Jun 29, 2005

Congrats Tony! Since we both finished fourth before I think the winner is the one who made the most money against the larger field. That is me. Haha! Just kidding. I always said that I thought you had just the right amount of gamble...well maybe a just a tad too much...but I think your placing proves it! Seriously, good job.

Now a good poker blog with a shitty poker blog. I'm going to make this short and sweet. I'm sure my dad will be disappointed with this one...

- I go to Bay101 after Stitch's birthday dinner.
- It's about 10:30 by the time I get there. I was feeling a little tired.
- I took out 2 bills from the bank earlier today.
- I see no names on the 3/6 list. Cool shit.
- I sit down for about 45 minutes and I'm up 20 but feel extremely bored. Then I hear...
- Seating now on 6/12. I decide that it is time I grow some balls and try it.
- I sit down. I look around and I see 4 people with sunglasses on.
- All of them are older than me except one guy who looked about my age.
- I sit down and buy 200 dollars worth of chips.
- In 2 hours I am up about a rack (200 dollars)
- Good news is that I felt I could beat the game. I didn't feel intimidated at all.
- Bad news is that I felt I wasn't playing my best game.
- I didn't go on tilt, but after being up 200 bucks I couldn't make a hand.
- My aces got cracked three times. No straight or flushes after being up 200.
- So about 45 mintues later after the above statement happened...I was back to even.
- BUT on the other hand even though I felt I was playing just a little sloppy, I wasn't through with my 6/12 experiment.
- Cut to the chase...I lost my initial buy in. You are going to have to believe me that I was not on tilt, the cards just weren't there tonight...you know after I won.
- So fuck me and my drive to keep playing. But at least I can say I tried it and while writing this I am playing Paradise Poker 3/6 and I'm up 150.00

Again congrats Tony!

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