Some recent things I have observed on my recent trip to Los Angeles...
1. Every single time we ride Pirates of the Caribbean, we get stuck on a boat that seems to be going back to China. As a reminder I think the cast members at Disneyland should realize I don't have a brown backpack, pink hat, pink shoes and a nasty of a color plaid shirt. I mean c'mon...put me with the white folks.
2. I'm getting old. My feet hurt after 2 hours of walking around.
3. Space Mountain is on track to be opened in 2008. Big Thunder Mountain keeps killing people (operator error though), Matterhorn needs some serious oiling and Splash Mountain is where you go to see Tony without his shirt on. (As we are going up his shirt is on...after we splash down I turn around and see his shirt off with a big grin on his face)
4. No one takes good pictures around Disneyland. They are all the cheesy, stand in a line in front of a bush and smile. I think for the first time in my life I'm going to take a real 35mm camera in there with black and white film and take some dope ass pictures for about 2 hours. (No more because no one wants to lug that thing around)
5. Those tram people DO NOT sound like Homestar Runner.
6. Tony hates paying quality money for quality ramen in San Jose. He'd rather eat branches and pho. So you should see him try to save money in Disneyland. I think his cheeseburger cost 8.50. He drank the water out of Splash Mountain.
7. Out of all the princesses I saw there, I think that Belle (yes the French one) and Jasmine looked the best. I wonder if they can take those costumes home. I could do some fun stuff with the Minnie's head.
All in all I still stand by that Disneyland is a awesome place to go with friends. Sure it might not be Vegas or be on the same level of getting piss drunk, but the ambiance is bar none. You can never find trouble and everyone is out to have a good time. I talked to Shannon and we decided that we are all (I guess Jen, Aaron and Linds can come...hehe) going to go next year. It's Disneyland's 50th anniversary. Hopefully Space Mountain will be up again, you can ride Tower of Terror (fucking dope) and we can even go clubbing around LA...and stop off at the Best Western where our heroes, the Swingers ate. Of course this trip is about a year and half away, but I thought I'd mention it now only because I'm sure rooms are already being reserved for the celebration.
Hope all of you had fun at Mountain View and Steve...for your shameless plug of Tomos...I will treat you...we can go up to Fresno for the day and play cards (they don't have a button charge there either). Peace.
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