***Normally I would put an entry like this into my Xanga, but I was getting errors and don’t always have oodles of time, so here you go Pooky fans!
Well, it’s been a long time….
Work is work…keeps me going like a mad man, but the good news is….
I finished my first project!!!! I felt very good about myself and am proud of what I accomplished. I learned so much in the time frame that I had and I hope I use this time to move onto bigger and better things.
I’ve realized though that work has made me give up a lot. Time, friends, weekends, family…etc….
I haven’t felt this way in a while, but ever since I started working, I feel distant towards others. I feel like I’m missing out on everything. I feel like I’m not included anymore. It’s kind of sad. I work so much that I’ve distanced myself from everyone. Sucks, cause this is the time in my life where I need to keep down this road and continue to focus on my career. It’s just sad not being the focal point anymore.
Another thing, is I’m really excited about trying to take some vacation time, only problem is…I have no one to go on a vacation with. No one has the time, money, etc…once again, that sucks! I really really really want to go to Hawaii. I may just go alone, may need some help from people telling me where to go, but I really need the time off. I need time to re-evaluate things, recharge my mind, body, soul, and to just relax. I haven’t felt completely, utterly relaxed in quite some time. I didn’t even take a total vacation when I graduated.
There’s a part of me that wishes everyone would be on the same level, working M – F, 9-5, it would make things a lot easier. Make me feel like I’m not missing out on much. Oh well, that’s life I guess. Looking at everyone around me makes me think, am I really ready for the working world? Should I be in school still? Did I rush into this real life thing too fast?
In this time, I’ve learned that relationships are tough to keep up, but you gotta keep telling yourself that it’s worth it. All the hard work, the time, the hours spent alone…will be worth it. I’ve learned that my relationship w/ Tiff is strong and she’s become my backbone and support through all the hard times I’ve spent at work. It’s just hard being away from someone you care so much about. But she’s worth it…..
Also in this time, I’ve realized as I grow older, so do those around me. Those who I care about. Recently, my pops had a mild heart attack. Scared the shit outta me. Made me realize, there time is more precious then ever. I’m going to try and see them more often, take some time away from work and just eat with my parents. We don’t always have a lot to say, but I’ll take any time with them. Though my dad looks ok now, I know that he’s gotta stay in shape, keep up w/ medication, eat better, etc.
Made me realize I need to eat better and exercise. Work as of late hasn’t let me do either, but I need to stop letting work control my life completely. I need to take time out and just go on a treadmill and not eat fast food 3 times a day. I know I’m not fat, but I’ve been feeling that way. Mostly because before Dec, I was feeling really in shape and now I’ve seen that all go to waste. It’s depressing gaining a lot of weight since graduating.
Pretty much this blog is a “life’s not fair” type. I know in essence I have things good compared to most, but it’s still depressing at times.
Anyone: What are you doing today?
Me: Working
Anyone: Tonight?
Me Working
Anyone: This weekend?
Me: Working
Anyone: Vacation?
Me: Nope – not until who knows when.
Anyone: That sucks man…see ya going to go play bball.
Me: Yep…thanks have fun, I’ll be in my office getting carpal tunnel and blurring my vision.
See why?
Oh well, Kevin’s coming down this weekend which is exciting. Doing my darndest to get him to move back to SJ, we’ll see. Miss the ol’ guy. If you’re reading this Kev, I’m going to bug the shit outta ya this weekend, but know I want you to do what’s best for you! We all just miss you down here =)
Well, my boo hoo story is over and I hope all of you have a great weekend!
And since I am using Pooky – I’ll put top ten characters (off the top of my head, may not be totally accurate.)
10. Roger Wilco – funniest videogame character from a PC game. Larry Laffer is a close 2nd, and I mean close, but Roger Wilco cracked me up in all those space quest games. Sierra was very creative in that sense.
9. Mega Man – Hardest bunch of games, but cool character, cool music, cool graphics in general. I like the anime influence of the characters. Never liked their simplified names, but I guess they get right to the point…Bubbleman, Fireman, Earthman…etc…
8. Harvest Moon Kid – He pimps ladies, has his own successful business, and can kick it at a bar all night, how can you not like this guy?
7. Master Chief – Able to kill aliens all day and still come up w/ witty lines…Brilliant.
6. Duke Nukem – Same as above, except more witty. Influences – Army of Darkness…Excellent.
5. Jill Valentine/ FFCC Chick – Tie for the hottest girl characters in a game.
4. Sora – Little kid beats the hell out of all the Disney bad guys…intriguing storyline in the middle of it all…can’t wait til the next one!
3. Morrigan – She’s my girl on Super Puzzle Fighter 2….never played any fighting games w/ her, but she dominates in my book…”PassenloAyi” God knows if I spelled that right…haha
2. Larry Laffer – Spent way too much time on these games…but he was hilarious, witty, and eventually got the girl. Gives a guy inspiration, no matter how many times you strike out, you’ll get a hot chick in the end haha
1. Solid Snake – Original spy. Can be incognito and woo Mei Ling and Meryl at the same time, w/ a little bit of the doctor on the side.
These aren’t in any particular order…now that I look at them again, I would go (1 => 10)
1, 6, 10, 2, 9, 3, 5, 4, 8, 7
I hope that confuses you enough…peace out….
Apr 16, 2004
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