Also my post repsonding to everyone's opinions does sound abrasive. I didn't mean it like that really. When you have contrasting POV then it will sound abrasive to anyone who doesn't agree with you 100 percent. Now to kick Andy down the stairs of knowledge.
"I don't think you have it" puts the man, your opponent to the test. It makes them think, "fuck...maybe he does have me beat" or "shit, I'm going to win this pot". It puts them in doubt and even if they fold then they will be questioning it for the next 20 minutes.
Andy, Andy, Andy. It's all part of the game. I can easily say that anyone with half a brain should have said, "wait a minute...I don't have the nuts...I can't re-raise him in this spot". Like I said...lying about one's hand is what poker is all about, especially in no limit.
NO LIMIT is a people game where the cards are insurance in case you read things wrong.
And I will lie straight to his face any day of the week to make sure he never knows what I am doing. Last I checked, lies = bluffs in poker and I'm pretty sure bluffing whether verbal or with chips is part of the game.
Again though, I was a punk. Just because it was a bitch thing to do does not mean that it is beneath me to do so since it is part of the game. Maybe it was overkill, but I needed to 100 percent guarantee that I got paid off for this hand because I NEED TO REPAIR MY XBOX AND I NEED CASH TO DO SO. So after hearing that you should say, "Anthony should play with you more often = Maybe we can finally get on Forza as a club." Hehe.
Now onto Derek's questions:
1.) Yes. But only if I haven't taken a doody earlier in the day.
2.) The only shoes on this planet are on the white man. Why can't a brother like Denzel get some shoes. (Glory reference for you ignants)
3.) YES. YES AND YES. I have grown up on 2 percent. I love the creaminess of it. That sounds nasty, but it is true. 1 percent feels a bit watered down. When I eat it with cereal I feel like the po' black child. And I want shoes on my feet.
4.) In my dreams once I slept with Pocahantas and she was shreiking like an animal. And yes my genitals look good as an animated caricature. Then I remember the motion got so repetitive that the animator must have just drawn two frames then told the film transfer guy to repeat it for the next 8 hours. You know your typical cartoon sex dream. =)
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