Aug 30, 2017


So my blog today was going to be about extremism.  I started doing a bit of internet research but then my mind started wandering.  So instead of a serious post, I'm going with random thoughts.

My first distraction was a word I never knew existed in the English language:  Exonym.  (I would glare at my high school teachers, but to be honest, I may have slept through the lesson.)


  1. a name used by foreigners for a place, as Florence for Firenze.
  2. a name used by foreigners to refer to a people or social group that the group itself does not use, as Germans for Deutsche.
Tangent 1:  Exonym is not considered a word according to blogger spell check.
Tangent 2:  I can't figure out what service is being used by blogger for spell check.  I have no one to blame but blogger/google?  Microsoft word recognizes it.
Tangent 3:  I guess I'm old school and I need to update my habits but I still put 2 spaces after a colon and at the end of a sentence.

Do I have ADHD?  Maybe!

1 comment:

jhiro said...

Good word! Where did you come across it?

Another Blogger fail is the "Notify me" checkbox for follow-up comments. When I check it I immediately get an email for my own comment I just posted, and then it decides its job is done. So if I don't respond, that's probably why. =[

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