- Princess Leia in the metal bikini -> Lucas was a genius. That was the hottest thing I'd ever seen.
- Anakin being such a puss. Whining all Episode II and III, then being such a pimp ass as Darth Vader that didn't take no shit from no one. I never understood why he was taking orders from Governors and stuff, when he was like the Vice-President of the Empire.
- Han Solo - that character just kicks ass. He had the pimp lines, got the girl, and he did things old school. Well old school in our sense with guns and fists.
- C-3Po whines worse then Anakin. He had some comic relief in the Episode I and II w/ some cheesy lines. Overall I could've done with a cooler droid.
- The newer episodes had some gimicky shit like R2-D2 and his amazing powers that were never shown in 4 - 6. Yoda fighting in II was a little bit of a stretch. Though I hate to admit I fell for it and loved those parts.
- I enjoyed how all the big battle scenes were shot especially the Battle on Hoth, Clone Battle on Geonosis, and the Ewoks.
- Luke becoming a Jedi seems almost effortless. For Anakin it took years, tons of fights, battles, etc. (most they don't show, but talk about). Luke pretty much has no mentor, never got into any major fights with his light sabre until Return of the Jedi, but I guess he's just a natural.
- The final fight scene in Revenge of the Sith is the best of all the movies. I enjoyed Obi Wan's speech at the end. He seems to be the only character that can act in any sort of manner.
- The music makes the movies. They add a great atmosphere when you're watching them. Everytime those songs come on, you can almost see the scenes in your head.
- I liked the whole idea of the force. I think it's cool that Lucas was able to make up his own sort of religion that people put a lot of stock and belief in. And with these ideals he came up with a spin-off of the force being the Sith. I wish they would've at least mentioned the Sith in Episode 4 - 6, since there was such a big emphasis on them in the prequels.
I had a blast playing poker with you guys. It's been fun times and I hope we get to play more often. The tournaments are going smoothly and I think we have a good system going on. Thank the Tournament Director, not the host...but the program.
I hear football is the next game of choice. I'm like a freight train...choo choo baby....
Thanks to the Horiuchi Clan for the Memorial Day BBQ, it was absolutely delightful.
A very interesting place indeed. I can't wait until Kevin moves into a town where he hangs out with people his own age and where I'm not the most looked at person. (Not because of my dashing good looks)
I had an awesome time getting free food, seeing the night scene, and just hanging out with my ol' buddy Kev. The cheeseburger I had was quite good, I must admit. At least I got to walk out of Crash with Kevin and made him feel proud that he was the only person who brought a minority. He's breaking the racial barrier everyday.
General thanks to everyone who have been there for me. I appreciate everyone who has listened to my babbling over the past month or so. Things are tough but I'm keeping my head up.