Nov 12, 2002

Ok ok ok...this is the 2nd time I am writing this. The first time I pressed the wrong button and lost everything. That did not make me happy. But I am writing again so that Jonathan can be happy that we are using this blogger for good. =D So here we go again.....

Everything is going ok. School is pretty boring. I have a couple tests coming up and surprise surprise, I've gotten sick again. I think I have a disease because whenever important tests, projects, finals, etc come up, I get really sick. But I realized something today...I am going to miss one aspect of SLO a lot. The past few days it was raining hard and it was all gloomy outside. But today it was a good day, the sun was shining and I had some time before my next class at 2, so I sat down in the business building on the lawn and just relaxed. There is no other place that I know of that can be more relaxing than that area. The grass is so green, the air is super clean, and the sun was just warm enough. That is what I will miss. I can go sit in a park in SJ, but it wouldn't be the same. The air isn't as clean, it's always noisy, maybe I haven't looked hard enough for my spot. I'm sure all of us have a certain place like this in our lives.

This leads into my next segment somewhat....I think I've finally decided which path I would like to go down in my career. I want to go into management of some sort. I want to be the one to make decisions and create strategies to keep organizations, companies, etc...profitable. I like the control and I think I have a systematic type of brain where I can be successful in that area. When I grow older, I will either open up a videogame store w/ Brendan and Andy - details on that later or I would like to pursue teaching. In what field? Not sure, marketing, management, some sort of business courses. But definitely at the college level and I was thinking of retiring in SLO. It would be perfect, small town, peaceful, the beach near by, etc. This is very down the line, but it was kind of fun thinking it up, now we'll see if I can live it out. Things will change on the way I'm sure, but it's nice to know that I have some sort of direction now. IBM is my first step, what's next?????

Sorry if this is all random, I'm trying to remember my thoughts from the first blog....I just came back from a comedian that I saw on campus. His name was Mitch Hedberg. He was freakin hilarious. He had so many jokes, but he tells them so fast it's hard to remember so of them. I could write examples here, but it's so much funnier in person with the way he says certain things. I would check him out if you get the chance. He's random, sarcastic, but funny. Andy, Kevin and I were laughing our asses off.

Ok, my's almost depressing, but I had a good time. Here's what I did....NOTHING!!!!! I sat home all weekend and played videogames and watched movies. I feel like I'm not taking advantage of my senior year, but it was fun, I didn't spend any money and I didn't have any crazy hangovers. Win win! I also got to hang out w/ Kevin and we had a cool talk about life, careers, future, etc. We haven't done it in a while. But I was happy to hear that he chose to work at KPMG to be closer to his friends. I was touched that I was part of that decision. I'm really glad to have met him and because of him I am happy that I chose to go to Cal Poly. He makes my whole experience worth it because I gained a truly good friend out of it. Hopefully next year we'll be roommates trying to be all responsible and shit. =)

Well, I got a call from Natalie on Friday, 7am...god damn! But it was good because there was a power outage and I needed to wake up at 8. But for the phone call, it was really cool hearing from her. We pretty much just talked about how we were doing, pretty basic and simple, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I realized I still care a lot about her, so those feelings haven't changed, but I keep telling myself to move on. It's just hard because maybe at the time I didn't realize it or appreciate it, but I could really see myself being with her for a while. I just have to keep reminding myself, let it go. Don't grow up too fast, and let things happen. I can't force the issue on anything.

As for trying to move on...kind of a funny this friend of Kristin's tells her that there are two girls in her class that think I'm cute. One, I knew about and actually has my number, but she's never called, so I don't think much into it. The other one, I thought was this girl that I totally thought was good looking, but never said anything to because she had a bf at the time. SOOO Kristin tells me this and she writes her friend an email saying that I think the latter girl is cute. It turns out that this other girl is not the one I was thinking of and even worse, I have no clue who it is. So someone might get word that I'm interested. Ooops! Not good. Hopefully Kristin's friend hasn't said anything yet, or I'm going to feel kind of dumb. Anyway...that's my most exciting adventure of the week.

Brendan, we are dominant at Socom. It's ridiculous. hehe If only stupid Andy would stop being mad at the game (he doesn't like the community of players because they're bitches) we could be a real force. Or if stupid Kevin would buy a PS2 and a TV. hehe

Alright, well I think I got most of what I wanted down on this stupid thing. I hope this keeps people satisfied for a couple weeks hehe. j/k. I'll write whenever I feel like there's something meaningful to be said. Jonathan, nice Icon for Brian. Props to you and Brendan for your arts skillz...I wish I was that talented at something. I hope mine looks just as good ...Hawaiian shirt remember~

You guys take care...and I will hopefully see all of you at Thanksgiving time (Steve, Brian...u guys coming home?) Peace y'all

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