Aug 28, 2003

Ahh the blog. It feels like I am home. Not really though. EECS always (not always...more like once...but it keeps repeating in my head because he thinks he is so smart) says how he doesn't understand why I don't use the bold scripts to make my blog more organized...well I'd rather have my room organized than my blog...but just for him...let's have at it.

SFSU : Can there be more Fobs here?

I'm going to get in my production class. In finally get to touch film. Yippie. I'm also taking another screenwriting class. Looks like I have no choice but to pen out that poker movie. After you read the script we won't be friends anymore. I love it. Third I'm taking film history with that stupid fucking fob as teacher who says "shop" instead of "sharp". "Film theowy is theowetically speaking like wata into a pot. Do not listen how I talk or you will miss all dat heavenry grory on da pwojection scween..." "You dumb bitch you got that from Bruce Lee. AND that doesn't make sense." "Who is dis Bwuce Wee?..." You stupid bitch. Finally I might actually take a preproduction animation class. I don't know what it is about but it counts as units for upper division. I found out today that I could possibly graduate by next spring...oh yeah I need the cash for the film first.
Either way the duck eating, dog shitting Fobs are in full force this semester. Shit.

Poker: It Makes You or Breaks Your Ego Into Shards

Kevin and Bryant has stepped into the ring. I'd like to say congratulations for them having the balls to play with real money. Of course they lost some...but they did better than me my first time out. So you guys had some tough beats and some bad ones...but as long as you had fun right? I am doing alright at NoLimit poker and hopefully I'll keep going up. Either way I'll see you across the felt because I know you can't stop playing. Let the paychecks get your lost money back. Hehe. BTW I haven't gotten a flush in over 56 hours. I'm getting tired of this shit. OH yeah...Kevin be careful about Pokerroom being up at your workplace. I mean I wouldn't want to see my accountant or number cruncher or number nerd or money patrol or whatever you call yourself taking a hobby in gambling. Kind of like why my dad doesn't let his clients know he likes to gamble...."I GOT A HUGE TIP...I'M GOING TO PUT ALL YOUR INVESTMENTS IN A PORTFOLIO AND PURCHASE DYNATECH INC. SHARES!!" "Is that a good company?" "WELL YOU GOTTA BUY CHEAP AND GET PAID OFF LIKE A BITCH AFTER GIVING HEAD LATER...TRUST ME!!" "MSNBC has realizes that Dynatech went under today after their CEO quit after losing all the quarter profits in gambling..." "FUCK...OH WELL...THE POT ODDS WERE GOOD!!!" " is gone?...." "IT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE...EVERYONE GOES BROKE...YOU'LL GET RIGHT BACK IN IT..." The Horiuchi family never, ever ate again.

Soul Calibur 2

I'm the best at it. ANY of your fake friends tell you better recognize the skills and let them know what's up.

Kevin Can Tell The Future!!

Kevin knows my parents are going to divorce?!? Oh god please no...oh wait no God...oh jesus please no...Haha you make some interesting points, HOWEVER you must realize that when you're that old you shouldn't sacrifice happiness for comfort...I mean you aren't going to live that much longer so you should be happy as much as you possibly can in what little time you have. Also remember Kevin that while you think you know your parents best...they've known each other longer than you have. So don't talk crazy sense into them...hehe.

However Kevin Can't Tell the Past...

Tony is back from Dallas. He is never ever going back. Hehe.


Why didn't the Ghostbusters just put fire to the Marshmellow Man? You would think a big fire would erupt...but marshmellows just melt into nothingness.

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