Mar 21, 2003

Alright, well this is the second time I'm typing this little blurb since I clicked a link and erased everything. Good thing I only got through a couple lines.

I was just writing in here to keep up the momentum, since the blog seems to be alive and kicking these days.

Brendan: We're idiots! Haha. Tonight was hella fun though w/ the Gypsy and Ted. Thanks for keeping my head where it supposed to be.

Brian: It's good to see your alive.

Well, I'm done w/ finals, my last one took 8 minutes and everyone in my class was stunned. It was cake and if I didn't know an answer, I think I put down a good guess (m/c) and it was a class where I had a guaranteed A in. Kind of like the highlight of my week. I was soooo bored and I was pissed because my final was on a Thursday night at 7pm. Waste of time, but oh wellz.

This week was kind of a bummer because I just found out Kevin wasn't moving out w/ me next year. He decided to stay in Chico, read my Xanga if you want to learn more of the details. I'm just writing about why I was so bummed. Brendan put it begins....all of us going our seperate paths...well..friends at least. It's sad to see and I just hate that it's starting so early for some of us. Kevin is definitely one of my best friends, I've lived w/ him for almost 3 years and he's the best roommate I could ever ask for. I hate going in seperate paths because it means that we probably won't be as close, won't get to hang out as much and I bet we'll talk a lot less and that sucks. Soon, it could be all of us going different paths, Brendan moving to LA to pursue a new career, Steve, Brian and Derek getting jobs god knows where, but they could be anywhere and with this economy Jonathan and I could be in different places too. We just don't know. I guess we just have to cherish the time we have together before we go our seperate ways to pursue a career, family, life goals, etc. Seriously all of you are guys I want to continue to keep in touch w/, have get togethers w/ our families, still hang out. Even though I hate losing money in poker, it's a time where we all get together and just chill. I'll take it. All in all, I'm holding out some hope that we all stay together and continue talking. Friends are what make life interesting and fun. And going along w/ Steve's blog, we all know each other, we all know how we act, when we're serious, and we're joking around. Kevin is like that for me too. If he were only Asian, he could join this blog...haha j/k.

All in all, I'm bummed. It's a big letdown and I'm disappointed, not in him, but on not being able to be in the same town, live together. I guess we gotta grow up sometime and this is part of it, moving on. Sorry for the sappy blog, just became reality that we could all be parting ways and its sad to see. I know I'm not losing a friend, but it sure feels like it.

Thanks to Brendan, Tiffany and others for cheering me up. I needed it.

Linkin Park Cd, March 25....not May, I'm sure all of you know that anyway. Can't wait for the concert!

Spring Break should be fun, I'll be home on Tuesday, I'm ready!

Just in case you haven't checked, was updated recently. Hopefully Brendan will come up w/ an advertisement for Tony and Brendan Morris so that they can get all the fly hunniez!

Take care...good luck to those w/ finals and midterms left. I know...there's only one day left in the week, but there are finals on Fridays hehe.

Good Night...LL Cool B, B Lee Dat, Bry, B-oTch signing off....

Over and Out

Mar 18, 2003

didn't finish my fucking blog but i guess it decided to publish it anyways...fuckers...

anywayz. Yeh.
Slurs, cussing, unpolitical terms, being fucked up...if there's one person who's guilty of this shit, it's yours truly. Man, do you guys remember me in high school? I think i cussed every other word. So yeh, i have a dirty mouth. And I could say that my language doesn't reflect who i am, but that doesn't really work. Cuz even you don't mean it, ur still saying it. It's like if you punch me, even if you did it accidently, that shit still hurts. But what's my point here? My point is you guys know me pretty well. Especially jon. And if there's one thing that i find comfort in, it's the fact that i can just be myself, act however the fuck i want to, and you'll accept me. Cuz you know me..the kind of person i am...and guys know that i'm not an asshole (well, sometimes). Comfort. Letting lose. Spitting rage. That's what being in the company of friends is all about. I know it's important to talk in a nice manner..being polite, and especially being proper ("hey man ur short" "HEY! that's VERTICALLY CHALLENGED!!"). But the last thing i want to do when i'm around u guys is to have to constantly think about how to act. Being reckless is my specialty.

underdog thing - i didn't read it. Too long. All i know is, I lose a lot. At everything. Pretty soon you get used to losing. So, when u don't lose (or dont lose as bad), then it's pleasant surprise. Pessemists can be pleasantly surprised. Optimists can't, but they CAN get punch in the fucking face. Realists don't give a fuck either way, cuz whatever happens happens. Actually i think i'm a realist-pessemist hybrid. i'm definitely NOT a optimist...fuck that sun...heheh

finals. I fucking hate them. hate them so much. My poli sci prof is a DICK. I found out he graduated from stanford. Now i know why he's a fucking cocky asshole. Fuck standford. Ur asses got beat down by USC in the tourney. Who's got the axe by the way? Yeh. Suck a dick.

damn..spring break can't get here any sooner.

May 25 - new linkin park album..yeeeessssssssssssssssssssssss...
But the question is, would you be given the chance to show what you have inside if you're ugly as fuck on the outside? Most people won't be as free in the beginning with an ugly person, ya think? Anyway, my opinion on the whole cosmetic thing is negative. If someone hates how they look that much, I don't think plastic surgery will help. What they need is a swift kick to the nuts or a friend to tell them they look good as they are.

Anyway, happy belated birthday Brendan! Hope the shit with your family isn't keeping you down too far... Have you watched Ringu yet? How did you like it? It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be, but it did have it's moments. Had I watched it first though, I think I would have shit myself. There's a new japanese move that just came out sort of along the lines of Ringu, but I think it's more jumpy than psycological... It's called Ju-On: The Grudge. Anyone heard of it? I saw the trailer and was pretty creeped out.

Music... I'm the same as always... I usually listen to what's good. Most of the time though I find that I'm molding to what others think... That trip we took down to So. Cal? I wasn't even close to liking Linkin Park during the first hour. But as the trip went on... I started to like them, and I happened to buy that CD. It's happened on more than one occasion too... I guess if I listened to the radio more, I'd be a pop music whore...

hehe following Bryant's structure, so I guess next up is THE UNDERDOG

I'll relate it to good old DDR... I'm usually beaten solidly to the ground when playing against my friend... I usually quit though, if I'm beaten down so soundly. It could be because I think I don't have a chance at beating such a score. But when It's close, I'll play the game to death. And once I get it, I'm the happiest bastard on the face of the planet. I usually then move on to other things. Losing badly is one thing, but coming close is "good enough." I actually think that's a fairly bad attitute to have, and I'm trying to change it slowly. I need to stay competitive no matter what level I'm at. But it's a little discouraging to be so far down :(

So we're just a few days away from the next gulf war... Personally, I'm against this one... I really don't like the idea of a pre-emptive strike on what COULD be. The whole thing turned kind of sour when those documents that we presented were forged. I like how they didn't say too much about that. Buncha bullshit I tell you. But then again, I keep hearing these "Support the Troops" over seas... Yes, there are some people who are over there against their will and even people we know... I'm not for this "We should be unified as a country" bull shit though. So what? Are we not allowed to have our own opinions? I read the other day about some country singer apologizing to the president for a comment she made about how she was embarrassed about how Bush was from Texas. Before that, people all over the country were saying, "Oh we should stop playing her music! She isn't cool anymore." So she apologizes just to get that record sale back up. It's a damn sad how someone with voice in the community can get shot down like that, and their personal opinions must be kept private to keep sales up. I figure if you're famous and have a voice, use it. It's not enough to have a lot of us little people running around making noise that Bush apparently DOES NOT HEAR. But then I figure she's a country singer and most of those people are ignorant anyway :P

So yeah. We go to war... Yay to the troops that are there, but BOOO to the nation for throwing us into this conflict.

Who wants to grow up anyway?
two more things on what was said

-doin' shit to your body. Hey, if you want to get fake cha-chas or a smaller gut, or maybe you want ur face changed, that's your perrogative. i would like to think that no matter what you do, people are more appreciative of natural beauty.It's about how you are on the inside, not the outside. Now, how you look on the outside may change how you feel on the inside, but yeh.. Do you remember a children's book by Roald Dahl..called "the twits"? one thing i remember most about that book is it basically said, you can look beautiful no matter how you look on the outside, as long as you look beautiful on the inside. Corny, and cheesy, but i think it's true. You can be ugly as fuck, but as long as you're awesome on the inside, as roald dahl put it "the sunshine from inside will always come out and you will always look awesome". or something like that.

slurs - if there is one person in this group who needs their mouth washed out with soap, it's me.

Mar 17, 2003

Well, I am glad to see that there is some heated discussion on this thing, but I just want to throw in my 2 cents on everything:

Brendan's Family - Jeez louise, what a mess! First off, I want to say that this family is one of the coolest families that I've ever known and they've treated me as if I was family, therefore whatever affects them, affects me a way. I met most of the parties involved before the mess and it hurts to see this come down to this, but some in the family are just immature and don't understand their own actions. Let me start off w/ Craig, that is a terrible thing that you've done, doing and probably going to do in the future. You have 2 beautiful kids and you've been fucking around you're whole life (from what I've been told). Grow up! You've destroyed your relationship w/ the Tazumi's, Horiuchi's and most importantly Bryant (well maybe not that important.) But you can still do some good in your life, admit your wrongs, ditch No pubes..and move on. You disgust me frankly, but I think things can change for people...change your life, especially for your kids. Better yet, stay out of their lives until you get your life together. That restraining order is ridiculous and the people that do things like that annoy the shit out of me. Those are the people in life that really make me think that this world is going to be destroyed. To No Pubes, and their family, you are the most god-awful family that I've ever had to hear about and frankly, I think you're the anti-christ. To those who follow Craig and show your loyalties past your family, that's sad. Don't follow the example of someone like that. Don't stick up for someone like that, I truly believe you will regret it in the end.

I was sorry to read about this not only on here, but Ricki's as well. I'm sorry to the family and even though, I don't believe in the violent way in solving things like my good friend Steve, I will always be here and I always got your back. This is to the San Jose and Fresno peeps. Even though I am just a "dirty" korean, I can do some good every so often. =) I'm especially good at giving out smiles!

Everyone, just keep your head up, I truly believe that people will get their just dues. If things don't happen now, believe me, that bad karma will come to Craig and his evil minions.

Sorry Jonathan that your expensive toy isn't working that well. I thought the drawings on your Web site were good regardless. Hopefully things will work out. Speaking of Web sites, mine was recently updated, so take a peek and enjoy! (updates for you Steve)

Pop music - I'll admit I have some pop cd's and I do listen to some trendy sounding music. To me, it's about the beats and if a song has one, I'm with it, no matter who sings it. Sometimes vocals just blow me away, Christina Aguilera is a prime example. Her pipes just amaze me, so that would be another reason why I would listen to it. Some types of music just put you in a good mood, 80's pop. There are many reasons why I would listen to Pop. I'm not always proud to admit it, but it's all good. It's better than Country! j/k

Underdog - I like the feeling of coming from behind and winning...or the feeling of surpassing expectations of others and succeeding. Basketball would be a small example...some wouldn't think that I play with a lot of heart and would be able to pull off some of the things that I do, but I love surprising people. It's one of the best feelings in the world. I like challenges, but here's an oxymoron, I don't like losing. Therefore, if I can't face up to a challenge, sometimes I tend to give up. I need to stop this trend and keep at it. NO Matter how much I could be losing at something, keep at it, finish it off, and do my best. That's all I can ask of myself. I have to stop being such a sore loser. I've gotten better at it with my return week of least I think so. Overall, being the underdog is fun if you win or put up a close battle, mostly because I like the respect that you command in the end.

Self - beautification - if you got the money, do it. I personally think it's a waste of time, but that could be because I don't really have self-confidence problems with my looks. I know, I'm no prize, but my looks don't make me feel worse about myself. You live life to make yourself happy and it's sad, but most of this comes about from gaining acceptance from others. We can always say that we don't care what people say, but deep down there is something inside that really does care and is hurt when we hear negative comments from others or if we get rejected due to our looks. I would say getting braces is involved in this..I think I would be one ugly mother F-er if I didn't get them. Would my self confidence be on lower side if I didn't get them? Perchance, but we won't dwell on it, since I did and there's no way to change the past.

Slurs - it's bad that we use them. I don't use 'nigga', but I do look kind of weird at non-black people that use that word, because it just feels like they didn't earn the right to use it. As for 'gay,' it's terrible that we use this word with a negative conotation, but it's just become so widely accepted, it's hard not to use. I say this because we use a word that is a lifestyle that people choose and use it as if it were a cuss word, like saying something is shitty. I would be weirded out if someone said, that's Korean...meaning shitty...hehe...well some crazy japs use it in that sense, but that's ok...they're family =). But I can say that I will try not to use, but in reality, I'll keep using it. It's become second nature and I don't realize I use it. We'll see if I make a conscious effort, but I got other things to worry about.

3 Months until graduation, 4 months until the real world starts. Live it up!

Spring break is coming up soon, I'll be in San Jose most likely a week from this Wednesday, maybe Tuesday, we'll see. I hope to see you all there. Take care....Peace out