lost that loving feeling," and of course the topless volleyball scene..oops...scratch that last point. But for reals, I thought this movie kicked ass as a kid and I still do as an adult. I know this was a Bruckheimer film and I know how some feel about him, but the man knows how to entertain crowds.
3. Lord of the Rings - I would say I like two towers better than the original only because the battle at the end was absolutely amazing. The movie is shot beautifully and the action sequences kick ass. The music in the movie is dramatic and the story flows well.
4. Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade - Action is awesome, dynamic b/w Dr. Jones and Henry Jr is unparalleled, and the music as always brings a certain flare to the movie. I also thought the German girl was the hottest out of the trilogy.
5. Heat - Andy says it right when he says "Anyone who thought Heat was slow, wasn't paying attention." I'll admit the movie is long, but each scene has a purpose. Every scene progressed the story. The end gun scene was extremely dramatic and both Al Pacino and Robert Dinero played their parts well.
6. Good Will Hunting - I thought this movie was awesome when I first saw it. "How do you like them apples!?!" Matt Damon and Ben Affleck struck gold with this one. Acting was perfect, it had a little humor, and it had a romantics ending.
7. The Rock - I was trying not to repeat, but this movie was just too much fun. Great action, especially the car scene in the streets of SF with the perfect music sequence to go along w/ it. Nicholas Cage finally didn't look like a puss in my eyes and Sean Connery has such charisma that makes the Rock extremeley enjoyable. Did I mention the music kicked ass!
8. Bad Boys - Oh gosh, I know this is going to start a ruckus. Two ..count em'...two Michael Bay movies and 3 Jerry Bruckheimers? What can I say? I'm an action junkee. But add in the dynamic b/w Will Smith and Martin Lawrence and it makes this movie classic. How many times are we spouting off lines from this movie? Great lines, ok story, cool action sequences. Sorry Brendan, I know this hurts you crazy SFSU movie artists.
9. Kill Bill - I would have to see it again to confirm this choice, but damn, that movie had style. Each scene flowed well and I thought the action sequences were well shot, but also comical. The anime scene was pretty cool, yet gross..the music would never be my first choice to listen to, but it fit in perfectly with what Tarentino was trying to portray. I think Uma Thurman is uglier than sin, but she is a good assasin.
10. I wanted to put a strong comedy up here, but I can't think of one right now, so Old School gets my vote. It trailed at the end, but the first half hour was awesome. Plus Will Ferrel, Vince Vaughn and Luke Wilson in the same movie...it can't be bad haha. Sorry, I know that's a disappointing one to end on, but I can't think of anything.
Congrats to Brian on your job. I hope it gives you as much joy as Scandia did. Thanks again for the computer...you want to help me pay it off? haha
Matrix Revolutions
My, my, my. Compelling arguments on both sides. I don't want to argue, I just want to say my piece and get outta here. I thought the movie was pretty bad. I didn't like the story in 2 and 3. I like the visuals in 1 and 2. 3 kept the movie out of GOD AWFUL RANGE by having that cool battle scene with the robots. Those the robots were more like a school of fish rather than a sophisticated fighting machine, it still was amazing. Confused about the ending, but it's only because I'm not a real abstract thinker...thinking outside the box and shit. I didn't like the scene when they're going to talk to the French guy. The gun fight seemed like been there done that. I wasn't huge on the first Matrix and maybe that's why I wasn't huge on the last one. I wanted to see the Asian guy some more, but oh well...what can you do?
Web site
I'm completely redoing my Web site and it will be up and running....actually I don't have a time frame, but shoot, apparently we don't need to update. Brendan scan those pics so I can I have some content eh! hehe
Socom 2
What can I say? The game is bullshit, but I like it. You can come up w/ all the reasons you want and tell me how shitty the game is, but I still like it. Maybe it isn't even the game...maybe it's the team work and the communication. I like being able to say that we're unstoppable as a team. I like showing others that they can't be as good as us. I also like a challenge every so often, which Socom can bring. Some of our matches are so dramatic and so suspenseful, like u never know who's going to win..."Oh shit, turn around!"..."GRENADE!"...."Damn it Andy stop planting those claymores and help like the man you wish to be!" ...jk about the last comment. Andy is all man...75% of the time. When he's not talking about thread count. =)
The graphics are better, the controls feel a little better...the aiming and amount of hits to take to kill someone needs improvement.
Andy and I are ready and willing. He would respond, but he doesn't use the Internet apparently unless it's wireless.
Game Endings
I'll go on w/ this topic since no one else kept it going.
Dual endings are cool, but if I spent 40 hours trying to beat a game, you better believe I am not spending another 40 unless it is the best game in the world. Metal Gear Solid had a cool ending, a tad philosophical, but it was awesome. Kingdom Hearts was satisfying, though I hear I didn't get the "good one." Damn that! I hate games that give you like a 5 second bull shit ending, can't think of any games. But if I put in 10+ hours in a game, I want a damn story read to me before I go to bed.
Speaking of bed.....ZzZzzzZZzzzzz
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