Whee... Time to double blog, just to make up for lost time in the past... (This was actually going to be posted earlier, but uh... stuff came up :D)
Who needs to save money anyway? I saved up since the beginning of the year, and went crazy on buying stuff this last month... Let's see where to start... Picked up Linkin Park and Evanescence CD yesterday. (I got the Evanescence CD at the suggestion of one of my friends, and Bryant's Xanga!) I haven't been listening to the radio at all so I didn't know what to expect from it. I actually like it a lot. I can't find a bad track on here. Score another for Rock... The song Taking Over Me is goooood! As for the Linkin Park album... I enjoyed it, despite my hate for screaming. I didn't like their first album (Yeah, I'm probably the only one.) but this one has some good beats. Both gets thumbs up from me.
One Hour Photo... That movie with Robin Williams? Don't see it. It's not what I expected at all. It's neither scary or thought provoking. It's just stupid. But hey... We all love stupid, right?
Next... the Gameboy SP. I've been holding out so long without a handhold gaming system (The Neo Geo Pocket doesn't count. I have A game for it.). I've been missing out! Advance Wars kicks so much ass... I ordered puzzle fighter, and I should be getting a call any minute now... But with the addition to the SP, my Cube got better... I can finally hook this up with the 'Cube for some Zelda fun. Zelda is actually a lot of fun. I'm not very far, but I like the camera a lot more in this game. I'm also now a fan of cell shaded graphics! I could watch Link's facial expressions all day... Unfortunately, I haven't had a lot of time to play... Stupid school. I can't wait to get out. OH WAIT. I have a whole 'nother year. ARGGG... I'm ready to leave this school behind. Happily spring break is just around the corner... BUT I HAVE TO WORK. Damn it all...
So yeah, it's almost business as usual now... I actually feel better after writing that last log... Getting stuff out in the open is good sometimes... hehe, now if only I could do that in person.
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