Dec 14, 2004

Gift Ideas:
I'm not big on "gift exchange" games as being our form of giving gifts to each other solely because someone may walk away from the game not getting what they want. I know Xmas isn't about receiving, but watching others get pretty cool things and you getting something small isn't that fun. I'm game for whatever everyone wants to do, but I still plan on buying gifts for some people. I am with Jonathan that we probably have everything that we need, but it's nice being able to give gifts between friends. I enjoy giving presents, hoping that it's what someone wants and if not that is the beauty of gift receipts. Gag gifts could be fun, but it wouldn't be as fun because I'm not that creative. hehe

Not sure where the dinner thing should be, but we should bbq sometime! Maybe a potluck for a Xmas dinner? I dunno.

GTA - San Andreas
Overall, the game is pretty damn fun. There are a lot of things you can do that you can't do in real life and that's the beauty of videogames. If I feel like beating some bitch on the street I will damn do so. I didn't go through every little detail like the spray painting and picture taking because that would take me forever and I didn't find it fun.

One thing that helps the game is the "skip trip" feature. It allows a user to not have to fail a mission and drive 5 - 10 min again just to start it. This cuts down so much time and I love it. The missions themselves were pretty fun. Though I wish I could've had more missions in San Fiero and Las Venturas.

Another thing I liked was swimming. It wasn't instant death when you went in the water and I thought that was cool. It expands what you can do in the game as well.

The big downer to the game is pop-up. It was a bitch doing a time based mission then all of a sudden a car pops out or a tree appears. I understand the game is huge in terms of design, but damn, it was pretty bad. I'm interested to see a PC or Xbox version to see if that gets cleaned up at all.

Unlike EGM, I don't think the game is a 10. I would probably give it a low to mid 9.

  • Halo2 Clan Matches! - Once Brendan, Brian, Ari and whoever else get done w/ finals and projects, hopefully we can kick ass w/ our clan ratings.
  • Metal Gear Solid 3 - Already started the intro part
  • Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories - Just started the intro part
  • Mario 64 DS - 29 Stars, apparently only 120 more to go or so. I heard I can beat the game w/o all the stars, which is a relief to me.
  • Mario Tennis - need to unlock more mini games and people
  • Paper Mario - I need a lot of time w/ this one
I think all these games should keep me busy over my vacation, which btw rocks!

I had a good time going out last time, hopefully we can go again sometime soon. Unfortunately, we all didn't have fun, so that is something to strive for. I don't think I've ever been out clubbing or dancing where all involved had a really good time. Though I'm not a great dancer, I miss doing it from time to time. Getting the perfect buzz and dancing is awesome and good exercise. haha.

New Years Resolution - Gym.

Alright I'm out.

Good luck with finals! Also - good luck w/ the relationship Farmer B...don't let it clog ur halo2 playing like Andy! haha jk. Congrats!

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