Nov 20, 2002

Whats up all....
Here I am for my weekly blog. I don't have a lot to say either to be honest with ya. I'm gonna elaborate on some of what Brendan has wrote to our readers.

I don't necessarily think that you all reading this are becoming stupider. I think you're becoming more enlightened to the lifestyles of 6 young individual...well 5, Jon's 23...old man! By reading our blog, you'll probably think, either a. these guys hate each other or b. these guys are stupid, yet somehow entertaining...haha I am hoping you're thinking more towards the "b" side. Brendan is right that we aren't assholes. We have a totally different style of humor.

Derek is a little bit of a flake (bball?!?!), but he's got some entertaining stories and I think he's had the most adventures. Back in his youth, he used to be a ladies man, god knows what happened since then.

Jonathan is Mr. Drammar, even online in conversations, emails, etc...I bet he's critiquing this as we speak. Good tennis player, one of these days I hope to beat him. Most likely not though, damn it! Let's play hockey Mo-fo and we'll see what's up hehe. j/k

Steve never blogs on this anymore, he's got his own. Mr. Fancy and his own blog! Don't you feel special! He's also a nice guy though. Amazing huh? j/k

Brian - good work w/ handling the situation. I would've kicked the SHIT out of those guys haha ya right! But as long as everyone's safe in the end, it's all good. Brian is now known as the guy who watches our backs and comes to the rescue. He's also Mr. Invisible who nevers comes home for breaks. No one wants to see you anway...j/k =D

Brendan, he's a straight asshole. Nothing anyone can do about that. But believe it or not, if you have any problem he some how rationalizes it so that it makes total sense and makes you feel more comfortable inside. He's a big softy inside and he knows it. He'll just never admit. Don't be intimidated or you've already made a mistake! The killing part, I don't know...I've been gone at school for a's the limit for him.

As for me, I'm the nice guy of course. I was Most Friendliest! I did not vote for myself for friendliest. I thought I was gosh darn Best All Around baby! Yes I'm modest hehe. I have a hugely sarcastic nature, with the crazy noises I make, facial expressions, or as Jonathan would put it, a SASS mouth. Just don't say anything totally ignorant around me, especially in a serious tone or I may not take you seriously for a while. But hey, follow Brendan's advice and sign my guestbook ( Make it look like I have friends. =D Funny, ever since Brendan's little advertisement, two people have signed it! He should be a marketing major!

I would also like any of you to e-mail Brendan because I would be interested to know what you guys/gals (I want to be politically correct) think of us.

Onto thoughts that have come up this week. After a talk w/ Steve, we've decided that girls are crazy. Always seem to be playing some sort of my game w/ the fellaz. It's funny though because some guys never learn...COUGH...ME?! j/k I learn! seriously I do...ok I don't...SHIT hehe.

Also love can be the best thing in the world, but when it ends, so does your world. That is until you find it again. Takes time...booooooo time! hehehehe

I also ran into a girl who used to go to PHS. Damn I felt hella old because I was telling her about what I was planning and things I've thought about (career, investments, family, etc.) and she was like "Dang, that's crazy! I never think about things like that, damn you're old!" I think she only talked to me because she knows I can string her racquet at a discount. Hahah oh dear! you know what's weird, is during the summer I couldn't stay up past 10, but nowadayz I can't go to bed until 3 or 4. This is a problem...I need sleep damn it!!!! I tried to get some sleep over the weekend but nnooooo I had to play videogames. They're the freakin devil!

My week has been kind of hectic, I have papers to write, my Senior Project, Database, and some Software tests to finish up for next week. Damn, my break is going to suck. I am going to be doing school work the whole time. That's what I get for slacking off and playing Socom, which kicks ass these dayz. But on a good note, I busted an A on my Strategic Management midterm. The weird part is I actually studied for that one. Studying works! Who knew? I tell ya, I need to be a manager of some sort. That's my calling hehe. Either do that or work at Tennis Warehouse my whole life.

Craziest thing that happened at work is that I met this guy, who's korean, his name is Brian and he has an older sister too. And when we were talking we had all the same shit going on, Korean mom nagging, own some sort of store and having to work at it, and crazy korean sisters who drove us nutz. I thought the coincidences were pretty crazy. It was good because I don't talk to too many people at tennis warehouse. Not really my crowd, but most are actually pretty cool. Interesting what happens when you actually talk to people haha. I'm soooooo quiet somedayz.

Another weird/funny thing that happened this week, while I was scanning a picture for my Web site, I looked at the back of it. There was some girl's number on the back of it, to those who wonder who it might be (Key Club...which girl did I talk about?..jonathan I know you know that one). I thought it was hilarious because the picture is almost 5 years old and I just discovered that. Damn, was I that ignorant? Or I did know she liked me but I was just not interested at all, but I wanted the picture? haha I always wonder if girls ever gave me signs in the past that they liked, but I just never realized or knew. All in the past, but got me thinking a little bit. Mostly likely not, but who knows...who cares?! Me, for a second or two =D

Alright, am I done babbling today? Wait, there's a little more....Jonathan I love the icon. So many inside jokes in one little picture, UNBEATABLE. That damn walls of Bryant is scary you stalker! hehe Good job though, I love it...thanks! Derek's icon is f***ing hilarious! Brendan, god damn (sorry derek no offense hehe), I laugh everytime I see it. Way better than Gaston! As for the Xmas thing, whatever you guyz want to do. I'm down for whateverz. Poor bastards...thought that counts hehe.

For realz, I'm done! Take care of yourselfz and I will be back Tuesday if anyone really cares...anyone care? Didn't think so, Damn! hahahaha I need sleep!

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