Dec 14, 2004

Gift Ideas:
I'm not big on "gift exchange" games as being our form of giving gifts to each other solely because someone may walk away from the game not getting what they want. I know Xmas isn't about receiving, but watching others get pretty cool things and you getting something small isn't that fun. I'm game for whatever everyone wants to do, but I still plan on buying gifts for some people. I am with Jonathan that we probably have everything that we need, but it's nice being able to give gifts between friends. I enjoy giving presents, hoping that it's what someone wants and if not that is the beauty of gift receipts. Gag gifts could be fun, but it wouldn't be as fun because I'm not that creative. hehe

Not sure where the dinner thing should be, but we should bbq sometime! Maybe a potluck for a Xmas dinner? I dunno.

GTA - San Andreas
Overall, the game is pretty damn fun. There are a lot of things you can do that you can't do in real life and that's the beauty of videogames. If I feel like beating some bitch on the street I will damn do so. I didn't go through every little detail like the spray painting and picture taking because that would take me forever and I didn't find it fun.

One thing that helps the game is the "skip trip" feature. It allows a user to not have to fail a mission and drive 5 - 10 min again just to start it. This cuts down so much time and I love it. The missions themselves were pretty fun. Though I wish I could've had more missions in San Fiero and Las Venturas.

Another thing I liked was swimming. It wasn't instant death when you went in the water and I thought that was cool. It expands what you can do in the game as well.

The big downer to the game is pop-up. It was a bitch doing a time based mission then all of a sudden a car pops out or a tree appears. I understand the game is huge in terms of design, but damn, it was pretty bad. I'm interested to see a PC or Xbox version to see if that gets cleaned up at all.

Unlike EGM, I don't think the game is a 10. I would probably give it a low to mid 9.

  • Halo2 Clan Matches! - Once Brendan, Brian, Ari and whoever else get done w/ finals and projects, hopefully we can kick ass w/ our clan ratings.
  • Metal Gear Solid 3 - Already started the intro part
  • Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories - Just started the intro part
  • Mario 64 DS - 29 Stars, apparently only 120 more to go or so. I heard I can beat the game w/o all the stars, which is a relief to me.
  • Mario Tennis - need to unlock more mini games and people
  • Paper Mario - I need a lot of time w/ this one
I think all these games should keep me busy over my vacation, which btw rocks!

I had a good time going out last time, hopefully we can go again sometime soon. Unfortunately, we all didn't have fun, so that is something to strive for. I don't think I've ever been out clubbing or dancing where all involved had a really good time. Though I'm not a great dancer, I miss doing it from time to time. Getting the perfect buzz and dancing is awesome and good exercise. haha.

New Years Resolution - Gym.

Alright I'm out.

Good luck with finals! Also - good luck w/ the relationship Farmer B...don't let it clog ur halo2 playing like Andy! haha jk. Congrats!

Dec 7, 2004

So we all agreed that we're not doing gifts this year, huh? That's cool with me.

Okay I made that up. But I don't know what to get anyone. We already have more than we need and most of what we want since we all spoil ourselves til the rot stinks up the pantry. And I don't need 5 copies of the Seinfeld DVDs.

I still think it's fun to exchange gifts of course. I like the element of surprise more than the actual receiving. I suggest we do one of the following (if anything):

(1) That thing we did in elementary school where you bring a wrapped gift and then everyone puts their name in a hat and when your name is picked you go choose a gift from the pile and open it in front of everyone and if you're not the first person you have the choice of stealing from someone before you and they go choose another gift and a gift can only be stolen two or three times and there could be a price range I dunno maybe $20 to $40 and everyone has a good laugh unless they got their dream gift stolen from them in which case they are bitter the rest of the night and for the rest of the next year they only think about stealing the best gift back from that jackass and laughing in their face and how sweet it'll be. Sound familiar?

(2) Same thing with gag gifts. Funny.

Actually maybe we could do both. The point is the whole shopping and giftgiving can be made fun and affordable for everyone, without the stress of recalling what everyone already has in their DVD collections.

And to those who already bought me a gift... it better be beef flavor. And remember, 'tis better to give than to receive, you lucky dog you.

Nov 25, 2004

Here you go guys

Me and Jon will stick to the old fashioned method, cuz that seems to be getting us far.

Happy thanksgiving guys. There's so much to be thankful for! I guess.
FYI - don't put this demo disc in my PS2!!! Dirtiest trick to play on somebody...haha

Sony warns of major glitch in Holiday 2004 Demo Disc

SCEA alerts public that playing the Viewtiful Joe 2 demo will erase memory cards.

Over the past few weeks, members of the PlayStation Underground--Sony's US fan club--have been receiving copies of the Holiday 2004 Demo Disc. One of the premier demos on the disc was for Viewtiful Joe 2, which arrives on the console December 7.

Unfortunately, gamers eager to sample the cel-shaded beat-'em-up were in for a very nasty surprise. That's because the demo contained a glitch which will erase all saved games on the memory card or cards currently inserted in the console. Considering many PlayStation 2 owners are currently shooting their way through Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, which takes at least 40 hours to finish, the glitch sparked an uproar among PlayStation Underground members.

This week, Sony acknowledged the glitch via a mass e-mail to PlayStation Underground members. Besides conveying the corporation's "sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused," the e-mail also suggested that gamers "please remove your Memory Card(s) from your PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system before you load the Holiday 2004 Demo Disc." Speaking to GameSpot, a Sony rep clarified the situation further, saying, "You can play all of the demos including VJ2 as long as you remove the mem cards."

Oct 22, 2004

Why can't there ever be nice ghosts. Ghosts that look like Olivia who tend to your every need. Instead Nihon is filled with nothing but ghosts that hold grudges. Fucked up grudges at that. I am pretty disturbed. Let the shambles continue...I'll write a more detailed, unspoiler review tonight. Peace.

Oct 20, 2004

OH DAMN! From what I've been reading, (Thanks for buying those mags for me Jon...) I hear a Mazdaspeed Mazda 3 is in the works. This may be what I need instead of hunting for the 2003 Mazdaspeed Protege. Me = Happy.

Eh, sorta happy at least. A lot of it is just specuation and rumor. I'd be nice if they came out with the mazdaspeed3, but my car would probably be dead before that.

On a realated note, I finally saw a Dodge SRT-4. Damn, it has a powerful sounding engine. It's a possible, but not likely. The Ion Red Line from Saturn got a few bad reviews and Nissan's SE-R V-Spec reviews say poor interior. So I might be back at square one. Whee.

One More Edit:
Jon Stewart on Crossfire.

Oct 18, 2004

A quick shout to everyone that helped move or came over and just celebrated~ I hope you enjoyed the new place.

Kevin - thanks for everything. You were more than a great help and I was glad you could make it this weekend. Our house would be so much worse off if it weren't for you. Thanks again and I miss you already, come back soon! hahaha

Brian and Terri - thanks for the sushi, it was super yummy! Glad you actually got to see my place for once.

Brendan - thanks for going w/ me to the store. I needed a breather from the stresses that some call my parents haha.

B3 - playing pokerroom w/ me, that was fun! Though you couldn't be in San Jose, you still found a way to keep me busy. I'll practice COD so I can get used to a mouse and perchance see why everyone jocks it. =)

Thanks to everyone else who has talked to me, hung out w/ me, and just overall kept my mind off the crappy things in my life. I appreciate it more then you will ever know.

It's been very interesting hearing everyone's views and advice. Some differ a lot more then others and I found that enlightening. I know I have to find my own path and others who give advice, sometimes go off their experiences, but I think that's how we learn in life. We learn from others experiences and it's our job to take that knowledge and see if it applies to us. There are so many different situations out there and there will probably never be one that matches us exactly.

Back to work, I actually have stuff to do for once.

Oct 12, 2004

Well this is just a post to say that I've once joined the land of the single. Tiff broke up w/ me last night. Though I am not ready to write about the details of why, I just thought everyone should know about it.

Time to enter a new phase of my life w/o her. I say this only because I really don't know if we'll get back together or not, but I will start preparing for the worst.

Take care...

So I wrote about some of this in my Xanga, but still didn't really go into detail to why.

The reason Tiff broke up w/ me was because ever since we broke up and got back together the first time she had been feeling kind of weird about our relationship. Things didn't feel totally natural. Reason being was because we set some ground rules when we got back together especially where I needed a little bit of space so that I could have some time to myself. In turn, this left Tiff in a state of "how much is enough" type of situation, where she didn't know if she was crowding me or not, therefore she was scared to call, hang out, stay at my place, etc. Unfortunately this is something that I really couldn't fix unless somehow I put measurements on how much I hang out with someone, which would be ridiculous in a relationship. The unfortunate part of it all was that I thought our relationship was fine. I was really happy w/ the way it was going therefore when she told me that we were breaking up, I was left it total shock.

Another small reason was that the distance was getting to her. I think she wanted to have me around a little bit more then what I could provide. This is quite unfortunate because this is another situation I really couldn't fix. I wasn't ready to give up my job at IBM just so I could live in SLO for a couple years.

So now I am left here alone again and single. I haven't been for a year and a half and some say this could be a good thing. This is my first time truly being single ever since I got back to San Jose. I didn't realize this until Brendan said it to me yesterday. If you read my Xanga, I think I will just take this time to evaluate my life and see what I've accomplished so far.

Well here's to a new journey in life...can't wait to see most of you this weekend. Thanks for helping me move =)

Oct 10, 2004

What kind of world do we live in when Superman, Man of Steel, dies at the age of 52? I'll tell you...a pitiful, pitiful world. That is why you don't ride horses. Relationships don't work out and you become paralyzed from the neck down. Christopher Reeve, may you have much luck in the big phone booth in the sky. Do they allow wheelchairs in phone booths?

Oct 6, 2004

Alright, I just got back from a video game store and I'm going to bitch for a bit.

The State of Video Game Stores
I do not like the direction these stores are headed. I've noticed it for the past few years, but here are the top reasons I hate them.

First of all, I usually go to the store to browse through the games. Sometimes I want an old game, sometimes I'm there for a release date. But now, the geniuses up above realize they are losing money in inventory. The business side of me realizes that they are trying to get zero inventory in the store, but this does not work to the average gamers advantage. Everything is Pre order this, pre-order that. What if I don't want it now? What if I'd rather wait for a review? Ohhh, they're sold out, because the dumbass store only bought 4 extra copies. Like there are only 4 others out there like me. Fuck that. See, and I found out another sneaky thing... I was at the store two weeks ago and saw Silent Hill 4 was $50 pre-order only. This week, it looks like it's $35 and they have multiple copies left. They get the suckers that need the game the day it comes out, and then entice the others to jump on the bandwagon with a lower price. Granted this strategy would work if it was an A-listed game... But with all these games coming out before the holiday rush, guess what? They're losing out. Bottom line, if things continue the way they are right now, the only way we'll be able to buy games older than 6 months old is by going online. And that's no fun either. Who wants to buy a game and sit around for 3 days waiting for it to come by? I did that once, for Sam and Max. But I spent more on shipping the game to me next day than the game itself. FedEx wins. I remember in my marketing class there was some sort of graph showing the product life span, but damnit, everyone gets placed differently all the time. Sometimes, we'll buy the game first thing, other games are not high priority, and sometimes we always wanted a game, but never bothered to buy it, but it caught our eye in the bargain bin.

Another thing. Strategy guides. They all ask you if you want a strat guide for a game you just bought. I understand the chances of getting one of us to buy the game is fairly high during the time of game purchase, but DON'T TRY to shove it down our throats. Most of these guys at the stores are gamers as well... They should know that unless it's an uber complex game with hidden stats and fucked up secrets normal humans would never get, WE DON'T WANT TO SPOIL THE GAME. I didn't spend $35 just to go through the motions of playing a game. Maybe that's why adventure games are dying out though... Too many people are turning to walk=throughs strat guides to beat a game? Interesting. But something to blog later....

Finally... I DO NOT WANT TO PURCHASE A USED GAME FROM YOU BITCHES. Yes, I realize I can save myself a whole $5 on a game because some sorry sap decided he wanted $3 for a game he bought for $40. I do not want to fund you bitches in your quest for higher profits. I'd rather support the people that actually made the game, not the bullshit stores that are fucking things up for everyone else with strat guides and pre-order crap.

*sigh* I'm sure I'd be more coherent in a few hours, but I wanted to get it out there right now.
Star Wars:
What I found that went wrong w/ Episodes 1 and 2 is that everything was in computer generated. The worlds, the non-human characters, the environments, everything. Like when you watched the Episodes 4 - 6 and saw the making of them, you think, "Wow, George Lucas is a genius." You saw his imagination go wild in how he created some scenes. Now, it seems so easy (in relative thinking terms) to create a crazy world w/ crazy aliens without any real effort. I 100% agree w/ Brendan about Yoda. The fight scene with him was cool, but I thought that was more a cheesy fan appeal thing that Lucas did so that people wouldn't hate his movies.

Episode 1 - I would need to watch this again, but a few things come to mind.
-Darth Maul - I wish he had more interaction w/ the Jedis in terms of speaking. Why he's after them. I would've liked a little more background on the Sith in general and what their deal was.
-Acting - I know Star Wars isn't known for it's acting, but damn that little kid was terrible. I guess he had the look Lucas was looking for, but nothing he said was really believeable.
-Qui-Gong or whatever his name is - the desert scene where he's fighting Maul and then he jumps on a plane and is hella tired. What a weak ass, no wonder why he got killed.
-Darth Mauls death - You go through this long sabre battle and how does he die? Obi Wan jumps and slices him in half. That's not really dramatic, that's not really what I was looking for.
-Jar Jar was annoying, but this one is obvious.

Episode 2
-Anakin's crying - boo hoo hoo all movie long. I know they wanted to try to show his confused feelings, but his whining was no good.
-I've already mentioned Yoda's CG.
-The story was ok, but it was a little too much at times.
-I'm sure there was more that I didn't like, but I can't think of it at the time.

What I did like:
-I like Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan. I thought he was an excellent choice and he plays the part (as much as he can) well. A lot of writing in the movie isn't great, but I think he does a great job.
-Natalie Portman - ditto w/ the addition of the scene where her shirt rips. Good for the movie? No. Good for the fans of Natalie? Yes.
-I liked the scene where all the jedi's actually fight. I also liked the portion of the clone wars that they showed. I thought it looked awesome. This goes the same for the Gungan Battle.
-Pod race - went a little long, but it was entertaining and it looked cool.

Overall I hope episode 3 at least ties in the story well and brings it all together. Almost every question should be answered for me to think this movie is good. I like B's scenarios below and I hope Lucas is smart enough to incorporate them.

Sony PSP
I think both the PSP and DS are going to be overpriced, but I will most likely buy them anyway at some point in time. The opening games haven't blown me away just yet, but the new Mario games look fun.

Sony isn't known for it's high quality gaming stations and I agree taking the PS2 apart to clean the lens isn't the greatest thing. Also their DVD player sucks ass at times. Though did anyone see the new PS2? It's hella slim and comes ready w/ network capability. It I played my PS2 more, I would definitely consider getting it hehe. What a stupid purchase! ?!

I'd be interested in hearing your theory on K5 suited, etc. I am having a hard time deciding whether to raise pre-flop in low stakes games. I find if I do that and the flop doesn't hit me I'm screwed. Anytime I raise pre-flop and it doesn't hit, everyone checks to me, I bet and usually I get raised because someone kept their 72 offsuite. One reason I don't like raising pre-flop in late position is people have already bet, so a raise to them (especially in low stake games) is nothing, so they call regardless and that's what gets me in trouble.

Also I would be interested in hearing thoughts about online vs poker room playing. I find that I play a few more hands and play much more aggressively online. But when I'm in a poker room, I play super conservative waiting for good, quality hands to play and I lose. I'm trying to find my balance and maybe take a few more chances in a poker room. For now I think I will keep working on my discipline online and bring my confidence back up to where I think I can hang in an actual cardroom.

Brendan's Hair
I've always dreamed about talking about this one.....haha I really don't like that look. I guess I would have to see it in person before I made my final decision. But let's remember who's had the same haircut for 8 years and counting and who's pretty ultra conservative when it comes to hair. Being creative has nothing to do w/ your haircut, it has to do w/ what you put on the screen and what you put on paper, tablet, etc. Brendan is one of the most creative people I know and you can read his blogs, look at his damn icon and see his creativity. So Brendan, I vote no on the hair. Though it would be fun to call you 'Streak' or something cool like that haha.

Alright I'm out.

Actually a few notes:
-Happy early Bday to Jonathan because I know I won't be blogging again that day haha. See you soon ROOMMATE muhahahahah
-Steve, have fun in SD. You can have my ol' microwave for X-mas. It smells like curry.
-Derek - How'd you know I was the onlooker? You found out my secret haha. Glad to see you blogging again. At least more then a sentence =)
-Brian - Love the videogames reviews, but now you need an Xbox.
-Andy says he cant' blog because he found out he has 124 spyware programs on his computer hehe. I'm going to try and help him with that.
-Kevin - congrats on your CPA exam, now finish the rest you slacker! Stop replacing me with Sean! =)

Oct 5, 2004

Episode III - The Return of Darth Vader

There were a couple of things that I actually did enjoy from the first two installments. Mostly Obi-wan fighting off Darth Maul who in my mind was kind of a retarded character. Just goes to show that a dual lightsaber really brings you respect in a galaxy far, far away. In the second one I have to admit that I did like Anakin wielding two lightsabers. Yoda was kind of cool fighting even though I really, really, really hate how they CGed him instead of use Frank Oz to control him by sticking a hand up his green ass. Looking back on V and VI, Yoda looked fucking good for a puppet and more believable at that. So what exactly do I need from Episode III in order to restore all faith in this point in time I don't even know if I can trust Lucas taking Indy to Atlantis. Okay back to the point. Here is my list of things that must be done.

- All true Star Wars fans (of course I mean geeks and nerds alike) know how Anakin ends up in the Vader suit. If you don't know then you have a life and I wish I were you. The question is then (and if you think this will be a spoiler because you have absolutely no clue how Anakin ends up in the Vader suit...please scroll down) The question is not whether or not he gets fucked up burned, but IF Obi-wan takes Anakin's limbs as a parting gift as well. According to Lucas the lightsaber battle between Obi-wan and Anakin is the longest sword fight sequence in cinema history. It is also supposed to be on par with how fast Obi-wan fought with Darth Maul. All this better be true.

- Anakin obviously turns to the Darkside. This might be a tad wishful, but I seriously hope that Anakin will use the Dark side (lighting) in his attack on Obi-wan. After watching Star Wars again on superb DVD, it finally hit me that Obi-wan somehow got Anakin's lightsaber. Considering that the two of them are going to have a major falling out, I doubt Anakin gave it to him for fun. So somewhere in the battle, Obi-wan takes the lightsaber away (This must be true if Obi-wan gives Luke "his father's lightsaber")...the thing I want shown is how...Since Anakin has no weapon, he better bust out the Dark force.

- Padme better give birth to the Skywalker twins and we better see them at the end of the film. We also better see her die and it better be as sad as fucking "Beaches". Lucas better not try to CG Mark Hamill's face on a baby.

- I want all Jedi Knights slaughtered. I understand that there must be a shit load of Jedi knights since the galaxy is so big, but I kind of liked the fact that in Star Wars, being a Jedi Knight was a thing of legend. To see all the Jedi in Episode II fighting off those huge mosquitos looked like one god damned skittle fest. Why does Samuel L. Jackson get a purple (also known in the crayon box as the color gay) lightsaber. Is there still affirmative action in a galaxy far, far away? He gets to be cool becuase he's black? Fuck him. I hope he dies and he will.

- I need to know why Palpatine looks the way he does in Empire and Jedi. Obviously he either grows old really fast or he gets the life sucked out of him...either way I hope this is shown. Perhaps even a standoff with Yoda (yes, I'll even take a CGed Yoda if I have to) would be very interesting. The leader of the Knights vs. the newly formed Empire.

- Does anyone care about Count Dooku or Dookie or whatever the hell his name is. Lucas didn't even bother to give us some history on this guy. Lucas just kind of threw him in saying he was a Jedi knight but turned evil or some shit. Fuck it. I don't need to know why he changed or who he is. He could even be Yoda's dad...I just don't care and I hope he doesn't get 5 minutes of screen time.

- General Grievous. Apprently this guy is supposed to be type of alien, 95 percent robot and like 5 percent alien. I guess this guy is kind of the "hey Anakin, even though you won't be able to get any chicks with ur burned up body, we can keep you alive because we have the technology" catalyst. If you have never seen this guy on the Clone Wars on cartoon network then you are in for a treat. I think his design is pretty bad ass. Nothing special because they can't make him look too much like Darth Vader, but he has a cool look about him. His looks better be backed up with dope ass fighting.

I think that about sums up the Episode III blog. I'm sure more will come when May comes around, but I think for now I hope that you can see that Episode III does have a chance of being the darkest Star Wars yet. Hopefully if you haven't heard of some of this, you will be more excited about seeing it. Here's to you Lucas. Do your fans proud...unlike the Star Wars DVD's...

Okay, okay, they aren't that bad. However, I really wish he could stick the originals on DVD. I mean the films are his property so he do whatever he wants with them, but for some odd reason, the more crap they stick in there, the worse to me it looks. Yet the color and the picture has never been clearer. I can't say that I don't enjoy them a lot, I just wish Lucas would have kept the gems the way they were instead of polishing them so much they now look like plastic Moon Dreamers gems.

Sony's PSP is supposed to be ridiculously awesome. It is also going to be ridiculously expensive. Yet, it is not expensive enough to make me feel comfortable about buying it. What you essentially have here is a device that plays DVD-roms on a huge screen, controlled by using an analogue stick and essentially every other Sony type of thing (USB, Sony's memory card, some other ports for whatever reason). So what do I mean that the price doesn't make me feel comfortable buying it? Well something like this I feel should probably cost more, but Sony is so scared about putting up for too much money that they are trying to make it as cheap as possible. Is this true? I can't say for sure, I don't work at Sony's headquarters in Japan, however I do know that when it comes to game consoles, Sony's work is mediocre at best. My PS2 still can't read blue discs one hundred percent of the time (I know all you have to do is clean the lens, but I shouldn't have to dismantle the fucking thing to do so), I know a friend who had to stick his PS1 into a freezer to play his games. Also the showing in the Japan game show wasn't exactly as hot as planned. In fact if you follow videogame news you would know that Nintendo's stock jumped up after that showing in Japan because insiders are starting to suspect that even though the DS is still a risky release for Nintendo, they felt the lineup of games and the fact that Nintendo does know better than anyone else how to release a handheld, would be enough to propel the DS past the PSP. Either way I'm going to buy it because I can't help myself. Good luck already got one customer who isn't happy about buying your cheapo shit.

Gran Turismo. THE only racing sim I play. Apparently the only racing game that isn't online. What the fuck is this? How are you going to delay releasing it, hyping it up then dont' fucking deliver? I would be frustrated too if I had to stick an online experience on Sony's servers too, but you hyped this shit up and you better deliver. Oh what is that you say Mr. Hashinoya? You will release GT4.5 later this year? Well this shit better be free with proof of purchase for GT4. In case you haven't noticed developers of Turismo...the PS2 doens't have a real hard drive. The X-Box can come out with incomplete games (ahem...ESPN hockey stand up) because they offer online service far superior than Sony's shit. They can release patches. If you just made it for the X-Box there wouldn't be a problem...but since you are on a PS2 you can't release two games that are basically the same with the only sole difference being online play. Fuck this and fuck you.

Okay I was beginning to type out this long thing about Hold'em...then I decided to fuck it. It is not that the concept is hard to understand or that it is above you or anything like that...but in a way in contradicts Lee Jones and I don't think we should be doing that right now. Lee Jones is a solid foundation and is a good way to get your bankroll going. If you think I'm being an ass on not thinking you are ready for the thing I was going to talk is the bulk of it.

You play K5 suited in a loose, passive game. You fold something like AJ in there is a raise or don't raise preflop in late position with AQ when other people have limped in. Contradictive? Is that even a word? You bet your ass. If you want to know about it then ask me. I'll be happy to explain it to you. I just don't recommend playing this way yet.

Okay enough commentary...I will give a good blog about Gradius becuase it deserves it. On to more important stuff like the Love Parade...screw it...I'm too out of it to even do that. I've been getting up early for like a week now...and for all you working people out there that might not be that bad...but I'm talking about 5 o'clock every morning then not getting my afternoon nap. My dad just busted my balls for being a bump on the log. Which is true, but he is just jealous I'm getting to the card room and he isn't. Haha. It is his birthday soon (No I didn't forget about your ass Jonathan) and I'm thinking of taking him to a cardroom. That is if he can find it in his heart to let me fucking catch up on my sleep.

Also for the sake of showing Ricki that I'm not a fucking boring prick...this is how she wants me to dye my hair. Please let me have your honest opinion on it. She got all fucking pissed because I didn't say I liked it...then she fucking knocked on my directing skills because she says and I quote, "how you going to be a director if your not creative"...let me show you what she has in mind for my hair...then maybe she won't think its so fucking stupid or at least, not fucking criticize me for having good tastes. Haha.

Actually painting it doesn't make it look bad...haha. But that is becuase of my awesome paint skills. Just becuase something looks good painted doesn't mean it probably looks good in real life. Insert opinions in the chatbox. Peace.

Oct 1, 2004

Napster Part 3
For the third time I decided to try Napster Premium last week. But this time I think I'm going to keep it. It's like music heaven. Michael Jackson's "One More Chance?" Not a problem. "Regulators?" hah, haven't heard it in a while, but it's there. I can't say what the other services provide (iTunes, Music Match, etc.) but I'm happy with Napster. Sure it doesn't have old Dru Hill, or Bone Thugs, but I've got their albums already. I decided to rip all my CD's to computer, so I'd have the added selection. Since then, this service has been going almost 24/7. I guess I could have gone to Kazaa and downloaded all this music, but it seems like too much hassle. I guess I'm getting too old to be searching for songs illegally. I'd rather pay someone for the convenience. Sad isn't it? But anyway, this has sparked my music tastes once again. Eminem, 2Pac, Dave Matthews Band (Ants Marching is now my favorite song. Damn, I wish I could play drums.), Evanescence, Linkin Park (I remember thinking I'd never listen to them.), Boyz II Men (In Spanish :D), Blue Man Group, the list goes on and on. Hell, I'm even listening to (and liking) a lot of the pop music out there (Hoobastank and Vanessa Carlton to name a few.).

To justify the cost, I cancelled my Final Fantasy XI account... I was paying $12.00 a month for a game I haven't played since April. So far it's worth it. I haven't gotten around to buying music online, but I'm sure I'll be doing that pretty soon. At least now I have something to listen to when I'm folding all my hands in poker.

Well, Brendan saw me drop quite a bit of money the other day. That was fun, but I deserved it. Thanks to the long, I found out when I play poker for longer than X hours I start playing really stupidly. Maybe it's because I've been overloaded. I logged about 30 hours in one week. Yes, I was up for most of that time, but thanks to my awesome playing, I'm back to square one again. So like everything in the world, moderation is key. 'Nuff said. Since then I've gone on to Video Games.

Video Games
More specifically: Silent Hill 3. I don't know what it is about these titles, but I don't LIKE playing them. I buy them because I love the whole survival horror genre. Yet when I get down to playing the game, I hate dodging dogs/slow moving zombies. I want to kill them all. Doom 3 style. The game is disturbing, and the "story" is actually kind of interesting in it's presentation. I get paid this week, so I guess I'd better beat it so I can buy new games... This week, Phantom Brave, Gradius V (Since Brendan's been hyping it up. I'm waiting for that Blog!) Finally to finish my smooth flowing blog...

Saw the preview. IT HAS THE FRICKEN SHAMBLE. That alone is enough to scare. Not to mention that little kids can produce the scariest scenes. I'm excited.

I'm done. Back to you, BLuck. :D

Sep 30, 2004

I'm sitting in school right now wondering if I should be doing work. I decided against it and instead won money online so I can go play cards with Steve, perhaps this weekend. I'm not exactly sure how much longer we are staying so I will give you an outline of what I am going to blog about either tonight or tomorrow. Please hand out the itinerary (spelling?) to everyone in the room...

Star Wars Episode III and the Star Wars DVD's. Opinions and what needs to happen in Episode III for me to forigve Lucas for JarJar.

Sony's PSP. Why it is going to suck and why I am still going to buy it.

Gran Turismo 4. Opinions and mostly Nip bashing for not making it online.

Hold'em advice. Just some observations that I saw at Cache Creek against some of those suckers.

Saw. Rated NC-17. The Grudge. Remake of Ju-on. Scared?

Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. Kevin the blackman told me to watch this film. Of course the film was done playing in theatres. My thoughts.

My goodbye to Gradius. Not that I am finished with it, but this is supposedly the last installment.

Time to roll out of class.
I'm sitting in school right now wondering if I should be doing work. I decided against it and instead won money online so I can go play cards with Steve, perhaps this weekend. I'm not exactly sure how much longer we are staying so I will give you an outline of what I am going to blog about either tonight or tomorrow. Please hand out the itinerary (spelling?) to everyone in the room...

Star Wars Episode III and the Star Wars DVD's. Opinions and what needs to happen in Episode III for me to forigve Lucas for JarJar.

Sony's PSP. Why it is going to suck and why I am still going to buy it.

Gran Turismo 4. Opinions and mostly Nip bashing for not making it online.

Hold'em advice. Just some observations that I saw at Cache Creek against some of those suckers.

Saw. Rated NC-17. The Grudge. Remake of Ju-on. Scared?

Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. Kevin the blackman told me to watch this film. Of course the film was done playing in theatres. My thoughts.

My goodbye to Gradius. Not that I am finished with it, but this is supposedly the last installment.

Time to roll out of class.

Sep 20, 2004

It's worth double posting... Quick hand history on me this morning on my first hand. I will never get this. Ever Again.

Texas Hold'em $1-$2 (real money), hand #339,502,403
Table Hodeida, 20 Sep 2004 1:45 PM ET

Seat 2: gowy ($86 in chips)
Seat 3: diggs30 ($38.50 in chips)
Seat 4: forloquitur ($49 in chips)
Seat 5: Arasirsul ($61 in chips)
Seat 6: rinopastee ($104 in chips)
Seat 7: hitter17 ($50.25 in chips)
Seat 8: Vaehan [ QC,KC ] ($40 in chips)
Seat 9: wil 97 ($69.75 in chips)
Seat 10: igotthenuts2 ($19.50 in chips)

Sigotthenuts2 posts blind ($0.50), gowy posts blind ($1), Vaehan posts blind ($1).

diggs30 folds, forloquitur folds, Arasirsul bets $2, rinopastee folds, hitter17 calls $2, Vaehan calls $1, wil 97 folds, igotthenuts2 folds, gowy calls $1.

FLOP [board cards AC,5C,9H ]
gowy checks, Arasirsul bets $1, hitter17 calls $1, Vaehan calls $1, gowy calls $1.

TURN [board cards AC,5C,9H,JC ]
gowy checks, Arasirsul bets $2, hitter17 calls $2, Vaehan bets $4, gowy calls $4, Arasirsul folds, hitter17 calls $2.

RIVER [board cards AC,5C,9H,JC,10C ]
gowy checks, hitter17 checks, Vaehan bets $2, gowy calls $2, hitter17 calls $2.

Vaehan shows [ QC,KC ]
gowy mucks cards [ 9C,JD ]
hitter17 mucks cards [ AD,KD ]
Vaehan wins $31.

Dealer: wil 97
Pot: $32.50 Rake: $1.50
gowy loses $9
diggs30 loses $0
forloquitur loses $0
Arasirsul loses $5
rinopastee loses $0
hitter17 loses $9
Vaehan bets $9, collects $31, net $22
wil 97 loses $0
igotthenuts2 loses $0.50

Sep 11, 2004

The Apprentice Season 2

The first event was so true to life, I have to put it down. They had the task of picking a group name. The guys picked one or two and gave a verbal vote, taking a few seconds. The girls on the other hand picked 30 billion names and whittled it down. This is the fundamental difference in our thought processes.

*cry* and Trump says, "At 22, you either have it or you don't."

Sep 9, 2004

Tournament Blues

I understand where all this is coming from... Back in the day, we used to play for "fun." To me, poker was an excuse to meet up with you guys and talk about random stuff... Soon after, it became more about a single game... A game where anything could happen. We were a few years early on it, but we were caught up in the craze. What other game had more extensive research done? I don't believe baseball has more than one paragraph devoted to it in the poker library. It was something we could study and learn to get better in.

So we then moved to structured texas hold 'em. That was all well and good to learn more about the mechanics of the game. We became more comfortable with the game, and learned the hard way how not to play, even with "friends." It became less of something fun to do, more of a skill we wanted to excel at.

Then we moved to tournaments. This is where our love for the game has changed into something more. We played the game to win. To test each other. Yet even at this point, we're still not playing real poker... This is why I don't count these games as wins or losses. With friends, we're more apt to fool around, tell each other that we're holding 72x... Tournaments kind of stifle this, since we are playing for the sole purpose of winning. If we don't win? We sit out and deal cards to the winners. In a tournament style, we play tighter, maybe we won't play those weird K10x anymore, we throw more hands away and wait for the next hand. No longer can we call back upon the "Whatever" mantra. Have junk cards? Ahhh, let's play them for shits and giggles. The tournament does not allow for stupid mistakes like that. So we're a little more serious. And we all know we can't be serious for very long.

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm in favor for mixing up the games a little more, playing less tournaments, since of course there are people that will lose, and become excluded. Watching hold 'em isn't all that exciting after the 100th hand. Of course, I can always fall back on DDR/Karaoke Revolution, so I'm fine. And you guys still playing cards can enjoy my tap patterns/singing voice for hours to come :)

I think it also has to do with "outplaying" people. You can't gloat about it, like you can in Tetris Attack, because you're physically taking something away from that person. We all win a big hand at times, but are we happy about it? Yes, but we are also apologetic to the loser who is holding the second hand to the nuts who had to go balls out. If we did it to a stranger at the tables? We'd be joking about it for months to come.

And totally unrelated...

Happy Belated B-day Kevin and Shannon!

Sep 8, 2004

Steve as usual like a little girl read this blog all wrong. So I thought I should stick a disclaimer here for fun. If I came across as me being all high and mighty when it comes to cards and it reads like I don't want to play with you guys then sorry about that. BUT hopefully you read it as me wanting to help everyone out at the real cardrooms and trying to keep everyone involved in the fun when we play cards. Anyway I already got two responses from people...

Steven - Doesn't care. Still enjoys the tournaments. Thinks I'm overanalyzing it too much. Would rather play Knock ur Balls.
Bryant - Sees my point. Also doesn't care if he gets knocked out. Still enjoys it. Would ironically also like to play Knock ur Balls more often.
Post number 420. Get out the One Hitter Quitter...(that's really good weed for all you non Quick shout to Kevin and his birthday. You are fucking a prune.

So I'm going to blog this for the sole intent on getting feedback from the Pooky clan. I voiced my opinions to Eecs, where he then proceeded to grill me on what exactly I was thinking. I ask you to read the whole way through without trying to come up with opinions before I'm done blogging. That way you won't form any type of biased opinions before I'm done. (I know I have just asked the impossible...does anyone read anything objectively anymore? I don't. Gwahaha.)

So I told Eecs, and I expressed this to Eecs since he is the one that got me studying the game of Poker from the basics to the subtle nuances that Eecs and I share when we both have a losing session at Bay 101, that I am getting a little burnt out on Hold 'em with my friends. I bet none of you were expecting that to come up. Without getting too complicated, I decided to create a list of why I'm getting burnt out on Hold'em, mainly tournaments...before I even go down the list, you will have to believe me that I honestly don't feel this way because I've been knocked out of the tournaments lately. I know that is part of the game. I usually get my money in with the best of it or when I feel a bluff will work so when I lose I know that I did what I could with the cards that were dealt. You can go ahead and say this blog is part of me expressing opinions while I am on a getting knocked out streak, but quite honestly I think I handle tilt and losing better than most. On with the list.

- The first and foremost thing I want to express is that I realize that tournaments are NOT about the money. For some of you it might be. Quite frankly the buy in of five dollars or even the big 10 dollars is nothing compared to what I lose at a cardroom or online. My biggest loss and probably my last tilt session...was about 600 bucks...okay 725. (That happened about 2 years ago maybe…) I was just trying to save some face. Some HOT face. Inside joke. So needless I've come up huge at cardrooms also so the money in these games do not phase me. Keep that in mind while we go down this list.

- I miss the mix up of games. I'm not saying we need to play Screw thy Neighbor over and over again...or crazy 8 Ball or any other game that we used to play. Shit, I'd give anything to play Tails...and when Brian brought that to the table I wanted to puke. Haha! Why can't we try to 7CardHiLo8OB. Why can't we try five card draw with the jokers (just like they play in actual cardrooms)? You can go ahead and come up with some argument for this...but I present this and I think Eecs and my dad (who wanted to start hold em all night games before me) can vouche for me on this one...look at how long it took us to introduce Hold'em as a regular game. When the idea first came into play I can name off people that were NOT excited about the idea. I remember hearing, "Hold'em? For every round?" Now we can't even get away from it. If you were able to give Hold'em a chance why not something else? If anything, playing different games will help you as a card player. You might not believe it will help your Hold'em game...but it will. Who knows? Perhaps we will start playing 7-Stud and become confident at the cardrooms...then if the table is looking better than Hold'em, we can actually sit down and win!

- This one is going to be hard to argue because I stated above it is not about the money. Yet I'm just going to say it. I honestly enjoy Hold'em a lot more testing my skills against unknowns or people that live at cardrooms. Why? I've invested so much money and more importantly time in learning the game...and I have so much more to learn...but I like to see how I stack up against people that play all the we all know...most of the FOBS at Garden do. Haha. In this case it might seem like the money is important...but you gotta believe me that I feel a lot better outplaying someone...the pot is just a nice side bonus. You might say...well why do you judge how well you are playing on how much you win? Well in all honestly that is somewhat true, but the bigger picture is that you will have losing sessions...and you will have sessions where the cards play themselves...but if I lose money one night I don't judge myself harshly unless I know I played bad. When I come up 3-400 bucks...I don't say I'm a kick ass player. I just take it all in stride...I know I'm up in the long run...I can't tell you exactly how much (which Eecs will tell me I should keep better records), but I know its significant. So I consider myself a winning player with a lot to learn.

- Since most the games take place at my house...I feel like I am the host of the game. As any good host should do, you should make sure your company is having a good time. We all know this. When I go to Bryant's house he asks me right from the get go whether I want something to drink or perhaps Candy Cane Ice Cream. When I got Eecs I get freshly baked brownies and mochi. As a host I feel that I need to let everyone have a good time. How does this relate to cards? Well with tournaments people get knocked out. When I get knocked out I'm obviously going to be bored, but no where near angry. I mean I can go paint Audrey instead...either way it is my house and I can find something to do while the tournament winds down. However, if one of you get knocked out then you leave the table. When you leave the table the table itself starts to get less fun for me. Lemme explain. Since it is not about the money, I pay the buy in for entertainment. Yesterday we had a kick ass game. Even Derek came and made an appearance...and he was sick. The table was funny yesterday...the cards were falling funny...everything was going awesome...until people started getting knocked out. You can go ahead and argue this...but I can remember Bryant getting knocked out and going home...I can remember Tony getting knocked out on some crazy draws and he leaves our table. As a host I feel bad that people get knocked out of the fun. You might say for example, Tony and John had a great time playing DDR when they got knocked out…okay that might be true…but they didn’t come over to play DDR, they came over to play Poker.

- It seems to me that a lot of you are striving to be better at the cardrooms. I have heard Steve say that he wants to get better so he can sit at the table for awhile and come up. I have heard that Bryant feels he is getting better at being more patient. That is all good and great, but the bottom line is that playing other card games and also playing limit holdem is a better way to practice than tournaments. Tournaments are good for practicing tournament situations. Look, in all honesty, I know where I come from. I know I am an online player (but Eecs and I both started before the rush really hit poker) and I know I am an online trained player. You gotta believe me when I say that online is a different game than the cardroom. Some people like Eecs are very good at adjusting their online game and in person game. However, it took me some losing sessions to finally realize that the strategy in online games is a bit different than live games. I can't explain how or why. It is just a different texture. If you want to get better in the cardrooms without playing against strangers for bigger amounts than you want to should play in home games with limit betting patterns. You can learn to adjust to the player by the way he looks and can practice reading people...all these things you cannot do as effectively online. I feel I kind of lost my point here...bottom line: Tournaments (in my opinion and by my experience) will only help you mostly in tournament situations. You cannot play the same game in limit games than no limit...and if we play nothing but tournaments...I feel that some of you might blur the lines between smart limit play and smart tournament play...and you could possibly pay one hundred dollars in a cardroom for it....rather than 5 bucks at my house.

- On the other side of the the host I feel stupid for never really bringing this up in the first place. I might have dropped hints here and there, but nothing really pointed out. If everyone is happy playing tournaments...then so be it. You might think this post is me hating tournaments. As far as I'm concerned I have won my share of these tournaments. I don't feel I need to prove anything. I've come in very high in online tournaments and will hopefully soon step into the live game tournaments. This post is not about me hating tournaments at my house...that is not the case. I love tournaments. I love the thrill of the tournament. If you think I don't like tournaments just because I have been getting knocked out...well that is you shitting on me as a cardplayer. Lemme say it again...I love tournaments. More specifically I love how our tournaments start out...I hate how they end. Also I don't feel that I am a WAY better player than all of you so don't take this post as me talking down to you. I just want to make sure that everyone is cool with being knocked out early...if they are then I won't feel so guilty when they do. All the other rambling is just some of my observations and some points you might want to consider next time we decide to play no-limit or limit games...for "fun".

Eecs said something along the lines of (and I don't EVER want to put words into his mouth...just my cock sometimes when he acts out of line) "I don't want to assume too much...but I bet you don't feel this way when you are going heads up for the championsihp." I replied along the lines of..."yeah I still feel for those that got knocked out." This suprised Eecs. What I didn't tell him was that I not only feel for those that got knocked out...but I feel the seriousness of the game that wasn't there when the game started...I feel myself taking the game too seriously when its down to me and one other can I not play too seriously...after all...everyone already got up and left the house.

Sep 7, 2004

Video Game Rant:

Penny Arcade was right when it said that too many good games have/are comming out... I decided to take a look at the number of games I want that have come out this last week til the end of September. Guess how many games are on my wishlist? 11. (Star Ocean, Phantom Brave, SF: Anniversary Collection, Silent Hill 4, Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone, Gradius V, Syberia II, DDR: Extreme, Mega Man X: Command Mission, Myst IV, and SNK vs Capcom: Chaos) And that's not counting the other games I've pre-ordered for November. (Beatmania IIDX 8th Style, Karaoke Revolution Vol. 3) Whee.

Actually, I know what this is. My roommate explained to me that it was all a big conspiracy by video game makers for us to fail school. Last year, I think we ran into the same problem, when Knights of the Old Republic, Soul Calibur 2, and F-Zero for the GC came out. Exciting times for gamers. Glad I don't have very much class to go to this time around.

Is there a point to this post? Nope. Just making those that play video games aware of the goodness that is happening til the end of the year, and making myself look more nerdy. This is what I get for posting at 3 am....zzzzzz.

Aug 27, 2004

Some quick overrated things in life:
AIM/Yahoo Messenger/ICQ/Etc - it's a convenient way not to talk to people. Who needs to hear voices or interact? Though, I will add that it allows for easier multi-tasking, but with the age of technology, we're running far away from the days where you would actually have to talk to someone.

Shaquille O'Neil - People always talk about him having so much what? Turning around and dunking over everyone? If I were that tall and big, I would hope I could do the same thing, but I wouldn't classify him in every "superstar" class. Guys like Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, and Magic Johnson, had more to them besides dunking in their scoring portfolio. They were also leaders and they had class....O'Neil...doesn't have much. But he has a great hip hop career in his future. And maybe acting...SHAZAAM!

Monty Python and the Holy Grail - I haven't finished this movie yet, but so far it is quite a bore. I don't know what it is, but it feels like some jokes run a little too long or they kill the sarcasm. I will try and finish the movie, but I can't help falling asleep each time.

Hillary Duff - I don't really know that much about her but I've seen Lizzie Maguire and listened to some of her music and I think...."This girl makes way too much money!" She'll be just as sluttly as the rest of those pop girls in 5 years. She'll get out of her good girl phase and go through a bad girl phase that she won't be able to get out of.

Concerts - I hate going to concerts now w/ a passion. I pay 50 bucks to go hear some band that I do like, but that night they don't seem to want to play any of my favorite songs. Then I spend the rest of my night getting bumped around by gross, sweaty people and then it takes me an hour and a half to leave the place because of the traffic. I rather listen to a CD and just kick it. Or watch the concert on TV.

Lindsay Lohan - First she has poor taste...Wilma Valderrama ...are u kidding? I did like her in the Parent Trap, but the rest of her movies sucked ass. She has a terrible singing voice. Now she's hanging out w/ Paris Hilton...good call...RETARD!

PS2 - I would not buy one of these now if I were anyone. Graphically it's not that great anymore, it has a useless DVD player that skips, loud, and it has a few good games. Also the network implementation doesn't seem the most thought out idea. The games that are supposed to be PS2 seem to be making their way to Xbox and GC. At the time it was awesome, but there wasn't much from the competition and the number of games weren't there. Now, if my PS2 broke in half, I wouldn't cry.

I also agree the Yankees are an overrated team and they are terrible for sports. Any sport. But I don't agree that baseball sucks. I love baseball and I know the game seems boring, but for some reason I can sit and watch a baseball game for hours. There is some thrill there and I like the nuances in terms of defense, pitching styles, types of pitches, the sound of a bat when the ball is hit on the screws. Baseball doesn't have a lot of action, but if you watch for the little things, you start to appreciate it. I really don't have a great argument here because I used to be one who would fall asleep watching baseball...but then you start seeing the little things.

At first, I was going to disagree with Brendan, but then he explained further to me and I see his point. Drinking can be fun, but I would never use that an excuse to go have if I were bored, I wouldn't resort to going out drinking for the sole purpose of drinking. There has to be some social aspect to it for drinking to be fun. I see drinking as overrated if you have to do it every weekend to have fun. There are other things in life that don't need to be enhanced by alcohol.

San Jose:
Just to expand on Tony's thoughts....

San Jose is a great place to live. Everyone says that it's boring and there's not much to do, but where is a place that has more?

SF? Besides clubs,bars and some site seeing stuff, what else is there? Homeless people?
NY? same as above except more people

I like San Jose because 90% of the time you do not have to worry about finding parking. Even if you have to pay for it, you can easily find a parking garage and it's not really a hassle.

No matter where you are in San Jose, you're 15 min from all other places - Fremont, Milpitas, Cupertino, Sunnyvale, etc....

You don't have to worry about not finding a place to shop or buy videogames. This is huge coming from SLO and Tucson where you can only find a select amount of places where you can go shopping.

The only thing I wish about San Jose is if it had more of a college type atmosphere. Younger crowds, not as busy, more laid back.

Yes Steve....Welcome back to the Promised Land! We will have fun and we will make you forget about....u know...that place where you went to college....ya...

Tony - yes we should hang out more. I've very excited about Smallville 2.

Brian - it was nice seeing you around for a summer for once. Hopefully you'll come visit more often when you graduate. You should come back, just like Steve did. =)

Alright my shift is about over....Talk to you all later.

Aug 24, 2004

Back in san jose...I'll leave my thoughts about that for my personal blog. You guys don't wanna hear that crap anyways. If you do, the link is down to the right.

Poker games are good. It's especially cool now that Tony seems to be a regular. Good times. Tony is one of those guys who speaks his mind, but speaks it in a way that you agree with whatever he says. Laid back. If charisma isn't his middle name, then it should be.

Fuck Garden whatever it is Poker room. Fuck stupid fobs that take you money and talk shit. Fuck nasty chips that stick together. Fuck the "3rd blind". Fuck that. Vegas seems to be the only place to play poker. That and the Bluckyday crib. Either way I lose. Whatevers. At least I'm beat by impossible hands like straight flushes.

Karaoke Revolution was pretty fun for a game with the worst song choices ever. I still think we should all hit up the real thing. I still think that i do not sing good. I still will never play DDR. I just don't got the feet for it.

BTW, Jon is teaching me some new dance moves. I have finally witnessed Jon dancing. I can say without any kind of doubt that he is one of the best dancers I know. I can't wait to hit up a club and force jon to battle some black guys. Cuz when you can beat a black guy on the dance floor, then you're the shit. Period.

Garden state. From what i've heard and what i've seen, I'm afraid to watch it. The expectations for it are near the point of "best movie i've ever seen". And I'm afraid that it won't live up to it. Then there's always the Scrubs thing. Worst show ever. Fuck that janitor. Shoot his ass and I'll watch it. Anyways, yeah...I guess I'll watch it eventually. I mean, if it's about a twenty something who is forced to move home to a dreary existance then I think there's no doubt in my mind that i'll be crying at the end.."so true..."

I'd have to say tho, that my #1 movie of all time will remain "swingers". I've watched this movie so many times..but you start to notice some things about it the more times you watch it. It's so easy to relate the movie..and like i was telling Brendan..movies to me are good if they 1) make you laugh 2) help you interpret something in life. Swingers does both of that. The different kinds of their differences are what make the friendship so strong...the trouble that girls are...the difficulties of breakups...the drama that sometimes happens out of nowhere....having to leave home for something that's supposidly "good for you"....the awesomeness of a "on a whim" trip to vegas...the attempts to look cool...that one friend that can put everything in perspective for you...the inside jokes..the hitting up parties with certain people just so you have something to do...and how everything just hits you like a pile of bricks one morning. That's life..and that's a damn good movie. "nothing to lose" is pretty cool too tho. heh.

btw, if you guys wanna see the website of the guy who runs the tram at disneyland, here's his URL: He's the big white guy with no arms. Don't ask brendan or jon about it tho. They won't remember.

Till the next poker game or video game session...peace out.

Aug 23, 2004

Short and simple.

Well, it's my first day back in Rohnert Park, and it's quite a change. We made less money the entire day than we would have in one shift back in Hayward. How did I ever think the store was busy?

I just wanted to take the time out and thank you guys for a wonderful summer. We may not have gone anywhere, or done anything out of the ordinary, but it was awesome nonetheless. From nights in a club, to putting together a workstation; from playing DDR, to playing poker, I enjoyed every minute of it. Who says we can't have a good time? Now all that's left is Cosby and I'll be happy never to see you guys again :)

Steve, good luck with grad school... Living back in the town you grew up in isn't that bad. Just bad enough to make you wish you were back in SD :) Just think, you're close enough to take part in the interest-free sucker loans now!

Aug 21, 2004

I was going to blog about overrated stuff and coconuts, but I decided against it. Instead I will first start off by saying I am blogging on my new computer. Big shouts out to my ace, B3 who got this computer all together. He may never put together a workstation ever again, but he is smarter because of it. Remember, heatsinks are good when you install them correctly. Werd.

This computer is soo friggidy fast that whatever small lightning pulses that are often mistaken for rational thoughts by me in my brain, come out on the computer before I even type it. Titties. See I didn't type that. That is how fast this Gay Porn computer is. This computer can pose some gigantic Pissing Tentacles problems. I'll just pretend I'm Kevin...he has no rational thoughts whatsoever. See? It worked.

Garden State. I know everyone has had to listen to me hype this film up for about 4 months now. My mom claims she told me about it, but I was the one that actually decided to find the trailer. Therefore that makes me the one who discovered it. Jonathan especially has had to listen to me talking Garden State and how it is going to be the best film of the summer. In fact I might have even said it was going to be my best of the year. I know I did repeatedly tell people that it was THE best trailer I have ever seen. I ask you to find a better one. Although if I can remember correctly, I thought the Rounders trailer was pretty cool. I just never went to go see it in theatres because I don't even remember it playing in theatres. Anyway, after seeing Zach Braff's work two times...and I want to see it once more...I feel I can give my trained by fags at SFSU opinion on this film. You can of course see the film for yourself and make your own opinion...but as usual you don't know shit about film or what is good. Haha.

The film itself holds together nicely. The way the story moves along is not that of your typical screenplay. There aren't three acts. There isn't a big dynamic resolution. The ending while a bit cliche...shows that even if you think you have the answer to how to live can't be solved in 90 minutes. The character themselves are amusing enough for me. Natalie Portman shows that Lucas is the one responsible for her bad acting. I've gotten into so many arguments with inferior filmfakers...I mean filmmakers at my school about if she is a good actress or not. They always base her ability on her Star Wars role. Shows how smart they are. In this film, as Sam, Natalie is adorable. Pardon the gayness, but there really isn't another adjective I could find. Perhaps spunky. Zach Braff holds his own while showing little emotion in the beginning then slowly unraveling. Which brings me to my next point...

This film looks very, very good. Almost surreal in some of the shots. For those that have seen The Graduate, you will notice some similiarities. The scenes almost have to be overdramatic because Large (Zach Braff) can show little emotion in the beginning of the film. Some of my favorite shots in the film are...

Sam and Large in the swimming pool. The first shot where it is overhead and you see Large separated from his friends on the opposite side of the pool and Sam swims toward him. Then the shot where the camera is almost sitting on top of the water when they are talking.

The fireplace conversation. The lighting and staging of this scene is incredible. Also when Sam is tapdancing for Large...the light coming through the windows and the orange light from the

The bottom line of the cinemtography is this: I wish I fucking made it. Zach Braff shows that you don't need a huge budget to make a film look awesome. He was only able to spend 2.5 million on it...and the picture itself is worth 100 million. I'll stop talking now so you can go form your own opinions on Garden State. I said it was going to be the best film of the summer and after looking back at all the shit that came out this summer...I think I'm right. It may not be the most action packed, story driven film this summer, but I think when it comes out on DVD, this film will slip into my top ten. That is how much I loved it.

By the way, if you have time or want to check out some interesting for Garden State and go to the official page. Check out Zach Braff's personal blog and take a look at some behind the scenes stuff of Garden State. Oh yeah and Steve was making fun of me listening to the Garden State soundtrack. This soundtrack kicks could say it is because I liked the film so much, but like Eecs is good mood music. Frou Frou made that trailer even more awesome than it already was. Oh yeah to clarify, I meant the teaser trailer.

Well that is it for now. I gotta go to bed because I have work tomorrow. I hope you found this somewhat insightful...and I hope you enjoy the film as much as I did.

Aug 8, 2004

overrated stuff:

pooky people - all we is complain. My god we suck.

A better list to come when i get back from dinner.

Lookin' forward to poker trip to reno. Comin' back on the 18th fo sho. I'm thinkin' maybe a popeye's dinner?

Aug 3, 2004

:: Brendan's List of Overrated Shiet ::

Citizen Kane - This film, which for some reason is number one on every single "Greatest Films" list, is overrated. I see why it was acclaimed for its technical merit. For those who don't know, Orson Welles and some other dude no one knows created a deep focus lens in 1941. This created an image that made things far and close in focus at the same time. I don't know how many Pookiers have actually seen this film (I know Derek and Tony have), but there is a shot in there that I find extremely overrated, yet in every single class the shot comes up in discussion. Kane as a child is seen framed through a window while the adults talk about what to do with the child from inside the house. Big fuck'n deal. The shot isn't that appealing and in my eye, boring. Bottom line: Technically the film is pretty amazing...story wise and dongs.

Mercedes Benz - This car that is somehow on the list of every single successful, black people and rich white people. I can think of at least 15-20 cars that I would want instead of these pieces of shit. Whatever, black rappers also think goblets filled with pimp juice is cool looking. Which leads to my next item...

Dirty South Rappers - Nelly started some bullshit. Now I have to hear it everywhere. I see it on television, I hear it on the radio and somehow no one seems to get tired of these overrated "rappers". All their shit sounds the same and they have retarded fashion sense. Now they all want to break out in film and Hollywood. I'm glad that no credible director has put them in any films other than some bullshit video with the same shit as the next guy. Bottom line: They can all take pimp juice up their ass, but then again I'll probably have to hear some bullshit scream like, "yeeeeeahhhh".

American Pie (All of them) - I can stand stupid humor. Dumb and Dumber is genius...monks hitting their heads with books makes me laugh out loud (extra points if you know what film that is from) and Space Ghost is awesome...but these films were overrated. The first one was okay...but the more people laughed out loud like they were never going to laugh before in the theatre made me hate the film more. The second was a joke. The third, no one cares about. You can go ahead and tell me I hated it because a lot more people liked it...but if you enjoyed these probably also saw Not Another Teen Movie and A Cinderella Story...and liked them. Bottom line: I'm hoping that if I lose half a brain, I could still make films and everyone that has even less than one half a brain will still pay to go see shit on celluloid.

M. Night ShamadabapoonjabiIbidalan - Give me a break. I will admit that perhaps me guessing the obvious in Sixth Sense (c'mon people...he didn't talk to anyone else or even make connected eye contact with his better off wife) ruined the suspense, but I will give the overrated director this...He does build suspense very well. The problem I have with this is that he feels that everything requires some type of crazy twist at the end. This makes him write scripts into a corner and he finds the easy way out. Unbreakable...oh no, not water! Signs...oh no, not water! The Village...oh no, not red! Bottom line: I'll give you Sixth Sense, but I will not give you anything else.

Optimus Prime - You know my argument with this...but Brendan Morris decided to try to be intelligent because he also went to dirty, overrated Berkeley and tried to tell me he doesn't think he is overrated because of the idea that most people don't really like him personally, but he is the icon of the Transformers therefore he seems popular. I then told him to shut up and used Pookiers names' that cried when Dopetimus died. He is overrated. Bottom line: Everyone knows I hate him, everyone knows why I don't like him...he has a big backside that is worthelss...which brings me to...

J.Ho - Nope, that's not a typo. J.Lo is a stupid bitch and quite frankly, I'm glad Affleck got his head out of her or his ass and started playing cards again. She thinks she can act. She can't. She thinks she is good looking. She isn't. She tries to show that she is from the block. Really she reminds me a hooker on the block. She thinks she can sing. She can't. I bet you're gonna say that I hate her because she is successful...well everyone knows that I think society is retared so her being successful doesn't suprise me. Honestly, I don't think she is that good looking. Perhaps it is the way she carries herself, but shouldn't that matter too? Bottom line: Her bottom line is overrated and I hope her and Skelator Marc Anthony move out of the states.

Pablo Picasso - I brought this up a couple of nights ago and suprised that some actually agreed. If you saw his non cubist paintings, they were good, but I don't think they should be regarded in such a high place. The cubist shit is somewhat cool, but I wouldn't pay for a Picasso. I'd rather have something else in my house...don't ask me to name artists...I can't spell their names right. Bottom line: He used to many lines himself.

Drinking - For the 1 percent that don't drink much (me) we are looked down upon as not knowing exactly how to have fun by most. Well Steve himself said that he wouldn't drop because he doesn't need it to have a natural high at a rave. Well I say the same thing about drinking. When I talk about drinking I don't mean a drink at dinner or perhaps ONE drink at a club, but for those that think it's funny to get wasted, I honestly don't feel sad that your going to die from liver failure. I bet I'm going to get shit about this one, but those that drink to get wasted shouldn't ever tell anyone else that drugs are bad when they themselves probably kill more innocent people because their judgement is all fucked up. Bottom line: Cocktails are fine. Alcohol is fine. Abusing it is annoying for us one percenters. On another note, I bet some of you think I don't go clubbing because I don't like to dance...perhaps a bigger incentive not to go is so I don't have to observe drunken behavior. Yeah, I'm boring.

**More to come...again I'm tired and I got work tomorrow morning. Hope you agree and disagree with the list. Good night.

Aug 1, 2004

We used to laugh at double blogs. Well just me is probably more accurate. Yet I don't think I should be punished even if this fake plan went through. Did it ever occur to you that I have been blogging recently because of the mere fact it was dying? Besides a double blog is a blog and a bullshit blog put together. If you got nothing out of my poker stories...that three dollar average is probably about right. Haha. I still say you're a better card player than I am. I just get luckier with the idiots at Bay.

On another note, my financial advice was sound. I feel I didn't need to put in the most obvious shit in the world. I'm just lucky that clubbing ain't my thing. Which rules out drinks. Which rules out girls. Which rules out losing money on a slut. In the end, "I win." However, I think we will all agree that it is the little things that you don't think costs you a lot of money that will eventually kill your gangsta roll. Again on another note, I also feel that movies are a rip off. Yet calling people who do go see movies a sucker? If suckers are going to go see my movies (minus Jon of course) then I better go pay off the suckers who are going to be my is all about paying your dues.

So to keep this blog alive I tested a conversation with T-Wrecks, Hapachan, Brendan and Andrew last night to see if this would fly. It got positive reviews and in fact made us laugh out loud for over an hour. The conversation was fun and made for some good arguments. So I bring it to Pooky. This isn't necesarily something brand new or unheared of, but as far as I can remember, Pooky never had a list like this before...

I would like to know what you feel is overrated. I want to hear why it is overrated backed by somewhat decent facts that can make people laugh at your intelligence or tastes. As with all overrated lists, Kirsten Dunst is a default so no one needs to blog about her. Yet for the sake of feeling better about ourselves...go ahead and bash her. So my list which will not be the last installment will hopefully get the ball rolling. Lists do not need to be in any paticular order, but let us know if there is something that really, really gets under your skin. Also for those that were in the conversation yesterday, there might be some reruns up in this mutha fucka.

PS: Hey Steve, I know you don't blog on here too much anymore for whatever reasons (which I know), but I think you would come up with some hilarious shit for this...let the poo throwin' start!

**Okay I would have started my list, but I got some stuff I gotta get hopefully later tonight!

Jul 26, 2004

Okay so everyone now gets to see that my hot streak is over.  I just got back from Bay101 and realized that I walked out of there with 100 dollars less than when I walked in.  I don't know how that happened...maybe someone robbed me.  Or perhaps I decided to go ahead and try out my theory again.  Except this time I would play it exactly how I would play it before the theory.  Confused?  Basically I raised a lot more preflop with my premium cards...where as normally I would just limp in and see what develops.  Well I lost money.  So far my theory seems to work somewhat well...more testing will be done at the expense of my bankroll...since no one else seems to play.  Hehe.
So what made my barber so funny?  Why did the passing of my barber, Joe Love make me sad?  A tribute blog to the only person on this world who could cut my hair like no other.  (Yes that includes you to Reiko-chan)
1.  The first time I went in there I believe we found the place in the phone book.  We knew that the hairstyle I wanted had to be cut by a black person.  For all of you that go to some don't even know what your missing.  Anyway, I walk into the barbershop with my dad and everyone in the shop kind of looks at us.  I just stepped into a black barbershop.  Of course when I was this young I didn't realize that a black barbershop was special.  I asked if I could get a haircut.  I think they all kind of laughed because I should have known to make an appointment...yet the woman who owned the shop, Belinda said that I should go talk to Mr. Joe Love.  About 20 minutes later I was sitting in his chair.  While sitting there I could remember being taken back by how everyone was talking and joking.  Jon will be happy to know that funk was surely being played that day.  This was the first memory I have of Joe Love.
2.  I still laugh at the fact that it took Joe about 6 months to realize that I wanted it shaved to the scalp.  Perhaps he didn't shave it to the scalp because he never cut an asian's hair and he thought it would look funny.  You could say that I should have just told him that I wanted it closer...more close...more close...until he got it right.  However, Joe had a funny way of talking...almost like Cedric in barbershop and everytime he asked me a question...for 6 months straight I had no fucking clue what he was saying.  He would say something...and this is how it sounded at the time, "yeeah dat hair is short, u wanna short'n up da fade or line up...damn I dunno bout dis right here...what u think'n young'n?"  I responded with, "..."  Joe responds with, "hey u listenin right?"  and I go "yeah that looks good".  He stands in front of me and says, "yeeah".  Before I knew it the neck apron was off and I was shoved out the door.  I didn't want them to think I was disrespecting them by not understanding what the hell they were all saying.  After 6 months I was fluent in black folk talk.  Haha.
3.  Before Joe had to go into the hospital for health reasons...for about four straight years he had to smoke 3 cigs while cutting my hair.  When I got into the chair he would go, "hold on 'dere", go outside...grunt and smoke and bring his butt right back into the store...after one side of my head was done...he breathed in heavily and went outside to smoke again...after he was done with my hair he would go outside and smoke another one.  Derek, another barber there, told me that I was the only one that caused him to smoke before, during and after cutting my hair.
4.  My hair is a bitch to cut.  My head is shaped funny.  He let me know it.  He asked why I had such a flat head and why my hair was so damn course.  One time he was cutting my hair and he stopped...he had to borrow Belinda's tweezers because he was getting hair stuck under his skin like splinters.  So one time he decided to try rubber gloves.  Everyone in the barbershop was laughing because they have never seen a brother cut hair with rubber gloves on.
5.  Again my hair was so thick that I ruined one his favorite clippers...he was just going up the side of my head when it basically choked.  I'll never forget that day because he got all pissed off because everyone was laughing at him because I guess he never liked to buy new equipment.  I found out the next time I visited that he cleaned the shit out of it and it still had life in it and he still wanted my business.  That right there speaks volume about his character.
6.  One time Derek and Joe were talking about dancing.  Derek was the youngest barber in the shop and he was asking Joe how he used to dance.  Joe straight up stopped cutting my hair and went in the backroom.  He put on some EWF and started dancing.  Yet he was dancing like I dance which is not that good and Derek told him he's gotta stop before he breaks a hip.  To prove everyone in the barbershop wrong, he kept on dancing while cutting my hair.  The energy in that shop was crazy.
7.  Again Derek and Joe were arguing about some sports something or other and Derek told Joe he needs to stop acting like he knows everything.  I can't remember what Joe said, but he went off on like a 5 minute lecture and at the end of it everyone in the barbershop just looked at him.  He kept on cutting my hair and another brother that was waiting for his turn was like, "what in the hell did you just say?"  And everyone started laughing because no one had the guts to say anything to him...I started laughing and my head jerked and he messed up my fade.  Joe said I deserved it for laughing...haha.
8.  By the time I was in highschool, my cousin Miya used to stay with us.  She was then the person to drive me to get a haircut.  Man, when I first took her in there...all the guys in there were like, "who's dat dere?"  "who that be?"  Ever since then and even up to the time of my last haircut, Joe would ask where his girl is at.  Miya really did brighten up their day when she dropped my ass off.
9.  I asked Joe if there was some way he could brush off the excess hair on my head because my hair was beginning to give me splinters in the back of my neck...he tried using the barber's brush, but the hair kept on sticking...Joe mumbled something and he brought in the vacuum cleaner from the back...he straight up took that vaccum to my head and caught my big ass ear in the pipe.  The funny thing besides that is that he didn't even apologize and said, "damn you got some big ass ears...never noticed that before".
These are just some of the memories I have of this barbershop and I'm hoping that Derek will take me in since Joe passed on.  There are way too many to write have to realize that I got a haircut every two weeks.  Over a decade that is a lot of visits.  The dynamic energy they had in there will be something I will never forget.  When Miya went in there recently she said it was quiet than what she remembers.  Hopefully they'll get back to where they were.
The final thing I'd like to say about Joe Love is that he took me in and watched me grow up.  He would always shake my hand and always made sure I was doing good.  He always told me to come back soon and to take care.  He always asked about my family and how my directing was going.  When he cut my hair for prom he said not to make any babies because I got too much stuff to worry about.  He really did care about all his clients...knew them by name...hell knew them by voice.  I remember that he would be staring at my hair with the back toward the door and someone would walk in and say, "hello Mr. Love" and Joe would always respond without even looking...with their name and a genuine how's it going.
Joe didn't just cut my hair well.  He didn't squeeze in as many people as he could to make more money...he loved what he did, he loved the people and he loved his life.  You guys could say that it was just a barber, but for the first real time thinking about how I will never see him again...he was considered a closer friend than I ever gave him credit for.  Thank you Joe Love for the fades and the memories.
Again I apologize for writing about poker (however this blog by me will definetely be on a lot more serious subject), but I am always trying (believe it or not) to make better poker players out of my friends.  I think Jon once told me something along the lines that he would love all of us to go to Garden or Bay and all come up big winners in the same session.  I agree with this so I'm trying to give you more insight into the game based on my observations.
Obviously we all know that playing with the best hand and favorite hand (yes there is a difference...and I don't mean favorite as in J7offsuit hehe) is key in low limit games.  I mean most of the time we need to show the best hand at the end to win the pot so why should we not play only premium cards?  Well an interesting situation came up when I was playing at Bay a couple of days ago.  I was in the big blind and someone raised it.  Everyone else folded so we were in a heads up situation.  Now my cards were exactly good but they weren't too bad either.  56suited clubs.  Well any other time I would fold this hand if I was up against a raise.  Even more so, Jon will tell you that the pot odds weren't exactly spectacular holding that kind of hand.  Most of time with suited connectors you want a lot of callers to pay you off if you hit big.  Thinking quickly I realized that I'm putting out one small bet (because I was the big blind) to win 3 bets plus the small blind.  Even if I was the underdog in the hand I was getting profitable odds.
So what?  I'm protecting my big blind.  Well the second part of my thinking is this...if the flop came out all rags I would probably have a good chance to steal this pot.  So the flop came out and it was indeed rags HOWEVER I did pick up middle pair with a 5.  The board was a 5, 3, 8 rainbow.  Now realizing this guy was kind of ridiculous in his betting from past hands I decided to check it...he paused for a bit and bet.  Does this really look like a raiser's flop?  Like I said though this guy could be holding I called.  Right when I called I saw him chuckle a bit.  This made me realize something...
We always think it is hard to play against someone who has a big hand.  If we put someone on a big hand and we have a decent drawing hand it is tough to figure out what actions we want to take...HOWEVER it is equally hard for people to play against someone like me who shows a lot of the best hands and then I check/call the flop.  Now this guy was probably thinking, "shit...he could be holding anything and he is a bit of a tight player."  Then again he could have been thinking, "I should have stayed in the jungle where I belong."  Either way I thought of the chuckle as weak.
The flop came out a 2.  Thinking I have a gutshot I decided to try to get a free card and checked...he bet and I then realized that he might be trying to buy this pot.  I me weird, but I just didn't think he could be holding anything...perhaps two overcards which leaves him with 6 outs...either way I decided to fuck it and raise.  He thought for a bit then threw his hand away.
No doubt I got lucky in him not having a legit hand after the flop.  Also the board did help my hand a bit so raising was exactly a total bluff...however it made me realize that perhaps a raise with 2 or less callers is worth me putting money in just to see the flop...not only because it was cheaper for me to do so when I'm on the blind, but because my opponents really have no fucking clue what I could be holding...and why would I call and raise with nothing in my hand when I've been showing them the best hands on the showdown?
On a more serious note my cousin Miya has just informed me that my barber that I have had for over a decade passed away about a year or so ago.  This came up out of the blue because Miya took someone to B-Pizzazz to get a haircut for my cousin's wedding about a month ago.  She used to take me to get my haircut when she lived with us and the barbers always loved it when my half black half japanese cousin came in to visit.  Anyway she went to the shop and asked where my barber, Joe Love was.  Another barber whom I have known since my first day going in there told her that he passed away right after I took a break from him because Ricki needed practice in cutting hair.  This just came out over dinner and my parents and I were like, "he did?!?"
So what is the big deal here?  Well I'm not exactly sure how many of you had a friendly relationship with your barbers (Jon you don't count because you cut it or your dad does), but Joe Love has watched me from middle school all the way up through last year.  I got a lot of memories from that barbershop and the conversations we used to have.  With all honestly that barbershop was A LOT more live than the barbershop movie.  On my next blog I'm going to go ahead and tell you about some of my memories because they in my mind pretty damn hilarious.

Jul 22, 2004

For the record in case some of you forgot...

The Disneyland trip when Jon and I met up with Steve and Helen was the most hilarious dinner I have ever had in my life.   Not trying to make you jealous...well yes I am.  Just thought you would like to know the hijinks of being a lil drunk at the most magical place in the world.

Also for the record...Steve ain't lying.  He really did eat a leaf in tomorrowland.

Jul 21, 2004

First off, I would love to go to Disneyland next summer.  That place is fun, though I dunno if I can handle the rides anymore.  I know they only go like 10 mph, but the last couple times I went to a theme park, I started feeling ill.  Maybe it's just the ones that are really spinny.  hmmm...

I hate the place...why?
  • Smells like piss
  • Crowded
  • Dirty - air and the streets
  • Parking there is a bitch
  • Too far away, but everyone loves it
  • Too fast paced for my liking
But today I realized that I did like something about the big city atmosphere.  I liked walking around on a nice 72 degree day and looking up at the tall buildings.  I though it was a really cool sight and I think I could've walked around all day, just staring at some of the buildings.  I also realized that I would hate to be a bus driver.  All you do is drive in circles all day, dodging cars, and stopping every five miutes to pick up people who are totally unappreciative.

My Status:
Everything else with me is going ok...I still not feeling "single" yet.  The freedom that it brings hasn't sunk in yet.  This week I was actually feeling ok because of stupid classes, but then I went to Friendster and saw Tiff's profile and she changed her status to being single.  *Sigh*  This may sound petty and gay, but like I said before the whole ordeal hasn't totally sunk in yet, so I was feeling kind of blue after seeing that.  After talking w/ her some more, I've realized that I think she's accepted the fact that she's single.  I wish I could....

One thing that I was common knowledge that her and I broke up.   I think I've been asked 3 times this week how things are going b/w us and I wish for each time I had an automated response saying, "We broke up, I needed some time to myself, she took it ok, we're friends."  It hurts explaining it each time, hope that ends soon.....

Last weekend:
Total fun!  Playing poker Thursday was great, though I was dead tired on Friday for work.  Then going out to Miyake's w/ Kristen, Kevin and co.  was a blast.  Drank one too many Sake bombs and I entertained the heck out of everyone in the car on the way home w/ my singing.  Then passing out @ brendan's was great as well.  Didn't lose any money playing poker and didn't go out and play pool, so I saved me some dough hehe.  Saturday, was fun as well.  Going to Obon and kickin it with everyone was great.

-Attendees - Bryant, Jonathan, Brian, Kevin, Andy, Sudhir, Anthony, Matt, Vikram, Martha (Sudhir's girl)
-Seeing Tiff...first time we've seen each other since the break up and it was great.  She looked great and I had a good time talking w/ her.  She hooked me up w/ a beer.  haha
-Meeting Jonathan's perfect match in eating -> Vikram.  They both were racing to see who eats slower and Vikram won by like 2 bites (meaning he ate faster) hehe.
-Andy Andy Andy
-When I first encounter Andy, I was talking w/ Tiff.  He comes over takes her hat, puts it on and starts walking around.  Then he puts it back on her and then bats it down.
-Tiff then starts to introduce Andy to her friend, his response "No, I don't want to meet her"  right in front of her friend.  He was kidding, and then he preceded to whisper something into her friends ear.  I think he offered to buy her a beer or something.
-Andy then goes and buys some fries, over does the ketchup because it's all over his hand.  This one fry drops that had massive amounts of ketchup on it and Andy kicks it.  It hits some lady, Andy says sorry, but no response from the lady.  He then says to her, "That's ok, it happens."  Or something along those lines (heard from Sudhir).
-Over by the beer area, Andy drops a dollar.  Instead of picking it up like a normal person would, Andy decides to hit someone in the back of the calf to see what they would do.  The person turns around, sees Andy's massive frame and turns around because he's smart.  Then Andy turns to him and pretends to kick him, while he's looking at Andy.  hahaha.
-I guess I had a couple entertaining moments, quoting Little John, Usher, "To da windows, to da walls!" was my theme song.   I also showed off some of dance moves that I would be displaying @ the club later that night.  My warm up dance was ....The Running Man.  LOCK UP YOUR LADIES BAY AREA, BRYANT IS ON THE PROWL (simpsons quote w/ a couple touch ups)

Post Obon:
-Jonathan, Brian and I precede to Loft 11, club in SF.  The place was small, hot, and not crawling w/ good looking girls.  There were a couple cuties though, but I was in no mood to put the Bryant Mack on if you know what I mean haha.  So instead, I drank. 
-Danced w/ Jonathan's friend Vy's roommate, most of the night.  She was an ok dancer, mediocre on looks (please tell me no Berkeley people read this), but she liked Kobe Bryant, so I was down with her.  I tried talking w/ some other girl, but she was 29 and ready to make out w/ some other dude, so I was ok with that. 
-Danced and drank and went to Denny's.  Got home @ about 4.  Went to pass out, but then Kevin decided it was a good idea to wake me up.  Boy was he wrong.  It was like he unleashed a monster.  I grabbed Kevin and started wrestling with him, but then I started hearing "I'm not wearing any pants."  So I then let Kevin go and that's when I got out my room and started dancing around the house.  I am guessing that the alcohol wasn't quite out of my system yet and also that I wasn't as tired as  I thought.  I probably didn't get my groove on enough either.  So I got on the couch and did a booty dance for everyone.  Gave Brian a personal dance, jumped on Kevin and Andy while they were in bed, and went all around the house.  I got rave reviews the next morning.  A quote from Sudhir, "Andy!  Bryant is ready to have his way with you."  Spoken by Anthony.  Sudhir and Martha thought I was so funny that they didn't mind that I woke them up @ 5 in the morning.  Kevin thought it was so funny he took pictures.  Him and Andy couldn't stop laughing.  Brian was as enthused as the rest..."you ever come that close to me again, I will kill you!" I know he's just messing around hehe. 

Overall I had a great time, mostly because my best buddy Kevin was around and I got to hang out w/ all my good friends.  (Minus some others, but I'm sure most of you wouldn't want to be around me.)  Though in telling this story, I am blushing and embarassed, I had a great time and my friends let me have a good time.  Funny thing is, if I was with Tiffany at the time, most likely she would've spent the night and most likely Kevin would've never come in my room and all this wouldn't have happened.  I did realize something, I did miss nights like this where it was just the guys having "silly" fun.  It's been a year and a half since I've had a night like this. 

Thanks to all for showing me a great time, it was exactly what I needed.  Steve, can't wait until you return so that you can join our good, clean fun.  Kevin, we have your camera so you gotta come back. 

Pictures will be on K I M C H E E F I E D when I get a chance. 

Another thing that was fun...class...only because it gives me time to doodle in my notebook.  Missed those days in college.  haha.

Peace out y'all.