Mar 15, 2003

Adding on to jon's post about me...

THAT'S RIGHT FUCKERS! DO NOT...I REPEAT..DO NOT PISS ME OFF. I'm not saying this because i'm strong and i can kick ur ass. But lemme put it to you like this. You know how's there's "angry" and then there's "psycho". Yeh the latter would be me. I'm the kind guy who would go crazy on u. Rip off ur ears, kick, punch, throw cinder blocks, scratch, bite, throw my shit if i have to...there are million schools of fighting, and i dont' know any of them. But i will fuck u up. period.

Need more evidence? Aight bitches..look at the pictures to the left. Look at everyone's pic. Notice something???? Who's the ONLY MOTHER FUCKER WHO AINT' SMILING??? That's right. ME. And that cloud? it's always there..and the sun laughing in my face ain't pretty either. I will take out all my fucking agression on u. Even brendan has a little smirk. But not me. I'm all fucking pissed offness.

So come on nopubes. Come on all the people brendan mentioned. Bring it. Bring it on like that movie.

Go ahead. Fuck with my friends. Make you find a good reconstructive surgeon tho. One who's really good at making ears.


[dont worry..this will be the last post about the matter...i'm gonna go train now...hehehehe]

Mar 14, 2003

My posts are stupid. True. I was just telling Brendan at lunch today (at a really good ramen shop by Mitsuwa, check it out some time) how I tend to start writing random stuff I think up, then realize that NO ONE CARES AND IT ISN’T INTERESTING TO ANYONE BUT ME (well, I realize it maybe half the time; the other half you guys get to read it and regret ever meeting me.) Anyways, thanks for writing Steve, because I was all set to do the dirty double blog post. There’s more on my mind, so get a picture of one of your favorite stupids, and let those old loving feelings come rushing back in…

Brendan’s crazy family
First let me say I didn’t mean to trivialize the Horiuchis’ situation by completely ignoring it in my last post. And I didn’t really mean to write so much shiet that Brendan’s post would be buried under a fat stinking pile of stupid. The truth is, I wrote much of that before Brendan posted, but I was getting sleepy at the time, and decided to finish it later.

I just have a few semisweet morsels of input…

- I hate when bad things happen to good people. Almost all my friends’ families have been nice and welcoming to me, but I’ve never felt so comfortable in a home other than my own as with the BLuckyDay clan. I can meet some cousin/aunt/little baby for the first time, and already they’re saying, “Oh you’re the nerdy one with the fukdup hands and eyebrows that stop.” … “… yup that’s me, NICE TO MEET YOU.” Ok a little exaggerated, but point is they’ve all been cool (or really open about seriously making fun of me, hmm). Well, whether I am really liked or just a joke, Tomo’s is good stuff and I would never have gotten any without knowing them. So I just hope things work out okay, that people get what they deserve (good or bad), that this doesn’t ruin any relationships among the family members you care about, and especially that the innocent young ones don’t get screwed over this. Yeah I said innocent, so little Sydnie is out. She’s already on my bad side… summuna… =)

- I am amazed and appalled at the stupidity that has been brought to light here. Breaking the law in the most obvious and verifiable ways… turning against people who took you into their family… and the spelling and grammar… ARGGHHH… someone better hold me back, cause I’m about to get a fat Cutco knife for my pen, and it won’t be red til I start marking the circles.

- Steve, it’s nice to see how violently loyal you are to your friends. I’ve gotta warn whoever’s out there even thinking about doing something to piss this guy off. He may seem happy now, what with a girl and APhiO, but he’s got years of rage in reserves… he can just imagine me not holding cookies or some other petty kid shiet, and BAM part of your face is missing and the sixth sense is two beyond what you’ve got. Kids will be reading about it in history books: The Trail of Ears, from San Diego to Fresno. And those kids will be crying.

Fake tats
Okay, I’m a guy. I’m straight. I like looking at shapely women. Large breasts > flat chest. That’s not what this is about.

In the past I’ve been unsure how I felt about plastic surgery and such: breast implants, liposuction, nose jobs, face lifts, hair implants, penis enlargement, double eyelid surgery… any superficial changes people choose to make on their bodies. Actually I know how I feel about penis enlargement: IF SOMEONE NEEDS IT, LET THEM BE, STOP CALLING THEM NAMES [snif... so shmall...] ... Uh... but yeah, it always seemed sad that so many people are somehow motivated to change what they look like. Let’s break it down…

Why we do it - Somehow we develop an idea of what is beautiful and desirable in the face and body. TV, magazines, clothing stores… it doesn’t matter where it came from, most of us want to have it and be surrounded by it. Even if you’re not born or grow up exactly the way you want, there are ways to change yourself and collect the pieces of the “ideal you” puzzle. Nowadays you can buy them, at a grocery store or a medical office. Why would we choose to take such measures? It might be just to like what we see when we look in the mirror. It might be so that others will want to look at us, and be with us. Being what we want on the outside helps us feel more confident on the inside. In other cases, it might even be helpful for career advancement, such as modeling or porn. Ahh porn… now, do you really think I’d be watching if they had normal sized breasts and schlongs? HELL nah!… Did I say I?… I meant YOU. I don't watch that stuff. Pervert.

My perspective - Michael Jackson, who’s had his share of metamorphosis under the knife (perhaps more than his share), said in an interview, “do whatever makes you happy.” My opinion has recently shifted toward his (again realizing the looming threat of hypocrisy, and hoping to dodge its cruel, ignorant grasp). It’s about being able to live every day with some peace of mind, content with who you are, inside and out. I’ve had my share of skin problems (MORE THAN MY SHARE DAMMIT), and sought ways to alleviate this annoyance. Over the years this has probably cost a fair amount of money, all so I would have clearer skin. Clear skin… that’s superficial… so is this any different from someone paying to change another part of the body? So maybe acne is a disease and a small chest isn’t, but I didn’t go to a dermatologist to save my life, it was just to make me feel better about showing my face in public. If every look in the mirror brings you down and makes you curse your genes, no one should tell you you’re wrong to want to change that. “Play the hand you’re dealt,” they might say. If life were fair, and everyone had equivalent problems, this might make sense. But. Shiet. Ain’t. So. You’ve got rich kids who start with every advantage and look like supermodels, poor kids with severe health problems and no hope for the future, and everyone in between. Until you’ve walked in someone else’s shoes, you have NO right to tell them what they should and should not be doing.

This can be compared with clothes, cars, jewelry, and whatever else. Different people use different things to bring their self-image up to a point where they can feel good about or even stand themselves. I don’t like it when my face looks like it should come with a side of breadsticks. Someone else might not like their face without makeup that looks like a raccoon, or when their jeans aren't big enough to fit their skateboard, or when their car doesn’t have an exhaust that can only be plugged with a watermelon. Everyone has their insecurities, and they find their own ways to fill these voids. These differences are what make the world interesting, and everyone has a natural right to try to live happily. So if it’s within your grasp, do what makes you happy. Your reasons can be your own.

Some of these recent posts have been pretty serious. I don’t want you guys to think I’m all preachy proper PC and will never crack a good mean joke again. I’ll still probably make fun of everyone and everything… you can’t take life too seriously. I’m just always thinking, evaluating, and trying to keep an open mind.

Yay, Pooky is back!
that slut ho
two things:

Jon - man ur blog was very analytical, very STUPID, and VERY FUCKING HILARIOUS. If i could only think as quickly as you maybe i could have graduated on time. Nah I doubt that. I wish i could be as PC as u, but you know me. I jump first, and then after i'm shit on the sharp rocks below, THEN i think. Good thing i have friends like u to think for me :-P Heh.

Brendan - okay, so a friend of mine just got cheated on. She loved this guy completely, with all her heart. She was crushed. So then on her blog, I see this letter her friend wrote to the girl that her bf cheat on her with. THe letter is straight up mean. And i thought, "wow. That's really mean". But then again, she deserved it. Anyways, my point is I was amazed at how a person can get so angry over their friend's drama.


first off, i think this shit is fucking stupid. That NoPube bitch needs to get her ass kicked. And bad. Oh wells, when she's pregnant at 18, i'm sure she'll be the talk of the welfare office. 1st of the month baby! Where them food stamps at????

okay, so i've never tried Tomo's food. oh wait i did. Pretty fucking good. Okay, so i've never been there. But the food was good. So lets see...good food, one of my best friend's family owns it, it's free....ok so that pisses me off. A lot. A LOT. The horiuchi's (well at least the cool ones that brendan was talking about) are cool people. There is a severe lack of cool people in this world. I am not cool. Therefore, i will beat the living SHIT out of people who fuck with my friends.

Let me say that again, just in case any of you fuckwads are reading this. I WILL BEAT THE FUCKING SHIT OUT OF U IF YOU FUCK WITH MY FRIEND. You getting angry yet? Good you cocksucker. Listen, I have nothing to lose. I'm not in your family, and i'm not ur friend. I have just taken a quarter of wingchun kung fu..which qualifies me as a DEADLY WEAPON. If that still doesn't scare you, ask jon about how i feel about ripping people's ears off (the same goes for ur nose). Furthermore, i'm the most angry, pessemistic, immature fucker in the group. Brendan, if you want anyone to have their ass kicked, just let me know. i have a lot of pent up anger from 23 years of stress, so i can assure you they will either be dead or so disfigured you won't be able to tell who they are.

Yes. i'm immature. I'm stupid. But who cares. i'm never gonna grow up. That's for sure. i'm gonna be 18 forever. and 3 mentally.

k nap time for this dumbshit.

More on the slur
Last Saturday, in our late night sleepy stupor, Brendan and I got to talking about the derogatory terms commonly used in everyday speech amongst the populace nowadays…

“nigga” - This is probably the most historically derogatory and controversial word ever. It was used toward slaves, then later against U.S. citizens who were treated like animals because of their skin color. Over time, it became taboo and was shocking to hear spoken out loud. Now you hear it all the time… in music, in movies, at home among friends, and outside at school or even in the public streets. Jackie Chan says, “what’s up my nigga” to a black man in a bar, and the audience of Rush Hour laughs. You hear it so much that you’re numb to it. The meaning has changed for its use in pop culture—it’s used to address or refer to friends or people in general—but surely has not changed for a significant portion of the population, who know their history and will never forget it. Some might say that black people overcame its negativity, since they were able to take a hateful word directed at them and turn it into something positive. But is it acceptable for a person of another race to join in and use the word freely in its new context? White, yellow, brown… you can hear all kinds of people say it. It’s become trendy, largely due to rap music’s increasingly mainstream status and the resulting related-media explosion (MTV, etc.). But get an actual black person within earshot, and 9 times out of 10 the wannabes will hold their tongues. What does this mean? And is it right?

“gay” - This one has had me thinking twice for some time now. It’s become equally common, perhaps more so, to insult someone by calling them homosexual. Gay, homo, fag, faggot, buttlover, ass-pirate, fudgepacker, fruitypie… whatever the term (the list goes on and on), it’s thrown around sometimes to poke fun at a friend, other times to viciously attack an enemy. Many people, considering themselves enlightened compared to past generations, profess their acceptance of all races, religions, and sexual orientations… “it’s a personal choice”, “I'm not gay!... not that there’s anything wrong with that”. But then they turn around and by choosing homosexuality as a form of insult or teasing, automatically place a negative connotation on the word, and through it, the lifestyle and people who fall under that category. Like the “n-word”, you might say that no harm is intended or done, since the meaning has changed over time and through pop culture. Is this the case or are you just making up excuses for yourself?

I’m not preaching in favor of either side here. I’m just hoping to promote thinking. Thinking before speaking. Thinking about the consequences of your actions before you take them. Maybe you’ll come to the conclusion that these words are harmless as long as no one takes offense, and you’ll be careful to keep it that way. Maybe you’ll continue to use them in the privacy of your home or with friends, who know you're just joking around or being stupid. Maybe you’ll continue to use them whenever you damn well please.

In attempt to sidestep blatant hypocrisy here, I must admit that in the past I’ve lightheartedly used both these terms, even though I’ve never held any hateful feelings toward either of the groups designated by them. In the first case, it was always a mockery of the media and others who seem to use the word in the wrong situations. In the second case, I’m sorry to say that I became comfortable using the words to joke around with friends, and even instinctively lash out in anger (i.e. road rage, etc.). No harm was meant, but I have realized that this is one of those things that I’ll look back on and be ashamed of. So in my case, I think it’s time to make a change. The choice is yours as well. Live, learn, and grow.

Pop music
Speaking of going along with hip hop trends… I once sympathized with the anti-pop sentiment generally felt among “real hip hop heads”. I liked to keep it real. Now I’m over it. The truth about music is that any genre will have good and bad, and even then it’s up to you to decide which is which. Sometimes you want mindblowing lyrics, or something to relax to, something to dance to, or something to sing along and cry to while thinking about your ex. Oh Well… that’s why I have a variety of genres in my CD and mp3 collections. You might say pop music is all sellouts. Okay. It is generally designed to appeal to a large audience, and thereby make a lot of money. True. But that doesn't mean the artists don't care about their craft... and some of the producers still come up with good beats and melodies.

A prime example of the pop artist, that I happen to have recently looked into, is Justin Timberlake. N Sync had a lot of fans, a lot of haters, and put out some pretty good songs all at once. I think part of the ridicule comes from their typically predictable romantic pop ballads, and part from jealousy. I can admit that I’d love to be able to sing, and to make a music video, and get rich and have girls adore me. Shiet ain’t so. But when you see someone else achieve something like that, you just might blow up their flaws so you’ll be able to attack them. Okay, at first I seriously thought Justin’s voice was annoying and he wasn’t nearly as good-looking or talented as the panty-throwing girls seemed to think. Some of that has changed and some has not, but I have to give him respect for a few things. First, he’s made smart decisions on who to produce music with, and was able to come up with a good solo album. I downloaded all the tracks from “Justified”, and I like it and I will buy it. Second, he can dance. The N Sync choreographed style wasn’t anything special, but now that he’s on his own it’s his show. He moves really well and his videos are pretty good. I especially like the end of “Like I Love You” where everyone’s just freestyling to the beat. The Neptunes and Timbaland beats are perfect for my style of dance, so when I hear the songs they make me wanna move. Third, his singing isn’t bad. Okay, I’m not saying I love his voice, but I guess I got used to it. And the slow song “Never Again”—obviously produced by Brian McKnight—is really good. Fourth reason for respect: game, and lots of it, apparently. If even half the rumors are true, Justin has done damn well for himself when it comes to getting the ladies. I mean come on… Alicia Keys? Janet?? Alyssa Milano?!… all reason enough to be jealous. And don’t forget he’s even younger than us. Fifth and last, he clearly respects Michael Jackson. His album is a Michael kind of mix of styles, his dance and singing are more and more Michael-inspired. And going back to my original point, how can I claim anti-pop when the King of Pop is and will forever be my all-time favorite.

Underdog Syndrome
I like fair fights, long, close matches, and when an underdog steps up unexpectedly. When Tyson knocks some poor sap out in the first round, that’s not interesting to me. When Rocky is struggling round after round to get Drago for killing Apollo, it’s worth watching. When a basketball game goes into double overtime, I’ll watch it to the end… when the Lakers are ahead by 50 points and Kobe keeps scoring with the foul, I’m changing the channel. You get the idea.

What it is - When it comes to a contest that I’m involved in, I seem to like to overcome a disadvantage rather than start out as the favorite. I call this Underdog Syndrome. I’d take more pride in losing a very close match against a better opponent than in beating someone I was almost sure I would beat. What’d be the point of that? The thrill of victory just isn’t there if there’s no real tension or challenge. But when you win despite a disadvantage, you’ve turned what was relatively little (physical attributes, talent, experience) and used other tools (persistence, willpower, creativity, adaptability) to build it into a lot.

Where it came from - Looking at the conservative, modest tendencies I now possess, I have sometimes reflected on their origins… and come to the conclusion that I have the Florida public school system to blame. Specifically, my first grade teacher. When I was a little kid in first grade, all bullshiet modesty aside, I knew way more than the rest of the class. My parents taught me well, and young. I answered all the questions, eager to show how much I knew, and even corrected the teacher once in a while (yeah, RPS even back then). But one day I was raising my hand to bless the class with knowledge, and my teacher said something like, “why don’t you give the other students a chance to answer.” So I sat quietly. I waited. The answers raced through my head over and over as I sat patiently and quietly for my classmates to come up with something. And this behavior stayed with me. Through middle school. High school. College. I know the answer, but something keeps me from saying it. Old habits die hard, I suppose. It may be hard for some to believe, but I was once an outspoken, chatty, know-it-all young boy. But no longer. I went from loving to dominate and be the center of attention… to sitting back and always giving others a chance to catch up.

What I think of it - There are of course drawbacks to Underdog Syndrome. I’m not as aggressive and enthusiastic about winning and achievement as I could (should?) be. It’s almost like I don’t care… or I’ve become comfortable with not winning. I’m not saying I lose all the time, but you could interpret this as my giving myself outs… making an excuse in case I lose: “well of course I lost, the other guy’s obviously better than me.” I’ve also noticed that I might even subconsciously hurt my chances of winning just so I have a long, close match, and give the other person a chance. You might even call me a choker. When I’m about to win, I might throw it away when it doesn’t make any sense. Playing tennis not long ago, I was up 5-2 in the second set, ready to close out the match, but ended up not winning until it was 7-5. In pool, you’ve probably seen me have a good lead then miss an easy shot on the 8-ball. Someone who thrives on domination would always try to win as quickly and by as much as possible. If they are able to maintain this kind of performance, they will be hugely successful and recognized for it. Underdog Syndrome sets me up for the toughest battle possible… against my opponent and against myself.

Here’s where my affinity for the classic video games comes in. Back in the days of big fat pixels and simple beep sounds, game designers had very little to work with. Somehow they came up with a whole lot of entertaining games with charming-if-not-photorealistic graphics and catchy, exciting, and memorable music. Put simply, they made a lot out of a little. It’s like looking back on the original Star Wars trilogy and comparing it to, say, The Matrix. Game producers nowadays have amazing processing power, graphics and sound capabilities at their disposal. Some are still coming up with some great and innovative games, which I definitely respect. But there’s just something about that Mega Man music that makes me think, “man, it takes a genius to arrange beeps and boops into sweet music like this.”

Going back to competition, I have noticed the differences in how we individually tend to handle it. Some of us love to dominate from start to finish. Others of us absolutely cannot stand to lose (or even be behind). As I’ve said, I don’t mind being behind so long as there’s a chance I can come back to win (or fight the good fight). I’m not saying anything else on this right now; it’s just interesting how our different personalities come together and interact in competitive situations.

Blood – Warning: Explicit content
Tuesday the Bloodmobile came to the parking lot at my workplace. I don’t like needles, but I don’t have a dreadful fear of them either, so I figure it’s worth some short-lived pain to give something back to the medical community. I went in after a nice hearty lunch (last time I gave blood I barely ate or drank earlier in the day, and got very lightheaded)…

my experience - I filled out the form and answered their questions. A quick click came with a prick to my left middle finger. Blood iron level okay, I then reclined in a window seat with my left arm extended, because I had developed a little rash near the entry point on my right. Blood pressure gauge on arm? Check. Cleaned and coated in iodine? Check. I squeezed their sponge thing a few times, and they marked my vein with a little metal circle imprint thing. I was looking at my arm, interested in seeing what goes on, but the nurse (or whatever they are) told me I should probably look out the window, and take a deep breath. Fair enough. POKE. Ouch. That didn’t feel good, but the worst is over, right? Squeeze the sponge every 5-10 seconds and relax. “It’s going, but really slow.” What? Without warning, they shifted the needle a bit. OW.

I remember we had a blood drive in high school, and a girl in my after-lunch Spanish class had obviously been crying. She explained that she went to give blood, but they kept missing the vein, so they tried poking her several times and moving the needle around while it was in her skin. It didn’t end up working, they gave up, and all she had to show for her pain was a sticker that said “I tried.”

Luckily they didn’t poke me over and over, but instead… “maybe we should try the right arm”… “is it okay if we start over with your right arm?”… “… sure.” I don’t believe this. I’m getting needled in both my arms, it damn sure better work this time. Same thing as before, only now my right arm is out and my left arm is kept company by a little bandage, gauze wrap, and an ice pack. Look out the window, pokeOW. “It’s going much faster on this side.” Good. Squeeze the sponge, try to think of something other than that tube with a steady stream of dark red fluid being drained from your body, squeeze the sponge, hope that nothing goes wrong, squeeze the sponge, hope they don’t forget about me and take more than they’re supposed to. It was over pretty quick though, so I had another gauze wrapped elbow, a short rest with some free apple juice, and I was on my way.

my thoughts - There’s something about giving blood that makes me paranoid. It’s not about the medical practitioners, but rather the paper with “symptoms to watch for” that they give you. Fever of 100.5°F or more. Headache, eye pain, body aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash on the trunk of the body? If I got any of these I would freak the hell out. All I wanted to do was help a fellow human out, and the price I pay for philanthropy is being hot, puking and scratching my love handles while I have the runs? Fortunately all that's developed so far is some slight bruising.

Another thing… they asked me if I’ve been to the UK lately. If I am a woman who is pregnant (and waited for me to answer). If I am a male who has ever had sex with another male. This got me thinking about STDs and how they’re transmitted. It seems weird to me that men can get them from women or other men. Blood or bodily fluids, huh. So… there’s fluid entering the body through the penis? Really? That just seems weird that it can work that way, since the organ seems designed for expulsion. And for male-male sex… does that mean the fluid must be blood? And why is it so much more likely HIV will be transferred via anal sex? Like I said, I had to think about something while they drained the life outta me, and their questions piqued my curiosity.

On a final, loosely related note… Coldplay has a lyric in their song “Yellow” that goes, “for you I’d bleed myself dry.” One day while listening to it I realized just how really gruesome a thought that is. I’m not sure if the song is supposed to be romantic or what… but that’s not how I like to hear love, loyalty, admiration, or whatever else expressed.

Creativity returns?
I finally got myself a tablet, pretty much like Brendan’s. It came yesterday, and I was really excited opening it up… like Christmas when we were kids, seriously. Of course it’s a bit more expensive than the toys I got back then, so I used special care not to drop it or scratch it or let anyone else breathe on it. Anyways, I feel really eager to do some drawing and coloring with it, and this weekend or next I plan to do my Web site layout (or at least get it well on its way). Who knows, before you know it I Love Stupid might actually have a link to that piece.

… Peace…

Mar 13, 2003

Mar 12, 2003

What up...

Long time no blog, but here we are again...saying HAPPY B-DAY BRENDAN! Welcome to the old people's club. It's hella funny how you're the 2nd youngest among us in Pooky, yet your b-day is in March. Derek you're the little baby in this group, live up your younger years.

You're welcome for Splinter Cell, I hope it gives you hours on enjoyment. It seemed like a lot of fun, well, the time I played it at least haha. NO BULLETS?!? BODIES FOUND!??! haha. What's up stealthy Resident Evil haha.

Steve, are you coming home for Spring Break at all? I don't want to see you is the reason why I ask. haha...Brian will you be making an appearance as well or is your Spring Break different from ours? I'm not going to even ask Brendan when his is because I know he doesn't know/doesn't care because his whole school career is one big spring break. I'm going to be home from probably Tuesday or Wednesday on, I think I'm going snowboarding the first weekend and then to LA for Linkin Park. I also got tickets w/ Tiffany to see Good Charlotte and New Found Glory, but after I bought them she told me she might have a formal that weekend...GOD DAMN IT! haha. So if I can't go I have two tickets for anyone ...Ricki...looking at you...hehe. If we can go, buy a ticket and go w/ us anyway!

High stakes poker? Hmm...well you'll probably have to count me out since I get pissed off losing 5 dollars, imagine if I lost 50. I'll play videogames waiting for Steve's arrival. Pokerroom is pretty fun, it's a good time killer and you don't lose any real money, so win win, situation. I haven't played it in a while, but it's all good. I do want to go to Vegas though, summer maybe? I think we should take a trip somewhere, preferably before July 14th because that's when I start working, wheeee! Real world approaching fast, make it stop!!!!!!

School is actually fun right now, I'm definitely going to miss it. I guess I'll just have to live it up the next 3 months because after that the party stops. If you haven't visited and want to, this is your last chance. But don't stay for 10 days like Jonathan, and make sure you have a reliable ride home. =) j/k Not looking forward to coming home and being my parent's slave until I start working, then I'm weekend slave. =)

Steve, you're a freakin Nomad! You move like every month. haha. I hope this new place treats you well. I like your blog on Filipinos, generalizing at all? or does that apply to all of them?

It's funny how I'm the only one not Japanese or even part Jap in this bloggy thing. I was talking w/ Danielle about how I hated (literally hehe j/k) Japanese people and then she reminded me that my best friends are all Japanese, the people I hang out w/ at home are all Japanese, I'm always at a Japaneses person's house, my girlfriend is Japanese, there seems to be a trend here...I don't really get it...but I'll figure it out soon. GO KOREANS! haha Tony and Michelle can represent w/ me at the Horiuchi household. Quiet Steve and Brendan, I know you two are the biggest Korean haters out of all them haha =)

Those sodas Brendan talked about are pretty good, especially the Fruit Punch. I stocked up on sodas for finals week and realized I only have one and it's going to be hella easy...oops...oh well! I did pretty bad on a final yesterday, but I cheered myself up by buying shoes. 40 dollar TMacs...Money! Kevin has gotten me addicted to online shopping, that bastard! I've boughten stuff from Eastbay,, Ebay, and Amazon in the past week. Dear god, take my debit card away!

A shoutbox is a good idea, Admin get on it, and hurry!

Those arcade games are tight, bring back old memories about how much money I used to waste pumping quarters into a machine. Damn, those were the good ol' days. I haven't downloaded this MAME thing yet, but I will when I get some free time.

If it makes you feel any better, I don't remember anything from YBA either. hehe...Please show me the pic of Lori on the beach. I love it!

Vietnamese dancing festivals...whoa! It's an interesting experience. It's like Obon, minus the good food and tons of Vietnamese being spoken. Loudly, I might add. They had a beauty pagent which was pretty cool...but I didn't understand a lick of what was being said. Note to self, if I ever go again, which I probably will not, I will bring a translator. The funniest/saddest thing of the night was this guy was trying to sing the national anthem (US) and his mic wouldn't work for like 3 times he tried singing and when he finally got to sing the whole thing, his voice cracked badly on multiple parts. Terrible. Singing is hard, especially with those high notes.

Which leads me to say, props to Steve for the singing thing. That's awesome. If you want to go karaoke singing, give me a few drinks and I'm down baby! Jon and I can sing Backstreet Boys again...oh baby!

I do like Brendan's idea for younger pics of us. I can find some dope ones when I'm at home. I always have the one w/ Brendan and I on my Web site w/ his legs being crossed like a little girl. I am definitely curious to see what these guys looked like. I've seen pics of Derek though, chubby fat kid hehe j/k.

I'm glad so far, Brendan and Jonathan have been nice to Tiffany. I'm glad she already doesn't take Brendan seriously. That's the first step in meeting my friends hehe. And Brendan, how many people do you think read my Guestbook hehe...why don't you plug your site a little more a-hole! I'll put a link on my AOL profile, maybe more people will see it there and I can stop seeing MENTALABSTRACTION.COM a million times!

Andy is one the funniest guys I know. He says stuff that I just don't understand sometimes, but it's funny. He makes random statements with every intention of getting a laugh from someone and he knows when his jokes suck hahah.

Alright, well that's enough of this thing. I will talk to you all soon, hopefully Spring Break...Carrows!?

B Lee Dat Out....(Bao Gao Boon King...MAN DOWN!)

Mar 10, 2003


watch Rounders and fight the urge to play poker.

I recently joined pokerroom and am trying to learn how to play Texas Hold 'em. I'm playing with play money of course because i have no real money, unlike u ballers. I would like to someday go to Vegas and play poker with all the old scrubs there and see if i can get some money. Blackjack and let 'em ride are okay, but i think poker would be more fun to play. Cuz i'm playing against other scrubs...not the casino.

I was gonna go to vegas this spring break, but i find myself with no money whatsoever. This is because i have to move AGAIN. Putting down various rents and security deposits do not help one's financial status. It sucks really, having 2.50 in your checking account. Eating has become somewhat of an emegency - everyday i have to think "how am i going to eat". On the other hand, it makes every day more exciting.

Finals is once again upon me, and i find that i have yet to start reading. Like i give a shit about japanese post war politics anyway. All i know is they make good ice cubes (perfect cubes), and that's the bomb.

Brendan - nothing wrong with food stamps, or generic food. You'll get used to the mayo sandwiches too. Add a cucumber to that and you got a party.

we should add a shoutout box to the blog. That way people who read this can post their unimportant thoughts or stupid comments.

I think i might be coming home some random week in the future. If i do, I would sure hope that we can get a poker game going. And a high stakes one at that. Maybe like 50 bucks or somehting like that. I figure we're all rich boys now. Except for me. I'll take the role of that washed-up guy who's putting the last few bucks on the lines, hoping that he'll hit the jackpot and then maybe he can finally super size his meal and McD's.

Rock on. Time to go eat my roommates food. Hey we all gotta survive somehow, right?

"strong like bull"

Mar 9, 2003

The dreaded double blog. The "pay attention to me" blog. The "my life is obvoiusly more important than your life will ever be because of all the cool shit that happens to me" blog. All above are true of the following blog. Let's go.

So apprently now my family is collecting food stamps since everywhere I look in the kitchen I see the same shit we usually have only this time now all the packages say, "Safeway's..." and "Crunchy crunchy frosty bran" and "100% carrot substitute". So I've decided that since I'm hungry and I'm too lazy to walk or drive to good old Del that I would eat and drink some of these other brands of quote, unquote food. For the first part of this exciting and breathtaking series I will start with the Safeway Select sodas. A quick run down of what they have to offer and what they are lacking. Fun times start now.

Cherry Cola - Mmmmm. Pepsi too syrupy, Coke not syrupy enough. Safeway Cherry Cola - BOOMSHAKALAKA!
Doctor Skipper - Haha. Makes me laugh. Very close to the orginal with a hint more of cherry I think. Overall I think I like this better than Pibb.
Pineapple - Whoa pineapple soda...wait a has a nice overall body and a nice nose. Like Jon commented when he drank it, "ooh it doesn't give me that weird feeling in my mouth". Well I have no idea what that or nose and body means. Not too acidy, just right. Not for all, but pretty quenching nonetheless.
Grapefruit - Tasted like Squirt. Since this is 50 times cheaper I would have to say Grapefruit over Squirt anyday.
Mountain Breeze - Code Red Mountain Dew. I'm actually starting to not like Code Red myself and this is more of the same. Although the cherry in this soda tastes like you are given a glass of regular mountain dew and then the bartender actually puts in that cherry syrup. I like that better than already mixed in. Tastes better. However when I burp I get a hint of cherry flavored nyquil. As long as you don't burp you'll be fine. With the sodas and the ladies.
Black Cherry - Mmm. I like this one. It is very good and reminds me of Hanson's soda. However a little on the sweet side but not too harsh.
Fruit Punch - With Hawaiian punch I always finish it off to quickly because it doesn't have carbonation in it. Well this fruit punch does and it is delicious. It's a nice break from drinking the other punch in about 30 seconds, plus that one leaves your teeth slimy and red.

Well I think that about wraps it up on the sodas. Hopefully next blog I will be able to try new and exciting flavors! OH man keep the fun times rolling please...


MAME - For those who don't know what this is it is an emulator for old arcade games. Everything you played as a kid is available to you in PERFECT arcade glory. No retarded load times, no retarded missing frames of animations, no stupid voice announcers that were watered down for console hardware. Here is the rundown of the games that I downloaded for a splendid good time with RPS aka Bangs. Feel free to get jealous. CYBERBOTS. SAMURAI SHOWDOWN 2, SAMURAI SHOWDOWN 4, SSF2TURBO, METAL SLUG 3 (Jon added up how many quarters we would have pumped into this God forsaken, money grubbing machine and it totaled about 25 dollars. Hey beats 200 dollars if you bought it in the stores), SUPER PUZZLE FIGHTER TURBO, STRIDER, DARKSTALKERS, NIGHTWARRRIORS, GAUNTLET, TMNT, SIMPSONS, OLD SCHOOL STAR WARS IN VECTOR GLORY, Q*BERT, TECMO SUPERBOWL, AND MOONWALKER. Jon decided he wanted to try DBZ. This game sucks but you should download it to see the dinosaur in the background. You'll know what I mean. Check it out. Now be appreciative, well not towards me, but to Ari for searching through foreign pages with a bunch of german shit on it just to find a legit site with legit ROMS. I would actually reccomend that you have a semi-fast computer. Even though the roms are small, the processor still gets eaten up by them. So here we go. If you want them follow the steps. Like I said these are perfect. Jon seemed impressed and we know how he scoffs at videogames. Oh yeah and I won't see him anymore since he has to beat CYBERBOTS with all characters...Steve da' nickname is'lacken and Farmer Bri understand what I'm saying. I think Bangs downloaded a strategy guide with little icons of cheese on each combo. Watch out for him.

First you have to get the emulator itself. You can get this here at - Download the zip and extract it to your newly created MAME folder. I think there are three want the file. You need to sign up with Gamespy to get your file. Don't worry its free.

Now for the ROMS. A couple of things to note. YOU LEAVE THEM ZIPPED. DO NOT EXTRACT. When you download these have them get saved in the /Rom folder of the extracted MAME emulator. Also if you are downloading a game that is based on a older game engine, for example, SSF2Turbo edition, you need to get the PARENT ROM of SSF2 since turbo was based on the regular SSF2. Now for the sites: Again you have to register with them to download but it's free. Now the download times are very slow. I haven't figured out a way to use a download accelerator yet, but like I was saying. The biggest ROM size I have is 75 megs and that is for Metal Slug 3. The Simpsons is a whopping three megs. Another site but one I don't go to often : When you finally get all the ROMS you want then you have to open up MAME and go to the File/Audit all ROMS for it too detect the ROMS you just downloaded.

Now for controllers. You can use the keyboard but guess how well that works. Try using the arrows for a dragonpunch...and if your player one you have to use some shit like W, T, X, F just to do a fucking dragonpunch. So yeah, you might be saying...I thought you said it was free...well if you look at my list and how much those games go for...well I saved myself at least 10K. I think I can spend 10 bucks on a controller. I'd recommend Gravis since Windows and Mac have drivers for them already. Then when you see your ROM (you'll know what I mean when you see it) then you have to right click and enable the joypad for every game you want to use the controller for. Any questions email me.

Remember if you don't want to wait to download these I have the ROMS on my hardrive that you can copy. *Hint hint, shit I don't have...* They even have that Miss World Nude game that is exactly like Qix but you get pictures of naked girls instead of stupid Qix shit. Haha and no I haven't downloaded that...yet.

So Jon and I were talking about how we can't remember shit from YBA conferences...shit I already forgot what I was going to say...maybe Jon can cap that off...

Vietnamese dancing festivals are stupid and insulting. I am a firm beleiver that humans are the superior race therefore we shouldn't let monkeys dance without a leesh or a guy with a top hat controlling them or else they might start to think they are superior and start getting ideas. Oh well...if they do we can always do my DDR machine attached with a claymore in the jungle plan to blow them out in 20 seconds flat. Don't know what I'm talking about. Go to my last T-Bola conversation and replace "scattegories" with "to a traditional dancing vietnamese show". MINUS 10,000 POINTS. Fuck that hole is getting deep.

Racist words: The race with the slur can use it anyway they want. Other races cannot. Don't agree? Tell me otherwise.

Well thats about it. Funny how this blog contains no deep thoughts. Just a simple way to get all the memories in the endangered species of arcades on our computer for free, there by helping the arcades become extinct...haha this is great.

OH yeah, thanks Bryant for Splinter Cell...since I can download new levels, it truly is the gift that keeps on giving. Kinda like T-Bola in that my jokes will never run dry as long as you hang out with her!! =) This is awesome! Haha. Whee Fun times. Oh yeah real quick...another idea...I think we should all email Jon with our most embarrasing, young picture of ourselves so he can put them up for like a week on our blog. This came about because I have only seen Bryant as a young kid in elementary. I have no idea what Steve, Brian, Jon or Hapachan looked like for that matter. Tell me what you think...aren't you curious to see what I looked like? Maybe not...

Okay I had to edit this blog because the Links button wasn't they are in bold...copy and paste your damn selves you lazy bastards.