Aug 3, 2004

:: Brendan's List of Overrated Shiet ::

Citizen Kane - This film, which for some reason is number one on every single "Greatest Films" list, is overrated. I see why it was acclaimed for its technical merit. For those who don't know, Orson Welles and some other dude no one knows created a deep focus lens in 1941. This created an image that made things far and close in focus at the same time. I don't know how many Pookiers have actually seen this film (I know Derek and Tony have), but there is a shot in there that I find extremely overrated, yet in every single class the shot comes up in discussion. Kane as a child is seen framed through a window while the adults talk about what to do with the child from inside the house. Big fuck'n deal. The shot isn't that appealing and in my eye, boring. Bottom line: Technically the film is pretty amazing...story wise and dongs.

Mercedes Benz - This car that is somehow on the list of every single successful, black people and rich white people. I can think of at least 15-20 cars that I would want instead of these pieces of shit. Whatever, black rappers also think goblets filled with pimp juice is cool looking. Which leads to my next item...

Dirty South Rappers - Nelly started some bullshit. Now I have to hear it everywhere. I see it on television, I hear it on the radio and somehow no one seems to get tired of these overrated "rappers". All their shit sounds the same and they have retarded fashion sense. Now they all want to break out in film and Hollywood. I'm glad that no credible director has put them in any films other than some bullshit video with the same shit as the next guy. Bottom line: They can all take pimp juice up their ass, but then again I'll probably have to hear some bullshit scream like, "yeeeeeahhhh".

American Pie (All of them) - I can stand stupid humor. Dumb and Dumber is genius...monks hitting their heads with books makes me laugh out loud (extra points if you know what film that is from) and Space Ghost is awesome...but these films were overrated. The first one was okay...but the more people laughed out loud like they were never going to laugh before in the theatre made me hate the film more. The second was a joke. The third, no one cares about. You can go ahead and tell me I hated it because a lot more people liked it...but if you enjoyed these probably also saw Not Another Teen Movie and A Cinderella Story...and liked them. Bottom line: I'm hoping that if I lose half a brain, I could still make films and everyone that has even less than one half a brain will still pay to go see shit on celluloid.

M. Night ShamadabapoonjabiIbidalan - Give me a break. I will admit that perhaps me guessing the obvious in Sixth Sense (c'mon people...he didn't talk to anyone else or even make connected eye contact with his better off wife) ruined the suspense, but I will give the overrated director this...He does build suspense very well. The problem I have with this is that he feels that everything requires some type of crazy twist at the end. This makes him write scripts into a corner and he finds the easy way out. Unbreakable...oh no, not water! Signs...oh no, not water! The Village...oh no, not red! Bottom line: I'll give you Sixth Sense, but I will not give you anything else.

Optimus Prime - You know my argument with this...but Brendan Morris decided to try to be intelligent because he also went to dirty, overrated Berkeley and tried to tell me he doesn't think he is overrated because of the idea that most people don't really like him personally, but he is the icon of the Transformers therefore he seems popular. I then told him to shut up and used Pookiers names' that cried when Dopetimus died. He is overrated. Bottom line: Everyone knows I hate him, everyone knows why I don't like him...he has a big backside that is worthelss...which brings me to...

J.Ho - Nope, that's not a typo. J.Lo is a stupid bitch and quite frankly, I'm glad Affleck got his head out of her or his ass and started playing cards again. She thinks she can act. She can't. She thinks she is good looking. She isn't. She tries to show that she is from the block. Really she reminds me a hooker on the block. She thinks she can sing. She can't. I bet you're gonna say that I hate her because she is successful...well everyone knows that I think society is retared so her being successful doesn't suprise me. Honestly, I don't think she is that good looking. Perhaps it is the way she carries herself, but shouldn't that matter too? Bottom line: Her bottom line is overrated and I hope her and Skelator Marc Anthony move out of the states.

Pablo Picasso - I brought this up a couple of nights ago and suprised that some actually agreed. If you saw his non cubist paintings, they were good, but I don't think they should be regarded in such a high place. The cubist shit is somewhat cool, but I wouldn't pay for a Picasso. I'd rather have something else in my house...don't ask me to name artists...I can't spell their names right. Bottom line: He used to many lines himself.

Drinking - For the 1 percent that don't drink much (me) we are looked down upon as not knowing exactly how to have fun by most. Well Steve himself said that he wouldn't drop because he doesn't need it to have a natural high at a rave. Well I say the same thing about drinking. When I talk about drinking I don't mean a drink at dinner or perhaps ONE drink at a club, but for those that think it's funny to get wasted, I honestly don't feel sad that your going to die from liver failure. I bet I'm going to get shit about this one, but those that drink to get wasted shouldn't ever tell anyone else that drugs are bad when they themselves probably kill more innocent people because their judgement is all fucked up. Bottom line: Cocktails are fine. Alcohol is fine. Abusing it is annoying for us one percenters. On another note, I bet some of you think I don't go clubbing because I don't like to dance...perhaps a bigger incentive not to go is so I don't have to observe drunken behavior. Yeah, I'm boring.

**More to come...again I'm tired and I got work tomorrow morning. Hope you agree and disagree with the list. Good night.

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