I'm getting really sick and tired of idiots in my class. I swear to god they fucking talk just to hear their voices. Don't you hate that shit? In fact I HATE people like that. I know what you're thinking and I send out a hearty, "Fuck You"! I know that sounds like me but there is a difference. First of all I'm always right. Second of all...there is no second of all. Seconds are for losers. So now that I got all that aggression out of the way onto tonights' show! I'd like to bring out my first guest who has been around the block a couple times and is no stranger to being old...Jonathan Hironag..Hirana...Hira...Hirahanochingchinga!
B: So I've heard that you're turning 49! Congratulations on your birthday! / J: Well actually I'm only turning 23... / B: HOLY SHIT...that is 32 to dyslexic people. You're a fucking fossil! I mean how do you NOT kill yourself at that ripe age? / J: Right...well... / B: So what exactly have you been up to? Any special plans for your birthday? / J: Well I met some new friends. / B: Right your new friends! I heard if you add up all their ages it equals 120 years! Jesus shiet that is fucking horrible. / J: Well they are very nice people and we get to play tennis! / B: Swear to god man...do they wear short shorts like old people do when they play tennis? / J: I don't really understand the question... / B: Well you know...are they wrinkle balls? / J: What in the hell are you talking about? / B: I don't know! That's the fun part...I'm delirious! / J: I'm fucking outta here...you're retarded! / B: I might be! At least I don't have 6 wrinkly testes for friends! / J: Fuck you...you are NOT half the man Charlie is! He takes care of me! He loves me like a fellow FOB should be loved! Why do you think I've never called you lately! News flash: Cause I HATE you now! You've been replaced needle penis! / B: Oh really? Well first I get replaced by a 12 year old girl (haha Bryant! Couldn't resist! Sorry!) And now I'm being replaced by Charlie whose real name is DongyXiou and "Allen" and "Sun"! I don't need you or your pet monkeys! SO THERE! / J: (Jon exits with a warm finger up in the air) / B: Yeah bitch...I hope Kent puts another hole in the back of your head you...you...Jan wannabe child! Well that interview went well! Once again Happy Birthday to whatever the fuck his name is...I haven't seen him in like 3 fucking weeks...fuck him...lets go to the next guest! Oh Kristin hasn't arrived yet? Fucking dutch people...I learned in my class that they paint with tempera. That is worse than crayola...shiet...well that looks like that is all the time we have for tonight! I'd like to thank my guest Jon whatever and hope he has a wonderful as in gay, hot sex with DongyXiou birthday! Happy Birthday Jon!! (Yes I know it's tomorrow...but I decided to get a head start!)
I'll blog more later folks! Hope you enjoy the transcript! Gwaaahaaahaahaaaaaa....
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