Nov 12, 2003

Haha. Talk about having a bitter taste in your mouth.

For your information I did like the Matrix. I liked the story. I liked the effects (at that point and one can make an argument about how I didn't like them anywhere since everyone else copied them, however I truly gave it respect for what it did visually and didn't allow anyone else who copied it ruin it for me) and I like how it flowed. It did bring a somewhat original idea to the mix although maybe we can ask someone like Jon whether or not Plato was the first to talk about being "jacked in". No Steve I did like the first one...and I didn't say that the third was in godlike proportions of being total shit. Compared to Reloaded it was a fucking Oscar worthy the robots of course. For you to think that I hated it just because I'm some "artsy counter culture mother fucker" well you are totally wrong...and coming from you who bashes religion and the ultimate Lion Voltron... Haha.

My point was not to fucking say that you are a "social retard", but rather your quote was perfect for what I was trying to say in that Matrix 2 and 3 should not have been made. From a fiscal standpoint it should have, but maybe they shouldn't have been so quick to rush the story out. You don't need to apologize for something you like...shit I like dropping but you clearly don't like that...haha. I'm sorry my quote seemed aimed at you...but you had a argument that a lot of people used for were 100 percent confident that it could be saved solely on the fact that it was the middle movie.

The point about doing something that a shitload of people like then down the road not being able to compete with it...well I should hope so. It raises the bar for the person doing it and receiving sometihng creative. Since the Matrix was dope and I did like it (Yes I did think it was overrated because I don't care how you say it...and you can't argue it...if it didn't have those effects it wouldn't have been what it was, but it doesn't take away from the fact that I liked it.) so why should I not fucking expect sometihng stronger from them when they had more money and more resources to tell their story? So basically you are saying you shouldn't do your best becuase you are afraid you can't top that...well I prefer to keep trying to top myself and to top other's expectations...and film is perfect for career is so much placed on how the public recieves you. If you can think of another occupation let me know. Granted the President and other political offices..but they get paid no matter what once they get people happy once during voting season. Music is another one that is probably parallel with film. So don't mention that one.

Pixar keeps getting better and better with their story telling and imagination. They know the bar is raised so they do everything they can to meet that expecation...its this bar that helps us see new things in new light and in a creative fashion. If everyone said, "oh man that was sick...the best shit I'd ever seen and probably will ever see" then our films would suck shit. That goes for music, art, books and whatever else you can think of. Of course this point it worthless to you since you dind't like Nemo...hehe...

A perfect example. I liked the first Star Wars Trilogy. Then Episode One came out...were my expectations met? FUck no. Why weren't they met? BEcause I know Lucas and his imagination dream team could do a lot fucking better than what they came up with. Even ILM is going downhill it terms of CGI. Same it true for Matrix. First one...good...second one...ugh...

So Steve I didn't bash it because everyone else liked it...on the contrary I probably should have said it was the best film ever. I also dind't bash it because I'm a "counter culture mother fucker", I bashed it because I truly thought the Wackowski brothers were bringing something new to the table. Something never seen's fine if they couldn't meet those expecations...but it seems that they didn't even try and copped out two stories to make more's like finding out your daddy is Santa Claus while fucking a dog dressed as an elf...(No, I never had a dog). A huge dissappointment.

On a side note I'm sure some of my reviews piss you guys off since I might be turning into the students that I talk shit about in class...reading too much into a film...but if any of you have made movies before you understand how hard it is to convey is a language. It reads generally as visual to most people (ahem...Bay...) but for others and for myself I try to think of ways to convey something and tap into the viewer...perhaps I am turning abstract. Perhaps I am slowly turnign into someone who you won't want to go see films with or discuss films with...but this does have one positive spin...

I don't have to buy as many DVD's as you will. Haha.

On another side note...I'm with Steve...Last Samurai...jesus shit...

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