food poisoning. I had that yesterday. I won't go into the gruesome details, but lets just say that from now, vomiting will be no big deal for me. I couldn't even keep water down yesterday. Wonderful. Imagine having a stomach ache and nausea that lasts for 24 hours straight. You can't eat or drink anything (that's hell already) and you can't sleep even thought ur exhausted. I'm a bit cracked out right now, as i haven't eaten anything in over 24 hours, and have just started drinking water again, so im a bit dehydrated.
sorry i haven't updated IisB for a while..i'll start up my daily updates as soon as i finish my grad skoo applications.
Brian, also take note of the Chevrolet Prism LSi. It make look like a piece of shit, but don't be fooled! It goes from 0 to 60 in at least 15.5 seconds. Who needs power when ur driving??? Apparently no one who drives this car! I should be glad this POS even comes with a spare. i shouldn't complain tho. Sure beats public transit.
I agree with brendan. The chart makes me feel poor. Then i watch MTV cribs and i feel even poorer.
Thanks for the gifts
I got no one anything this xmas. NO ONE. No one got SHIT from me. I couldn't afford it. And yet, you bastards got me gifts. How much of an ASSHOLE did i feel like when i got to the horiuchi house and found a pile of gifts waiting for me. ARgh. you guys are too much. Thanks so much for everthing guys. One of these days i'll get u guys ur xmas gifts, one of these days. i have already watched Swingers ten times. anD fuck that STUPID FUCKING DASH in YARS REVENGE!!! It's worse than the fucking snake in Pitfall that doesn't move AT ALL and YET YOU STILL HIT IT SOMEHOW BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO TIME UR GODDAMN JUMP PERFECTLY!!!!
Happy bday to bryant. sorry i couldn't have been there. I'm sure it was a blast, as all korean birthdays are. Haha. hope you had a good one man.
goddamn i'm hungry. Popeye's would be good right now. or peas porridge hot, nine days old.
I think the wit level of this group is amazing. The best kind of wit comes when you don't try at all (another area where i am dead last). I was chuckling for quite a while after reading about how the celica's back seat was "cruel joke on your friends". Or maybe it's cuz i'm just stupid. one or the other. Nah, it's probably cuz i'm stupid. Yeh fuck it. nevermind.
aight. back to work. this data ain't gonna enter itself.
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