May 4, 2003

Affirmative Action
All right already, two bleachblood yakoos have been invited. You happy now? Quota filled, fuckaz!
What's next, we gonna let the browns in?
The blog will never be the same.
"All good things..."

I put the chatbox up so that other people who read our blog can comment on our posts... not to give Team Pooky another place to write dumb shiet they think is funny. I see that someone has posed as GOD, paying BLuckyDay an overly generous compliment*. I can only assume this was BLuckyDay himself or one of his movie magic boyfriends, because no one else ever says anything nice about that asshole. And as if that wasn't bad enough, someone posed as another supreme being, fuckin Pooky. I'M POOKY. YOU'RE NOT POOKY. Don't try to be me, cause you ain't and you cain't, you non-Pooky bitch. Did I say "J" should be on the team? Fuck no... I don't know who or what "J" is... other than a letter that sucka names start with. Just try and make a suggestion in my name in the posts section... aw you can't! So until you can do that, take credit for your own dumb ideas. But as it turns out, "J" might be worthy of the invite since he already clowned on Eecs Bangs. Correct my nuts, you pale anal nerd! As for "tat", "ferret"** and "Tazzz"... nothing too stupid from them so far, just they only seem interested in reading what "J" has to say. I guess they're tired of you guys already. Well anyways, even though there has yet to be anything worthwhile in the Chatbox, I'm gonna leave it up for you to use as you will. I thought about taking it down, but that would just be childish HAHAHAHA

* "Haha my sons. That BLuckyDay is one funny fuck!"
** "FERRET"??!!!

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