Oct 11, 2002

okay. The friends comment was said as a joke. If i had no friends, then i would be like...really sad. or something. As for the girl, there is no reason for it. She was jus annoying. Kind of like "SENSEI I HAVE TO GO...NO SENSEI I HAVE TO GO" experience that Blucky had. I truly wish you were all in my class so we could be sarcastic bitches and let everyone know that in the 00's - school ain't cool...that in BYOB, the last B does NOT stand for "books"

Quick fucked up joke made by my roommate: "Hey did you hear about that new camera TC? It gets rid of Left Eye...."

Just to let you guys know, everytime there is a space in a blog i write, it's a different thought. Or, if it's a really different thought and i want you guys to notice that. I'll put a "---" just to make sure it's crystal.

regardless, your support is appreciated snacks. I'm glad i have someone to assure me that i am not a girl.

also, change the word "matter" to "fucking flesh" in my last blog. "matter" sounds too smarty and EECS Bangs-ish. Jk Jon.

fallfest, a big ass concert, is going on tonight. Jurassic 5, MxPx, and Blackalicious are coming. It should be good. i've already missed two on campus shows by J5, and by god, i'm not gonna miss another. I'm looking to get pretty drunk as well, as this week has blown fat swollen donkey balls. Wish me luck.

k back to work. I guess i should do at least a little bit of what they want me to do.

Jon, i hope you had a beer/a shot/something/anything on ur bday.


Happy bday jon. You're fucking old. Diapers and a walker and beef flavored are your present choices. Choose wisely.

Sorry i haven't been blogging. I have no time anymore. I hate my life. I wish I was antisocial and had no friends so that i could have some free time.

brendan, i can relate to your anger for your classmates. I'm in two seminars this quarter with about ten people each. Both of these classes have fat ugly bitches which feel the need to answer all of the quesitons FOR the teacher. They're fucking nerds, they're fucking losrs, and i wish they would shut the fuck up and let the profs do their job. I don't wanna hear the answer to my question come from some stupid bitch who has no life and no friends and spends all her time in the library fascinated by her o-chem book. A girl who knows the definition to all of the SAT and GRE words but has no comprehension whatsoever of the word "party" or "beer" or "fun" or especially "penis". ARGH SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING!!! Everyday i wanna bring in a cookie just so i can say "oh damn ur so smart here's a fucking cookie NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING WASTE OF MATTER!"


man..that felt good to let out.

Just one of them days...that a steve goes thru

okay that was gay,. oh well. fuck it.

Oct 9, 2002


Oct 8, 2002

I'm getting really sick and tired of idiots in my class. I swear to god they fucking talk just to hear their voices. Don't you hate that shit? In fact I HATE people like that. I know what you're thinking and I send out a hearty, "Fuck You"! I know that sounds like me but there is a difference. First of all I'm always right. Second of all...there is no second of all. Seconds are for losers. So now that I got all that aggression out of the way onto tonights' show! I'd like to bring out my first guest who has been around the block a couple times and is no stranger to being old...Jonathan Hironag..Hirana...Hira...Hirahanochingchinga!

B: So I've heard that you're turning 49! Congratulations on your birthday! / J: Well actually I'm only turning 23... / B: HOLY SHIT...that is 32 to dyslexic people. You're a fucking fossil! I mean how do you NOT kill yourself at that ripe age? / J: Right...well... / B: So what exactly have you been up to? Any special plans for your birthday? / J: Well I met some new friends. / B: Right your new friends! I heard if you add up all their ages it equals 120 years! Jesus shiet that is fucking horrible. / J: Well they are very nice people and we get to play tennis! / B: Swear to god man...do they wear short shorts like old people do when they play tennis? / J: I don't really understand the question... / B: Well you know...are they wrinkle balls? / J: What in the hell are you talking about? / B: I don't know! That's the fun part...I'm delirious! / J: I'm fucking outta here...you're retarded! / B: I might be! At least I don't have 6 wrinkly testes for friends! / J: Fuck you...you are NOT half the man Charlie is! He takes care of me! He loves me like a fellow FOB should be loved! Why do you think I've never called you lately! News flash: Cause I HATE you now! You've been replaced needle penis! / B: Oh really? Well first I get replaced by a 12 year old girl (haha Bryant! Couldn't resist! Sorry!) And now I'm being replaced by Charlie whose real name is DongyXiou and "Allen" and "Sun"! I don't need you or your pet monkeys! SO THERE! / J: (Jon exits with a warm finger up in the air) / B: Yeah bitch...I hope Kent puts another hole in the back of your head you...you...Jan wannabe child! Well that interview went well! Once again Happy Birthday to whatever the fuck his name is...I haven't seen him in like 3 fucking weeks...fuck him...lets go to the next guest! Oh Kristin hasn't arrived yet? Fucking dutch people...I learned in my class that they paint with tempera. That is worse than crayola...shiet...well that looks like that is all the time we have for tonight! I'd like to thank my guest Jon whatever and hope he has a wonderful as in gay, hot sex with DongyXiou birthday! Happy Birthday Jon!! (Yes I know it's tomorrow...but I decided to get a head start!)

I'll blog more later folks! Hope you enjoy the transcript! Gwaaahaaahaahaaaaaa....
Hah, fixed that typo. Can't believe I did it twice in a row.

Oh and a quick note. My civic died on me while going to school today. I was on the freeway slowing down for traffic and my car starts to sound funny. I go another 30 ft, and notice that it won't accelerate. Fortunately I was able to get to the side of the road. A Highway patrol man came behind me, and said that there was a tow truck on his way. Informational: On the freeway (At least in certain spots...) there are tow trucks that are paid for by the city to drive around and help get vehicles off the road. And they come by with a quickness. 5 minutes later I was sitting at 7-11 with my roomate making a call to AAA. Car's in the shop now, the mechanic's first estimate was a timing belt and says they'll run around $400. *sigh* there goes my poker money :)

Looks like I have a good excuse to slack for a couple days! No work or school for me!
Snacks - Welcome! You and your short pointless messages! Perhaps some day we will see who can whoop whose butts. Does that last message end with "good" or "god"? =)
LL Cool B - Huge congratulations are in order. Haha you're gonna be a software engineer... you could've been an eecs geek. Maybe we'll work together some day, wouldn't that be delicious. Senioritis is okay as long as you don't end up like me, wondering to the very end if I finished up my requirements.
Steve - Ahh, hentai and hose hangouts. Apparently San Diego's the place to be.
Brian - Heheh GE classes... I can't believe you have to start over, sucky... at least you can try to rob some cradles like back in the day, with freshmen who hopefully aren't married yet (we've all done that to some degree, except BLucky). What's "congratuations"? Heheh. As for asskicking... bring it. >=D
BLuckyDay - I figure I have nothing to say since we hang out all the time in San Jose. Oh what the hell, it's been a month already? Hopefully you're getting sleep and finishing up Steve's icon.

Okay, so another painting weekend with the heat rising. It takes til fall for the summer heat to come out? Yesterday I was confused because the hot-cold in the bathroom sink seemed reversed. Weird. Plus we've got a thousand ants having a damn feast under our kitchen sink, but I think my dad might have regulated last night, I guess I'll find out. If not, it's up to me... and I don't joke around when it comes to killing bugs.

The Silver Bullet is back in action. New battery and pumped up tires, ready to tear up the road. But it is dirty as hell, inside and out. The second time I drove it, I noticed some hornets were chilling between the door and the car, so you only see them when you open the driver-side doors. That's comforting.

Last night I had tennis class again. Our activities are getting better, we hit forehands and backhands with the ball machines and had to get the instructor's approval to go rally. So I finished earlier than most, and the people I rallied with were pretty good too. After a little serving practice I was gonna leave, but as I walked by the courts a guy asked if I wanted to play doubles. I said sure, thinking I could use the competitive practice, and he asked if I had to get up early the next day or if I could play two or three sets. I say whatever, and we get started. So I'm playing with these three fobby old guys--"Charlie", "Allen"/Shomo, and Sun--and we end up playing three sets from 9:00 til almost midnight. The funny thing is what they say once in a while when there are good shots made. You have to feel good when you hit a winner and someone shouts out "OHH, SUPER!" It turns out these guys are all over 40, but we had a pretty good game (my team won 6-2, 7-6, 4-6) Afterward "Charlie" (my partner) asked if I would be able to play again next week. So I guess I'll be doing the late night doubles thing on Mondays. That's cool, I need to work on my game, particularly at net. Oh and he asked if I spoke Mandarin, and when I said no, he asked what language we speak at home. Ever see that disappointed look fobs get when you tell them you speak English at home? Kinda like, "bitch you ain't real"... I bet that's what he was thinking.

So I got home from tennis around midnight. Too late to take a shower, since I don't want to incite my father's wrath. So I check e-mail, have a snack, etc. I don't want to get in bed all dirty, so I'm on the floor trying to use a little sweatshirt as a blanket... it's Steve's house all over again. Well the cold wakes me up repeatedly, and finally it's 5:30 AM and I can take a shower (my dad's up getting ready for work by then). I do so, and feel nice and refreshed, but go back to sleep for another 6 hours. Now I'm up and reading/writing blog, and about to eat some cereal. The good life.

Oh yeah on spiders... Ramsey got bitten on the face by a black widow in his sleep. He had to get some antibiotic medicine that made him really drowsy. He was not pleased. I was helping him move stuff back to his old house yesterday, and today we're moving some BMW tires to Menlo Park. The BMW was having tons of problems, so he traded it in. Now he has a Corvette, sleek with 345hp... very fancy. I got to check out its special features yesterday, maybe I'll take it for a spin later.

And I am in fact thinking about and starting to work on Web site designs and concepts... jhiro.net is on the way!

Oct 7, 2002

Ahh sorry about the long silence from me... Midterms have caught up with me!

Hah, I had a similar experience with stupid students the other day... Let it be known that the dumbest people in the universities are in the GE classes. In my econ class, we get our midterms back and over half the class failed miserably. The professor rants at us for an hour, going over each question... Now at the end of his rant he asks a student about one of the midterm questions. The student gives a stupid stare and says he doesn't know. That sets the professor off, and he goes over it again. He asks the question AGAIN to another student. She looks down on her paper and says, "What was the question again?" That floors him. He stares at the board where the answer is and stares at her. Another idiot tries to help her out by saying "Doesn't the question have to do with..... (Totally unrelated vocabulary word that he must have seen when glancing in his notes.)" The professor just sighs and calls for a break. I promptly leave class.

Kingdom Hearts was fun... When I first saw the ending I thought it was really good, but the more I think about it, the more I ask "What the hell is this crap?" I mean, don't get me wrong, it is set up fairly well, but there are waaay too many points where I wonder why Sora didn't do something else. And Sepheroth can go to hell and burn. I can't beat him for the life of me. That Ice Golem thing took me about an hour to beat as well. On a related note, has anyone heard anything about the release date on Utada's US album? I haven't heard a damn thing other than she's on the Def Jam label.... Ahh well.

So many CD's to buy coming up... Santana's coming with one Oct. 22, Jurassic 5 has one tomorrow? Mariah Carey (Yeah, stop the snickering) will have one by the end of the year, Dru Hill in November, Bone Thug's 'n Harmony end of the month. And finally Dave has his live from Boulder, Colo early November. Whew, did I miss any?

Congratulations Bryant, Mr. Software engineer for IBM. That sounds like one hell of a job! I took only one semester of a class called software engineering, and it was pretty fun. (Well, probably because I didn't have to code a damn thing...) Congratulations once again!

My A's :( Damn them! Happy that the 49ers did good though.

Oh as for the Lori dream... Asses will be liberally kicked, be it Jon or Ryan's :P
Ok, what the hell happened to Christina Aguilera? I never thought she was hot or anything, but she had this cute, girl next door thing going for her. Damn, I just saw her new video and I was shocked. She looks so dirty, ugly, and slutty? Is she trying follow Britney and so many others that think bad is good? Terrible. As for yesterday, it was a wonderful day in sports, where the 49ers and Giants won and the A's lost. Let's hope the Giants can do it one more time tonight! Unfortunately for me I have to work, my second day at Tennis Warehouse, except for Mondays and Wednesdays I have to work 1 - 8pm...woo hoo!

Weekend was hella boring, I went downtown and there was nobody there. Kevin, Kent and I almost fought w/ some hicks because we went to some party where we definitely did not fit in. If it wasn't 8 on 3 things might've been different. We went to a bar after that and there were no girls there. I think it might have to do w/ frats and sororities rushing. I beat Kingdom Hearts, the trailer is kind of funny. I hope I got the real ending, I didn't get all the dalmations. I've been working on updating pictures on my website too, I'm just waiting to get hooked up on line so I can get everything up and running. I also can't wait to play Socom and kick some serious ass!

Other than that, things are well, school is boring and I have Senioritis. I need to remember that I still need to work hard and get out of this god foresaken place. Anyway, School is done for today, peace out.

Oct 6, 2002

Hello everyone! Well first and foremost congratulations to the ultimate KT of the day, Bryant on getting his offer. You are the first one to have a life after the educational system. Just remember that I expect excellent presents throughout the year since it won't tap you as much in the wallet! So here is a little tidbit for all you FOB lovers out there. In the Phillipines they celebrated Animal Day. They took all their pets to the church to be blessed...they probably then proceeded to have the biggest banquet filled with dog, cat, snakes, grubs and whatever else they keep over there. Well at least their dirt was fertilized throughout the nation...

So I've decided to try to one up Jon by starting a webpage...of course this has been in the making since '99...just haven't gotten around to it. Since I'm jobless and I have absolutely nothing to do I decided to do a page. Basically I'm just hoping that all the hits Jon gets once his webcomic is up will get linked right on over here to my website! A's lost. Yippie mother fuckers. Apparently winning 7 million games in a row doesn't mean shit. Haha peace out TeNADA...meanwhile 49ers. I'd be happy if the Rams were good but since they suck transexual monkey gonads it doesn't mean as much...either way good shit though.

I'm glad Steve is back online! Combined with Hapachan we will now have the craziest blog out there. Here is to the future (some more stable than others...ahem...Bryant) Haha! ...holy shit what was that...a fucking spider...aaahhhhhh {screams like a little girl and runs off to his mommy}