Alright you got it. It's the new Apple monitor. One can suggest that all flat panels are created equally...but I think if you saw these in person you would easily see that NO OTHER flat panel comes close to the brightness and resolution of these monitors. I wish I was rich. I'd probably buy three for shits and giggles.
So Bill Cosby who we are going to see in September is calling out all blacks to get off their asses and make something of themselves. I'm not going into a long debate on this, especially since I'm not black...but I am a minority and that gives me some right to comment. Kevin you can comment also, but if you say something wrong then you will be considered a racist. Haha...a racist like me.
We Japs (especially of our generation) haven't really had to endure too much racism. Of course there were always those kids that stuck out there teeth and made slanty eyes. I didn't mean to offend anyone...really. I always thought that was funny. Anyway, I also haven't had to endure the racism that the black people had to endure...NOW I AM IN NO WAY COMPARING THE PROBLEMS OF THE AMERICAN-JAPANESE TO THE AFRICAN AMERICANS...HOWEVER I THINK THE SOLUTION IS ONE OF THE SAME.
A lot of young black people are getting pissed at Cosby because he said they can't read. I don't know where that came from..."Who you came with" (Nelly, Pimp Juice Expert), but I do think that black people that believe that in blaming "The Man" is going to solve their problems need a wake up call like Cosby. Yes there is racism. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE RACISM AS LONG AS THE CANADIANS GO AROUND WITH THEIR SHITTY MONEY THAT TRIES TO BE PENNIES WHEN I COUNT DOWN MY DRAWER AT NOAHS BAGELS AT THE CHEAP JEW STORE..AHEM...excuse me. There will always be racism in the world. To think otherwise is downright ingorant...however there comes a time when you need to learn to deal with racism. With your mind. To succeed in making something of your give to the community and change the world. Yes one person can make a difference. I firmly believe that. The black community doesn't want to hear this...but I do find it interesting that a lot of the older generation that endured the most racism everyday agree with Cosby. The Japanese Americans had their lives taken from them. Not to the extent of slavery, but were a victim of racism nonetheless. However, I am very proud of what my family has accomplished after being sent to these internment camps...which goes into my next point...
My mom's Aunt passed away this week. I fear that in the next five years we will lose a lot of loved ones in my family. My mom said it best when she pointed out that my extended family (mainly my mom's aunts and uncles) which usually would have taken up like 3 tables were down to one at my cousins wedding. They are getting older and as they all pass on it is up to my generation to realize the dreams they never got to have. Of course I'm not saying that they didn't live their lives to the fullest...but they made sacrifices at the hands of racism. They sacrifed themselves to make our lives better and for that...I can never repay fully...but I can try to change the world by making my life mean something.
Cosby is not denying that racism is a problem in America. He is not dismissing "The Man" for contributing to the problem. What Cosby is saying is that racism will always be here so it is up to the young black community to rise above that racism and the stereotypes that are given to them. Become intelligent. Do your family justice that had to sacrifice so much to give you what they probably never had...a chance.
**Yes Jon I realize that I'm probably making Cosby cringe at my own "educated" syntax.
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