Disney characters..I love this topic. Since I consider myself somewhat of a Disney fan I'm gonna jump on this. Here here for three blogs in a matter of an hour.
Belle: She's fucking french. That means she is stinky. She also fell in love with The Beast. I mean shit...that is a beastiality. She might as well suck off Felipe's (the horse) dick off if she's into that shit. French are stinky. Tony you are right. You can't find girls to suck off a bear...what is this world coming to?
Sleeping Beauty: She sleeps. I can hit that while she is asleep. No complaints. I do my thing and I get outta there. But then again...she is not awake to clean shit...or cook..which is what girls are supposed to do. Haha.
Cinderella: She believes in the Fairy God Mother. She rides in a pumpkin. She can only pleasure you until 12:00. Then she has to bolt outta there like a bat out of hell. Fuck that. I need a girl that likes pillow talk...pillow talk about what soap to use to clean my dishes.
Jasmine: Pooonjabi. 'Nuff said. Her nose is shaped funny. Plus it took her nearly 58 minutes into the movie to figure out it was Aladdin. Dumb as can be.
Pocahontas: OKay that long flowing hair gets me. But she talks to a tree. A TREE?!? Plus the real Pocahontas was supposedly bald. So the animator Glen Keane decided to make her a lot prettier than she really was. I can't get that thought out of my head when I watch her go down the river to wash my clothes.
Snow White: Tony nailed it right on the money. Although Seven Dwarves...while she is cleaning...nah that porn would never work...or would it? Plus she is pale as fucking...well...snow. Its like Disney ran out of skin tone paint so they kept her white. Eww.
Mulan: My family will tell you that I liked her because she had MingNa's mannerisms down. Whoever animated her got it right on the money...I mean I dont' know her personally but some things I have seen in the Mulan character I see her do in movies and ER. Yet Mulan herself...she tries to act like a boy...to the point of cross dressing...weird.
Jane: Tony once again got it right. I don't like Minnie Driver..and that's all I see when I see her. Besides she wasn't perportioned right.
Ariel: Glen Keane modeled her after Alyssa Milano. He knew where to find inspiration. But are redheads really that cute in real life? Aww fuck it. Gimme that trident. I'll give her some legs and somewhere to stick it. (Jesus this is getting disturbing.)
Meg: Had a certain flair. Personality wise I like her. But once again. The redhead sorta thing bugs me and the fact that her waist was drawn in about an inch in diameter bugs the shit outta me.
Nala: Okay I like Moira Kelly. Blah Blah Blah cutting edge blah blah blha...I think she looked great in With Honors...however...that movie was good anyway which is why I bought it! Moira Kelly was just a nice throw in. She seems fiesty but innocent. I love it. The fact she is a lioness...I do not.
So the winner is...Esmerelda. Not necessarly on looks but boy can she dance on a pole. Her gypsy ways are making me like her. If I had to go on looks wise...and not taking perportions into consideration? Jessica Rabbit all the way...haha. This topic is...well...its crazy..but fun!
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