Bryant would say age ain't nothing but a number...he would also say "legal" is overrated.
Bruckheimer whores please stand up. Oh look it's everyone else on this blog. Well it is ILS isn't it? Hey Bryant you forgot about Kangaroo Jack! Haha!
If you ever forget that one again, Bruckheimer will never forgive you. Did anyone else notice that Bruckheimer and Bay kinda look like each other? Maybe that's why they are lovers.
What exactly did Kevin say about Jon's friends? Let's instigate some shit. Either way they are nice guys and they have always let me come into their poker games and now Halo...hopefully more in the future. So while they are "nerds" least they don't play Halo as much as we do Socom. I guess we are dorks. Is there a difference? You tell me.
I know Bryant doesn't like me calling his girlfriend her names I give her...but I've decided when its in normal context I shall use her three letter name...Tif. Kinda sounds like Tiff. HOWEVER when it comes to films (and I guess she considers herself a fan of them) if she hasn't seen the films we mentioned off then she still gets the name T-Rant until she shows me her receipts from Blockbuster that she did indeed rent them and then I want a 3 page paper on why that movie kicked ass or sucked anus pubes. Then she will be rewarded with her real name. Youg'n. Hehe. Good start on the films Bryant...keep up the good work. She will come to understand how good they truly are.
I'm with Bryant on Chico. I've never been because...well I have no desire to travel there. Kevin is some incentive...but isn't a PS2 incentive to keep in touch with us? Breaking news: Socom is MIA in Maniac's residence...all suspects shall be interrogated until it is found.
Not to ruin anything for you guys...Haha. If you didn't know ESPN has better coverage of the WSOP 2003. If you wanna know who won it then you can look it up or ask me. Either way you won't believe it.
BLuckyday is contemplating on buying another X-Box strictly for Halo. Anyone wanna knock some sense into me? Give me 3 legit reasons why two Xboxes is just covering up my insecurities. If no one ready for some 8 player Halo tourneys.
Old joke that you've probably heard before...but it still makes me smirk.
A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel attached to his crotch. The bartender says, "Hey you gotta steering wheel attached to your crotch." the Pirate responds, " its drive'n meeh nuts!"
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