Alright, I just got back from a video game store and I'm going to bitch for a bit.
The State of Video Game Stores
I do not like the direction these stores are headed. I've noticed it for the past few years, but here are the top reasons I hate them.
First of all, I usually go to the store to browse through the games. Sometimes I want an old game, sometimes I'm there for a release date. But now, the geniuses up above realize they are losing money in inventory. The business side of me realizes that they are trying to get zero inventory in the store, but this does not work to the average gamers advantage. Everything is Pre order this, pre-order that. What if I don't want it now? What if I'd rather wait for a review? Ohhh, they're sold out, because the dumbass store only bought 4 extra copies. Like there are only 4 others out there like me. Fuck that. See, and I found out another sneaky thing... I was at the store two weeks ago and saw Silent Hill 4 was $50 pre-order only. This week, it looks like it's $35 and they have multiple copies left. They get the suckers that need the game the day it comes out, and then entice the others to jump on the bandwagon with a lower price. Granted this strategy would work if it was an A-listed game... But with all these games coming out before the holiday rush, guess what? They're losing out. Bottom line, if things continue the way they are right now, the only way we'll be able to buy games older than 6 months old is by going online. And that's no fun either. Who wants to buy a game and sit around for 3 days waiting for it to come by? I did that once, for Sam and Max. But I spent more on shipping the game to me next day than the game itself. FedEx wins. I remember in my marketing class there was some sort of graph showing the product life span, but damnit, everyone gets placed differently all the time. Sometimes, we'll buy the game first thing, other games are not high priority, and sometimes we always wanted a game, but never bothered to buy it, but it caught our eye in the bargain bin.
Another thing. Strategy guides. They all ask you if you want a strat guide for a game you just bought. I understand the chances of getting one of us to buy the game is fairly high during the time of game purchase, but DON'T TRY to shove it down our throats. Most of these guys at the stores are gamers as well... They should know that unless it's an uber complex game with hidden stats and fucked up secrets normal humans would never get, WE DON'T WANT TO SPOIL THE GAME. I didn't spend $35 just to go through the motions of playing a game. Maybe that's why adventure games are dying out though... Too many people are turning to walk=throughs strat guides to beat a game? Interesting. But something to blog later....
Finally... I DO NOT WANT TO PURCHASE A USED GAME FROM YOU BITCHES. Yes, I realize I can save myself a whole $5 on a game because some sorry sap decided he wanted $3 for a game he bought for $40. I do not want to fund you bitches in your quest for higher profits. I'd rather support the people that actually made the game, not the bullshit stores that are fucking things up for everyone else with strat guides and pre-order crap.
*sigh* I'm sure I'd be more coherent in a few hours, but I wanted to get it out there right now.
Oct 6, 2004
Star Wars:
What I found that went wrong w/ Episodes 1 and 2 is that everything was in computer generated. The worlds, the non-human characters, the environments, everything. Like when you watched the Episodes 4 - 6 and saw the making of them, you think, "Wow, George Lucas is a genius." You saw his imagination go wild in how he created some scenes. Now, it seems so easy (in relative thinking terms) to create a crazy world w/ crazy aliens without any real effort. I 100% agree w/ Brendan about Yoda. The fight scene with him was cool, but I thought that was more a cheesy fan appeal thing that Lucas did so that people wouldn't hate his movies.
Episode 1 - I would need to watch this again, but a few things come to mind.
-Darth Maul - I wish he had more interaction w/ the Jedis in terms of speaking. Why he's after them. I would've liked a little more background on the Sith in general and what their deal was.
-Acting - I know Star Wars isn't known for it's acting, but damn that little kid was terrible. I guess he had the look Lucas was looking for, but nothing he said was really believeable.
-Qui-Gong or whatever his name is - the desert scene where he's fighting Maul and then he jumps on a plane and is hella tired. What a weak ass, no wonder why he got killed.
-Darth Mauls death - You go through this long sabre battle and how does he die? Obi Wan jumps and slices him in half. That's not really dramatic, that's not really what I was looking for.
-Jar Jar was annoying, but this one is obvious.
Episode 2
-Anakin's crying - boo hoo hoo all movie long. I know they wanted to try to show his confused feelings, but his whining was no good.
-I've already mentioned Yoda's CG.
-The story was ok, but it was a little too much at times.
-I'm sure there was more that I didn't like, but I can't think of it at the time.
What I did like:
-I like Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan. I thought he was an excellent choice and he plays the part (as much as he can) well. A lot of writing in the movie isn't great, but I think he does a great job.
-Natalie Portman - ditto w/ the addition of the scene where her shirt rips. Good for the movie? No. Good for the fans of Natalie? Yes.
-I liked the scene where all the jedi's actually fight. I also liked the portion of the clone wars that they showed. I thought it looked awesome. This goes the same for the Gungan Battle.
-Pod race - went a little long, but it was entertaining and it looked cool.
Overall I hope episode 3 at least ties in the story well and brings it all together. Almost every question should be answered for me to think this movie is good. I like B's scenarios below and I hope Lucas is smart enough to incorporate them.
Sony PSP
I think both the PSP and DS are going to be overpriced, but I will most likely buy them anyway at some point in time. The opening games haven't blown me away just yet, but the new Mario games look fun.
Sony isn't known for it's high quality gaming stations and I agree taking the PS2 apart to clean the lens isn't the greatest thing. Also their DVD player sucks ass at times. Though did anyone see the new PS2? It's hella slim and comes ready w/ network capability. It I played my PS2 more, I would definitely consider getting it hehe. What a stupid purchase! ?!
I'd be interested in hearing your theory on K5 suited, etc. I am having a hard time deciding whether to raise pre-flop in low stakes games. I find if I do that and the flop doesn't hit me I'm screwed. Anytime I raise pre-flop and it doesn't hit, everyone checks to me, I bet and usually I get raised because someone kept their 72 offsuite. One reason I don't like raising pre-flop in late position is people have already bet, so a raise to them (especially in low stake games) is nothing, so they call regardless and that's what gets me in trouble.
Also I would be interested in hearing thoughts about online vs poker room playing. I find that I play a few more hands and play much more aggressively online. But when I'm in a poker room, I play super conservative waiting for good, quality hands to play and I lose. I'm trying to find my balance and maybe take a few more chances in a poker room. For now I think I will keep working on my discipline online and bring my confidence back up to where I think I can hang in an actual cardroom.
Brendan's Hair
I've always dreamed about talking about this one.....haha I really don't like that look. I guess I would have to see it in person before I made my final decision. But let's remember who's had the same haircut for 8 years and counting and who's pretty ultra conservative when it comes to hair. Being creative has nothing to do w/ your haircut, it has to do w/ what you put on the screen and what you put on paper, tablet, etc. Brendan is one of the most creative people I know and you can read his blogs, look at his damn icon and see his creativity. So Brendan, I vote no on the hair. Though it would be fun to call you 'Streak' or something cool like that haha.
Alright I'm out.
Actually a few notes:
-Happy early Bday to Jonathan because I know I won't be blogging again that day haha. See you soon ROOMMATE muhahahahah
-Steve, have fun in SD. You can have my ol' microwave for X-mas. It smells like curry.
-Derek - How'd you know I was the onlooker? You found out my secret haha. Glad to see you blogging again. At least more then a sentence =)
-Brian - Love the videogames reviews, but now you need an Xbox.
-Andy says he cant' blog because he found out he has 124 spyware programs on his computer hehe. I'm going to try and help him with that.
-Kevin - congrats on your CPA exam, now finish the rest you slacker! Stop replacing me with Sean! =)
What I found that went wrong w/ Episodes 1 and 2 is that everything was in computer generated. The worlds, the non-human characters, the environments, everything. Like when you watched the Episodes 4 - 6 and saw the making of them, you think, "Wow, George Lucas is a genius." You saw his imagination go wild in how he created some scenes. Now, it seems so easy (in relative thinking terms) to create a crazy world w/ crazy aliens without any real effort. I 100% agree w/ Brendan about Yoda. The fight scene with him was cool, but I thought that was more a cheesy fan appeal thing that Lucas did so that people wouldn't hate his movies.
Episode 1 - I would need to watch this again, but a few things come to mind.
-Darth Maul - I wish he had more interaction w/ the Jedis in terms of speaking. Why he's after them. I would've liked a little more background on the Sith in general and what their deal was.
-Acting - I know Star Wars isn't known for it's acting, but damn that little kid was terrible. I guess he had the look Lucas was looking for, but nothing he said was really believeable.
-Qui-Gong or whatever his name is - the desert scene where he's fighting Maul and then he jumps on a plane and is hella tired. What a weak ass, no wonder why he got killed.
-Darth Mauls death - You go through this long sabre battle and how does he die? Obi Wan jumps and slices him in half. That's not really dramatic, that's not really what I was looking for.
-Jar Jar was annoying, but this one is obvious.
Episode 2
-Anakin's crying - boo hoo hoo all movie long. I know they wanted to try to show his confused feelings, but his whining was no good.
-I've already mentioned Yoda's CG.
-The story was ok, but it was a little too much at times.
-I'm sure there was more that I didn't like, but I can't think of it at the time.
What I did like:
-I like Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan. I thought he was an excellent choice and he plays the part (as much as he can) well. A lot of writing in the movie isn't great, but I think he does a great job.
-Natalie Portman - ditto w/ the addition of the scene where her shirt rips. Good for the movie? No. Good for the fans of Natalie? Yes.
-I liked the scene where all the jedi's actually fight. I also liked the portion of the clone wars that they showed. I thought it looked awesome. This goes the same for the Gungan Battle.
-Pod race - went a little long, but it was entertaining and it looked cool.
Overall I hope episode 3 at least ties in the story well and brings it all together. Almost every question should be answered for me to think this movie is good. I like B's scenarios below and I hope Lucas is smart enough to incorporate them.
Sony PSP
I think both the PSP and DS are going to be overpriced, but I will most likely buy them anyway at some point in time. The opening games haven't blown me away just yet, but the new Mario games look fun.
Sony isn't known for it's high quality gaming stations and I agree taking the PS2 apart to clean the lens isn't the greatest thing. Also their DVD player sucks ass at times. Though did anyone see the new PS2? It's hella slim and comes ready w/ network capability. It I played my PS2 more, I would definitely consider getting it hehe. What a stupid purchase! ?!
I'd be interested in hearing your theory on K5 suited, etc. I am having a hard time deciding whether to raise pre-flop in low stakes games. I find if I do that and the flop doesn't hit me I'm screwed. Anytime I raise pre-flop and it doesn't hit, everyone checks to me, I bet and usually I get raised because someone kept their 72 offsuite. One reason I don't like raising pre-flop in late position is people have already bet, so a raise to them (especially in low stake games) is nothing, so they call regardless and that's what gets me in trouble.
Also I would be interested in hearing thoughts about online vs poker room playing. I find that I play a few more hands and play much more aggressively online. But when I'm in a poker room, I play super conservative waiting for good, quality hands to play and I lose. I'm trying to find my balance and maybe take a few more chances in a poker room. For now I think I will keep working on my discipline online and bring my confidence back up to where I think I can hang in an actual cardroom.
Brendan's Hair
I've always dreamed about talking about this one.....haha I really don't like that look. I guess I would have to see it in person before I made my final decision. But let's remember who's had the same haircut for 8 years and counting and who's pretty ultra conservative when it comes to hair. Being creative has nothing to do w/ your haircut, it has to do w/ what you put on the screen and what you put on paper, tablet, etc. Brendan is one of the most creative people I know and you can read his blogs, look at his damn icon and see his creativity. So Brendan, I vote no on the hair. Though it would be fun to call you 'Streak' or something cool like that haha.
Alright I'm out.
Actually a few notes:
-Happy early Bday to Jonathan because I know I won't be blogging again that day haha. See you soon ROOMMATE muhahahahah
-Steve, have fun in SD. You can have my ol' microwave for X-mas. It smells like curry.
-Derek - How'd you know I was the onlooker? You found out my secret haha. Glad to see you blogging again. At least more then a sentence =)
-Brian - Love the videogames reviews, but now you need an Xbox.
-Andy says he cant' blog because he found out he has 124 spyware programs on his computer hehe. I'm going to try and help him with that.
-Kevin - congrats on your CPA exam, now finish the rest you slacker! Stop replacing me with Sean! =)
Oct 5, 2004
Episode III - The Return of Darth Vader
There were a couple of things that I actually did enjoy from the first two installments. Mostly Obi-wan fighting off Darth Maul who in my mind was kind of a retarded character. Just goes to show that a dual lightsaber really brings you respect in a galaxy far, far away. In the second one I have to admit that I did like Anakin wielding two lightsabers. Yoda was kind of cool fighting even though I really, really, really hate how they CGed him instead of use Frank Oz to control him by sticking a hand up his green ass. Looking back on V and VI, Yoda looked fucking good for a puppet and more believable at that. So what exactly do I need from Episode III in order to restore all faith in this point in time I don't even know if I can trust Lucas taking Indy to Atlantis. Okay back to the point. Here is my list of things that must be done.
- All true Star Wars fans (of course I mean geeks and nerds alike) know how Anakin ends up in the Vader suit. If you don't know then you have a life and I wish I were you. The question is then (and if you think this will be a spoiler because you have absolutely no clue how Anakin ends up in the Vader suit...please scroll down) The question is not whether or not he gets fucked up burned, but IF Obi-wan takes Anakin's limbs as a parting gift as well. According to Lucas the lightsaber battle between Obi-wan and Anakin is the longest sword fight sequence in cinema history. It is also supposed to be on par with how fast Obi-wan fought with Darth Maul. All this better be true.
- Anakin obviously turns to the Darkside. This might be a tad wishful, but I seriously hope that Anakin will use the Dark side (lighting) in his attack on Obi-wan. After watching Star Wars again on superb DVD, it finally hit me that Obi-wan somehow got Anakin's lightsaber. Considering that the two of them are going to have a major falling out, I doubt Anakin gave it to him for fun. So somewhere in the battle, Obi-wan takes the lightsaber away (This must be true if Obi-wan gives Luke "his father's lightsaber")...the thing I want shown is how...Since Anakin has no weapon, he better bust out the Dark force.
- Padme better give birth to the Skywalker twins and we better see them at the end of the film. We also better see her die and it better be as sad as fucking "Beaches". Lucas better not try to CG Mark Hamill's face on a baby.
- I want all Jedi Knights slaughtered. I understand that there must be a shit load of Jedi knights since the galaxy is so big, but I kind of liked the fact that in Star Wars, being a Jedi Knight was a thing of legend. To see all the Jedi in Episode II fighting off those huge mosquitos looked like one god damned skittle fest. Why does Samuel L. Jackson get a purple (also known in the crayon box as the color gay) lightsaber. Is there still affirmative action in a galaxy far, far away? He gets to be cool becuase he's black? Fuck him. I hope he dies and he will.
- I need to know why Palpatine looks the way he does in Empire and Jedi. Obviously he either grows old really fast or he gets the life sucked out of him...either way I hope this is shown. Perhaps even a standoff with Yoda (yes, I'll even take a CGed Yoda if I have to) would be very interesting. The leader of the Knights vs. the newly formed Empire.
- Does anyone care about Count Dooku or Dookie or whatever the hell his name is. Lucas didn't even bother to give us some history on this guy. Lucas just kind of threw him in saying he was a Jedi knight but turned evil or some shit. Fuck it. I don't need to know why he changed or who he is. He could even be Yoda's dad...I just don't care and I hope he doesn't get 5 minutes of screen time.
- General Grievous. Apprently this guy is supposed to be type of alien, 95 percent robot and like 5 percent alien. I guess this guy is kind of the "hey Anakin, even though you won't be able to get any chicks with ur burned up body, we can keep you alive because we have the technology" catalyst. If you have never seen this guy on the Clone Wars on cartoon network then you are in for a treat. I think his design is pretty bad ass. Nothing special because they can't make him look too much like Darth Vader, but he has a cool look about him. His looks better be backed up with dope ass fighting.
I think that about sums up the Episode III blog. I'm sure more will come when May comes around, but I think for now I hope that you can see that Episode III does have a chance of being the darkest Star Wars yet. Hopefully if you haven't heard of some of this, you will be more excited about seeing it. Here's to you Lucas. Do your fans proud...unlike the Star Wars DVD's...
Okay, okay, they aren't that bad. However, I really wish he could stick the originals on DVD. I mean the films are his property so he do whatever he wants with them, but for some odd reason, the more crap they stick in there, the worse to me it looks. Yet the color and the picture has never been clearer. I can't say that I don't enjoy them a lot, I just wish Lucas would have kept the gems the way they were instead of polishing them so much they now look like plastic Moon Dreamers gems.
Sony's PSP is supposed to be ridiculously awesome. It is also going to be ridiculously expensive. Yet, it is not expensive enough to make me feel comfortable about buying it. What you essentially have here is a device that plays DVD-roms on a huge screen, controlled by using an analogue stick and essentially every other Sony type of thing (USB, Sony's memory card, some other ports for whatever reason). So what do I mean that the price doesn't make me feel comfortable buying it? Well something like this I feel should probably cost more, but Sony is so scared about putting up for too much money that they are trying to make it as cheap as possible. Is this true? I can't say for sure, I don't work at Sony's headquarters in Japan, however I do know that when it comes to game consoles, Sony's work is mediocre at best. My PS2 still can't read blue discs one hundred percent of the time (I know all you have to do is clean the lens, but I shouldn't have to dismantle the fucking thing to do so), I know a friend who had to stick his PS1 into a freezer to play his games. Also the showing in the Japan game show wasn't exactly as hot as planned. In fact if you follow videogame news you would know that Nintendo's stock jumped up after that showing in Japan because insiders are starting to suspect that even though the DS is still a risky release for Nintendo, they felt the lineup of games and the fact that Nintendo does know better than anyone else how to release a handheld, would be enough to propel the DS past the PSP. Either way I'm going to buy it because I can't help myself. Good luck already got one customer who isn't happy about buying your cheapo shit.
Gran Turismo. THE only racing sim I play. Apparently the only racing game that isn't online. What the fuck is this? How are you going to delay releasing it, hyping it up then dont' fucking deliver? I would be frustrated too if I had to stick an online experience on Sony's servers too, but you hyped this shit up and you better deliver. Oh what is that you say Mr. Hashinoya? You will release GT4.5 later this year? Well this shit better be free with proof of purchase for GT4. In case you haven't noticed developers of Turismo...the PS2 doens't have a real hard drive. The X-Box can come out with incomplete games (ahem...ESPN hockey stand up) because they offer online service far superior than Sony's shit. They can release patches. If you just made it for the X-Box there wouldn't be a problem...but since you are on a PS2 you can't release two games that are basically the same with the only sole difference being online play. Fuck this and fuck you.
Okay I was beginning to type out this long thing about Hold'em...then I decided to fuck it. It is not that the concept is hard to understand or that it is above you or anything like that...but in a way in contradicts Lee Jones and I don't think we should be doing that right now. Lee Jones is a solid foundation and is a good way to get your bankroll going. If you think I'm being an ass on not thinking you are ready for the thing I was going to talk is the bulk of it.
You play K5 suited in a loose, passive game. You fold something like AJ in there is a raise or don't raise preflop in late position with AQ when other people have limped in. Contradictive? Is that even a word? You bet your ass. If you want to know about it then ask me. I'll be happy to explain it to you. I just don't recommend playing this way yet.
Okay enough commentary...I will give a good blog about Gradius becuase it deserves it. On to more important stuff like the Love Parade...screw it...I'm too out of it to even do that. I've been getting up early for like a week now...and for all you working people out there that might not be that bad...but I'm talking about 5 o'clock every morning then not getting my afternoon nap. My dad just busted my balls for being a bump on the log. Which is true, but he is just jealous I'm getting to the card room and he isn't. Haha. It is his birthday soon (No I didn't forget about your ass Jonathan) and I'm thinking of taking him to a cardroom. That is if he can find it in his heart to let me fucking catch up on my sleep.
Also for the sake of showing Ricki that I'm not a fucking boring prick...this is how she wants me to dye my hair. Please let me have your honest opinion on it. She got all fucking pissed because I didn't say I liked it...then she fucking knocked on my directing skills because she says and I quote, "how you going to be a director if your not creative"...let me show you what she has in mind for my hair...then maybe she won't think its so fucking stupid or at least, not fucking criticize me for having good tastes. Haha.
Actually painting it doesn't make it look bad...haha. But that is becuase of my awesome paint skills. Just becuase something looks good painted doesn't mean it probably looks good in real life. Insert opinions in the chatbox. Peace.
There were a couple of things that I actually did enjoy from the first two installments. Mostly Obi-wan fighting off Darth Maul who in my mind was kind of a retarded character. Just goes to show that a dual lightsaber really brings you respect in a galaxy far, far away. In the second one I have to admit that I did like Anakin wielding two lightsabers. Yoda was kind of cool fighting even though I really, really, really hate how they CGed him instead of use Frank Oz to control him by sticking a hand up his green ass. Looking back on V and VI, Yoda looked fucking good for a puppet and more believable at that. So what exactly do I need from Episode III in order to restore all faith in this point in time I don't even know if I can trust Lucas taking Indy to Atlantis. Okay back to the point. Here is my list of things that must be done.
- All true Star Wars fans (of course I mean geeks and nerds alike) know how Anakin ends up in the Vader suit. If you don't know then you have a life and I wish I were you. The question is then (and if you think this will be a spoiler because you have absolutely no clue how Anakin ends up in the Vader suit...please scroll down) The question is not whether or not he gets fucked up burned, but IF Obi-wan takes Anakin's limbs as a parting gift as well. According to Lucas the lightsaber battle between Obi-wan and Anakin is the longest sword fight sequence in cinema history. It is also supposed to be on par with how fast Obi-wan fought with Darth Maul. All this better be true.
- Anakin obviously turns to the Darkside. This might be a tad wishful, but I seriously hope that Anakin will use the Dark side (lighting) in his attack on Obi-wan. After watching Star Wars again on superb DVD, it finally hit me that Obi-wan somehow got Anakin's lightsaber. Considering that the two of them are going to have a major falling out, I doubt Anakin gave it to him for fun. So somewhere in the battle, Obi-wan takes the lightsaber away (This must be true if Obi-wan gives Luke "his father's lightsaber")...the thing I want shown is how...Since Anakin has no weapon, he better bust out the Dark force.
- Padme better give birth to the Skywalker twins and we better see them at the end of the film. We also better see her die and it better be as sad as fucking "Beaches". Lucas better not try to CG Mark Hamill's face on a baby.
- I want all Jedi Knights slaughtered. I understand that there must be a shit load of Jedi knights since the galaxy is so big, but I kind of liked the fact that in Star Wars, being a Jedi Knight was a thing of legend. To see all the Jedi in Episode II fighting off those huge mosquitos looked like one god damned skittle fest. Why does Samuel L. Jackson get a purple (also known in the crayon box as the color gay) lightsaber. Is there still affirmative action in a galaxy far, far away? He gets to be cool becuase he's black? Fuck him. I hope he dies and he will.
- I need to know why Palpatine looks the way he does in Empire and Jedi. Obviously he either grows old really fast or he gets the life sucked out of him...either way I hope this is shown. Perhaps even a standoff with Yoda (yes, I'll even take a CGed Yoda if I have to) would be very interesting. The leader of the Knights vs. the newly formed Empire.
- Does anyone care about Count Dooku or Dookie or whatever the hell his name is. Lucas didn't even bother to give us some history on this guy. Lucas just kind of threw him in saying he was a Jedi knight but turned evil or some shit. Fuck it. I don't need to know why he changed or who he is. He could even be Yoda's dad...I just don't care and I hope he doesn't get 5 minutes of screen time.
- General Grievous. Apprently this guy is supposed to be type of alien, 95 percent robot and like 5 percent alien. I guess this guy is kind of the "hey Anakin, even though you won't be able to get any chicks with ur burned up body, we can keep you alive because we have the technology" catalyst. If you have never seen this guy on the Clone Wars on cartoon network then you are in for a treat. I think his design is pretty bad ass. Nothing special because they can't make him look too much like Darth Vader, but he has a cool look about him. His looks better be backed up with dope ass fighting.
I think that about sums up the Episode III blog. I'm sure more will come when May comes around, but I think for now I hope that you can see that Episode III does have a chance of being the darkest Star Wars yet. Hopefully if you haven't heard of some of this, you will be more excited about seeing it. Here's to you Lucas. Do your fans proud...unlike the Star Wars DVD's...
Okay, okay, they aren't that bad. However, I really wish he could stick the originals on DVD. I mean the films are his property so he do whatever he wants with them, but for some odd reason, the more crap they stick in there, the worse to me it looks. Yet the color and the picture has never been clearer. I can't say that I don't enjoy them a lot, I just wish Lucas would have kept the gems the way they were instead of polishing them so much they now look like plastic Moon Dreamers gems.
Sony's PSP is supposed to be ridiculously awesome. It is also going to be ridiculously expensive. Yet, it is not expensive enough to make me feel comfortable about buying it. What you essentially have here is a device that plays DVD-roms on a huge screen, controlled by using an analogue stick and essentially every other Sony type of thing (USB, Sony's memory card, some other ports for whatever reason). So what do I mean that the price doesn't make me feel comfortable buying it? Well something like this I feel should probably cost more, but Sony is so scared about putting up for too much money that they are trying to make it as cheap as possible. Is this true? I can't say for sure, I don't work at Sony's headquarters in Japan, however I do know that when it comes to game consoles, Sony's work is mediocre at best. My PS2 still can't read blue discs one hundred percent of the time (I know all you have to do is clean the lens, but I shouldn't have to dismantle the fucking thing to do so), I know a friend who had to stick his PS1 into a freezer to play his games. Also the showing in the Japan game show wasn't exactly as hot as planned. In fact if you follow videogame news you would know that Nintendo's stock jumped up after that showing in Japan because insiders are starting to suspect that even though the DS is still a risky release for Nintendo, they felt the lineup of games and the fact that Nintendo does know better than anyone else how to release a handheld, would be enough to propel the DS past the PSP. Either way I'm going to buy it because I can't help myself. Good luck already got one customer who isn't happy about buying your cheapo shit.
Gran Turismo. THE only racing sim I play. Apparently the only racing game that isn't online. What the fuck is this? How are you going to delay releasing it, hyping it up then dont' fucking deliver? I would be frustrated too if I had to stick an online experience on Sony's servers too, but you hyped this shit up and you better deliver. Oh what is that you say Mr. Hashinoya? You will release GT4.5 later this year? Well this shit better be free with proof of purchase for GT4. In case you haven't noticed developers of Turismo...the PS2 doens't have a real hard drive. The X-Box can come out with incomplete games (ahem...ESPN hockey stand up) because they offer online service far superior than Sony's shit. They can release patches. If you just made it for the X-Box there wouldn't be a problem...but since you are on a PS2 you can't release two games that are basically the same with the only sole difference being online play. Fuck this and fuck you.
Okay I was beginning to type out this long thing about Hold'em...then I decided to fuck it. It is not that the concept is hard to understand or that it is above you or anything like that...but in a way in contradicts Lee Jones and I don't think we should be doing that right now. Lee Jones is a solid foundation and is a good way to get your bankroll going. If you think I'm being an ass on not thinking you are ready for the thing I was going to talk is the bulk of it.
You play K5 suited in a loose, passive game. You fold something like AJ in there is a raise or don't raise preflop in late position with AQ when other people have limped in. Contradictive? Is that even a word? You bet your ass. If you want to know about it then ask me. I'll be happy to explain it to you. I just don't recommend playing this way yet.
Okay enough commentary...I will give a good blog about Gradius becuase it deserves it. On to more important stuff like the Love Parade...screw it...I'm too out of it to even do that. I've been getting up early for like a week now...and for all you working people out there that might not be that bad...but I'm talking about 5 o'clock every morning then not getting my afternoon nap. My dad just busted my balls for being a bump on the log. Which is true, but he is just jealous I'm getting to the card room and he isn't. Haha. It is his birthday soon (No I didn't forget about your ass Jonathan) and I'm thinking of taking him to a cardroom. That is if he can find it in his heart to let me fucking catch up on my sleep.
Also for the sake of showing Ricki that I'm not a fucking boring prick...this is how she wants me to dye my hair. Please let me have your honest opinion on it. She got all fucking pissed because I didn't say I liked it...then she fucking knocked on my directing skills because she says and I quote, "how you going to be a director if your not creative"...let me show you what she has in mind for my hair...then maybe she won't think its so fucking stupid or at least, not fucking criticize me for having good tastes. Haha.

Actually painting it doesn't make it look bad...haha. But that is becuase of my awesome paint skills. Just becuase something looks good painted doesn't mean it probably looks good in real life. Insert opinions in the chatbox. Peace.
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