May 14, 2004

So much to say...and since I'm bored today because I don't have any real friends that I would call physical get to listen (at your own will) to a very long blog about nothing. I think I have the record for longest blog ever and this time I might actually beat it. So sit back and feel free to press the back button on your browser to go back to your naked chicks swallowing some love juice.

SBC - Shit BLuckyDay Connection

So as I previously blogged, my tournament poker has gone way up in skill. At first I attributed my success in how I placed to luck. Then I realized what my past record was and realized that perhaps maybe I am getting better with the help of Jon's book. So this happened about a week and half ago and I kind of actually forgot the details. You might be asking, "If this really happened wouldn't you remember every single detail?" Well, yes normally I would call anyone else a liar, but my memory was clouded by a big cloak of furious so I don't remember everything that happened those couple nights. Ask my dad. I straight up threw shit out of my room and into walls.

So I decided to go into another five dollar NL tournament. Five bucks is a good way to play against a lot of players (I believe there were over 200) without risking a lot of money from the gangsta roll. So I entered. I did well and was sitting pretty fucking high in the standings. I was at 20th place with about 35 people left to go. The blinds were at level 10 or so every pot was rich with money. I figured I needed about 2 more pots to guarantee my spot at the final table. Anyway to make a long story short (because I have so much more to blog about) I lost my connection and couldn't get back on for awhile. By the time I got back the blinds pretty much took some of my money and I didn't get a chance to see all my "free cards". I was so fucking pissed that I can't even type right now how I was feeling. I finished within the money since there were so many players...but no where near what I could have made.

Without learning my lesson at how fucking JEW SBC is I decided to play in another 30 dollar tournament. Now needless to say this isn't a substantial amount of money, but considering that I mostly played in 5 dollar tournaments, this was definetely a step up than my usual low limit shit. So there was over 100 players, but the difference between this and the tournament above was that this one only paid out to the top ten finishers. First place was about 1500 dollars. So after playing my tight agressive game, I find myself sitting in 12th place with 20 people to go. I noticed early that people were a lot more cautious than in the five dollar tournaments (probably because there is more money at stake) so me getting to the top 15 required some luck (I'll admit it) but I got my money in with the best of it and the probibilities were with me that night. However I did play good and noticing the other short stacks that were left from the other 8 people, I really like my chances at stealing some pots if not the blinds. Again I figured I needed one more pot (not even a huge one, just one to cover up some of my blinds and to take a stab at stealing) to guarantee myself a spot at the final table. Well you can guess how this story ended. SBC cut me off again and this time since I had more money at risk I went fucking ballistic. I kicked our modem against the wall. I threw my cans outside of my fucking room. By the time I got back about 18 minutes later, I was fucked. The blinds fucking killed me (especially since all the tables left were short handed so the blinds came a lot fucking quicker...not to mention that a lot of people folded to the blinds...except of course when they got to me since they knew they could raise me and the computer would automatically throw my cards away).


If you think I'm crying about bout you go toss money (not only the thirty dollars that I lost...but also the 1500 dollars) out the fucking window. Then we'll fucking talk.

Nintendo vs Sony

Alright seriously. The Nintendo DS...for those that think that video games is a waste of time, the DS is Nintendo's new portable. The DS is short for dual screen. If you haven't checked out the video of the DS in action you are missing out. This fucking system looks absoutely amazing. The picture is clear. It's vibrant and it rivals the Nintendo 64 if not better. The video showed a four player Mario called Mario64X4. A portable version of one of the best Mario games? And it's multiplayer? What did I deserve to recieve such goodies? They also showed the new Metriod shooter which is 3D based just like Mario. Can anyone say GoldenEye in the future? (Highly unlikely I know, but I can dream) Anyway this DS system also has touch screen capabilities with some games like the new WarioWareDS use your light pen to cut flying objects across the screen as one of WarioWare's mini games. The fact that it is a touch screen as well as having two screens opens up the possibilies for what this thing can accomplish. Also you no longer hook up with messy wires, but rather use wireless to connect. They showed the DS in action sending text messages and even drawings (you could play hangman with someone in your class if they had a DS also). Bottom line is the DS looks fucking rad. That's right. Rad.

The PSP by Sony looks fucking awesome too. Fanboys can go on and on about which one is better. And those fanboys won't be able to get a job at the video game store. The only real fact that anyone has to rememeber is that it is the gamers that win when companies compete...and the wallet loses. The PSP had a trailer of MGA. That's Metal Gear ACID. It's 3d based. It looks awesome. They had Gran Turismo runing on the PSP. It has the capability if playing DVD resolutions on the 16X9 screen. It looks sleek. The graphics looks like it rivals Playstation's one, but better...but not as good as PS2. Somewhere in between is good for me. It has USB and a shitload of other a place for the Sony memory stick. I'm guessing it'll be used also as a digital camera (which is actually a perfect size for it) as well as a Palm Pilot clone.

Sony you fucking rock. Nintendo you are rad. Everyone wins.

The Beheading of Berg

On to more important news. I won't go into the politics of this case. I won't even comment on the prisoners being abused and shit...what I will go into is what I suffered because of Mexican television. So basically all you guys have probably seen the edited version of the video. You see five poor excuses for humans sitting in the background with Berg sitting in front with an orange jump suit on. At the end of the video the one in the middle folds his piece of paper in half and that is it. Of course the rest of the video that the public doesn't get to see is the guy taking out the big machete and taking a couple of swipes (not chops) at the guy's neck and then one more swoop that cracks the bone and one more to rid the body of the head. They then show the head to the camera. Anyway I myself am totally engrossed by this video. It might be sickening...but whenever I see it I can't help but fixate on it. Here I get to witness the last 2 minutes of this guy's life. I think to myself what he was thinking. Did he know what he was in for...what races through your head. If he didn't know it was coming he had about 2 seconds to think about it before the ray of light dashed across that machete.

Anyway I am flipping through the channels the night the tape became public and it's on a Mexican news station. As usual I can't help but watch and stare into the eyes of Berg. It's like knowing someone's fate...I can explain it...anyway I'm staring at the tape and then the middle guy folds his paper down. End of clip. Oh wait a minute...the guy is pulling out a machete...I'm thinking to myself..."oh shit oh shit oh shit, what the fuck is going on here?" The guy throws Berg down to the ground. "I'm not supposed to be seeing this...I'm not prepared for this...but I can't change the channel..." The guy takes two clear swipes where Berg's neck is. "My god..." The worst part is what got me. Since it was late at night and everyone was sleeping...and the Mexican commentator stopped talking...all I heard ringing out of my telvision speakers was Berg sreaming. "..." They the cut the video off. I turned off the television and stared off into my room. The scream wasn't just any scream. It wasn't a scream in a film. It wasn't a scream of was a scream of helplessness. It was desperate and it seriously fucked me up that night.

The bottom line is that I couldn't sleep that night. I can't believe they showed that much of the clip. I can't believe I watched. Again I was totally engrossed. I don't think that it is that sickening. Some people can't stomach it...I'm sure what I saw of it some people would have cried...I think the thing with me is that death is ingriguing to me. Here is life in Berg when you know full well that he will be dead in a matter of seconds. Was I distrubed? Hell yeah. The sound of him screaming I will never forget...especially when silence is around...

Van Helsing and other various films

Van Helsing. It was okay. Wasn't awesome. Wasn't shitty. It was entertaining. I'll put it up there with Starship Troopers. Stupid, good fun. Maybe it was because Kate Beckinsale was wet and in a nice outfit. I dunno. I did however (and most people in the theatre I could tell didn't understand this) like how Dracula was played. To most it might have seemed kind of corny. Perhaps they were thinking of Brad Pitt/ Tom Cruise cool of how Dracula should be played, but the Dracula in the film was a throwback to Nosferatu. I enjoyed it.

Troy. 200 million fucking god. What is Hollywood thinking? I mean will it make it back? Yeah it will. But I couldn't even imagine what I would do with a budget like that. Of course 1/10th of that went to Brad Pitt. Oh another suprise is that it stars Peter O'Toole. I thought he was dead. In case you don't know who he is...Lawrence of Arabia and Sherlock Holmes. My favorite though is How to Steal a Million. Haven't seen Troy yet, but I heard it is intelligently done.

King Arthur. Okay...Bruckheimer. My absolute favorite of course. HOWEVER I did find out something that might make the film okay...he only spent 90 million dollars on it. Perhaps it isn't the big, exploding bullshit that Bad Boys 2 was. Yeah I said it. Bullshit.

Garden State. This one should interest Jon. It was written and directed by Zach Braff. Spelling? Anyway it is about a guy who comes back home after his mom's death after being on bad terms with his family. You should check out the trailer on if you have the chance. This is the type of film that I like. It doens't look like it had a huge budget, but the shots are beautiful and the look is something that I was ideally like in my films. My mom actually told me about the film...apparently it is taking the festival circuit by storm. So not only is Scrubs an awesome show...but it apparently spawns genius also.

College Or Lack Thereof

I have been keeping a log book with Ari and Mike about how long we have spent in class this semester. Apparently my semester is done next week. We figure (not counting the trips to and from...even that we hardly make) we have spent about 50 hours in class this sememster. If that...which brings me my next point...

Shannon is yelling at me to finish school. I should finish school. I'm so close so why throw it away right? However there are certain things that you guys don't understand. Bascially the way SFSU works is that there is a big production pool that you get into. Now once inside this production pool of over 200 students that are picked by the staff to show fill out individual sheets for all the classes that you want to take next semester. So I filled out cinematography, directing, and editing along with some other ones that I don't find as important. Now I only need 9 more units to graduate. Now to most of you that are finished with college that is nothing. That is hardly full time. But you must realize that it becuase of the way it is set up...I will probaly not even get 2 of those classes that I want on the list...The way they set up not really give it.

To make matters worse is they only offer Cinematography in only one class. ONE FUCKING CLASS. AND EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO HASN'T TAKEN CINEMATOGRAPHY WANTS IT AS THEIR NUMBER ONE CHOICE. So basically I'm fucked. I would like to say that I could graduate next fall. Yet even if I do...It won't be with those classes that I want the most and that would help me the I'm stuck. I'm 24 years old...yeah 24 years old and I even though am faced in the direction that I want...I am dumbfounded as to how to take the first step. I know everyone has to go through it. I'm not looking for answers. Just thought you would like to know why I am still in college while all you fucks are set in your careers. Haha. I'm bitter. Haha.

You know what...I was prepared to type longer...but that last paragraph made me feel shitty. So I don't feel like writing anymore. Perhaps I'll draw...ANOTHER USELESS PRACTICE SESSION SINCE THAT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH FILMMAKING...fuck me.

May 11, 2004

Wow, leave for a week and the blogger changes. It's different.

Salads at BK
So I decided to buy the chicken Caesar salad at BK tonight... I have my doubts on how healthy it is. Hell, I think chicken Caesar salads are a mean joke to be played on dieters. It's letting you believe that you're eating healthy but in reality you're taking on more calories and fat. What makes a Caesar salad taste good? The fricken cheese, chicken and dressing. It's like you put yourself through torture just to get to the good parts. I even go through the pains of rewarding myself with a bite of chicken after swallowing 4 mouthfuls of rabbit food. How healthy is that? Not to mention it's a FRICKEN SALAD AT A FAST FOOD PLACE.

The New Place
So I finally got the keys to the new apartment... I'm fairly happy with moving out of Santa Rosa, I have a small place all to myself, on the ground floor. It's nice enough, but have I mentioned that it was small? I gotta get everything out of here by June 1st, and I've only packed the unimportant stuff; video games, CD's, DVD's... Next should probably be the pots and pans. I'm so not looking forward to moving the bed though. Last time I moved, I got hella sick and almost died. ...Alright, so that was an exaggeration, but I think I got heat stroke or something. Anyway, when I get settled, feel free to come up and visit if you're ever in the area. (haha)

The News
I'm a little bit cynical, and watching the news never helps. So there's the big prisoner humiliation thing. People are all acting surprised... Why? Do you really think with all those people over there, there won't be a few who are pissed at the entire "nation of terror?" I mean, come on... We can say we are enlightened, but during a war, everything gets thrown out. Tensions run high, and it's only natural to hate. Do I wish we as people could ever be above it? Of course. But am I surprised that we're "mistreating" our prisoners? Not in the least. Don't we hear these types of stories in our own prison system? What really pisses me off are the people who are "outraged." They're just playing the public for fools, saying "No, we never knew about it, let's find a scapegoat." So who do we blame? The soldiers for following orders? Their officers for ordering it or looking away? Donald Rumsfeld for not keeping an eye on the prisoners' situation? Who is to blame?

Finally, Seahorses
I think I saw them at the Monterey Bay Aquarium once. The only thing I remember is that the male gets pregnant, not the female. Of course, in light of EECS' research I could be wrong.

May 9, 2004

Remember Tony, just because you are a seahorse (giggle) you don't have to act like one! Plus Jon is lying. Whatever I said in that conversation has been modified. I never "LOL" or "haha" online. I swear! Haha. Hope you won your game and i'll talk to you soon. Peace.

BTW: Met any cool O.C. chicks yet? You know ones that can lay eggs in you. LOL...ahem...
The seahorse: small but ferocious fighter
Tony's blog reminded me that Brendan, Derek and I were discussing the truth about seahorses a little while back. None of us knew a whole lot, but I decided to look up some info in the World Book my family never ever uses. There's not much for quantity, but the quality of the information is beyond compare. In this particular case, I think the best (i.e. least time-consuming for me) way to present these fascinating facts is just by posting the log of my AIM chat with Brendan. The following excerpt has not been modified in any way.

funkEquilibrium: all right Tony blogged and guess what that reminds me of
hommeikun1: uh seahorses i'd imagine
hommeikun1: but seriously they don't do shit
hommeikun1: i think they are just a big ugly kelp thing
funkEquilibrium: holy crap there is barely any info in here
funkEquilibrium: much less than I expected
funkEquilibrium: like half a page
funkEquilibrium: so it should be easy
hommeikun1: haha
hommeikun1: what do they eat?
funkEquilibrium: a small fish... most less than 6 inches long... body made of bony plates... feeds by sucking small animals into cylindrical mouth
funkEquilibrium: use their tails to cling to rooted plants or floating sea vegetation
funkEquilibrium: which makes me picture the seahorse as a kite
funkEquilibrium: flipping and zipping this way and that
hommeikun1: haha
funkEquilibrium: against its will
funkEquilibrium: powerless to do anything but hold onto something
hommeikun1: haha
funkEquilibrium: like Twister
hommeikun1: i'm typing in i'm laughing but i'm really laughing
hommeikun1: seahorses are the pussies of the ocean
hommeikun1: haha
funkEquilibrium: hehehe
funkEquilibrium: and the soccer league
hommeikun1: help me i can't swim
hommeikun1: quick GRAAAAAB
funkEquilibrium: this photo reminds us
hommeikun1: i wonder if they have ever gotten stuck to a whale by tryign to suck him in
hommeikun1: cuz they're so fucking idiotic
funkEquilibrium: seahorses look WEIRD
funkEquilibrium: hehe
funkEquilibrium: perhaps
funkEquilibrium: ooh this one is good
funkEquilibrium: Baby seahorses often form small groups by holding onto each other with their tails.
funkEquilibrium: HAHAHAH
hommeikun1: hahah
funkEquilibrium: this one is better
funkEquilibrium: "A seahorse swims weakly."
hommeikun1: hahaha
funkEquilibrium: that's a freakin quote
funkEquilibrium: from the encyclopedia
hommeikun1: i'm so lol right now
hommeikun1: haha
funkEquilibrium: that's messed up of them to say
hommeikun1: hahah
funkEquilibrium: and show its picture
funkEquilibrium: I wouldn't want my picture shown if I looked like this shiet
funkEquilibrium: we're down in the sea for a reason, ass
hommeikun1: hahah
hommeikun1: man i'm laughing this is good
hommeikun1: i needed this after that sbc fiasco
funkEquilibrium: haha
funkEquilibrium: weird... the female lays eggs in a pouch on the male
funkEquilibrium: the male carries them around and later releases the young
funkEquilibrium: and that's about all the World Book decide was fit to print
funkEquilibrium: "just make sure everyone knows they swim weakly"
hommeikun1: haha
funkEquilibrium: "that about sums up this poor freak bastard fish"
hommeikun1: seahorses are no where near the ferocious creatures i had tony believe
hommeikun1: hahah
funkEquilibrium: it doesn't even say what they eat
hommeikun1: whatever float into their mouth...
hommeikun1: can u picture it
hommeikun1: a seahorse hanging on for dear life
hommeikun1: it can't move where it wants...
hommeikun1: so a big peice of tuna shit is coming towards it mouth
hommeikun1: and it can't do anything about it but eat it
hommeikun1: HAHA
funkEquilibrium: heheh nasty
funkEquilibrium: and sad for the little weak swimmer
hommeikun1: tony's on the worst soccer team ever
funkEquilibrium: hahaha
funkEquilibrium: he can shine all he wants
funkEquilibrium: but he's still a seahorse
hommeikun1: oh man tha'ts classic
hommeikun1: u need to blog that shit
funkEquilibrium: hahah
hommeikun1: ton'ys gonna be pissed
funkEquilibrium: I think I will
funkEquilibrium: good idea
hommeikun1: poor tony