Brian, I'm glad you bought Evanescence, I think it's a great CD, glad you like it too. I would've felt bad if you would've bought it and hated it hehe. Zelda is awesome, the GBA SP does enhance it a little, I'm still looking forward to going to that special island on Animal Crossing. School shmool...Videogames should always take first priority in life hehe. Puzzle fighter is awesome, I can't wait to kick ass at it! Megaman's are tough, but I'll keep at it.
Friends after a breakup - it is a tad of a cruel joke, depending on if you still like the person or not. In my experience it hasn't worked out all too well. Kellene, we talk every so often, but it's minimal at best, just to catch up. Irene - Zilch, which is good, Natalie - pretty much nil, e-mail here and there, Kat - every so often online. I think she's one of the few ex's that I would want to keep in touch with and actually care about how she's doing. It's always nice to try, but for some reason things get too weird. I think it's because I was never really "best friends" with my gfs, they never knew everything about me, like a Brendan or an Andy. I think in general, I'm really bad in keeping in touch with people and if I don't see long-term friendship involved then I don't waste my time. I say only try and become friends if you are willing to make the effort and you do see this person as someone who you will be friends w/ for a long time. I'm not sure if you were implying on getting back together with her also, and I've never gotten back together with an old flame so I don't know how those work out. If she feels the same way of giving it a go again, give it a whirl, but don't expect things to be the same. Also you may disregard everything I am saying since I know little, to zero about Lori, but I decided to chime in my 2 cents in case anyone cared hehe.
School - only a little time left. It seems that these years have gone by so fast. I can't believe it! We're all are almost about to graduate which could be our final years in school ever, grad school is still a possibility but it's not the same. I would like to visit everyone before they leave their schools, so Steve if you have a good weekend for me to come down, I would love to visit SD one more time, Brian I've never been to Sonoma so I would like to see what it's like...since you'll be there next year I guess I have more time, Derek you're too close to visit, Jonathan...I don't want to visit your home anymore hehe j/k, Brendan SF State has too many foreigners. So pretty much I would like to visit Steve and Brian. So let me know of a good weekend and I'm there. If any of you want to visit me, any weekend is pretty good, I don't have class MWF, so feel free to visit anytime.
Relationships - Tiff and I are doing well, just past the month mark...woo hoo! I'm going to try and beat my 3 month mark! haha. She's a cool girl and kick back, I hope all of you get a chance to meet her. And Brendan, we'll find the monkey soon...What are these marks are my arms and legs?!?!
Interesting Question - Jonathan posed me a question while I was in town that got me thinking a little bit...if I wasn't in a relationship would I start approaching girls and become more proactive in making the first move. This could be friends that I might've liked or just some random person. His logic made perfect sense, how most of us just sit back and wait for someone to like us and that in turn, leads us to dating someone. We never really get to choose and it can almost seem like we're settling. I never thought of it as settling, but it could seem that way. I always saw it as a sign to take a chance and that this person could be the 'one' or there is a reason that we're supposed to meet a certain someone. Whether it's to teach us something or if it's because this person is truly special. Who knows, for someone to believe in my theory has to believe in fate in some way or another. But I think my thinking could change once I get out of school because opportunities to meet girls will decrease as I start working and not being in a total social environment, so a person like me might have to learn to take some initiative in meeting someone. For now, I won't worry about it since I'm in a relationship soon, but ask me again when/if I become single in the near future, I thought it was an excellent question to think about.
Woo hoo, I just got Dark Cloud 2, so I already have a game to beat after I beat Zelda! I can't wait until I work, so many games to buy, so little time.
As of now, top 10 videogames that I've played (consoles only)...only because Andy brought up the topic of Halo particular order:
Techmo Super Bowl - my first love of sports games
Super Mario 3 - when I saw it on the Wizard, I crapped my pants and made my parents get it for me for X-mas. Graphics blew me away.
Madden - the series that has never disappointed me, graphics and game play are as good as ever
Zelda - Wind Waker - only zelda I've played besides GBA one now, but graphics and cartoony look make me love this game
Super Puzzle Fighter - endless hours of fun in multi-player action.
Metal Gear Solid - first movie like game that I've played. Soundtrack and voices blew me away, missions got me in suspense.
Metal Gear Solid 2 - Raiden was a little panzy, but this game is still as good as the original w/ updated graphics, once again soundtrack is awesome!
Kingdom Hearts - One of few games where I was in touch w/ the character. Disney characters increased the appeal and the graphics were stunning!
Halo - Everything a person could want in a first person shooter. Levels were exciting and multi-player action increases the fun factor.
Golden Eye tie w/ Perfect Dark - Similar games, Golden eye being the original and first first person shooter that I ever played. Spent hours and hours playing both w/ friends.
These are the ones that come to mind, I'm sure if I looked at my old games I would be able to think of more.
Honorable mentions - Harvest Moon 64, Rogue Squadron, Super Mario Bros., Megaman 2, NHL 94, Socom (only because of multiplayer action)
I'm sure we've had a list like this before, but I just wanted to write these down again.
Anyway, I'm done babbling, back to the books and already playing catch up heheh! Peace out, take care and I'll see you all soon.
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