Okay a couple of things to blog about...the first on the list is Brian changing his hairstyle...so do you look like Jeff now? Second of all you know that you can change all the exterior stuff you want, but until you deal with the NAPS inside your heart...you will forever feel like you are lacking. Just like Jon and his buttons. Haha.
Next thing to rip into is Brian's top 10. I'm not sure if we can let you into the future video game store anymore with that kind of list...but I'm sure we can let you hang out with the rejects in the parking lot waiting to get in. For example...Ulala? There are so many fione ass girls in videogames and you choose Ulala? Let's say I was turned into a video game character that looked just like a 15,000 polygon model of Brad Pitt. I'd head right on over to the DOA and have myself a little Fight Club with all those slutty vixens. Yeah. Out all all the ninja turtles you choose the one that represents Jon? I hope you two have a nice wedding. We can get both bachelor parties out of the way in one go round. Awesome. Ocarina of time is where the game started sucking?!? When it takes you five minutes to ride Epona from the village to Garudo villiage...that is when you know that you were in Hyrule the way it was supposed to look. I'm not one to agree with a bunch of fanboys...but OOT is probably one of the top five video games EVER MADE. I'll give you the rest of the people on the list...highly creative without being to obvious...to bad your list is tainted with mediocre gaming knowledge. HAha!! So when you coming down for some serious Poker?
Next: Suckin Pak or whatever the fuck her name is was on MTV talking to other asians about what it was like to be discriminated against and blah blah blah. My question for her is why not get the perspectives of asians that have been here for awhile and see how they feel. The bottom line is that everyone gets discriminated against...it is how you deal with it that makes you better than most. Besides all she talked to were the typical all wearing black dresses with too dark of the makeup with golden arches as eyebrows with straight black hair that looks like Morticia...all while eating Kimchee at some fucking restaurant that has too many floating zeros in it's name...and to make matters worse the group of friends look like they can be found at Santa Clara billiards on Saturday night. "I hate it when I got the...oh look it's Bruce Lee's wife Miss Ching chong ching chong". Haha that's funny. Let it go. It's funny because we all know that Bruce Lee's wife was Lauren Holly and if you had the name Miss. ching chong ching chong...you are probably a pretty good porn star. Either way why not ask someone like me who haven't really experience discrimination because I had cool friends and was in a cool neighborhood...and when I did get discriminated against...sometimes that shit was funny. Now the difference between let's say my grandparents getting racist comments is that at the time it could have turned violent...and the whole Pearl Harbor thing...but nowadays I feel that since my great grandparents on down got racist comments thrown at them...I better return the favor to the FOBS. It's not my fault they are jungle monkeys. Man, good thing she didn't contact me...she would have edited everything I just said out. Bottom line is that I know that is a weak argument to be a little racist...but EVERYONE IS FUCKING RACIST...BESIDES MISS. PAK...I SAW YOUR FAMILY ON THE SHOW...EVEN BRYANT SHOULD FEEL ASHAMED AT HOW YOUR FAMILY ACTED...haha!
The third second (also known as thirdly) of all is some poker tips. Now you have heard me talk about suited connectors and everyone besides Jon might be a little confused as to when you can play these. In fact I do remember a couple of you guys asking why you would want more callers with somewhat weak cards such as a 78suited. Here is the thing...in case you are wondering...the reason you want to call with more people in the pot is because the odds of you making a winning hand is pretty fucking minimal. You want percentages...here you go...if you want to flop a straight then you have about a 310 to 1 chance against making it...if you do the math then you are looking at a .32 percent chance of making it. If you do get some kind of draw on the flop you are still looking pretty minimal...if you have the way with it then you are looking at an openended straight draw (HOPEFULLY YOU ARE DRAWING ON THE IGNORANT END OF THE STRAIGHT) then you have 8 outs...this is not including your flush draw if you actually have it...but with 78 you aren't looking to good for the flush anyway...these eight outs translate into a .85 to 1 odd. This is HUGE. That's over fifty percent. So why the fuck do you call when you know with that many players someone is probably holding two faces or god forbid...AK or AA, KK...so on? The reason is this...the importance of playing these is that you should play them the same amount everytime if you have the way with your cards. You can't sit down and be like, "well suited connectors didn't work for me last time so I'm going to tighten up my game". Since the odds of you even getting a draw on the flop are minimal...you have to make sure than when you do FINALLY win a pot with this...it makes up for all the times that you missed before. You need to make sure your pot odds are at the very least fucking even for what you are drawing for. Jon might argue with this...about playing these...but he even knows that if you get a straight...you are looking at a huge pot if you played it right. Secondly I know Jon puts stock in these suited connectors and I know he knows when to play them...if he going to have any thing to argue in this paragraph it will be because my percentages are off or he thinks I put too much stock in suited connectors...but that is a personal judgment on his game. We all know Jon is a better poker player than all of us so there you have it...perhaps Jon can actually blog about this confusing topic in a simpler manner! Thirdly, if you play agressive and tight then you should be up in money to take some chances like this. When I win with a AKsuited and walk away with a 30 dollar pot (which is atually quite small for 3/6) then I'm willing to spend at least 20 of that to see the flop or even see fourth street to see if I can DRAW to a DRAW. Sounds fucking crazy, but like I told Bryant...there have been times at Garden that I flipped over "10 high" and laughed it off...you can bet those fuckers gave me some action...I know this above paragraph is full of contradicting statements...but that is how I play my suited cards...I'm even known to raise with a 7-8suited to make sure my pot odds are enough for me to even be in the fucking hand...and that is dangerous...but more dangerous to other players when they find out I raise with 78suited, in their minds for "shits and giggles".
Another poker observation...and I do not recommend this, but I have found for me...when obseving the right players and listening to your gut (if it is proven correct fairly often) you can bluff about slowplaying. Now there have been situations when I had at least top pair, but at the beginning of the hand I felt I was beat...perhaps a flush draw came or a straight...whatever you know the situations...so I do this when I at least have something to backup my semi bluff...and ALSO REMEMBER THAT I ONLY EXPERIMENTED WITH ABOUT 100 DOLLARS IN ORDER TO SEE WHERE THIS WENT...I would act like I was slowplaying. What does this mean exactly? I will check to see if I'm beat...if someone else bets then I will call. Now when the fourth and fifth come out I am looking for ANY SIGN that he didn't make a hand...and in a way I'm hoping that something comes on the board that either HELPS ME IN MY HAND OR MAKES THE BOARD SCARY FOR HYUNG DING PHAN SITTING ACROSS FROM ME...often times I will check if i'm first to act since I would be happy to have him check...I at least have top pair...but if he bets...and I feel that I'm beat...I will come over the top of him and represent what is on that board. I know I made the right decision when he starts to fucking think. THIS DOESN'T HAVE MUCH PLAY IN A 2/4 GAME...BUT even in low stakes games like 3/6...the guy is still thinking about the 12 dollars he is about to lose if he calls (since in his mind I could have made the flush draw). Anyway the results of the experiment is that I probably made about 50 or so bucks just by raising on the river. If you are playing against some nervous fuck sitting down for the first time...or your table image is that of someone who plays only premium cards...this could work for you. Of course this all depends on how you read the person...I have been wrong and have lost pots in occassions like this...but just as the suited connectors...I have the money because my game was on either earlier that night or last session...where I can take chances like these...Jon's gonna hate this paragraph...its like sticking dirty thoughts into your guys' heads. Hehe. This totally goes against the belief of "if you know you are beat then fold", "don't throw away good money after bad" and blah blah blah...but all good poker players know that these rules aren't set in stone...it all depends at the table you are at and how confident you are at observing other people.
Bottom line is this...if your bankroll is hurting you do not play suited connectors to begin with...it is risky and is only worth while if you have the money to throw away...you can easily just build up a bankroll by playing the top ten hands...the second paragraph on poker is just an observation. I don't want you guys fucking calling and raising then blaming me for the shit not working...because I will just say that the guy you tried it against was either a player like you who plays only quality shit or you totally misread him...either way be more fucking observant. Hehe. I was actually going to blog something insightful tonight...but fuck it...I need a shower.
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