Mar 14, 2003

two things:

Jon - man ur blog was very analytical, very STUPID, and VERY FUCKING HILARIOUS. If i could only think as quickly as you maybe i could have graduated on time. Nah I doubt that. I wish i could be as PC as u, but you know me. I jump first, and then after i'm shit on the sharp rocks below, THEN i think. Good thing i have friends like u to think for me :-P Heh.

Brendan - okay, so a friend of mine just got cheated on. She loved this guy completely, with all her heart. She was crushed. So then on her blog, I see this letter her friend wrote to the girl that her bf cheat on her with. THe letter is straight up mean. And i thought, "wow. That's really mean". But then again, she deserved it. Anyways, my point is I was amazed at how a person can get so angry over their friend's drama.


first off, i think this shit is fucking stupid. That NoPube bitch needs to get her ass kicked. And bad. Oh wells, when she's pregnant at 18, i'm sure she'll be the talk of the welfare office. 1st of the month baby! Where them food stamps at????

okay, so i've never tried Tomo's food. oh wait i did. Pretty fucking good. Okay, so i've never been there. But the food was good. So lets see...good food, one of my best friend's family owns it, it's free....ok so that pisses me off. A lot. A LOT. The horiuchi's (well at least the cool ones that brendan was talking about) are cool people. There is a severe lack of cool people in this world. I am not cool. Therefore, i will beat the living SHIT out of people who fuck with my friends.

Let me say that again, just in case any of you fuckwads are reading this. I WILL BEAT THE FUCKING SHIT OUT OF U IF YOU FUCK WITH MY FRIEND. You getting angry yet? Good you cocksucker. Listen, I have nothing to lose. I'm not in your family, and i'm not ur friend. I have just taken a quarter of wingchun kung fu..which qualifies me as a DEADLY WEAPON. If that still doesn't scare you, ask jon about how i feel about ripping people's ears off (the same goes for ur nose). Furthermore, i'm the most angry, pessemistic, immature fucker in the group. Brendan, if you want anyone to have their ass kicked, just let me know. i have a lot of pent up anger from 23 years of stress, so i can assure you they will either be dead or so disfigured you won't be able to tell who they are.

Yes. i'm immature. I'm stupid. But who cares. i'm never gonna grow up. That's for sure. i'm gonna be 18 forever. and 3 mentally.

k nap time for this dumbshit.

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