Mar 4, 2003

"A lot going on... but there always is, isn't there: a lot going on."

Fake birthday on the old ranch
Yeah, it's late now, but happy birthday B3 after the fact anyway. I'll get you a present if you ever come back home again you chucka mofucka. Heheh get a new job, and save up for Nihon, seriously. Or just multiply paperz on PokerRoom. Hope it was a good one. See you next Thanksgiving.

Thanks to Bryant for providing me with a place to sleep and fruit juice aplenty. It was an interesting weekend. My highlights:

I got to stay an extra night, yay! My coworker Eric was my ride, and I ended up not seeing him for the whole weekend. I often wondered if he was okay, since he didn’t respond to my numerous messages and was doing a lot of mountain biking. On the way down Friday morning, he told me that his sister was thrown in jail for public drunkenness the night before. Sunday night I hear from him around 10pm and apparently the shiet happened again. And he had to go pick her up, but only after the minimum four hour processing period. So we left this morning around 7am and I have two hours of work to make up.

Andy said some hilarious shiet. Observing that Bryant’s car makes a noise like a small animal... claiming that the unicycle that we saw a guy riding on the sidewalk is mythical, like a unicorn... singing an 80s song and telling Tiffany that it was from before she was born… unfortunately I can’t claim to know him that well, but Andy cracks me up.

Saw Kevin again, met Kent, got to know Tiffany a little bit better. What nice people all around. Kevin made some bold statements about challenges at the pool table. It was kinda weird meeting someone named Kent… Heath Ledger has never been so faded. While Bryant was passed out at Denny’s, T-bola was friendly enough to ask me some questions … how long I’m staying in SLO, do I have beads, etc.… about 5 times each. Alcohol is a brain killer people. But it’s all good, at least she tried. And she seems to really like her BLucky-given nickname. Everyone wins, eh!

Nerd action
Steve's puzzle... whoever uses it doesn't ever see it? So they're blind or dead...?

A coffin - Although this doesn't work in the weird case that someone decides they want to choose or even buy their own coffin ahead of time. Now that's gotta be the ultimate in superficiality. Or if the afterlife lets you look down on the living and watch your own funeral. But then why would you do that when you can see naked people.

A white cane - This is making some politically incorrect assumptions: (a) blind people can't be taught to make canes, (b) blind people are powerless to go out and buy things for themselves. So a friend or family member would have to fetch their guidestick for them, and never play "blind man" and use it for fun. A stretch? Perhaps.

etc. - I could sit here and let the nerd brain come up with a dozen more, each justified more weakly than the last. But I won't.

If I'm right, I better get that 151 and pho, you cheap bastard. And even if I'm not right... shiet... HEY STEVE MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Full Circle sucked and was the biggest disappointment ever. Now let’s have at that dick.
I am special.

Stay tuned for next time… the reason behind my love for the classic video games.

“Get the fuck outta here.” “Understood.”

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