I know I usually write longer blogs but tonight will be short and to the point.
Class had to give presentations on a scientific illustration. Rules are: No illustrations on cartography, perspective or anatomy. You must also talk about the ART not give a history lesson of the illustration. Simple. First idiot brings in a fucking map of the world. Unbelievable. Second dolt brings in a illustration that utilizes perspective. Unfuckingbelievable. Third guy is Ari. He does good. Fouth peanut brained potzer decides to bring a beautifully illustrated...that is correct. A nude. With guess what? Anatomy. Wonderful. Everyone else who went decided to give us a history lesson on the carbon cycle (whom someone asked where does the carbon go and this biatch responds in a really fucked up Mexican accent...and I think she is Mexican...with, "it gets trapped in the ozone layer. Carbon is solely responsible for melting ice caps. Most people think it is heat but it is carbon). Funny I could have sworn on Ben Stein's money that carbon traps in the heat. I then got a history lesson on astronomy and the rainbow spectrum. Amazing. I don't go until Thursday. I'm thinking I'm going to bring a map drawn in perspective tatooed on my gonads. For those wondering the map will be of Earth and all its continents on my left nut. The whole universe will fit nicely everywhere else around that general area. Those idiots are in for a scrumptious surprise.
Saw Star Wars Episode II today. Yeah yeah big deal. Well I saw it with 44 speakers and on 75 mm film...hey isn't that IMAX? I believe it is. I decided why waste valuable time in class when I can go to the Metreon and watch "Who da man? Yoda man." (I can't believe Lucas would okay that trailer...JarJar's retractable penis must be in Lucas's mouth again.) Well that is it. Made some progress on Mental Abstraction. I gotta get some stuff up before my Thursday persentation cuz I'm going to plug it. Hey that is at least 15 hits if some people in my class check it out! Gotta go...the tatoo is really starting to hurt now...but it is so exhilerating...
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