Feb 12, 2003

What's up guys,
I'm glad to see this bad boy alive and ticking. I just got out of a midterm that I think I raped and pillaged, so I'm in a great mood.

First and foremost, I wish the best of Rene. I met him once and he seemed like a great guy and a good father. It's crazy what soldiers sacrifice for us to be safe. Would I ever go to war if drafted? Ya, would I do any good? Probably, Socom has taught me a lot...j/k. I don't know what I would be like at water...I think I would let all the death and bloodshed get to me, go crazy like some vietnam vets that you hear about. I cringed when Kevin tried to show me a cut on his finger, so I don't know. Hopefully it nevers comes down to a draft. Damn Koreans need to chill..north side I mean...us southies are pretty cool right?

Jonathan with his fancy new logo...it looks a little more like you...Brendan thinks you look Chinese, the more I look at it, I start to agree hehe.

Brian is alive! Saweet! Ducks? Shit man, get your roommate to buy Socom damnit, that will give you something to do haha. As for your question, besides being called a dumb Korean by all my friends, I think it's been a long, long while since there's been any racist comments being thrown at me. Racist people are unbelievable. How can you live your life hating on people that you don't know, just because they look different? It's amazing...I guess discrimination is the same like women, gays, etc. I think half the reason why our world is so fucked up is because of racism. It's totally unnecessary, but I guess some people hold strong to their beliefs. All it does is tear us apart and make it uncomfortable to live in. We all have our stereotypes, but that's all it is until you actually meet the person and find out what kind of person they are. Anyway, moral of the story is don't hate on people that you don't know (I know I joke around a lot, but I don't ever mean it!). I still truly believe everyone has some good in them, it just takes some time to see through the rough exteriors of some.

Derek, you crack me up! Your guestbook signature, your blog, hilarious. Derek, you look ok in all your pictures, not to sound gay. I've seen worse. With your joker smile, how can you ever look bad? You light pictures up. haha. Have you seen Brendan's New Years pic? That's a bad one of someone...haha. j/k. You are right, you're definitely no freakin supermodel haha. I think you will have a "well off" (monetary) wife. Just goes w/ the territory of the girls that you usually have dated in the past, minus Sandra...maybe Nicolette, but I don't know much about her. As for a supermodel wife...I don't know. I'm sure you'll get a good lookin girl. I think we all have different tastes in what we think is cute, pretty, fine, etc. So in our own ways, I'm sure all of us will find someone who will suit us perfectly. Thanks for signing the book, haha to Brendan because his whole message didn't come out.

Alright boyz, I'm gonna go eat/study...have a good week at work Jonathan, Steve keep simpin and pimpin in SD, Brian we need you on Socom pronto, Derek have fun at school, Brendan see you online. Peace out!
I guess i'll start with the light hearted stuff first.... :)

Did you know ducks eat grass? At least the ducks at the SSU much on it like there's no tomorrow. I'm all back to nature 'n crap like that... It's all because of my school schedule. I have this long break between classes every tuesday and thursday. It's just enough time to make sitting around boring, but not enough time to go home and rest up. Ahh well... So yeah. Ducks eat grass as well as that slimy algae stuff at the bottom of our man made lake. Ahh I learn more outside the classroom than inside...

I first met Towelie in his second appearance... I think it was when the kids were trying to give a goat back to the middle east. It was hilarious because out of nowhere he comes out and everyone just stares at him. Dead silence and then of course he says, "You wanna get high???" It was so random, I laughed well into the night.

So I'm taking this Chicano Studies class to complete my GE... It's actually a lot more interesting than I would have thought. The thing that probably makes it interesting is that I've learned that my professor is trying to get us to become more aware and protest stuff. He shows us these old movies 'n stuff about people going through the social movements 'n stuff, and looks at us like we should be doing the same thing. On one hand he's right. Our generation hasn't really had anything to protest before. The 80s were a dead time, and the 90s we went though the little ribbon power shit. What's in store for this generation this decade? More of the same stuff, or is something finally going to happen? Should we be protesting the possibility of war? Ahhh... Like I said it's a pretty good class. I'm kind of glad I couldn't take an asian studies class. I mean, I can get most of that stuff from parents or grandparents. Looking at another race and their struggles is interesting.

So here's a racial question for you guys... (Yes even the korean can participate :P) When was the last time you were discriminated against/been the target of racial slurs? hehe, since I work at such a crappy job, I get it all the time, but it doesn't really bother me since most of the people are trailer trash bitches that need to try and show some dominance over SOMETHING. Never a Jap though... Always something like Chink or something as unoriginal. I'm just curious if it's a big thing everywhere else... (Santa Rosa is pretty damn racist against... Well... Everyone....)

As for friends who are heading off to the growing troop build up... It's really sad... I have a friend who got sent off to Korea last month... I've been watching the news 'n stuff hoping nothing will happen over there. When he had a little party before leaving (it was his birthday of all things...) it was damn hard to say good-bye. We say we'll see each other again in a year or two when he finishes his little "tour of duty.." But I wonder how much he's going to change. Would I go to war if they did the draft again? Yeah.. Probably. Not for any of the bullshit reasons our President is spouting, but just so someone else doesn't have to take my place out there.

Feb 11, 2003

Quick and Simple.

This is for my cousin Rene Martin who had to ship off to the Middle East to prepare for a possible war. For this he is leaving his family behind. I just want to say thanks for making it safe for me to run my mouth off about anything I want, especially the war. Thank you and come back to us safe and sound!

This goes for all the troops that don't ask whether war is right or not. All they know is how to protect the lives of us here in the United States...