I hate the place...why?
- Smells like piss
- Crowded
- Dirty - air and the streets
- Parking there is a bitch
- Too far away, but everyone loves it
- Too fast paced for my liking
My Status:
Everything else with me is going ok...I still not feeling "single" yet. The freedom that it brings hasn't sunk in yet. This week I was actually feeling ok because of stupid classes, but then I went to Friendster and saw Tiff's profile and she changed her status to being single. *Sigh* This may sound petty and gay, but like I said before the whole ordeal hasn't totally sunk in yet, so I was feeling kind of blue after seeing that. After talking w/ her some more, I've realized that I think she's accepted the fact that she's single. I wish I could....
One thing that I wish....it was common knowledge that her and I broke up. I think I've been asked 3 times this week how things are going b/w us and I wish for each time I had an automated response saying, "We broke up, I needed some time to myself, she took it ok, we're friends." It hurts explaining it each time, hope that ends soon.....
Last weekend:
Total fun! Playing poker Thursday was great, though I was dead tired on Friday for work. Then going out to Miyake's w/ Kristen, Kevin and co. was a blast. Drank one too many Sake bombs and I entertained the heck out of everyone in the car on the way home w/ my singing. Then passing out @ brendan's was great as well. Didn't lose any money playing poker and didn't go out and play pool, so I saved me some dough hehe. Saturday, was fun as well. Going to Obon and kickin it with everyone was great.
-Attendees - Bryant, Jonathan, Brian, Kevin, Andy, Sudhir, Anthony, Matt, Vikram, Martha (Sudhir's girl)
-Seeing Tiff...first time we've seen each other since the break up and it was great. She looked great and I had a good time talking w/ her. She hooked me up w/ a beer. haha
-Meeting Jonathan's perfect match in eating -> Vikram. They both were racing to see who eats slower and Vikram won by like 2 bites (meaning he ate faster) hehe.
-Andy Andy Andy
-When I first encounter Andy, I was talking w/ Tiff. He comes over takes her hat, puts it on and starts walking around. Then he puts it back on her and then bats it down.
-Tiff then starts to introduce Andy to her friend, his response "No, I don't want to meet her" right in front of her friend. He was kidding, and then he preceded to whisper something into her friends ear. I think he offered to buy her a beer or something.
-Andy then goes and buys some fries, over does the ketchup because it's all over his hand. This one fry drops that had massive amounts of ketchup on it and Andy kicks it. It hits some lady, Andy says sorry, but no response from the lady. He then says to her, "That's ok, it happens." Or something along those lines (heard from Sudhir).
-Over by the beer area, Andy drops a dollar. Instead of picking it up like a normal person would, Andy decides to hit someone in the back of the calf to see what they would do. The person turns around, sees Andy's massive frame and turns around because he's smart. Then Andy turns to him and pretends to kick him, while he's looking at Andy. hahaha.
-I guess I had a couple entertaining moments, quoting Little John, Usher, "To da windows, to da walls!" was my theme song. I also showed off some of dance moves that I would be displaying @ the club later that night. My warm up dance was ....The Running Man. LOCK UP YOUR LADIES BAY AREA, BRYANT IS ON THE PROWL (simpsons quote w/ a couple touch ups)
Post Obon:
-Jonathan, Brian and I precede to Loft 11, club in SF. The place was small, hot, and not crawling w/ good looking girls. There were a couple cuties though, but I was in no mood to put the Bryant Mack on if you know what I mean haha. So instead, I drank.
-Danced w/ Jonathan's friend Vy's roommate, most of the night. She was an ok dancer, mediocre on looks (please tell me no Berkeley people read this), but she liked Kobe Bryant, so I was down with her. I tried talking w/ some other girl, but she was 29 and ready to make out w/ some other dude, so I was ok with that.
-Danced and drank and went to Denny's. Got home @ about 4. Went to pass out, but then Kevin decided it was a good idea to wake me up. Boy was he wrong. It was like he unleashed a monster. I grabbed Kevin and started wrestling with him, but then I started hearing "I'm not wearing any pants." So I then let Kevin go and that's when I got out my room and started dancing around the house. I am guessing that the alcohol wasn't quite out of my system yet and also that I wasn't as tired as I thought. I probably didn't get my groove on enough either. So I got on the couch and did a booty dance for everyone. Gave Brian a personal dance, jumped on Kevin and Andy while they were in bed, and went all around the house. I got rave reviews the next morning. A quote from Sudhir, "Andy! Bryant is ready to have his way with you." Spoken by Anthony. Sudhir and Martha thought I was so funny that they didn't mind that I woke them up @ 5 in the morning. Kevin thought it was so funny he took pictures. Him and Andy couldn't stop laughing. Brian was as enthused as the rest..."you ever come that close to me again, I will kill you!" I know he's just messing around hehe.
Overall I had a great time, mostly because my best buddy Kevin was around and I got to hang out w/ all my good friends. (Minus some others, but I'm sure most of you wouldn't want to be around me.) Though in telling this story, I am blushing and embarassed, I had a great time and my friends let me have a good time. Funny thing is, if I was with Tiffany at the time, most likely she would've spent the night and most likely Kevin would've never come in my room and all this wouldn't have happened. I did realize something, I did miss nights like this where it was just the guys having "silly" fun. It's been a year and a half since I've had a night like this.
Thanks to all for showing me a great time, it was exactly what I needed. Steve, can't wait until you return so that you can join our good, clean fun. Kevin, we have your camera so you gotta come back.
Pictures will be on K I M C H E E F I E D when I get a chance.
Another thing that was fun...class...only because it gives me time to doodle in my notebook. Missed those days in college. haha.
Peace out y'all.
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