Dec 12, 2002

Just because I start working early, doesn't mean we can't live up some part of the summer to the fullest. Trip anyone? I don't care where, Vegas, Hawaii, somewhere? But point being is as long as I get to spend some quality time w/ my amigos in SJ, it's all good. That will be good enough for me. True, in the future, we might not have time to hang out as much as we get our careers started or some of us my move geographically to other areas, which could make it tough for us to keep in contact. I think if we all just do what we can to keep in touch, we'll be good.

I always hope that later in life, that we all can spend holidays together, like bringing all our families together. I think that would be pretty sweet.

You know what is scary overall about all this? Is that we're actually talking about this. Like it's real, for most of us this will be our last summer break. For Jonathan it's already happened, so he can relate. But time flys when you're having fun, I guess. This just seems like something I wasn't expecting to talk about for a while. Just crazy, but in the end I'm sure we'll all stay friends and that we'll always be there for each other. It's hard for me to imagine my life without some of you, so I'll do what I can to make sure that we keep in touch in some way or another.

Ok, update for you guys, I'm coming home tommorrow, so let the winter fun begin! FRIEEEEEENDS! (you know what voice I'm talking in haha) Have a safe trip back to those driving/flying/whatevers and I'll see you guys soon. Brendan's house tonight? haha

Dec 10, 2002

so true...

pretty soon i think we'll find that we can no longer hang out on weeknites, as we'll have full time jobs. Then our weekends will fill up. And soon we'll find ourselves saying "hey whats up man, i haven't see you in like months!". I find that sad. But that's reality. That's why i think it's important that we enjoy ourselves while we still can. Jon is already working full time, and soon Bryant will be, so our time is very limited. I think this summer we should all enjoy ourselves to the fullest. Cuz this could very well be the last summer we all get a chance to really hang out.

I can say that while the rest of the world is changing, my STUBBORN ass, will fight it till the death of me. Yes, you would think that with me being part of a religion that teaches that the world is impermanent, I would think differently. BUT NO...."blind desires" prevail...(good drawing for that conference brendan btw). My stupid ass will continue to be in school for as long as possible, because quite frankly, i don't want to grow up. I dont' want to work right now. I want to continue my schooling, and hopefully, my laziness. Work can wait...good times can not. Getting a paper in on time is bullshit compared to having a good conversation with a friend. good thing that stupid asses like me and brian (haha sorry b3) are taking a lot longer, so we can all delay the inevitable breaking up of Team Pooky.

I'm not going anywhere. No seroiusly. I have no ambition. All I worry about is if i'm gonna have fun today. I don't know what i'm doing two minutes from right now, so you can see how well i'm planning for my future. Friends are a good part of life.

I'm not gonna end up like my parents either. If i'm the only one sitting at the poker table with Brendan's dad, so be it. Actually, Brendan will be there too cuz his bitch ass probably won't have moved out by then. Heh.

So here's the thing. We all consider ourselves each other's best friends. If not best friends than damn close to it. Here is where I let the guard down. Just for this one precious moment in time I will do some recollecting...some deep thought...take a journey into a place where no one is allowed to emotions.

Kindergarden - I meet a little Korean boy who has a bigger bowl haircut than I do. Little did I know that we would be blogging stupid shit here and now. Almost two decades later he hasn't tossed me out like my other best friends (that's a shoutout to Josh Bourland and Russell Weber). I don't know what keeps him around other than I put things in harsh perspective for him. Or that he can use me like a chaff when Lyndsey hunted us down..."Hey Brendan come over here..." The bitch bogey than changed course toward my tail (double meaning) I'd like to thank you for those memories you ass. I'll see you later this week for Socom. When I remind you of the reality that I am better. 613 as of 12102002.

Big Trip - I'm sorry that you Steve had to sit close to me on that bus ride there. It was a fun time though wasn't it? Except walking a few furlongs away from Disneyland into the moldy part of Orange County just to find someone some bleach. Either way Ping Pong that is where I had the luck to meet someone who hung out with the Sr. YBA bitches. You just remember that time where you walked out of my house telling me everything was cool...I knew it...that's why I told you to get your ass back in the house to talk more. Don't harm sea turtles either.

Noah's Bagels - Well if it isn't Derek Avery. Heard a lot about him...forunately never knew him either. Until the Jewish people wanted some food. Derek, if I had to take a guess on how many hours we've spent on Resident Evil I would have to guess at least 40-50 hours. DO NOT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TOUCH THAT DAMN MAP BUTTON AGAIN! You've always been tolerable of my God bashing and I just want you to know I'm going to die knowing there isn't a God. If there is you'll put in a good word right? If not I can sneak in Snake styles...SNAKE? SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!

Friday Night Poker - "Hey Steve? You have any friends that wanna play poker?...Jonathan...Jon who?" I guess Jon can rip into me about how ignorant I was to hang around with some other people in YBA and not you. "FOR CHRIST'S SAKE JUST SHOOT THE FUCKING BALL INTO THE POCKET" Where it all started. Where the making fun of each other began. I do think our debates are hilarious and I can't wait until the next one. Here's one for you...only creative people sell out. Best of luck and remember you can always draw hands better than me...same in poker.

LA trip - Brian. I feel bad that you had to sleep with Derek and Bryant and they made you sleep on the floor. I know you say you prefered it but I know your lying. You can beat them up later if you'd like. Either way this is where I really got to know you as Brian Asai not the "bitch doesn't come home, chills with his fucking girlfriend all fucking hours of the day." I'll let you guess who was saying those things. Hehe. Don't worry about taking long in school...just as long as you don't graduate before me you're kosher. - No memories for you fucking horseshit...pulling shit out of your ass bitch.

So where is this all going? Why does it sound like he's leaving us? Or you might be saying, "finally he's gone." Either way the point is that in a way we are all leaving each other. Now don't get me wrong...I'm not saying our friendship is ending...but things are finally coming together for some of us...and will come together in the future for others. We laugh at the fact that our parents don't have friends (well they don't get to see their close friends from when they were our age that often)...were going to be there really soon you know. It is not like school where we think to ourselves, "oh they'll be home for this and that..." Nope...pretty soon it won't be that way. Pretty soon we will all be embarking in a new chapter in our lives and the friendship is so strong among us that we will take it for granted. We will always think that we will be close. In a funny way we will be. We are what we are because of us. Those memories up top are only a small portion of what I remember and what I will always remember.

The thing about it is that when we finally do go our seperate ways the only real variable is time. Distance isn't so key anymore. Even though we might not be able to see each other every is easier to keep in touch with someone nowadays than it was when we had penpals and shit. The unfortunate part of time is that it goes so fast...and the longer the time goes on...the farther we grow apart. Now don't get me wrong..I'm not pessimistic about this...I'm realistic. It's not like we are never going to talk to each other in the future, but things change. I can already see some interests in the group changing...we are already branching out as individuals. As individuals it might take us to far and exciting places. Were going to have families (I still opt for the pool table) and our priorities will no longer be this group. I think the problem with most groups of friends is that they take the friendship for is human nature. If anything is there long enough...we tend to forget how important it really is.

So here is where I leave it. I'm not sad about this and neither should you. You shouldn't be angry or EVEN HAPPY (I know some of you are.) You should just feel...acceptance. By us realizing these facts...we will just be that much stronger in the future. So let us be bitchy to each other...enjoy each other's company and just to be stupid in any way we can. I've already started...I mean look at this blog. Doesn't get much stupider than this...btw...the emotion box is closed so leave your suggestions at the mother fucking door.

Dec 9, 2002

haha..don't worry i know you're picking on me. But that's just fine you bitch. I wouldn't expect anything less.

"bad luck" a subjective thing. It could be losing at the craps table. It could be having girls always turn you down. It could be getting hit by a car after you've looked both ways when crossing the street. It could be having a gloomy day. It can be a number of things.

despite what you think, my world is not an atomic bomb of gloomyness and sadness and the color black. I don't wake up everyday wishing i had a better life or anything like that. I accepted long time ago who i was and what my life was like. My life not sunshine (see icon =P), my life is not easy. But no one's is. I have a lot of bad luck. In that, i lose at poker constantly. If i drop a plate it will land on my foot. I just went clubbing the other day. I leaned back in my chair and slammed my head into a pole. Who else but Steve could pull off such a stunt? I have bad luck, but I don't look at myself as a victim anymore. When I hit my head i yell out, "i'm a fucking klutz" with a smile on my face. It feels good to have bad luck, because it make my life interesting. But more than that, "bad luck" can be interpreted as a good thing. You know that statement, "if you never made mistakes, then you would never learn anything". Well, I can say that from all my slamming fingers in doors, bumping my head, breaking my heart, being out of shape, not being quick with the wit...I've learned a lot about myself. Yes, there was a time when i disliked who i was. I didn't think I was cool enough and i sure as hell didn't think that life was going to be easy. Well, I still feel that life isn't going to be easy, but I firmly believe in a new thought: that something bad is only bad if you fight it, if you push against it. So I have bad luck? So what? My bad luck has nothing to do with my perceptions. It all goes back to a stupid cliche: "everybody has drama. But we differ in how we deal with it". When i hit my hand against a door, or when a girl blows me off, or when Jon proves me wrong (yet again), I try to look at it like, well, then it was(n't) meant to be. funny how i used to hate that statement ("wasn't/was meant to be"). mebbe it's cause i felt like i wanted control over everything in my life. Thank goodness i found out that that's truly impossible.

being positive sucks. being negative sucks. Being realistic is dope. Because when you're neutral, you let the cards fall as they please, and then you deal with the outcome. Expectations suck, whether they are good or bad. Yes, we can all argue that it is better to look at things in a positive light. But I don't really see the point. If i smile as the bullet is passing through my liver, i seriously doubt it will do less damage. But it will freak out bystanders, which may be worth it in the long run.

back to the finals.

p.s. I hate life. hahahahahahahah.

p.s.s. brendan, go back to noah's. I want some free food. I can't get free pumpkin pie like some lucky mudda fuccaz
First off...this whole letter thing Jonathan's neighbors, absolutely hilarious. You definitely need to talk to these neighbors more. Seek professional help for shyness, awesome! Never seen u with a date, haha it's ok Jonathan, no girls go over my house either. But for realz, that is some pretty funny stuff. Cool that he got his degree from Poly baby! hehe

2nd, I see Ricki and the two Koreans have started a blog and already there is some real intelligence being displayed:

"let the bitchin begin! hehe so, r we spost to write bout stuff thats goin on in our lives??" - seriously, she can't be Korean, not real!

"how come ours doesnt look as good as brendans?? :( howd he put pix up n stuff?" - We rule. aka Jonathan and Brendan rule for drawing and putting this stuff up.

I think with all these thinking blogs, I'll just chime in my two cents quickly. I hate being proven wrong, I hate critism (even if it's constructive), but most of the time I can admit that I am. It's the worst feeling when you think you're right and you put one of those stamps of "Andy's guarantees" and in the end, you get proven wrong and then I told you so comes out. Which most of us don't do, we don't gloat...hehe well sometimes we do =D. This is mostly from a subjuctive standpoint, there is a right and wrong. When trying to be objective, everyone can be right because it's truly your own opinion. No matter how stupid it may sound to everyone else, you can believe whatever you want. The only time where I go against this theory is when you work for a company that says, "The customer is always right!" Bull shit they are, if you ever implement that policy if you start a business, you might as well quit because you will be a slave to the consumer and your employees will not be happy. haha NOAH'S for example, Tennis Warehouse is another! Sorry a little venting came out.

You know what sucks? Is not knowing what the other person is feeling. It sucks when you have to try and guess what kind of thoughts are going through anothers mind. Girls play this game well, almost too well. Whats weird though, is with some people you can just read them like a book and you know exactly what's on their mind. Or even more trippy, when others can read me. But I don't think I'm a hard person to read anyway. haha

Competition. I love it, I strive on it, but let me tell I can get pissed and frustrated really bad if I'm not on a winning side. If you ever see this display which most of you probably have seen, whether it be poker for money or 13 just to brag about championships, I don't mean to get angry but it's my nature. I know in general people don't like to lose, but I really don't like it, no matter the circumstances. If I'm playing poorly, tennis, basketball, even socom, that takes you out of your game even more and you just start to get flat out pissed. When someone is beating you consistently at a game and you just are not seeing improvement, that can piss a person off too. I just love to win, I just have a real competitive spirit in me. I've never been really good at any sport, (some may argue roller hockey was my sport, but too bad it died out) but I try my best to succeed in whatever I'm playing and when you're trying hard and things aren't working out, you get pissed. In poker, I get pissed when my money is just dwindling away and I feel like I'm playing my cards right, but by the end of the night I just throw it all in because I just don't care and I want to go home. I'm a pouter, sure, I'll admit it, but that's my spirit. I love hanging out and talking, but I also like winning. Having fun is the most important aspect of hanging out for sure, but I like the friendly competition and especially winning...but I know I can't win everything, but I can sure try right?

In videogames, I love it. To some I guess beating a game doesn't give them much accomplishment, but I love beating games. Beating Kingdom Hearts and Metal Gear Solid and just watching the art work and the story unfold at the end was all worth it to me. In Madden, doing all the training camps, opening new cards, winning the Super Bowl, tons o' fun. To me it's amazing how some things you just never get bored of. Going through a game and just trying to push the limits of it and finding new things to do is fun, but I guess you have to be an enthusiast to understand. In Socom, playing against others and showing off your skills is so fun to me. I love it playing w/ Andy, Brendan and Kevin and showing the world that we can beat them. This is a totally new arena to play in, especially with console gaming and I'm sure there will be plenty more to come for me to enjoy. By beating games and shooting down others in cyberspace mean that I've accomplished a lot in my life? Oh hell no. I can't put that shit on resume...haha. But it does give someone a sense of accomplishment, that a person can put time and their energies on a game and complete it. It's like an interactive puzzle that you piece together and when it's all finished, you just feel proud of yourself. Maybe this is just me and I'm a freakin nerd, but I don't care, videogames are a part my life and it will probably never leave.

haha on an end note, school is almost done, Wednesday is my last day! To all who have finals aka everyone minus Jonathan....good luck on finals! Cya soon.

Dec 8, 2002

I don't know my neighbors. I know a name or two, but that's about it. For my security clearance I have to get to know them (or let them get to know me, rather). So a few days ago I decided to go talk to them, and leave a note in case they weren't home. I just wrote a little about myself, my education, interests, etc. I thought my neighbor's reply was kinda funny, hopefully so shall you. I wrote on the envelopes "Urgent note, please open immediately". This neighbor sent his reply over in an envelope labeled "Attn: Jonathan, an urgent, urgent reply". I get the feeling he may be as sarcastic as us. Here's the unedited, uncut version:

A few questions

1) Yes, we know who lives next door to us, but why don't you know us? Baby sit our kid for 1 nite and you can get caught up with the last 6 years

2) Your 23, why are you still at home

3) We think your shyness (at your age) could be a problem. Have you thought about seeking professional help.

4) Not a question!! I'm still waiting for the 2 on 2 against you and your brother.

5) I make a living (sales) by intruding on everyone at any given time every day of the week. Its o.k to intrude as long as your entertaing while doing it.

6) Why have we never seen you on a date? Don't women like they shy type.

7) What is the relationship between being an eletrical engineer, and also being the quiet shy type I don't get it

8) How would I know if you have never been in trouble and you do not use drugs. What little I know, usually a neighbor that keeps to himself and stays private quite possibly wants it that way so nobody will find out he is using his house as a drug lab

9) Was the U.C degree meant as a knock to me because I only graduated from Cal Poly S.L.O.

10) O.K. I'll cover for you this time as I did for your father 12 or so years ago but at least he paid me $50.00 for my effort

Finally, remember this, its o.k to know your neighbors. You might need their help someday. Thats why I know them all.... so I can use their help as much as I can get away with___

*1: I started my notes "Hello neighbor" because I had a generic one for each next-door neighbor and just printed them out. I actually did already know who they were, but apparently that wasn't understood.
*2: I made a note that my family is all pretty shy, pretty much as an excuse for not already knowing our neighbors better.
*3: I mentioned that I might be seen from time to time playing basketball with my brothers in our driveway.
*4: I had written that I wanted to minimize the intrusion on their lives, hence the short note.
*5: =...(
*6: I mentioned that "I do not get into trouble with the law or do any illegal drugs." Heh I guess that wasn't necessary to add.
*7: Heh gotta love it. I wonder how long it took to choose a number that was low enough to sound real but high enough that it would make me pay for being stupid.
now to rip into everyone:

everyone is right...
everyone is right because we all live our own lives. Not anyone else's lives. We can all do the same thing day in and day out, but we will interpret them in our own personal way. Even if i do the exact same thing as someone else down to the T, I will still never know how they truly feel. We would like to think that we can, but one of the things that has always driven me crazy is we can NEVER feel how someone else is feeling, which is pretty trippy if you ask me. So that's that. We're all right in our own personal way. However, since we are the only ones who can experience how we are experiencing stuff, to everyone else we are wrong. It's kind of like when me and jon had the discussion about what college life is all about. Jon summed it up quite well, and we both left the conversation happy, mainly because there was no arguing. In a nutshell, he said that someone think the "right" college experience is about learning. Someone others think that the true college experience is about learning outside of the classroom.

everyone is wrong...
because we can't know how everyone is feeling, we will always be biased toward our own interpretation as being right (who thinks, "man everything i know is wrong". No one.) That being the case, we can always learn something new from hearing out everyone else. Talking to everyone about how they see the world gives you yet another wrinkle in your brain about life. Notice i didnt' say it gives you the RIGHT interpretation. In a way, we're all wrong, because you never understand something until you've lost it..or al least live with it a bit longer. We're 22..we're still young (except Jon..hehe..jk bro). We have no idea what life is truly like yet. But we think we do. We think we can control our lives and that we're always right and that we can make webcomics and work in tennis stores and get nice socks and work in farmerville playing dancing games and being bipolar about your lovelife (that would be dissing on me there). But yeh..i think that we will never truly know what life is truly like until it's over. Maybe then we'll understand what it's all about then...

BTW, Jon that was some TRIPPY SHIT that you were talking about the dreams and reality. I think that you and i should sit down and talk about that shit sometime. Deep stuff. BTW, good chris rock joke. It makes me hella laugh still...and i laugh even harder thinking about how long we fucking laughed at that shit the first time we heard it. Kinda reminds me off.."man a fool was made that day". Good times as always.

ALSO, fuck video games.

ALSO, I agree with jon on the whole "competition" thing. I used to get pissed when i lost at shit. (Jon...unplugging your controller was definitely a SKILL TECHNIQUE..not CHEATING you bastard!!). But now i realized that hey, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. I would much rather have a good time with you guys (which i always do, except when we get pissed at poker, which happens to me more than i'd like). I can save the anger for the little kid that beats me in the arcade at puzzle fighter. I also figured out that i have the worst luck ever, and if i keep getting pissed when it kicks in, then i'm just gonna end up with an ulcer, a nail biting problem, and a warrant for my arrest. And nobody wants that.

Ranch 99. 89 cent pork buns. OMG..good shit. Who cares about the MSG and shit. ITs' good. I gotta enjoy these things before my mid life crisis and before i lose my teeth.

But yeh. Everyone is right. Everyone is wrong. Shut the fuck up. Because I'm right. And wrong.

Fuck it i'll be a hypocrite. I'm RIGHT!!
Haha...good points indeed. For the record I of course was throwing that shit out for humerous effect. I don't like to post drama on this blog or anywhere in my life. Don't worry boys and girls...I'm confident I'll be a filmaker. A good one perhaps? That is in the hands of the viewer. Which brings me to another point.

You can make a movie and tell a story the way you want it. You have total control during the production. You can tell your actors how to act. Tell the director of photography to light a scene a certain way to suit your needs...but what it all boils down to is how the viewer is going to take it. Some movies that are considered classics...I think sometimes the whole point of the movie is different than that of what the director wanted. This is why I hate analyzing film so much because you never really know what the director was thinking. You take it for what it is. When you describe the film you are in fact putting words into the director's head.

Hence Eecs. Obviously I know he thinks he won this battle. And probably did. But he is forgetting that I did not mean to put words into his mouth. I did not say, "Eecs SAYS that I am a moron, so basically eecs SAYS that purist...blah blah blah. I read into the context just as he did mine. That is the way it sounded like he felt in his last blog. Don't worry Eecs...I don't get defensive about what you say (in fact I am shocked that you thought so, I was just adding dynamic counterance to your blog)... I like the fact that you correct me all the time. Since I'm a grammer moron it creates an interesting dynamic wouldn't you say? Near the bottom line: Eecs has very good points. I respect him choosing not to play games for what they are today. I totally understand. At the same time I think I made some very decent points that don't apply to Eecs but apply to shitload of other gamers. Oh by the way...the reason I said old school gamers and new school gamers are ignorant is because I think of myself as a purist gamer. I didn't mean it to come out like Old school gamer = Eecs = Stupid and retarded. I meant ignorant in the fact that they don't give the games a chance and shut the door for whatever reason. Now you can argue all you want with me on this one...but we ARE all ignorant in choices. We always have biases and we always think whatever we choose is right to validate that choice. We tell ourselves in the most comforting way that we chose the right thing because we don't ever want to fail in life.

Now to rip into Eecs. "I hope he was just throwing that stuff in there for humorous effect. Otherwise... save the drama for your therapist." So how come when I have a personal problem (well...when I do =) ) I can't come to Eecs? This makes me sad and dissappointed. Oh sure you're there for everyone else on this blog except for Hapachan, but how come not me? Do you not want to hear what is going on in my life? I think now it is turning into a personal problem...I don't feel good enough to be here on this blog because some people don't wanna listen...I'm tearing up like a bitch and no shoulder to cry on...

(If anyone of you think I was serious about that last need to find a different group of friends to read about. You failed the test.)

Whatever. Debate closed. Time to go begging to Jon for the use of his scanner. I'm just gonna act like I'm sorry and not mad at him. He doesn't read this blog does he? Who the fuck is Eecs anyways? I can't tell by his icon! HAHAHAHHA. Although...on another icon doesn't even look like me...sigh...
Comics and me, as one
Whoa... unexpected parallel in Classic Peanuts from tomorrow's comics...

Lucy (in Psychiatric Help booth): The dreams of night prepare you for the day that follows..
Charlie Brown: What does that mean?
Lucy: It's at night, Charlie Brown, when you're sleeping, that your brain is really working... Your brain is trying to sort everything out for you... It's trying to make you see yourself as you really are..
Charlie Brown (frowning): Even my brain is against me!

Unfortunately the rest of the comics section was its typical entertainment-value-free self.

"Speaking of comics, where the hell are Bangs's previously promised Webcomics? Has he forgotten them? I bet he's just lazy, uninspired, unmotivated... that rat ass bastard."

Shutdafukup Pooky, don't ever write in my post again. You have your own account and your own fancy computer you nerdass bitch.

Time to "rip into" BLuckyDay for talking back
(a somewhat disturbing choice of words on his part) Reap the whirlwind...: =)

First of all, I consider everyone posting on this blog to be highly intelligent (except Pooky). I can tell from our past conversations that this is a group of quick wits capable of deep thought and understanding. I simply have a tendency to think things through in a more logic-obsessed can't-afford-to-ever-be-wrong fashion than most people. For better or worse. I do tend to correct others far more often than they do me. Good for standardized tests, bad for making friends. =...( Heh I guess I'm like a Jehovah's Witness... I'm just trying to help people by showing them what [I believe] is right, but end up just pissing them off. The difference, of course, is that I am right. Always. Fo sheez. =D

Okay... there are too many little things for me to break down (even I would get tired of reading my own shiet), so I'll just hit the main points:

The types of gamers
Rather than divide people based on which system they first played, what kind of controller they can handle, or how many dimensions they'd like their graphics to come in, I'm going to strike at the root of the discussion. Instead of asking what games they play, I ask why they play games. Running parallel to the two types of competition, it is the three types of gamers:
(1) Recreation gamers: (similar to fun competitors) play to have fun, to smile, to joke, to laugh.
(2) Skill gamers: (similar to pure competitors) play to excel, to improve, to compete, to win.
(3) Spectacle gamers: Treat games like a movie--enjoy the story, characters, visuals, sound.

Video games and me
I see now where I went wrong. I was applying to others my gaming preferences:

I am a recreation gamer... I grew up with Atari, and later Nintendo. For me it was and is all about the fun times. The classic games had to be fun. Although there was of course some skill involved with the joystick and single red button, there wasn't too much depth to the games. And we should all be able to agree that there's not much spectacle to be had with a low-resolution bitmap screen filled with as many colors as you'll find in a Crayola Kids Fun Pack, accompanied by all of four different beep-boop sound effects.

I am a backseat spectacle gamer... I never played Final Fantasy games, but found it entertaining to watch my brother play. The graphics, music, the magic attacks, beast summons... awesome. Especially now, with games like Final Fantasy X coming out, it can be a truly amazing show to take in. So I can in fact appreciate and enjoy fancy graphics and real-time lighting effects. It's just that I remain predominantly a recreation gamer, and if I'm the one playing, without that fun-craving part of me satisfied I'll find the game lacking.

I am not much of a skill gamer... sure, I dominate my friends in fighting and puzzle games (except Dr. Mario apparently... gaaah!). And I spent some time playing Hot Shots Golf (what was it, just a summer or so, right?). But it's these games that get to me and make me think twice. After hours of playing and trying to beat the next difficulty level, whether I succeeded or not, I'd end with a feeling of having accomplished nothing. Okay, so I finished Dr. Mario without losing. Okay, so I beat Akuma perfect both rounds. Okay, so I got all the golf clubs and won all the tournament trophies. So what? This is what I spent all that time for? Why?? WHY??? So you get the picture--I don't get much of a thrill from video game victories. And if someone were to ask me what I'm good at, what I'd like to get better at, or what my goals in life are, I would likely make no mention of electronic entertainment.

Video games and BLuckyDay (et al.)
You can tell by Brendan's lengthy analysis of gamer types (and we know from his in-person speech and behavior) that he takes a lot of pride in his knowledge and abilities as a gamer. And it's certainly merited... he has more games, experience, and enthusiasm than anyone else I know. I think a fair comparison can be made between his playing SOCOM and my playing tennis. When we are in our groove, we feel good and execute the way we want. I am hitting the lines and loving it, he shoots someone in the head and grins, glad to have done so. But when I start hitting long or into the net, I get mad and curse myself; when he is gunned down on the battlefield, he expresses his frustration with all manner of loudly exclaimed expletive. Both are components of skill competition.

As for being a "purist gamer", I can vouch for him there. I know that Brendan can't stand games that are all graphics and no gameplay. I know he appreciates old and new innovations. And we both marveled at scenes from FFX like so much aurora borealis. So he's a solid combination of the three gamer types... rather than a "purist", this type would more suitably be called a "complete" or "3 hit combo" gamer.

Personal preference
We reach the main enveloping point at last. What does all this add up to? There are many genres of games now, targeted at different types of gamers. I lost interest in buying games after years of playing too many skill games that I realized didn't fulfill my want. When a fun times game comes out (a good example is Mario Party), I'm all for playing--3D graphics or not. There are still a lot of talented game producers out there with great ideas. My problem was that recently I've been exposed mostly (and repeatedly) to games targeted predominantly at the skill gamer crowd (realistic war simulations: truly a test of strategy and skill, and an appropriate place for as realistic an environment as possible), so I've been turned off from the idea of getting involved in games again.

I said it before: the problem is emphasis on presentation instead of on substance. Obviously I'm not saying this applies to every game being released today. I clearly made a point that SOCOM is in fact offering something new and interesting. It's just an apparent trend. Nothing but 3D texture mapping, getting more and more detailed, more and more realistic. If your game concept is strong, fine, make it as pretty as you can. If your concept is just a ripoff of the last big hit, suck dong and find a new line of work.

And as for "old skool" and "new skool" gamers being ignorant... that perspective is in fact the flawed one. You should logically agree by now that people play games for different reasons. If they play for the pretty colors, so be it. That doesn't necessarily mean they're stupid and that doesn't stop them from being gamers. If someone never buys a game with 3D graphics... same deal. If you find enjoyment in them all, more power to you. An easy analogy is music. You can listen to rap for the beats. You can listen to R&B for the romantic lyrics. You can listen to country for the... ... annoying voices. It's the quality of a song, which is of course subjective, rather than a category that matters. So let people play what they wanna play and for whatever reasons they choose.

BLuckyDay getting too defensive
"Eecs thinks that I am a moron"... "So basically Eecs feels that purist gamers are idiots"... "He thinks that today's gamers are morons"... "and I will never become a director and my life will be a complete waste of time." That sounds like a personal problem. I hope he was just throwing that stuff in there for humorous effect. Otherwise... save the drama for your therapist. And don't ever put words in my mouth.

Promises broken
That's life. So I was unable to keep this short and interesting. You know where to direct comments and criticism. Chucka.