Aug 28, 2017

Making a comeback?

A Comeback?

I heard there was some interest in bringing the blog back...  Something about us not running into each other frequently or living in different states - we're trying to maintain some public record of friendship?

Blogging Challenges

When Jon mentioned starting the blog again, I had some conflicting emotions and thought about the challenges of going back to the medium.  While I like the idea of using a blog to keep in contact (because it's been literally years since I've seen some of you!) it's not easy to write more than 140 characters at a time or come up with something entertaining that doesn't include cat videos.  A blog doesn't blast our business to our immediate friends - people actually have to make an effort to come here  As writers we have the responsibility to our audience (all 3 of them) to make sure time isn't wasted! (so to be clear, I'll be judging every post from here on out on a wasted time scale)

Another challenge I face is that I honestly don't write anymore. I can count on one hand the number of times I sat down to write something personal for more than 5 minutes.  Yet somehow when we were in our twenties, we would write these long posts about baseball, poker, college or life problems.  It came so easily too...  I remember busting out these posts quickly whereas I think I've spent more than an hour just to get these three paragraphs done.

Why we should do it anyway

For science/inspiration, I read through some of our old posts...  Dear god I wanted to poke my eyes out.  I've posted things that are so cringe-worthy that if Alycia were to read it, I'm sure she would start questioning her life choices.  Yet I think there's still some beauty in it.  We're not the same people we were back then, but I can still remember where I was or what frame of mind I was in when writing.  It's a painful but truthful record of who we were 15 years ago.

So for the memories, I'll try to keep this up for a bit.  I'm going to challenge myself to write a post a day for the next few days to see how it feels - hopefully in 15 years all of these next few posts will be insightful and smart (but I doubt it).

I hope you guys will occasionally write too.  I really am interested in hearing from you guys outside of regular conversations - what's going on in your lives, what annoys the crap out of you, etc.


jhiro said...

To clarify, I was just the messenger: It was Steve's idea to return to group blogging. I don't know how many of us use RSS, so new post notifications may indeed be a problem. Anyway, thanks for getting the ball rolling yet again.

S said...

Thanks for posting B3. I will start posting again as well.

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