Eh...another sleepless night. You start to think of crazy things. Especially when the sun comes up but not all the way up, just enough where this dark blue light peaks through your blinds. That is about the time my mind goes nuts. I've had this ongoing headache for the past two days. Its like an annoying voice that just won't shut the hell up. I can't lay down because it makes the headache worse and I can't shut my eyes because the voices get louder. So I opt to watch old ass Saved By the Bell reruns. The make matters worse they are the old ass ones where Slater, Kelly and Jesse aren't even there yet. Instead its Mikey and this chubby brunette girl...already forgot her name. Mr. Belding is not really balding and Mr. Tuttle is replaced by an old ass teacher by the name of Miss Bliss with an english accent. Why sleep do you ignore me so? I vow that once I get better from my illness I'm getting back on a regular schedule. Looks like I need to get my mom to flick on the light switch and open up the blinds everytime she wakes up...granted I get sleep that night.
Here is the thing. When all you got is creativity your productivity is based on that creativity. Since I'm not being productive ie. drawing, writing scripts, making wallpapers I don't feel creative. So I guess I have to ask myself what comes first...most would say creativity. But we're missing something from this equation. Earth Wind & Fire says it best with a simple, "Devotion". If I'm going to kill those shit eaters in film class I better find myself some fucking devotion quick. I'm starting to think that creativity is based a lot on what you dream...I need sleep.
Anyone seen the Japanese version of Ring yet? I've always wanted to see it but there hasn't been a english subtitled one available yet. Of course the last time I checked it was 1998. It is supposed to be a very scary movie. Hopefully the American one will not change too much stuff. From what I've seen it looks good. I trust Naomi Watts wouldn't have chosen a shitty movie after Mulholland Drive. We'll see...anyone wanna come with? Alright that is it for me. Its funny how my eyelids are getting heavy...unfortunately in about an hour I have to get ready for school. So I'm going to end it on this note...fuck this. Gwaahaahazazazzz zzzzzz zzzzzzzzz....
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