Apr 28, 2006

I can't remember the last time that wrote a sincere blog in this thing. And since i'm taking another break (finally finished calculating the mean and standard deviation across the individual groups in my study...aka nyerd shit), i figured i would.

The thesis is being written. But I've been so goddamn nervous writting a report before. I feel like every fucking sentence needs to be golden cuz I mean, this is IT. If this shit sucks, then i go back to the computer and start writing again. And it has to be solid by May 15, cuz that's when the 20 grill session is. They call it a thesis defense. Fifteen minutes of presentation, and then five minutes of questions by the advisors. The hard thing about that is I dont think 15 minutes is enough time for me to explain everything. UGH.

Nikkei Matsuri is coming up. I'm looking forward very much to the food. oh, the food.

I've put back on the weight i lost over the past three weeks since i've been at the computer nonstop with this thesis. I'm back to my fatter mode. yay. Once this thesis is done, i think i am gonna get a personal trainer. If that doesn't work, then i'm going to go to jenny craig, and then hopefully i can appear in one of their commercials with the used to be fat, but are now thin older ladies dancing around.

Maybe this not a good time for nikkei matsuri to come around.

On the other hand, Tony will be back just in time to chill and eat with us. That's definitely something to celebrate.

Other news..

Some people need to learn patience and calm down with their "next day shipping". You can wait a few more days for a jacket cuz it ain't getting cold anytime soon. lolz. But then again, it IS a NIPPON jacket, and anything that has the Japanese flag on it needs to be shipped as soon as possible. you should have done next day shipping for those damn chips. hahaha. okay okay you ordered them, i'll stop giving you shit.

Lindz was hit on by the most relentless guy i've ever seen hit on a girl. See my blog for details.

I'm tired of geometry wars. However, PS2 is not being sold for 130!!! That's quite a big drop in price. I may have to buy one. However, gamecube is still 100. Oh the dilemma. Or maybe I could exercise instead. yeah that's probably better.

Apr 23, 2006

Since I realize that I won't have my pictures up on my website until the main page is done...although I do plan to get my photography section up first so that is some good news...I thought I would post up some of my favorite Disneyland photos. Thanks for your patience...trust me...it was well worth it.