Star Wars:
What I found that went wrong w/ Episodes 1 and 2 is that everything was in computer generated. The worlds, the non-human characters, the environments, everything. Like when you watched the Episodes 4 - 6 and saw the making of them, you think, "Wow, George Lucas is a genius." You saw his imagination go wild in how he created some scenes. Now, it seems so easy (in relative thinking terms) to create a crazy world w/ crazy aliens without any real effort. I 100% agree w/ Brendan about Yoda. The fight scene with him was cool, but I thought that was more a cheesy fan appeal thing that Lucas did so that people wouldn't hate his movies.
Episode 1 - I would need to watch this again, but a few things come to mind.
-Darth Maul - I wish he had more interaction w/ the Jedis in terms of speaking. Why he's after them. I would've liked a little more background on the Sith in general and what their deal was.
-Acting - I know Star Wars isn't known for it's acting, but damn that little kid was terrible. I guess he had the look Lucas was looking for, but nothing he said was really believeable.
-Qui-Gong or whatever his name is - the desert scene where he's fighting Maul and then he jumps on a plane and is hella tired. What a weak ass, no wonder why he got killed.
-Darth Mauls death - You go through this long sabre battle and how does he die? Obi Wan jumps and slices him in half. That's not really dramatic, that's not really what I was looking for.
-Jar Jar was annoying, but this one is obvious.
Episode 2
-Anakin's crying - boo hoo hoo all movie long. I know they wanted to try to show his confused feelings, but his whining was no good.
-I've already mentioned Yoda's CG.
-The story was ok, but it was a little too much at times.
-I'm sure there was more that I didn't like, but I can't think of it at the time.
What I did like:
-I like Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan. I thought he was an excellent choice and he plays the part (as much as he can) well. A lot of writing in the movie isn't great, but I think he does a great job.
-Natalie Portman - ditto w/ the addition of the scene where her shirt rips. Good for the movie? No. Good for the fans of Natalie? Yes.
-I liked the scene where all the jedi's actually fight. I also liked the portion of the clone wars that they showed. I thought it looked awesome. This goes the same for the Gungan Battle.
-Pod race - went a little long, but it was entertaining and it looked cool.
Overall I hope episode 3 at least ties in the story well and brings it all together. Almost every question should be answered for me to think this movie is good. I like B's scenarios below and I hope Lucas is smart enough to incorporate them.
Sony PSP
I think both the PSP and DS are going to be overpriced, but I will most likely buy them anyway at some point in time. The opening games haven't blown me away just yet, but the new Mario games look fun.
Sony isn't known for it's high quality gaming stations and I agree taking the PS2 apart to clean the lens isn't the greatest thing. Also their DVD player sucks ass at times. Though did anyone see the new PS2? It's hella slim and comes ready w/ network capability. It I played my PS2 more, I would definitely consider getting it hehe. What a stupid purchase! ?!
I'd be interested in hearing your theory on K5 suited, etc. I am having a hard time deciding whether to raise pre-flop in low stakes games. I find if I do that and the flop doesn't hit me I'm screwed. Anytime I raise pre-flop and it doesn't hit, everyone checks to me, I bet and usually I get raised because someone kept their 72 offsuite. One reason I don't like raising pre-flop in late position is people have already bet, so a raise to them (especially in low stake games) is nothing, so they call regardless and that's what gets me in trouble.
Also I would be interested in hearing thoughts about online vs poker room playing. I find that I play a few more hands and play much more aggressively online. But when I'm in a poker room, I play super conservative waiting for good, quality hands to play and I lose. I'm trying to find my balance and maybe take a few more chances in a poker room. For now I think I will keep working on my discipline online and bring my confidence back up to where I think I can hang in an actual cardroom.
Brendan's Hair
I've always dreamed about talking about this one.....haha I really don't like that look. I guess I would have to see it in person before I made my final decision. But let's remember who's had the same haircut for 8 years and counting and who's pretty ultra conservative when it comes to hair. Being creative has nothing to do w/ your haircut, it has to do w/ what you put on the screen and what you put on paper, tablet, etc. Brendan is one of the most creative people I know and you can read his blogs, look at his damn icon and see his creativity. So Brendan, I vote no on the hair. Though it would be fun to call you 'Streak' or something cool like that haha.
Alright I'm out.
Actually a few notes:
-Happy early Bday to Jonathan because I know I won't be blogging again that day haha. See you soon ROOMMATE muhahahahah
-Steve, have fun in SD. You can have my ol' microwave for X-mas. It smells like curry.
-Derek - How'd you know I was the onlooker? You found out my secret haha. Glad to see you blogging again. At least more then a sentence =)
-Brian - Love the videogames reviews, but now you need an Xbox.
-Andy says he cant' blog because he found out he has 124 spyware programs on his computer hehe. I'm going to try and help him with that.
-Kevin - congrats on your CPA exam, now finish the rest you slacker! Stop replacing me with Sean! =)
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