Feb 1, 2003

Wow, Bryant--I definitely would not have recalled all those topics we discussed. Your mega memory serves well once again. Definitely a night of good times… clean family fun for all.

A quick note for those wondering what the hell Bryant meant: I just started my “coed kickboxing” class at West Valley, and got paired up with a French international student. I find her attractive (although I feel my Berkeley Eyes coming back, so my taste is even more suspect than usual) and she seems really nice, so I’ll try to partner up with her and talk to her more (even though I feel hesitant to kick her slight frame with maximum destructive force), and if things look good, ask her out, because why the fack not. At the very least I’d like to hear about France and her perspective on how things ova dea compare to hea. Sidenote: That room smells like feet. “My wife calls me SWAMPFOOT.”

From the 16th to the 19th, I went snowboarding with some young coworkers and their random invitees. About 30 people stayed in a 3-bed 2-bath cabin, so it was cramped but only cost $35/person for the whole weekend. It seemed like a fun, friendly group of people, but there were only about 6 girls, not counting the 35-yr-old with a kid, who was someone’s housemate. There was one girl I thought was pretty cute, but I think she was there with her guy FUCKTHAT heheh. Oh, and among them was also Lan’s old roommate, that was interesting. Well, on to the stories, enjoy.

The Urinator
The main story of the weekend involved some peepee, and as a result some pissed off people. Ahahaha (Steve: Globetrotters cartoon laugh track). So the first night we were there, a lot of people got their drank on, playing drinking games or whatnot. Eventually we all went to bed… not knowing that we were in dirty danger’s way. Luckily I was in a room with a door with a lock. So apparently here’s what happened that night…

- 3AM: in one of the rooms, The Urinator (one of the drunk guys) wakes up, stands in the corner, and starts pissing on someone else’s boarding gear. Another guy is awake and asks in polite but utterly confused manner, “What The FUCK Are You DOING?!” The Urinator shrugs with something like “idunno,” decides at that point to lie down and go back to sleep.

- 5AM: repeat of events of 3AM. Also, another guy who’s sleeping wakes up, sits up in bed, says plainly, “hey no peeing in the house,” lies down and goes back to sleep.

So as a result of these foul-smelling antics we’ve got some piss-infested shiet, and a very upset owner (who happens to be the 35-yr-old lady aww) of said shiet. Here’s the weird part: The Urinator does not remember doing it, does not believe the story when people tell him, and therefore makes no apology to anyone. Now that I know who he is, whenever I see The Urinator I can’t help but think, “that dirty pisser.” p.s. I told Brendan this story, and his feedback was along the lines of “if he fucking did that to me, I’d PISS on HIM.” I found that very funny. But justice is serious, so don’t laugh. =|

We ended up playing some poker the second night. There was one fobby guy who was hilarious. He’s the type who says bold shiet that others normally don’t have the nerve to say. Like right when some girls arrived at the cabin, we were playing cards and he says, “Where’s my drink? Put on your waitress outfit and serve me,” and “If you girls need a place to sleep, there’s room in my sleeping bag.” So we were playing cards for about $6 per person, and this guy was betting like crazy every round, every hand. He would always bet the same way, no matter what cards he had. The first round would be a quarter, then following rounds he’d say, “SEQUENTIALLY… ” and the next amount, which was a quarter more. Most of the time when it came down to him and someone else, the pot would be huge and he would lose because he had a low pair or something. So we were all cracking up because of his betting style and the crazy shiet he said, and the number of times he felt obligated to say "sequentially." And he kept buying in more and more. He had a FAT roll of cash. Poker fun for everyone. sidenote: I heard he dropped about a G the next night playing blackjack. I decided not to gamble in the casinos at all.

Sharing the wealth
The third night we had dinner at a restaurant/bar and had to wait about an hour and a half for our table, so people were beering and bullshitting to kill time. When we finally sat we had only about 8 people left, all with buzzes going strong. So we were the assholes in the place, but in the fun way. When we finished, it came to about $66. People as always just have $20s- some got change back, others were too drunk to care. When it was settled to everyone’s apparent satisfaction, I saw the bill… we had left a single C-note. I asked if everyone got their change, but most people had left already, so the guy who had handled the money said don’t worry about it. We handed it over to our waitress (who had been cool, but geez) saying, “you’re gonna love this: no change.” When she saw her 50% tip she said “you guys are awesome!” and was all happy, dancing around. Our brilliant money manager grinned, “it’s nice to put a smile on someone’s face once in a while.” Indeed.

Again I was thinking of writing about the car search, but I’m tired of thinking about it. I need to focus on something else and just wait, let my savings build up, and see how my options look later in the year. You can ask if you really care about the constant debate going on in my head. ValueBangs vs. GreedyBangs/CarpeDiemBangs. A classic match-up.

Bryant, keep it up. I need to get back on track. I shall seek inspiration in Calvin and Hobbes and Capcom artbooks. There better be something new up on jhiro.net by the end of the weekend.

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