Feb 17, 2005

Organizing music files can be a pain in the fucking ass. I mean how exactly do you organize all those bands with one hit and one hit only? I mean I could create a whole new folder for them, I could create a big file named "Various" for them, but then some problems arise in the mp3 player itself when it comes to how it views organized files. As much as I like Apple's and Zen's menu system, I think they could really benefit if they had windows like a Palm pilot and we could see the folders and menus just as you do on your personal computer. That would be sick. Now my parents and my sister are going to have a shitload of artists they must scroll through a bunch of artists. Oh well. I don't even have an mp3 player anyway.

I heard Jonathan has been playing on Empire Poker. Those bonus codes do not count as winning! Haha. Also for the record I am now up 120 bucks on 1/2 Seven card. That game is ridiculously good on the risk vs reward factor.

Yay. A night full of drinking on Saturday. Be there or be square! Bay 101 likes squares I heard.

Feb 15, 2005

DUDE! No need to pay me back. I moved over to your table EXPECTING to lose to you (I think you're a little better than me). And besides, i like big pot games like that. I'd rather lose my money in a game with great pot odds to trips than to 50 games where i limped in and only stayed in because i had middle pair and was on tilt and bored outta my mind.

It's not a 3-6 game to me. It's a poker lesson that charges 20 bucks an hour. Besides, i still left down double digits and not triple. And that's all good with me.

Don't pay me back. If anything i owe you for the bbq and for the equisite dinner ur parents made for us. And also the new years dinner. Oh and the book for xmas when i didn't get you shit. Plus the money i jacked you from Japan. Yeah. We're more than even. It was fun playing with you anyways. A preview of the vegas trip that's going to happen in a few months, i'm sure. Except i'll be drunk, and you'll beat my Ace High with a pair of twos. Go figure.

No button charge? Sweeeeeeet.

Fuck I got a twitch in my eye. Goddammit.
So me with my poker war stories. This one should amuse you though.

I was in the big blind. The crazy girl who raises with all kinds of shit decides she wants to make it 6 in early position. Even though she raises with crazy shit, I decide that I will give her a little bit of respect. Call it intuition. The guy next to her decides to make it three bets to go. Here is where it gets crazy...by the time it is to me, we have 6 players in the pot with the betting being capped by the time it gets to me. I'm down about a bill overall for the night.

I look down at my cards hoping I find something good. I look down to find a pair of fours. Alright not too bad, but I have to put some of these other people on pocket pairs too. All of them probably beat mine. But with two more people to act after me and I know that they are both going to call...I decide to call another nine bucks to see the flop.

The flop seemed to spread very slowly. The last card on the bottom of the pile was another four. Coupled with it was a 6 and jack. Alright, so in my mind I'm thinking that someone must have tripps higher than mine with the paint on the board. Nevertheless I go ahead and bet it and everyone ends up just calling. If someone else had tripps then surely they would have raised it up with all these people in the pot.

A five comes on the turn. I'm a bit relieved to figure out that no flush is possible on the board. I bet and again almost everyone calls. The river brings one of the worst fucking cards ever. The 2. I can't really say that I'm scared of someone having the three...but crazier shit has happened. I bet into the massive pot anyway.

Now something interesting happens...the next to me calls and the guy on her left who made it nine to go pre-flop comes out raising it up. Now my initial reaction to the jack is coming back to haunt me. This player plays tight and probably wouldn't have raised it up again without a huge pair underneath. I was a bit worried about the three jacks now. Someone else calls the raise.

Great. Now I'm up against two players who decided that their hands were good enough to be capped with. I still can't really put anyone on that three anyway. The person who called the raise probably had two pair...if they had the straight they would have raised it of course.

The pot odds were fucking ridiculous so I go ahead and call with my tripps. To my suprise the guy on the girls left who made it nine to go had pocket aces. He slowplayed his hand and probably thought that his hand was good PLUS the fact that there was a four to a straight on the board could have scared us out without even showing down. The person who called on the river folded his hand face down...and I turn over my three fours. The pot was huge and pretty much took me back to even and then some...but here is the kicker for all you wondering why I'm telling you about a pot I won. The person was holding the pocket aces was indeed a tight player. You've probably seen him before around the card room...

Sorry Steve. You know you will get your money back from me. You took it incredibly well and your attitude will make you awesome at the table. I got extremely lucky, but that is what collusion is all about. I owe you about 34 bucks. I think that is how much you lost, but I could be wrong. Lemme know.