Spaghetti Westerns - Again I will go into detail more than you will want to know...but it relates to my opinion so sorry Steve if this isn't your answer of either "yes" or "no, they are janky".
Spaghetti Westerns were called this because by 1960 the Western was slowly going downhill in the States. If you have ever seen one of these early Westerns like Ford's My Darling Clementine...I think you will agree with me that they suck shit. (Although I do like High Noon) I mean after Val Kilmer is THE DOC of any can you enjoy these old ass fucking films with a shittier Doc? So enter Spaghetti Westerns. The Italians loved the Westerns, but since they were going downhill it was hard to get in Italy. So the Italians said, "Fuck it...we play soccer...I bet we can make a Western film too!" Well it turns out...they could. If you don't already know...A Fistfull of Dollars is actually part of a trilogy...the second being For a Few Dollars More and finally the most popular spaghetti of all...The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. These are actually quite entertaining (well I don't remember every single of these in great detail...) but I do remember tight editing and awesome camera angles.
Of course when these came out critics hated them. These were nothing like the "hero" of the typical American Western where the "hero" (pardon my theory here...please God forbid me for bringing this BS up) is essentially all the good in society trying to bring an "Eastern" (more civilized than the west was) type feel to the dirty "Western" frontier. Well the Italians said, "'s a meeh western". So they made their own with more violence and with better villians. Better meaning more violent. All the stereotypes you think of a Western came from these Spaghetti Westerns. Before these the WEstern was slow and methodical without a lot of violence...hard to believe but trust me...I sat through them and wanted to rip out my eyes...
So in my opinion Steve...the Italians turned that Western into what we see today (except Open Range or whatever the fuck Costner is doing with Annette Benning) and propelled Eastwood into the image he has today. (Minus the image of being a golf whore in Carmel) Also most of these are based on Kurosawa films and how can you go wrong with that? Instead of swords they have pistols. And they speak english.
The best thing about these is that they don't try to be something they are not. They are simple action films on the Western tip. Without these there wouldn't be Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid poster on my mom's old room. These Westerns made the States think that they can do better, more epic films. This of course would take us to today. So Steve I think you should check these out...if you don't like them, than at least you can say that you have seen these films that you hear about all the time.
I wish I can like Bay films for all the action too...this film major just fucked up films for me for the rest of my chowdernutty life...sorry if I went in depth too much, but hopefully this will help you appreciate them.
Fade out...with Morricone's score...(yes you know what I'm talking about..the cliche tune that you hear when there is about to be a gunfight at noon...if you can hear it you would know what I'm talking about...)
Nov 14, 2003
Nov 12, 2003
Shit I didn't respond to that...fuck I better get on it...shorter I promise in a bit.
San Jose Merc is wack ass. Agreed.
Matrix is more raw. Agreed.
I like putting you crosshairs. You are the only one that argues back big time with me.
Yeah I know you weren't aiming at me. But isn't it fun to act like we hate each other...I mean we act right? Right?
Icon = Awesome. Don't ever diss my creativity. Haha. That cloud is classic.
You PMS?
Mint Chocochip is better than Strawberry.
Troy might not be bad. Derek is happy that Pitt is wearinga skirt. Ask him.
How vast can my knowledge be? I just watched Swingers again last night.
Poker rooms are good. Don't listen to Brian...or Bryant...or Kevin...or Jon...
Social retard was sarcasm? You can't lie to a liar. Haha.
My bitter ass just compares to your bitter ass. So without you being on top of the bitter asshole world, you are bitter because your bitterness is being attacked by someone who is just as bitter in this bitter, bitter world. I'll have a piece of that bitternut peacan pie please.
San Jose Merc is wack ass. Agreed.
Matrix is more raw. Agreed.
I like putting you crosshairs. You are the only one that argues back big time with me.
Yeah I know you weren't aiming at me. But isn't it fun to act like we hate each other...I mean we act right? Right?
Icon = Awesome. Don't ever diss my creativity. Haha. That cloud is classic.
You PMS?
Mint Chocochip is better than Strawberry.
Troy might not be bad. Derek is happy that Pitt is wearinga skirt. Ask him.
How vast can my knowledge be? I just watched Swingers again last night.
Poker rooms are good. Don't listen to Brian...or Bryant...or Kevin...or Jon...
Social retard was sarcasm? You can't lie to a liar. Haha.
My bitter ass just compares to your bitter ass. So without you being on top of the bitter asshole world, you are bitter because your bitterness is being attacked by someone who is just as bitter in this bitter, bitter world. I'll have a piece of that bitternut peacan pie please.
thanks for responding so quickly. No really. It gives me something to do at work.
stop lying brendan. I know you hated it. Stop it. No. no. NO! You hated it!!! Anyways, i wasn't implying that you were a counter culture mother fucker. If you were, you wouldn't be taking any shower, you would never go to the movie theater, watching only indie pics on your old camera (the kind that the teachers used in grad skoo when they should us those ghetto documentaries on where tomatoes come from). Besides your lack of showers, i doubt that you are a hippie fuck who hates mainstream. You are however, a bitter ass who writes too damn much.
no, it's the critics that i meant were the artsy counter culture mother fuckers. Especially those idiots at San Jose Merc. They HATE every single fucking movie that comes out in more than one theater, but absolutely love that movie that no one has ever heard of, that's showing at Camera 11 in downtown. I hated that shit.
As for the social retard point, that's sarcasm. I know i'm a fucking genious, dont you worry. And yes jon, I know i misspelled "genius" was part of the joke, you anal bitch.
anyways, i didn't read the rest of your post, cuz you wrote too damn much. Give me an hour more of work, and i'm sure i'll read the rest of it. ..fuck..i just read it. Guess i'll have to do some work now. oh wells. anyways, yeh..i dont think the matrix was bad, but i dont' think it was brilliant either. I honestly think why more people liked the first movie was because it was new, but also because it was more raw. There was a definite less amount of CGI in the first one, so they had to rely more upon good acting ("whoa"), an interesting storyline, and especially lots and lots of kung fu. Maybe that's why it was good too. Anytime you have white people doing good kung fu, it's cool. You have an asian do it tho (2 and 3), and now ur just pushing a sterotype. Fucker.
Anyways, a few more things, or rather, a summary
1)fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
2)I hate you brendan
3)I'm right, and eveyrone else is wrong
4) there is no #4, fuck you.
5) never put me in your crosshairs again. I will destroy you.
6) Brian, if you work as the guy in the mouse suit, you will also be destroyed
Also, I was pms'ing yesterday, and we ran out of strawberry ice cream. I was cranky. Oh nm, I mean it was cuz lack of sleep. I would say i was having a bad day, but excuses like that are bullshit. I love it when people say shit like that when they treated you like shit before ("hey man fuck you". Next day: "oh sorry..I was tired..and cranky" which really means "I hate you"). Whatevers. I was in a bad mood. Go figure. Don't like that response?? Look at my fucking icon, dumbshit.
The last samurai...good god. Besides it being wait, that's it. It's bullshit. I think i've gotten over the high school insecurity of white guys hooking up with asian girls, so i think that's the only reason. oh well, there's always "troy"...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Fuck it, i'm renting Air Bud and Rosemary's Baby.
Yes brendan, your knowledge of the movie world is vast compared to mine. I'll admit that. I just dont' watch a lot of movies. Maybe it's lack of money, or lack of good movies. who knows. Or maybe i just need to get my head out of my ass and stop watching nothing but "rounders" and "swingers".
- - -
on a final realistic note, this year i will only be getting these days off: Thanksgiving and the day after, xmas and the day after. Other than that, i will be back in san diego.
on another side note, i actually went to a poker room to check it out. I didn't play tho, cuz i was too nervous. Good observation session tho. I'll play next time. And probably lose. There are some sorry ass poker players at the indian casinos tho. I saw a lady lose about 150...chasing bullshit actions and on HUGE dumb bitch.
damn i'm bitter today.
stop lying brendan. I know you hated it. Stop it. No. no. NO! You hated it!!! Anyways, i wasn't implying that you were a counter culture mother fucker. If you were, you wouldn't be taking any shower, you would never go to the movie theater, watching only indie pics on your old camera (the kind that the teachers used in grad skoo when they should us those ghetto documentaries on where tomatoes come from). Besides your lack of showers, i doubt that you are a hippie fuck who hates mainstream. You are however, a bitter ass who writes too damn much.
no, it's the critics that i meant were the artsy counter culture mother fuckers. Especially those idiots at San Jose Merc. They HATE every single fucking movie that comes out in more than one theater, but absolutely love that movie that no one has ever heard of, that's showing at Camera 11 in downtown. I hated that shit.
As for the social retard point, that's sarcasm. I know i'm a fucking genious, dont you worry. And yes jon, I know i misspelled "genius" was part of the joke, you anal bitch.
anyways, i didn't read the rest of your post, cuz you wrote too damn much. Give me an hour more of work, and i'm sure i'll read the rest of it. ..fuck..i just read it. Guess i'll have to do some work now. oh wells. anyways, yeh..i dont think the matrix was bad, but i dont' think it was brilliant either. I honestly think why more people liked the first movie was because it was new, but also because it was more raw. There was a definite less amount of CGI in the first one, so they had to rely more upon good acting ("whoa"), an interesting storyline, and especially lots and lots of kung fu. Maybe that's why it was good too. Anytime you have white people doing good kung fu, it's cool. You have an asian do it tho (2 and 3), and now ur just pushing a sterotype. Fucker.
Anyways, a few more things, or rather, a summary
1)fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
2)I hate you brendan
3)I'm right, and eveyrone else is wrong
4) there is no #4, fuck you.
5) never put me in your crosshairs again. I will destroy you.
6) Brian, if you work as the guy in the mouse suit, you will also be destroyed
Also, I was pms'ing yesterday, and we ran out of strawberry ice cream. I was cranky. Oh nm, I mean it was cuz lack of sleep. I would say i was having a bad day, but excuses like that are bullshit. I love it when people say shit like that when they treated you like shit before ("hey man fuck you". Next day: "oh sorry..I was tired..and cranky" which really means "I hate you"). Whatevers. I was in a bad mood. Go figure. Don't like that response?? Look at my fucking icon, dumbshit.
The last samurai...good god. Besides it being wait, that's it. It's bullshit. I think i've gotten over the high school insecurity of white guys hooking up with asian girls, so i think that's the only reason. oh well, there's always "troy"...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Fuck it, i'm renting Air Bud and Rosemary's Baby.
Yes brendan, your knowledge of the movie world is vast compared to mine. I'll admit that. I just dont' watch a lot of movies. Maybe it's lack of money, or lack of good movies. who knows. Or maybe i just need to get my head out of my ass and stop watching nothing but "rounders" and "swingers".
- - -
on a final realistic note, this year i will only be getting these days off: Thanksgiving and the day after, xmas and the day after. Other than that, i will be back in san diego.
on another side note, i actually went to a poker room to check it out. I didn't play tho, cuz i was too nervous. Good observation session tho. I'll play next time. And probably lose. There are some sorry ass poker players at the indian casinos tho. I saw a lady lose about 150...chasing bullshit actions and on HUGE dumb bitch.
damn i'm bitter today.
Haha. Talk about having a bitter taste in your mouth.
For your information I did like the Matrix. I liked the story. I liked the effects (at that point and one can make an argument about how I didn't like them anywhere since everyone else copied them, however I truly gave it respect for what it did visually and didn't allow anyone else who copied it ruin it for me) and I like how it flowed. It did bring a somewhat original idea to the mix although maybe we can ask someone like Jon whether or not Plato was the first to talk about being "jacked in". No Steve I did like the first one...and I didn't say that the third was in godlike proportions of being total shit. Compared to Reloaded it was a fucking Oscar worthy the robots of course. For you to think that I hated it just because I'm some "artsy counter culture mother fucker" well you are totally wrong...and coming from you who bashes religion and the ultimate Lion Voltron... Haha.
My point was not to fucking say that you are a "social retard", but rather your quote was perfect for what I was trying to say in that Matrix 2 and 3 should not have been made. From a fiscal standpoint it should have, but maybe they shouldn't have been so quick to rush the story out. You don't need to apologize for something you like...shit I like dropping but you clearly don't like that...haha. I'm sorry my quote seemed aimed at you...but you had a argument that a lot of people used for were 100 percent confident that it could be saved solely on the fact that it was the middle movie.
The point about doing something that a shitload of people like then down the road not being able to compete with it...well I should hope so. It raises the bar for the person doing it and receiving sometihng creative. Since the Matrix was dope and I did like it (Yes I did think it was overrated because I don't care how you say it...and you can't argue it...if it didn't have those effects it wouldn't have been what it was, but it doesn't take away from the fact that I liked it.) so why should I not fucking expect sometihng stronger from them when they had more money and more resources to tell their story? So basically you are saying you shouldn't do your best becuase you are afraid you can't top that...well I prefer to keep trying to top myself and to top other's expectations...and film is perfect for career is so much placed on how the public recieves you. If you can think of another occupation let me know. Granted the President and other political offices..but they get paid no matter what once they get people happy once during voting season. Music is another one that is probably parallel with film. So don't mention that one.
Pixar keeps getting better and better with their story telling and imagination. They know the bar is raised so they do everything they can to meet that expecation...its this bar that helps us see new things in new light and in a creative fashion. If everyone said, "oh man that was sick...the best shit I'd ever seen and probably will ever see" then our films would suck shit. That goes for music, art, books and whatever else you can think of. Of course this point it worthless to you since you dind't like Nemo...hehe...
A perfect example. I liked the first Star Wars Trilogy. Then Episode One came out...were my expectations met? FUck no. Why weren't they met? BEcause I know Lucas and his imagination dream team could do a lot fucking better than what they came up with. Even ILM is going downhill it terms of CGI. Same it true for Matrix. First one...good...second one...ugh...
So Steve I didn't bash it because everyone else liked it...on the contrary I probably should have said it was the best film ever. I also dind't bash it because I'm a "counter culture mother fucker", I bashed it because I truly thought the Wackowski brothers were bringing something new to the table. Something never seen's fine if they couldn't meet those expecations...but it seems that they didn't even try and copped out two stories to make more's like finding out your daddy is Santa Claus while fucking a dog dressed as an elf...(No, I never had a dog). A huge dissappointment.
On a side note I'm sure some of my reviews piss you guys off since I might be turning into the students that I talk shit about in class...reading too much into a film...but if any of you have made movies before you understand how hard it is to convey is a language. It reads generally as visual to most people (ahem...Bay...) but for others and for myself I try to think of ways to convey something and tap into the viewer...perhaps I am turning abstract. Perhaps I am slowly turnign into someone who you won't want to go see films with or discuss films with...but this does have one positive spin...
I don't have to buy as many DVD's as you will. Haha.
On another side note...I'm with Steve...Last Samurai...jesus shit...
For your information I did like the Matrix. I liked the story. I liked the effects (at that point and one can make an argument about how I didn't like them anywhere since everyone else copied them, however I truly gave it respect for what it did visually and didn't allow anyone else who copied it ruin it for me) and I like how it flowed. It did bring a somewhat original idea to the mix although maybe we can ask someone like Jon whether or not Plato was the first to talk about being "jacked in". No Steve I did like the first one...and I didn't say that the third was in godlike proportions of being total shit. Compared to Reloaded it was a fucking Oscar worthy the robots of course. For you to think that I hated it just because I'm some "artsy counter culture mother fucker" well you are totally wrong...and coming from you who bashes religion and the ultimate Lion Voltron... Haha.
My point was not to fucking say that you are a "social retard", but rather your quote was perfect for what I was trying to say in that Matrix 2 and 3 should not have been made. From a fiscal standpoint it should have, but maybe they shouldn't have been so quick to rush the story out. You don't need to apologize for something you like...shit I like dropping but you clearly don't like that...haha. I'm sorry my quote seemed aimed at you...but you had a argument that a lot of people used for were 100 percent confident that it could be saved solely on the fact that it was the middle movie.
The point about doing something that a shitload of people like then down the road not being able to compete with it...well I should hope so. It raises the bar for the person doing it and receiving sometihng creative. Since the Matrix was dope and I did like it (Yes I did think it was overrated because I don't care how you say it...and you can't argue it...if it didn't have those effects it wouldn't have been what it was, but it doesn't take away from the fact that I liked it.) so why should I not fucking expect sometihng stronger from them when they had more money and more resources to tell their story? So basically you are saying you shouldn't do your best becuase you are afraid you can't top that...well I prefer to keep trying to top myself and to top other's expectations...and film is perfect for career is so much placed on how the public recieves you. If you can think of another occupation let me know. Granted the President and other political offices..but they get paid no matter what once they get people happy once during voting season. Music is another one that is probably parallel with film. So don't mention that one.
Pixar keeps getting better and better with their story telling and imagination. They know the bar is raised so they do everything they can to meet that expecation...its this bar that helps us see new things in new light and in a creative fashion. If everyone said, "oh man that was sick...the best shit I'd ever seen and probably will ever see" then our films would suck shit. That goes for music, art, books and whatever else you can think of. Of course this point it worthless to you since you dind't like Nemo...hehe...
A perfect example. I liked the first Star Wars Trilogy. Then Episode One came out...were my expectations met? FUck no. Why weren't they met? BEcause I know Lucas and his imagination dream team could do a lot fucking better than what they came up with. Even ILM is going downhill it terms of CGI. Same it true for Matrix. First one...good...second one...ugh...
So Steve I didn't bash it because everyone else liked it...on the contrary I probably should have said it was the best film ever. I also dind't bash it because I'm a "counter culture mother fucker", I bashed it because I truly thought the Wackowski brothers were bringing something new to the table. Something never seen's fine if they couldn't meet those expecations...but it seems that they didn't even try and copped out two stories to make more's like finding out your daddy is Santa Claus while fucking a dog dressed as an elf...(No, I never had a dog). A huge dissappointment.
On a side note I'm sure some of my reviews piss you guys off since I might be turning into the students that I talk shit about in class...reading too much into a film...but if any of you have made movies before you understand how hard it is to convey is a language. It reads generally as visual to most people (ahem...Bay...) but for others and for myself I try to think of ways to convey something and tap into the viewer...perhaps I am turning abstract. Perhaps I am slowly turnign into someone who you won't want to go see films with or discuss films with...but this does have one positive spin...
I don't have to buy as many DVD's as you will. Haha.
On another side note...I'm with Steve...Last Samurai...jesus shit...
so i saw it. Matrix. I thought it was good. Reloaded sucked, but yeh, that's old news. I thought the third one wasn't all that, but definitely better than the second one. Granted, there were some HELLA corny scenes, but for the most part I liked it. Of course i like any movie that provokes long discussions over coffee, or leads to repeating lines from it over and over and over again. That's pretty general, i know. I pretty much consider the matrix (first one) to be the best of the three, and am a fan of pretty much only that one.
So yeh, reloaded sucked, and that bad taste rolls over in the viewers mouth into the third one. Everyone and their mom hated Revolutions. I like how anything mainstream is instantly hated no matter what. Seems like everyone these days has become an artsy abstract counter culture mother fucker who hates anything that more than handfull of people like.
You all probably hated it, so what's the point in me saying anything about it. Brendan, you hated the first one, you hated the second one, so why would you not hate the third one? A movie trilogy can never be saved by the last installment, especially if you hate with a passion the first one, the foundation. A movie trilogy CAN however, be destroyed the by the third in point, back to the future
The matrix (first movie) i thought was pretty good because it brought forth the issue of man vs. machine in an original matter. This isn't a new battle..(terminator, toy soldiers, etc) but the way it was put forth i thought was cool. The movie blew up...leading to shitloads of other merchandise and it's effects could be seen everywhere. Okay maybe i'm generalizing. Whatevers. Anyways, my point is, when you make something that most people like a lot, anything after will be considered crappy.
Boyz II men made the album "II" which was the best fucking R&B album ever. Every single album afterwards failed to live up to "II" in eveyrone's eyes, both critics, fans, and even Boyz II men themselves.
Anyways, whatevers, you all hated it. Fine. My apologies for liking it. I must be a fucking social retard.
no need to worry about that, cuz...
the last samurai is coming out soon and we can all hate something together.
Rock on.
P.S. Santa Claus 2 is coming out on DVD..guess i should pick up my reserved copy. YES! (i'm kidding)
Nov 11, 2003
Shitty plot + loose ends + The Bible + Ignorance from stupid fucks + Trinity Kick X3 = Matrix makes 42 mil in first weekend.
I think I'll start this post with a quote from one of my closest friends...
"I will go see the last matrix movie cuz i know it'll be good BECAUSE NO ONE SEEMS TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE SECOND ONE SUCKED BECAUSE TWO AND THREE ARE ONE COMPLETE MOVIE." (Tamekuni, S. "I Love Stupid" Pooky ed. October 2003)
I can't believe you put your bet on this one. For the sake of argument let's just say I am not going to apply any film theory and what I'm about to say, I didn't learn from retarded teachers at SFSU. Reloaded was horseshit besides some cool action sequences (mainly the freeway). I'll tell you what. I bet you anything that the WACKowski Bros. did not write Matrix as a trilogy. I will bet money on that. In the first Smith died and Neo was left as "The One" who can now fly. The story was left open for you to decide but it got the point across that we could essentially be jacked in. HOWEVER the second was filled with loopholes and shitty plot points. "Oh no...Mr. Smith somehow fucking returned...there are stupid fucking characters with simplistic names...The Keymaster and now the Train man......oooooooh....I wish I thought of that shit. Now Steve makes the point that its only half the story so how can it be good? Shit I'm pretty sure LOTR and Empire Strikes were pretty fucking you ask? Because they were originally written as a trilogy therefore did not write itself into any problems early in the game. Now Revolutions come know from what you have written in the past and talked seems ironic to me that you would applaud these two films (or at least put money on the fact that you will applaud these shitty films) even though the Matrix is one big visual pamphlet for religion. This whole story is biblical..and biblical beyond fucking belief. WACKowshi somewhere down the fucking road from The Matrix walked into a religious group and adopted their views. Neo is Jesus. That's all there is too it..."Believe in Jes...cough cough...NEO and he will save must have hope for he is the only one who can save us!" Those who didn't believe in Neo flat out fucking died. What a cop out ending that was...not going to spoil it but you can already guess what happens. Also to throw this in...WACKowski's straight up fucking ganked a shot from AKIRA and if you don't believe me on that...lay those pictures side by side and see for yourself...also I can see they watched Toonami and got on the bandwagon of DBZ. Now I was late in the game too for catching DBZ, but Jon is my proof that I at least wanted to learn everything about it that I could before it got too popular. These fucking WACKowski douches straight up stole camera angles and shots from DBZ. They stole the mech designs from Shirow Masamune...but who cares right? The mass public doens't know about these little nip animes...Everyone gets inspired from somewhere and these days its hard to be truly original, but when you blatenly rip off shit...little respect from me.
In a nutshell Mr. S Tamekuni...I do understand. I clearly understood that Matrix was shot at the same time. Yet it is I who understood that the WACKowski Brothers relied on stupid fucking "bullettime" that was cool the first time I saw it...but by the time I saw Trinity do the Daniel-san kick in three fucking movies...I'm fucking over it...maybe it's because I'm too critical...but if letting go of this critical sense is what it takes me to enjoy shit...fuck that...I ain't no shit eater.
Now if this post makes you mad I got another announcment to make that you might enjoy.
Something I always wanted to try but seemed to intimidating. What do I know about this sport? I'll be out of my league...but I love first person shooters...that's right folks...I want to go paintballing. Which one of you guys has the balls to go with me. Here's the deal.
I scored (well technically I paid a cheap price) tickets that don't ever expire that we can use at a shitload of paintball arenas. I'm not talking about shitty action zone and their pumping bullshit. I'm talking about automatic, CO2 powered paintball guns. And this is even better. Its in the woods. With foxholes. Bunkers. Trenches. Its in Santa Cruz which is known for its paintball environments. Tickets normally cost 35 bucks. I got these tickets for 3.50. These tickets include the gun, the helmet/goggles, orientation, access to all fields and shooting range, and you can play all day (essentially 8 hours). We can all be on the same team of course and we will only be put on the field with beginners just like us. The only thing we need to buy is the C02 which you can purchase there and isn't expensive and the paintballs themselves. These are a little bit more expensive, but with the savings on tickets you are golden. The guy said you can buy like 500 rounds for about 20 bucks...but if you go in with someone you can get 2000 rounds for about 50.00. That is more than enough for 2-3 people on their first time out. Games usually are scenario based...capture the flag, base, and team elimination. They even have parks in San Jose but those are "Hyper ball" parks which is what you mostly see on the television...a arena with a bunch of obstacles set up around you. They also siad that they are developing a tournametn arena in San Jose that will have buildings that you can actually go playing in a town.
Anyway I thought this would be cool and since I don't ever really plan anything for our group I thought this would be a fun thing we can do from time to time. I think it would be fucking sick if we can all play on one team and set up into small squads covering each other's backs and shit. Basically all the cool shit I see in Socom we can apply to this...shit they even have paint grenades and paint mines that you can set up on the ground. Shit I asked the guy if they have paint sniper rifles...and they do...with real scopes and shit. The guy said for the woods you would just wear like a tshirt and sweatshirt...or two sweatshirts with a hood and good pants with sweatpants underneath them and gloves to protect your knuckles if you get shot in the hand. As you can probably tell I am really excited about this and I hope you guys are too and hoepfully we can set this up. I got 18 tickets total. I think Ari is taking about 4 of them, but the rest are up for grabs...doesn't this sound fucking awesome or is it just me? I dunno...I always wanted to play a realistic gun battle when I was a kid (remember that paint gun with invisible guns...what was that shit called again?) with my friends...doens't get much more realistic than this unless we all want to die in the Middle East.
So let me know if you are interested...even if we don't get 18 people (oh yeah and the best part about this is that since I got to know the guy at school, and he could have offered to this to everyone, but that is hardly the point, I can get these tickets online at the same price and if we really enjoy this shit I can buy from him directly again and get another sheet absolutely free.) we can go multiple times in a smaller group. So let me know what you guys think...I think with the savings I think its affordable for everyone.
So yeah again...if you would like to try this out please let me know and I'll try to set something up where we can go one weekend.
Congrats Brian on the job. Hope the rat treats you with fucking respect. Captain....Captain....Captain...I hope you are not too discouraged in Socom2 just because I was right. You just didn't want to believe...which is why you probably thought Matrix sucked also. Also a question for you guys and I'm giong to take your responses seriously so please respond in a serious matter.
Basically...someone brought in a Canon XL1-S into class today. It was this fuckers and his parents bought it for hiim...he dind't even know how to fucking use it and his short films are SHIT. SHITTIER THAN SHIT. SHITTING SHIT INT HE PROCESS OF SHITTNG OUT SHIT. REDUNDANT. Anyway this camera runs about 3500 dollars, but the quality of the pic looks just like film. It even has a mode where it takes a bunch of frames of the picture rather than looking like the home video look. The other cool thing about this is that you can stick ANY 35mm lens on this camera (35mm is what they use on still cameras and on film cameras for big budget films). Now I loved this camera so much and this was the first time I ever really seen it in action that I am now considering ditching the G5 for the Canon XL1-s. So the question is this.
G5 for editing with the best and pro editing software out there or get the Canon in which to shoot film...what do you think the order should be in?
I'm outta here. I'm growing tired...I bought paintball magazines...even the high priced guns aren't as high as I thought they would be...this is looking better and better...let me know about the paintball thing also...
I think I'll start this post with a quote from one of my closest friends...
"I will go see the last matrix movie cuz i know it'll be good BECAUSE NO ONE SEEMS TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE SECOND ONE SUCKED BECAUSE TWO AND THREE ARE ONE COMPLETE MOVIE." (Tamekuni, S. "I Love Stupid" Pooky ed. October 2003)
I can't believe you put your bet on this one. For the sake of argument let's just say I am not going to apply any film theory and what I'm about to say, I didn't learn from retarded teachers at SFSU. Reloaded was horseshit besides some cool action sequences (mainly the freeway). I'll tell you what. I bet you anything that the WACKowski Bros. did not write Matrix as a trilogy. I will bet money on that. In the first Smith died and Neo was left as "The One" who can now fly. The story was left open for you to decide but it got the point across that we could essentially be jacked in. HOWEVER the second was filled with loopholes and shitty plot points. "Oh no...Mr. Smith somehow fucking returned...there are stupid fucking characters with simplistic names...The Keymaster and now the Train man......oooooooh....I wish I thought of that shit. Now Steve makes the point that its only half the story so how can it be good? Shit I'm pretty sure LOTR and Empire Strikes were pretty fucking you ask? Because they were originally written as a trilogy therefore did not write itself into any problems early in the game. Now Revolutions come know from what you have written in the past and talked seems ironic to me that you would applaud these two films (or at least put money on the fact that you will applaud these shitty films) even though the Matrix is one big visual pamphlet for religion. This whole story is biblical..and biblical beyond fucking belief. WACKowshi somewhere down the fucking road from The Matrix walked into a religious group and adopted their views. Neo is Jesus. That's all there is too it..."Believe in Jes...cough cough...NEO and he will save must have hope for he is the only one who can save us!" Those who didn't believe in Neo flat out fucking died. What a cop out ending that was...not going to spoil it but you can already guess what happens. Also to throw this in...WACKowski's straight up fucking ganked a shot from AKIRA and if you don't believe me on that...lay those pictures side by side and see for yourself...also I can see they watched Toonami and got on the bandwagon of DBZ. Now I was late in the game too for catching DBZ, but Jon is my proof that I at least wanted to learn everything about it that I could before it got too popular. These fucking WACKowski douches straight up stole camera angles and shots from DBZ. They stole the mech designs from Shirow Masamune...but who cares right? The mass public doens't know about these little nip animes...Everyone gets inspired from somewhere and these days its hard to be truly original, but when you blatenly rip off shit...little respect from me.
In a nutshell Mr. S Tamekuni...I do understand. I clearly understood that Matrix was shot at the same time. Yet it is I who understood that the WACKowski Brothers relied on stupid fucking "bullettime" that was cool the first time I saw it...but by the time I saw Trinity do the Daniel-san kick in three fucking movies...I'm fucking over it...maybe it's because I'm too critical...but if letting go of this critical sense is what it takes me to enjoy shit...fuck that...I ain't no shit eater.
Now if this post makes you mad I got another announcment to make that you might enjoy.
Something I always wanted to try but seemed to intimidating. What do I know about this sport? I'll be out of my league...but I love first person shooters...that's right folks...I want to go paintballing. Which one of you guys has the balls to go with me. Here's the deal.
I scored (well technically I paid a cheap price) tickets that don't ever expire that we can use at a shitload of paintball arenas. I'm not talking about shitty action zone and their pumping bullshit. I'm talking about automatic, CO2 powered paintball guns. And this is even better. Its in the woods. With foxholes. Bunkers. Trenches. Its in Santa Cruz which is known for its paintball environments. Tickets normally cost 35 bucks. I got these tickets for 3.50. These tickets include the gun, the helmet/goggles, orientation, access to all fields and shooting range, and you can play all day (essentially 8 hours). We can all be on the same team of course and we will only be put on the field with beginners just like us. The only thing we need to buy is the C02 which you can purchase there and isn't expensive and the paintballs themselves. These are a little bit more expensive, but with the savings on tickets you are golden. The guy said you can buy like 500 rounds for about 20 bucks...but if you go in with someone you can get 2000 rounds for about 50.00. That is more than enough for 2-3 people on their first time out. Games usually are scenario based...capture the flag, base, and team elimination. They even have parks in San Jose but those are "Hyper ball" parks which is what you mostly see on the television...a arena with a bunch of obstacles set up around you. They also siad that they are developing a tournametn arena in San Jose that will have buildings that you can actually go playing in a town.
Anyway I thought this would be cool and since I don't ever really plan anything for our group I thought this would be a fun thing we can do from time to time. I think it would be fucking sick if we can all play on one team and set up into small squads covering each other's backs and shit. Basically all the cool shit I see in Socom we can apply to this...shit they even have paint grenades and paint mines that you can set up on the ground. Shit I asked the guy if they have paint sniper rifles...and they do...with real scopes and shit. The guy said for the woods you would just wear like a tshirt and sweatshirt...or two sweatshirts with a hood and good pants with sweatpants underneath them and gloves to protect your knuckles if you get shot in the hand. As you can probably tell I am really excited about this and I hope you guys are too and hoepfully we can set this up. I got 18 tickets total. I think Ari is taking about 4 of them, but the rest are up for grabs...doesn't this sound fucking awesome or is it just me? I dunno...I always wanted to play a realistic gun battle when I was a kid (remember that paint gun with invisible guns...what was that shit called again?) with my friends...doens't get much more realistic than this unless we all want to die in the Middle East.
So let me know if you are interested...even if we don't get 18 people (oh yeah and the best part about this is that since I got to know the guy at school, and he could have offered to this to everyone, but that is hardly the point, I can get these tickets online at the same price and if we really enjoy this shit I can buy from him directly again and get another sheet absolutely free.) we can go multiple times in a smaller group. So let me know what you guys think...I think with the savings I think its affordable for everyone.
So yeah again...if you would like to try this out please let me know and I'll try to set something up where we can go one weekend.
Congrats Brian on the job. Hope the rat treats you with fucking respect. Captain....Captain....Captain...I hope you are not too discouraged in Socom2 just because I was right. You just didn't want to believe...which is why you probably thought Matrix sucked also. Also a question for you guys and I'm giong to take your responses seriously so please respond in a serious matter.
Basically...someone brought in a Canon XL1-S into class today. It was this fuckers and his parents bought it for hiim...he dind't even know how to fucking use it and his short films are SHIT. SHITTIER THAN SHIT. SHITTING SHIT INT HE PROCESS OF SHITTNG OUT SHIT. REDUNDANT. Anyway this camera runs about 3500 dollars, but the quality of the pic looks just like film. It even has a mode where it takes a bunch of frames of the picture rather than looking like the home video look. The other cool thing about this is that you can stick ANY 35mm lens on this camera (35mm is what they use on still cameras and on film cameras for big budget films). Now I loved this camera so much and this was the first time I ever really seen it in action that I am now considering ditching the G5 for the Canon XL1-s. So the question is this.
G5 for editing with the best and pro editing software out there or get the Canon in which to shoot film...what do you think the order should be in?
I'm outta here. I'm growing tired...I bought paintball magazines...even the high priced guns aren't as high as I thought they would be...this is looking better and better...let me know about the paintball thing also...
Nov 9, 2003
Not too much to say this time around, since I saw most of you this weekend already...
First, I got the job at CEC... I got a call today, and they offered me the position at 10.25, but I know they lowballed me. I get to negotiate tomorrow and figure out how training is going to work with school. Yeah, so I'll be home or at least close to home for the next six weeks if you guys want to do something. It'll be really weird to live out of a hotel for six weeks.
House hunting hasn't gone as well as I thought it would. There are a lot of junky houses in the Rohnert Park area. For instance, we went to one and it was kinda nice looking from the street. But you get into the place and it was so old and decrepit (How's that for an SAT word in action?). They were repainting and puting in carpet, but it seriously felt like a former crack house. Not to mention the back yard.... I look outside and it looked like a sea gull stepped on a landmine in the middle of a dump. There was a huge pile of wood and garbage at the center of it... I could have sworn I saw a dead thing next to it... They say they're rebuilding the "deck" outside, and that it'll take about a week. It's not a happy place. As for the second one, there was a lot of rocks on the outside. That cuts down on the garden work, and maybe I'll do a little rock gardening to give it the zen look. hahaha, yeah right. It looked a little ghetto, but the inside wasn't too bad. I really can't wait to move.
I forgot to buy Karaoke Revolution today... I'll make sure to do it tomorrow. That'll be a blast. I always wanted to sing "The Power of Love." There's even some good old MJ for Jon. Get it! Screw this Call of Duty and Socom 2... hehehe Bemani strikes again. But seriously, the next few weeks are seeing some good games... FF X-2 and Double Dash next week? I'm kind of glad some of the PC games got delayed.
So all in all, it looks like another chapter of my life is starting again. It's looking better than the last one, and I'm hoping it's just as interesting.
Jon, it's sunday and I don't see an update! You lagger :)
First, I got the job at CEC... I got a call today, and they offered me the position at 10.25, but I know they lowballed me. I get to negotiate tomorrow and figure out how training is going to work with school. Yeah, so I'll be home or at least close to home for the next six weeks if you guys want to do something. It'll be really weird to live out of a hotel for six weeks.
House hunting hasn't gone as well as I thought it would. There are a lot of junky houses in the Rohnert Park area. For instance, we went to one and it was kinda nice looking from the street. But you get into the place and it was so old and decrepit (How's that for an SAT word in action?). They were repainting and puting in carpet, but it seriously felt like a former crack house. Not to mention the back yard.... I look outside and it looked like a sea gull stepped on a landmine in the middle of a dump. There was a huge pile of wood and garbage at the center of it... I could have sworn I saw a dead thing next to it... They say they're rebuilding the "deck" outside, and that it'll take about a week. It's not a happy place. As for the second one, there was a lot of rocks on the outside. That cuts down on the garden work, and maybe I'll do a little rock gardening to give it the zen look. hahaha, yeah right. It looked a little ghetto, but the inside wasn't too bad. I really can't wait to move.
I forgot to buy Karaoke Revolution today... I'll make sure to do it tomorrow. That'll be a blast. I always wanted to sing "The Power of Love." There's even some good old MJ for Jon. Get it! Screw this Call of Duty and Socom 2... hehehe Bemani strikes again. But seriously, the next few weeks are seeing some good games... FF X-2 and Double Dash next week? I'm kind of glad some of the PC games got delayed.
So all in all, it looks like another chapter of my life is starting again. It's looking better than the last one, and I'm hoping it's just as interesting.
Jon, it's sunday and I don't see an update! You lagger :)
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