I got a lot to say, but I don't want to totally bore you. I'm glad Pooky has kicked up a bit in the last couple of weeks. I guess arguments make for good conversation. Even if Jon has no idea what he is talking about. Haha. So on to the blog.
Kevin Regarding Socom II
...you are going to hate this game. You got to play it. You enjoyed it. Just wait. We can't wait for you to get on well...because we can't win shit. I can't believe I'm saying this...but it's true. We can't win shit. Obviously are strategy of just separating and getting massive amount of kills just don't cut it this time. Perhaps we need to actually work as a team. With that in mind...Kevin you better have a headset and Andy...I think its time for you to fork over some money for another fuck'n headset because we have no communication whatsoever. None.
My Film
I still hate Bruckheimer, but I have a little more respect in what he does. Well actually I don't. So far I'm going nuts about what we need and what we don't have to film this thing. So far my budget...well fuck it. We don't have a budget because we never agreed on how muich we are going to spend. So as the exec-producer I've decided to spend as much as we need and collect from my crew. They have no choice and they already agreed to give me whatever I need. I've been bouncing around figures to all of you who have asked and some who haven't, but I think the final rundown is probably about 1000.00. That's not counting the 1250.00 I have to stick down for insurance. Jesus this film better be good...and this just an intro to production class...but Jon knows what it is like to put out something in the name of art. I am very anal on how this is going to look and won't settle for anything but perfection. Just like Jon and his long, LOOOONG awaited update.
Karaoke Revolution. Why don't you get a real fucking game. POP:SOT is fucking awesome and the control is top fucking notch. MarioKart DD is fun...and fun...and beautiful. Jon you should come over and try it since I haven't seen you in awhile. Oh yeah remind me that I got your NYX #2. Happy Birthday again. I got some suggestions for you Brian on your CEC. Perhaps you should make the arcade dark. Then get those pizza order pac mans on the television screen. Then get a cool water fountain with cool colors. Then get an old shool After Burner game in which you get to sit in the cockpit. Basically turn it into Bullwinkles because I got about 2000 tickets to turn in. As far as I know the other Bullwinkles is in Portland or some shit.
Linkin Park and DMB Live
I know a lot of you probably think that DMB live is getting old. Well there is a 18 minute version of 2-step that I think blows away the Red Rocks version. There is an 11 minute jam session of Crush. A lot of old school Dave with not too much new school Dave. I used to think Listener Supported's Watchtower was the best...but I'm feeling this NYC one even more. Dave goes fucking nuts. Linkin Park Live sounds just like their album. Chester seems to have more feeling when he sings. My mom thinks she can make it in the mosh pit when/if she gets to their concert. I tried to talk her out of it, but she grounded me from my Mario Kart. Fuck that. I'm an adult. Living with the 'rents. With no career in sight.
Tony and Hapachan and Major Pain or Payne or whatever
Since you put this film as one of your top tens I come to realize that perhaps you have only seen 11 films in your lifetime...the eleventh one being Legends of the Fall. So I totally understand why you put Major Pain, but if you ever need to borrow some films...Blockbuster is not that far away. BTW thank you for not putting on M Night's Poonjabishalankajamawangsta's films. That fuck'n raghead...here's a twist for you...make a movie without a twist. OOOOOOOoooooooohhhhhhhhh...so creative. (Jon's gonna say something about my film I'm working on now...so go ahead and say it...you are never going to see it...hehe) Rudy was the most inspiring? I dunno how it can compete with the Mighty Ducks. Quack, quack, quack, quack...
Tony's Top Ten Request
I guarantee you put that "in the past" comment just for me. And for good fucking reason. At first I was torn between Mandy Moore and Hilary Duff, but now I can safely say Audrey somewhere on that list...ahem..number one. But I'll post this list up later. I think I can probably answer this with one good night of thinking. How should one pick an actress? Looks? Skill? Personality? I guess it all depends, but I am sure (FOR THOSE WHO PARTICIPATE...SHIT I THOUGHT WE WERE ALL LISTING WHORES) there will be some flame wars with these lists. Just like when I say, "The Rock? ARe you kidding me. Sean Connery couldn't save that fucking movie even if he looked like he wanted to be there...guarantee that was a paycheck movie for him." That kinda shit. Hehe. Just so I don't get any hate mail I'll make fun of my own choice. "Breakfast at Tiffany's? That cracker playing the Nip is so fucking racist...and why do they all act like they just came off Broadway? Isn't Casablanca in black and white? The fucking nerve..."
This show is so good.
I think that's all for now. But you can bet your ass I'm gonna blog tomorrow...Gothika comes out tomorrow I think...NO NOT THAT GIRL WALKING...NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
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