Nov 12, 2003

so i saw it. Matrix. I thought it was good. Reloaded sucked, but yeh, that's old news. I thought the third one wasn't all that, but definitely better than the second one. Granted, there were some HELLA corny scenes, but for the most part I liked it. Of course i like any movie that provokes long discussions over coffee, or leads to repeating lines from it over and over and over again. That's pretty general, i know. I pretty much consider the matrix (first one) to be the best of the three, and am a fan of pretty much only that one.

So yeh, reloaded sucked, and that bad taste rolls over in the viewers mouth into the third one. Everyone and their mom hated Revolutions. I like how anything mainstream is instantly hated no matter what. Seems like everyone these days has become an artsy abstract counter culture mother fucker who hates anything that more than handfull of people like.

You all probably hated it, so what's the point in me saying anything about it. Brendan, you hated the first one, you hated the second one, so why would you not hate the third one? A movie trilogy can never be saved by the last installment, especially if you hate with a passion the first one, the foundation. A movie trilogy CAN however, be destroyed the by the third in point, back to the future Damn that movie sucked.

The matrix (first movie) i thought was pretty good because it brought forth the issue of man vs. machine in an original matter. This isn't a new battle..(terminator, toy soldiers, etc) but the way it was put forth i thought was cool. The movie blew up...leading to shitloads of other merchandise and it's effects could be seen everywhere. Okay maybe i'm generalizing. Whatevers. Anyways, my point is, when you make something that most people like a lot, anything after will be considered crappy.

Boyz II men made the album "II" which was the best fucking R&B album ever. Every single album afterwards failed to live up to "II" in eveyrone's eyes, both critics, fans, and even Boyz II men themselves.

Anyways, whatevers, you all hated it. Fine. My apologies for liking it. I must be a fucking social retard.

no need to worry about that, cuz...
the last samurai is coming out soon and we can all hate something together.

Rock on.

P.S. Santa Claus 2 is coming out on DVD..guess i should pick up my reserved copy. YES! (i'm kidding)

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