Oct 3, 2002

wsup guys..
sorry about the lack of postings, but i found myself with a lack of internet. So now that I finally got hooked up (i was sitting on the edge of my fucking seat the whole time), i can blog again. But before i talk about me, i'll comment ont he last few blogs.

Snacks - good to see you. Ur icon is cool. Look at mine. Mine is gay. Sucks.
Bryant - girls suck. They sucked. They suck. And they will suck. Girls were put on this earth in order to fuck with guys. Girls are huge demented monsters, and they feed on male confidence. Be forwarned. But seroiusly, it's good to hear that things are good with you and natalie. As for the job, that's fucking bank. There's going to be a lot of unemployed bastards in this group (pretty much the rest of us...or if you wait a few years...just me) so we'll need someone to mooch off of . Thanks for being that guy!
Jon - dont' sleep anymore.
Brendan - can't comment. Dont' have any game consoles. Can't play KOH. I'm sure it was fun tho.
Brian - Good to hear you're still alive. It''s almost fall now... HARVEST TIME! =D

Anywayz, on to me. So san diego is aight. It's depressing seeing all these freshmen walking around...makes me feel old and jealous. Class is okay. I'm taking a class on japanese pop culture. I didn't know what to expect but the book for it is a huge ANIME book. With pictures. It looks really cool. Especially since there's a whole spread on hentai. Go figure. I moved into my new house. It's pretty nice. Got my own room and stuff. Sweet. But this one guy i live with...shit i guess you really dont' know someone until you live with them. It's only been a week and this mother fucker is the dirtiest bitch ever. He never puts anything away, never washes his dishes, leaves everything out, and fucking wastes every single resource possible. In addition to that, he's a stingy ass mother fucker...HELLA STINGY...but he's rich as hell. He's a good friend..but AS LONG AS I DONT' HAVE TO LIVE WITH HIM. It's gonna be a fun year. Hehe. His girl and him are pretty much attached at the genital area, so i dont' think he'll be around much. Sucked. It was kinda cool hanging out with him for the little time he was here.

NEXT, so many fucking spiders in this house. Brendan, you would be screaming like a little bitch if you were here. Nothing but spiders spiders spiders. My neighbors are pretty cool tho, we've been kinda loud and they haven't said anything yet.

We have a garden hose holder out front. It says "The Hose Hangout" on it. I thought that was funny. Hopefully you did too.

They removed the shitty chinese place from the middle of campus and replaced it with another shitty chinese place. yay.

okay i'm gonna crash now. i'll complain more later.


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