Wow, leave for a week and the blogger changes. It's different.
Salads at BK
So I decided to buy the chicken Caesar salad at BK tonight... I have my doubts on how healthy it is. Hell, I think chicken Caesar salads are a mean joke to be played on dieters. It's letting you believe that you're eating healthy but in reality you're taking on more calories and fat. What makes a Caesar salad taste good? The fricken cheese, chicken and dressing. It's like you put yourself through torture just to get to the good parts. I even go through the pains of rewarding myself with a bite of chicken after swallowing 4 mouthfuls of rabbit food. How healthy is that? Not to mention it's a FRICKEN SALAD AT A FAST FOOD PLACE.
The New Place
So I finally got the keys to the new apartment... I'm fairly happy with moving out of Santa Rosa, I have a small place all to myself, on the ground floor. It's nice enough, but have I mentioned that it was small? I gotta get everything out of here by June 1st, and I've only packed the unimportant stuff; video games, CD's, DVD's... Next should probably be the pots and pans. I'm so not looking forward to moving the bed though. Last time I moved, I got hella sick and almost died. ...Alright, so that was an exaggeration, but I think I got heat stroke or something. Anyway, when I get settled, feel free to come up and visit if you're ever in the area. (haha)
The News
I'm a little bit cynical, and watching the news never helps. So there's the big prisoner humiliation thing. People are all acting surprised... Why? Do you really think with all those people over there, there won't be a few who are pissed at the entire "nation of terror?" I mean, come on... We can say we are enlightened, but during a war, everything gets thrown out. Tensions run high, and it's only natural to hate. Do I wish we as people could ever be above it? Of course. But am I surprised that we're "mistreating" our prisoners? Not in the least. Don't we hear these types of stories in our own prison system? What really pisses me off are the people who are "outraged." They're just playing the public for fools, saying "No, we never knew about it, let's find a scapegoat." So who do we blame? The soldiers for following orders? Their officers for ordering it or looking away? Donald Rumsfeld for not keeping an eye on the prisoners' situation? Who is to blame?
Finally, Seahorses
I think I saw them at the Monterey Bay Aquarium once. The only thing I remember is that the male gets pregnant, not the female. Of course, in light of EECS' research I could be wrong.
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