So here's the thing. We all consider ourselves each other's best friends. If not best friends than damn close to it. Here is where I let the guard down. Just for this one precious moment in time I will do some recollecting...some deep thought...take a journey into a place where no one is allowed to go...my emotions.
Kindergarden - I meet a little Korean boy who has a bigger bowl haircut than I do. Little did I know that we would be blogging stupid shit here and now. Almost two decades later he hasn't tossed me out like my other best friends (that's a shoutout to Josh Bourland and Russell Weber). I don't know what keeps him around other than I put things in harsh perspective for him. Or that he can use me like a chaff when Lyndsey hunted us down..."Hey Brendan come over here..." The bitch bogey than changed course toward my tail (double meaning) I'd like to thank you for those memories you ass. I'll see you later this week for Socom. When I remind you of the reality that I am better. 613 as of 12102002.
Big Trip - I'm sorry that you Steve had to sit close to me on that bus ride there. It was a fun time though wasn't it? Except walking a few furlongs away from Disneyland into the moldy part of Orange County just to find someone some bleach. Either way Ping Pong that is where I had the luck to meet someone who hung out with the Sr. YBA bitches. You just remember that time where you walked out of my house telling me everything was cool...I knew it...that's why I told you to get your ass back in the house to talk more. Don't harm sea turtles either.
Noah's Bagels - Well if it isn't Derek Avery. Heard a lot about him...forunately never knew him either. Until the Jewish people wanted some food. Derek, if I had to take a guess on how many hours we've spent on Resident Evil I would have to guess at least 40-50 hours. DO NOT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TOUCH THAT DAMN MAP BUTTON AGAIN! You've always been tolerable of my God bashing and I just want you to know I'm going to die knowing there isn't a God. If there is you'll put in a good word right? If not I can sneak in Snake styles...SNAKE? SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!
Friday Night Poker - "Hey Steve? You have any friends that wanna play poker?...Jonathan...Jon who?" I guess Jon can rip into me about how ignorant I was to hang around with some other people in YBA and not you. "FOR CHRIST'S SAKE JUST SHOOT THE FUCKING BALL INTO THE POCKET" Where it all started. Where the making fun of each other began. I do think our debates are hilarious and I can't wait until the next one. Here's one for you...only creative people sell out. Best of luck and remember you can always draw hands better than me...same in poker.
LA trip - Brian. I feel bad that you had to sleep with Derek and Bryant and they made you sleep on the floor. I know you say you prefered it but I know your lying. You can beat them up later if you'd like. Either way this is where I really got to know you as Brian Asai not the "bitch doesn't come home, chills with his fucking girlfriend all fucking hours of the day." I'll let you guess who was saying those things. Hehe. Don't worry about taking long in school...just as long as you don't graduate before me you're kosher.
Blogger.com - No memories for you Pooky...you fucking horseshit...pulling shit out of your ass bitch.
So where is this all going? Why does it sound like he's leaving us? Or you might be saying, "finally he's gone." Either way the point is that in a way we are all leaving each other. Now don't get me wrong...I'm not saying our friendship is ending...but things are finally coming together for some of us...and will come together in the future for others. We laugh at the fact that our parents don't have friends (well they don't get to see their close friends from when they were our age that often)...were going to be there really soon you know. It is not like school where we think to ourselves, "oh they'll be home for this and that..." Nope...pretty soon it won't be that way. Pretty soon we will all be embarking in a new chapter in our lives and the friendship is so strong among us that we will take it for granted. We will always think that we will be close. In a funny way we will be. We are what we are because of us. Those memories up top are only a small portion of what I remember and what I will always remember.
The thing about it is that when we finally do go our seperate ways the only real variable is time. Distance isn't so key anymore. Even though we might not be able to see each other every weekend...it is easier to keep in touch with someone nowadays than it was when we had penpals and shit. The unfortunate part of time is that it goes so fast...and the longer the time goes on...the farther we grow apart. Now don't get me wrong..I'm not pessimistic about this...I'm realistic. It's not like we are never going to talk to each other in the future, but things change. I can already see some interests in the group changing...we are already branching out as individuals. As individuals it might take us to far and exciting places. Were going to have families (I still opt for the pool table) and our priorities will no longer be this group. I think the problem with most groups of friends is that they take the friendship for granted...it is human nature. If anything is there long enough...we tend to forget how important it really is.
So here is where I leave it. I'm not sad about this and neither should you. You shouldn't be angry or EVEN HAPPY (I know some of you are.) You should just feel...acceptance. By us realizing these facts...we will just be that much stronger in the future. So let us be bitchy to each other...enjoy each other's company and just to be stupid in any way we can. I've already started...I mean look at this blog. Doesn't get much stupider than this...btw...the emotion box is closed so leave your suggestions at the mother fucking door.
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